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Worth Loving by Caroline Delacour

Worth Loving

Caroline Delacour

A/ N:

After much debate, I decided to re-post the story. There were simply too many mistakes on it. I decided to change the name of Harry's aunt to Cassandra, because although she is also known as Alexandra, according to research, she is most commonly known as Cassandra, so thank you to the person who pointed that out. Also, Fleur is Hermione's half-sister, not her stepsister, sorry about that. Fleur is Paris's daughter, to those who were wondering, and Harry is roughly Hermione's age. Helen spent ten years in Troy before it was destroyed, and that was when Hermione was left in Sparta to be raised by her aunt. Hopefully, this clears up a few things and no more mistakes will be made. Please do not hesitate to review.
