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A Club by Viopathartic

A Club


A Club


FINALLY my AN: Okay, so the long hiatus that I have been on was not my wish in the first place. It started when I tried to upload this chapter. But the Portkey thing wouldn't let me. Every time I tried to upload something would go wrong and I couldn't figure it out. So I eventually left it alone and rather, posted onto

Then I forgot about fanfiction for awhile. Did you guys know that I am applying to COLLEGES right now? I started writing fanfiction at thirteen (middle school) now I am in my last year of high school! It's incredibly weird. So yeah, you guys can say that I've been busy lately.

Still I apologize for this long wait. Feel free to reread everything because your memory might be a bit fuzzy regarding my stories!

That being said, I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave some comments if you can! It's…I don't know…long? 14 pages?

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Definition: Marked by or causing embarrassment or discomfort.


Two Gryffindors, one Ravenclaw, and one Slytherin sitting in a room.

It had been hours since the whole scene in the Great Hall. The four of them had silently agreed to head to their empty Transfiguration classroom before dinner let out. That way, they could avoid questions from their teachers and friends (more of teachers since what every member lacked was a friend-hence the establishment of the simply named club A Club).

Harry led the group, assiduously trying to ignore the fact that Draco Malfoy was following him and he was letting him. Neville trailed the two, glancing alternatively down at his shoes and at Draco's blond head. Luna didn't walk or follow or trail; in fact, she skipped and hummed like a child with no purpose on a sunlit hike along the banks.

One by one, the members of A Club entered the room and sat down at desks that were at least 3 feet apart from each other. Harry settled himself at the front since he was the leader in an unspoken manner. Draco Malfoy had seated himself by the window and faced away from Harry as if trying to avoid eye contact. Luna, who was sitting nearest to him, was observing him keenly.

Harry sighed. Yes, awkward was the perfect term because the whole club was awkward with awkward members and awkward meetings. The Awkward Club.

"Perfect," he muttered to himself. Or not.

"Yes, perfect," echoed Luna who seemed to have faultless hearing abilities. "I'm really glad we're here together. Aren't you Neville?" Neville seemed surprised to be so abruptly addressed, but nevertheless, stuttered:


Luna beamed at him, and Harry silently wondered to himself what the definition of crazy was.

"And Draco?"

The blonde wizard fixed an annoyed glare on Luna and grunted at her like Goyle or Crabbe would have done. "What?"

"Isn't it perfect?"

"What's perfect?"


"And 'this' is what?"

"No, this is perfect. I was just asking if you thought it was perfect."

Draco opened his mouth to retort but Harry, agitated, broke through and said, "All right, Luna. He thinks it's perfect too; now let's move on. "

"To what, Harry?" Luna asked, eyes wide as usual. She unknowingly caught the dark-haired wizard. He himself did not know what they were supposed to do. As president of A Club, he should have been ashamed. But, since they never established a president, vice president, or secretary for that matter, Harry was allowed to lie.

"Let's…talk! Yeah, that's it. Talk."

"Aren't we doing that now?"

"For fuck's sake, Loony, stop asking stupid questions," Draco growled. Harry gave the boy a condescending look. The latter appeared utterly blasé.

Slowly, the Ravenclaw girl turned in her seat to Draco's direction, her waist-length dirty-blond hair moving ever so slightly, and marked him with her perceptive eyes. The boy subconsciously leaned back.

"Do you know, Draco, that there is an exact word that means 'to throw out of a window'? I can say to you, Draco, for example, that I want to throw you out of a window. Or, I can say that I want to defenestrate you…and that would save four words," Luna commented with an air of innocence despite what she had said. The other boys looked at her incredulously. Did Luna Lovegood just…threaten Draco Malfoy?

Rather than answer, Draco turned his head. Now that was a character improvement. The two bystanders, Harry and Neville, let out sighs of relief. Although Luna causing a rift was unlikely, their new acceptance of Draco was balanced on a thin line.

"Uh, Luna…"

The girl turned to Neville. "Yes?"

"Settle down…uh, please?"

Luna smiled at him. "Alright, Neville. So, how are you doing?" Harry marveled at her skill to change subjects so abruptly.

Neville let out a chuckle, as if he couldn't believe it either. "Nothing much, Luna. Classes and such are horrid as usual, especially with Snape."

"Yes, I see him as an awfully unfortunate fellow. Wearing black every day can cause damage to one's mind. At least, that's what Daddy says," the only female commented lightly.

Draco lifted an eyebrow and asked sardonically, "Is that why you wear those sorts of accessories? To protect your mind?" He pointed to her radish earrings and necklace of butterbeer corks. Although odd, Harry was used to Luna's clothing choice. At least she had kept her individuality despite after all she had been through.

"No. These are from my mum," Luna stated then her voice changed so that it was softer than usual. She touched her necklace with veneration and glanced at Draco, staring straight into his eyes and without flinching, answered, "She's dead."

Harry glanced at the Slytherin, ready to measure his reaction. The boy looked ashamed, and to Harry, it was an expression that didn't really fit the egoistical Draco Malfoy he used to know. The latter glanced down at his hands which were clasped together. He shifted uncomfortably while avoiding Luna's gaze.


"Thank you," Luna answered. Her eyes roamed the features of his face, letting them slide up from his chin to his cheeks and finally to his eyes which managed to communicate some sort of feeling to Luna, for she smiled and reached across the three feet between Draco and her and patted his knee.

Harry saw that Draco was trying to not flinch away from the foreign touch. Of course he'd be uncomfortable with Luna's show of affection; look at who he was raised by!

The boy removed his gaze from Luna and continued to look out of the window.

Luna continued to stare at him.

"So! Quite a show we caused today," she commented lightly after Neville coughed to get her attention.

"Right." Harry reflected and realized that no one would be able to forget what happened today. And yet, inside, he knew he was somewhat proud of his friends sitting in the same room as him.

Harry was enraged when he saw that boy publicly and shamelessly bully Luna. It was then that that he first witnessed the cruel treatment given to his younger friend; most of the "bullying" that Luna was known to receive was only spoken about. Harry hadn't been bullied for a long time, but he remembered the feeling of fear and worthlessness whenever Dudley and his friends decided to chase him around Little Whinging.

He stood up because he couldn't bear to see Luna just sit there and pretend like she wasn't hurt by her classmate's treatment. But Harry certainly didn't expect Neville to mimic him.

Neville was quiet by nature. Raised in a family that was still preoccupied with the shadows of their great ancestors, they made Neville feel less than worthy. His family never failed to make comparisons between him and his parents, former Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom who, unfortunately, were permanent residents at St. Mungo's. However, Harry knew that Neville was a kind, gentle person, who had courage to protect his friends when needed.

He was certain that Neville had felt the same need to save Luna from her bully.

But Malfoy…Draco…

Harry mentally shook his head. Even he couldn't believe it.

"So…you want to go public with…this?" Neville asked, not knowing how to describe their relationship to each other.

"Why not? The whole bloody school knows," muttered Draco almost to himself.

"Sure," Harry said, "I don't mind. It's not like I'm embarrassed to be seen with you." He glanced discreetly in Draco's direction. Alright, maybe it'll take some time to be seen with him.

"Just for future reference," Draco cut in, impertinently," if you find me dead or otherwise mutilated in my Slytherin dorm, know that my fellow housemates were the one to commit the crime."

"Is it that bad?" Harry couldn't help but ask. It always seemed like the whole house was under Malfoy's leadership, like the Slytherins would follow him no matter where he went.

"I think it's the same for you, Potter. If you were to reveal association with me, your lion pals would probably think you joined You-Know-Who's lead."

"I don't think so. Regardless of who I'm with, if it's not with Voldemort, they'd still be my friends," said Harry.

Draco raised his knees so that he could rest a chin on top of them. His arms wrapped around his knees, giving him an almost vulnerable appearance. "Yeah, well, the people in the Slytherin house don't give a shit about me. They were only scared of me 'cause they knew who my father worked for. Besides, they're slimeballs. Don't care about anything but themselves…"

"That's the Slytherin House for you. Ambitious and cunning. Taking every opportunity regardless of who they hurt or harm," Luna interjected in a bright tone.

The Slytherin snorted, as if he agreed.

Harry thought for a moment then shook his head. He finally made a decision. "No, I don't think so. We'll keep it under wraps. I admit, we do have a vague itinerary for our club."

"That's not true," Luna commented suddenly. The three boys turned their attention to the only girl in the club. "We have our band to think about."

He glanced discreetly at Draco, but the other boy was staring incredulously at Luna. "Band? You weren't kidding about it?"

"That's what I said," Harry muttered, taking a seat near Neville. The latter shot him an amused expression.

"Actually…" Harry began, "the three of us tried some instruments in the Room of Requirement and Nev's pretty good at the drums, right?" He had glanced in Neville's direction; the latter looked shocked at being addressed again and also surprised at the shortening of his name. He blushed at the praise.

"Yeah, it was fun."

Harry gestured to Luna. "And she knows a lot about instruments…"

"Yes, Daddy always let me learn on my own."

"And you?" Draco asked, pointing lazily at Harry. "What instrument do you 'excel' in?" Strange as it seemed, he actually appeared to be curious and…interested…

"Nothing," Harry answered shortly.

"He's going to be the singer," Luna answered succinctly.

"What?" That was only suggested! He couldn't sing? Not at all. He never even heard himself sing because he never cared and he never wanted to suffer from embarrassment. Actually, he had sung once…but Hogwarts' theme did not count at the least! "I can't sing, Luna. It's preposterous for you to even say that!"

"You may be able to sing. I can sense it."

Harry waved away her answer. "Look, I am not going to sing. That's final."

"Alright, but Grivenclarin will need you."

"That's not going to be our name!" Harry hissed.

"But we will have a name."

Who knew Luna was such a stubborn person? Harry always thought she was the girl who couldn't care less and let "fate" run its course. Now he knew she was almost as resistant as Hermione…

He glanced at the wall clock that ran on the magic given off by students and saw that dinner was near done. Though, he suspected the students didn't finish eating since they probably spent most of their time gossiping. He wondered how Hermione and Ron reacted. He didn't get the chance to get a glimpse because he had left in such a rush after Draco and Luna. He knew that they were mad and worried and…despite their recent rift, they still wanted to know what was happening.

Should he tell them?

That'd surely clear up things, but it'll also cause more questions to surface.

"Damn," he muttered.

Harry sighed and turned to his three friends (he guessed he could count Draco as one) and said, "Let's get to our Common Rooms. No use in hiding here."

Draco looked like he wanted to protest.

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After parting with the other members, he made his way to the Gryffindor House.

Harry walked into something that made his stomach turn.

Hermione was practically on top of Ron as the two of them were stretched across the couch. Harry, horrified, looked around to see if anyone was witnessing the scene he was witnessing through his bespectacled eyes. Dean and Seamus were battling each other through a game of Wizard Chess. Lavender and Parvati were insouciantly gossiping as always and they were much immersed in their own conversation. The rest of the kids in Common Room were of the younger sort, but they still paid no attention to whatever Hermione and Ron were doing.

Daring to get closer, he cautiously made his way over. It was then that he caught Ron's terrified voice.

"Gah! Harry, get her off me!"

Just like that, Hermione jumped off Ron and snatched her hands away, hiding them behind her back. Ron sat himself up and a hand went up to rub an incredibly red ear. "'Merlin, Hermione! No need to rip my bloody ear off!"

"You bloody deserved it!" Hermione hissed, crossing her arms.

"What happened?" Harry asked wearily. Truthfully, he felt no oddity when around the two even though he worked to avoid them for days. It was just like before, but now Harry was the mediator it seemed. But their animosity will fade and then they will get back together…

"This dolt," Hermione said, poking Ron with a finger, "kicked Crookshanks."

Harry turned to Ron and gave him an irritated look. "Kicked?" No wonder.

His redheaded companion flushed and tried to defend himself. "I didn't really kick him…no, I just...nudged him with my foot."

"Then I suppose you won't mind if I nudge my foot up your-"

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, scandalized. Clearly his two friends' relationship had drastically changed with each other. Hermione's annoyed expression quickly turned to one of shame, and she lowered her head. He heard her sigh loudly.

"Could you guys stop? I mean, this is not the way…you're supposed to act."

Ron and Hermione simultaneously looked alarmed. "Like what?" they both asked.

Harry glanced at them oddly. "Like…like…"

"What?" Hermione insisted.

"I dunno," the young wizard muttered, looking away, "like boyfriend and girlfriend."

"We're not!" His female friend quickly interjected. She stepped forward and put a hand on his lower arm. Harry glanced down at the touch. "We're not…dating anymore, Harry." Hermione spoke to him clearly, as if she wanted him to understand something.

Not knowing what to say, he glanced over at Ron.

His friend shrugged, appearing exasperated. "What she said."

"Wha-when did this happen?"

"After you left us, we broke up."

Harry flushed. "Hermione, I-"

"It wasn't your fault."

"Yes, it was," Ron mumbled behind Harry.

Hermione glared at him.

"Okay, well, not entirely your fault. See, we would have broken up eventually-"

"-and you didn't tell me this?" Hermione angrily asked.

Ron, continuing on as if he ignored his ex-girlfriend, "-because our relationship would last with our badgering…and I don't think my ear would have lasted Hermione's pinches and pulls. You, Harry, actually acted as a catalyst-"

"Big word," Hermione muttered grudgingly. Like before, her ex-boyfriend ignored her.

"-and so…we broke up."

Harry was shocked to say at the least. Why wasn't Ron upset? Why wasn't…this was the exact opposite of what he expected. It sounded like there weren't any hard feelings.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" He glanced back and forth at Hermione and Ron. "The both of you?"

"Why didn't you tell us you fancied Hermione?" retorted Ron.

"Ron!" Hermione hissed.

Alarmed and quickly prepping to defend himself, he turned to Hermione. It was the worst moment, but Harry couldn't help but study her as he used to do. And damn, she was still beautiful.

"I-I didn't tell you guys because…because you guys are my best friends, and I thought you were happy together. I didn't want to ruin that for you," he said. After his confession, he let out a deep breath.

In the back of his mind, he wondered if his relationship with the two would ever be the same again. And what about Hermione? Now that she knew about his feelings, would she confront him? Or should he admit to her.

"I wasn't going to ever tell you, Hermione. And I didn't want to hurt you because I knew that you would..." he trailed off. Harry snuck a glance at Ron who wasn't meant to see it, but he did.

"Would what?" Ron pressed.

"Say something about me getting everything. Like some jealous git," mumbled Harry.

"I wouldn't-"

But Hermione and Harry's glares stopped Ron from protesting.

And just then, Harry realized how awfully uncomfortable it was to stand in front of his two best friends with everything out in the open. Hermione and Ron probably felt the same way if their incapability to stay still was an indicator.

"Well," drawled Ron.

"Yes, I have a bit of reading to…erm, read," Hermione said softly.

"And I have to…you know, um," Harry was the first to move out of the circle, and he tried not to look like he was running from the others.

"Bye," all three of them said in unison. They all realized their mistakes and looked away from each other.

Right. Well. That wasn't awkward.

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He had initially gone to Library because he had to finish a Transfiguration essay that was due in five hours. Also, he wanted to skip breakfast and all the hassling that came with it. To his surprise, Luna was bent over a book that was placed on a table. Only a few other Ravenclaws and Madam Pince were in the room. Luna's eyes eagerly roamed the pages, quickly reminding Harry of the way Hermione read.


Luna looked up and once seeing who it was, she blinked. "Oh, hi, Harry."

He pulled over a seat and placed it across from her. Luna had her back to the door. "What are you reading?"

"Oh something Neville just gave me. He handed it to me when he passed me this morning. Said that I would like it." She lifted the relatively thick book and showed the cover to Harry. It read: Mythical Plants.

"Mythical Plants? They exist?" Harry asked, disbelieving.

"Oh yes. They're about herbs and other plants that saved a lot of Mythical gods and goddesses' lives. Extremely informative but vastly unrepresented in literature," said Luna excitedly. "Neville's right. I am enjoying it immensely."

Harry noticed how Neville and Luna had so much in common. They were (or used to be) loners in their own Houses because their classmates had failed to take notice of them. They had uncanny moments where their inner personality would surprise everyone around. Maybe…just maybe…

So, on a whim, he asked Luna if she fancied Neville Longbottom.

And she laughed.

Frankly, Harry was astonished to hear Luna laugh as if fancying Neville was just a huge joke. He always thought Luna accepted Neville and understood him. He waited, confused, for Luna to calm down and wipe away her mirthful tears. She then proceeded to explain to Harry in a serious tone, that their auras were just not compatible. And without compatible auras, love could not exist.

"Oh. Uh-huh," Harry kept on saying and repeated as Luna continued to ramble on with her nonexistent talk.

"But then again, it's not always good to judge a book by its aura!" Luna sung with a smile.

"Um, I think it's cover…never judge a book by its cover," Harry corrected, amused.

His eccentric friend then beamed at him. "Harry, that was very insightful!"

Harry just shook his head.

"Well, your aura is outstanding! Only, not my type of aura."

"How about Draco?" Hey, it was worth a try.

The oddest thing happened: Luna blushed.

"His aura has potential."

It was then that Harry burst out laughing, not caring that they were in the library where other students were milling around. They, of course, were wondering why the Boy-Who-Lived was laughing so hard in Luna Lovegood's presence. Potential! Wow, who would've thought that Luna fancied Draco. He wondered if she began to like him after he rescued her from her bullies or if her feeling had…

As if reading his mind, she answered, "I liked him since last year. He had such a bad boy exterior to him that I---"

"Alright, alright," said Harry who put his hands up to stop Luna. "I'm not going to wonder about that."

"Hmmm…but I don't know if he likes me back."

Harry felt his mirth from a few seconds ago fade away. She sounded sad. Actually, he wasn't sure if Draco returned Luna's feelings. The two had a different relationship going on. For example, why did Draco rescue Luna in the first place? And why did he apologize to her? Harry didn't know if Draco fancying someone was a possibility. It's harder for him to love, given his background.

"You don't think he will?" Luna inquired, tilting her head. Harry couldn't discern the tone of her voice.

"No!" he quickly answered. "I was wondering too…but I guess it's fifty-fifty. He'd be stupid not to fancy you. You're a nice girl." He marveled at how easy he had complimented her. But he guessed everything was easier with Luna.

Luna blushed and glanced down at her book. "Thank you, Harry."

He smiled softly at her.

But then his smile disappeared when he noticed Hermione and Ron standing awkwardly behind Luna. They were waiting for him at a distance and saw Luna and Harry having what seemed like a close and personal conversation but didn't want to intrude.

"Hey," he called out, inviting them to the table.

Hermione smiled weakly while Ron raised a hand in greeting.

"You go ahead, Harry," Luna gaily encouraged him. "Catch up with them."

"We haven't walked like this in awhile," said Ron. Harry and Hermione glanced at him, confused. "You know, with Hermione in the middle and the two of us on the outside."


"So, I have Potions. What do you have, Harry?"

"Potions too."

"The three of us have always had Potions together," Hermione pointed out.

"Oh," was all Ron said. Harry gave him a slight grin.

Wordlessly, the three began to walk.

They were about to turn the corner when they heard another set of footsteps behind them. Harry turned and saw Draco stop at the same time as him. He nodded his acknowledgement.

"You guys go to the classroom. I'll meet up soon," Harry suggested to his friends. This earned him twin looks of confusion, to which he explained, "I promise you…I'll tell you later."

Hermione stepped forward, looking like she was going to disagree but Ron put an arm out. He nodded at Harry and mumbled to the girl beside him, "He promises, Herms; let's just get to class."

His friend sighed. "Alright. Just make sure you're not stumbling in after the bell, Harry."

He grinned. "Sure."

Harry stared after her, watching her retreating form turn the corner with Ron.

"Er…female problems?"

Harry turned to glare at Draco. The two of them were alone in the corridors and that was the main reason why Draco initiated a conversation; otherwise, he would have just ignored what had happened.

"No! Not like-" Draco sighed before forcefully saying, "I mean problems with females! I didn't mean you, as a female, were having---"

Harry was quite amused to see his former enemy try to apologize, and Draco caught on to how much he was embarrassing himself. He scowled. Harry took note of his clenched fist and inability to look him in the eye. "Nevermind."

"No, I," Harry laughed, "understood you the first time."

Draco let out a splenetic sigh.

"Umm…kind of female problems, I guess," Harry said, not wanting the Slytherin to think he was purposely making him look stupid. If it had been a year or two ago, Harry would have done so, but since they were trying to start a friendship, he was being sincere. "She knows that I fancy her."

"The Mud-"

Draco gently closed his eyes, as if he realized his mistake. "Uh…sorry, Granger?"

Harry silently regarded his new friend. It seemed like Draco Malfoy was truly trying to change. After all, he corrected himself when Hermione was mentioned and sincerely seemed apologetic.

"Yeah…her. Truth is: you were right on the mark when you came to the first meeting. I do like Hermione. In more than a 'just friends' way, but see…she knows. Ron even knows, yet we haven't gotten the chance to talk about it together," Harry admitted, glancing down at his hands. He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. He and Draco started to walk to their next class since they would have it together.

"Well," Draco began, sounding like he was choosing his words carefully, "I guess I can see why you like her and maybe why Granger's not saying anything yet."

"Really?" Really?

'Yeah, I guess she's smart and she's not half bad looking-"

"And you noticed?"

Draco, who was watching his footsteps, glanced up in alarm.

This time Harry apologized with a smirk. "Sorry."

The boy shook his head, dismissing the other's remark. "Yes, I've noticed. I usually notice competition. Anyways, Granger is a good friend to you and you're probably really grateful for that. As to why she's not saying anything…well, the answer's pretty clear."

Harry stared blankly, and Draco sighed. "Look, you guys just made up, right? And Granger and Weasel-er, Weasley-just broke up. The main reason being you, I assume. You just have to wait for things to get back to normal. Reestablish your friendship with Granger and Weasel. Once things are fine and dandy, you can pursue her."

"So I have to wait awhile."

Draco impatiently pinched the bridge of his nose-something that Harry also did when he was irritated. "Are you daft when it comes to romance?"

"Not exactly daft…inexperienced, yes…but it's not like you are Casanova."


"Nevermind. Muggle term."

"Whatever. Yes, Potter, you have to wait. Find more things to love about her. Find more things to talk about to her. Just let time run its course."

Despite the advice coming from none other than Draco Malfoy, Harry realized that it made sense to let the vestigial effects of his row with Hermione and Ron pass through. He admitted to himself that it seemed more comfortable to wait.

"Right." Harry awkwardly cleared his throat. "So…do you want to go first?" He gestured to the door. A Gryffindor and Slytherin walking in together would cause gossip to flare all over the place, but if they went in separately…

"Yeah, sure," answered Draco.

Harry shook his head. He could not believe how much things had changed. Not only was Draco speaking to him, he was also offering advice.

Everything was changing.
