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It's not losing a daughter, it's gaining a son! by alayneni

It's not losing a daughter, it's gaining a son!


An: Thanks for the reviews. Here's the new chapter. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter 4 - He can't have him

Four persons on horse back were making their way through the dense forest. It was extremely dark and Ron could barely see the path in front of him. He could see the outline of Ginny ahead of him or at least he hoped it was Ginny that he was following. Harry was supposed to be in front followed by Hermione, Ginny and then him. He chose to stay in the back since he wanted to keep a close eye on his little sister.

A wolf could be heard howling in the distance and Ron took a quick glance at the new moon. Ever since his older brother Bill had an encounter with a werewolf, the howls of normal wolves made him anxious and served as a reminder that he shouldn't be travelling at night if the moon was full.

After about half an hour of wandering around in the darkness, Ron called out to Harry, who he hoped was somewhere in front of him and asked where they were headed but Harry just yelled for him to have patience. He was at least comforted by the fact that Harry was still somewhere in front. Eventually, they came to a clearing and Ron could see the outline of a large gate in the distance with large lanterns light. As they neared the gates he could see the two serpent heads that marked the entrance to Slytherin Manor and he cursed Hermione for telling Harry about visiting Slytherin Manor at night.

Hermione took the lead and spoke the password to get them through the gates. She then led them to a fairly large house on the southern side of the property. It wasn't the main manor house but it was just as grand. The main house was in the centre of the property and was bigger than any other house in Hogwarts. Though some did argue that Gryffindor Manor was bigger, but nobody had been there in years since the Gryffindors had disappeared and the house sealed itself to outsiders.

This house was fairly huge and had a plaque on the great doorway marked `Malfoy House'.

"Why are we here?" Ron asked Hermione.

"I can't visit Slytherin without saying hello to a friend." Hermione said with a fond smile as she led them around to a small field at the back of the house where she dismounted Comet and moved closer to the house.

Once Hermione had reached close enough she bent down and picked up a small pebble and threw it at a window on the second floor. Shortly afterwards, a platinum blond figure appeared at the window. At first Harry thought it was Lucius Malfoy but when the window opened he could clearly see Draco Malfoy in pale green pyjamas hanging his head out the window.

Draco wondered if he was dreaming. He had to be dreaming because he couldn't be seeing Hermione with Harry, Ron and Ginny, though he did often dream about Ginny just not in this context. Hermione had promised him recently that she would get him alone with her maybe this was why they were here but did she have to bring frick and frack too. Hermione signalled for him to join them and he weighed his options, time with Ginny or time without Ginny. The first option won and he quickly changed out of his nightclothes and exited through the back door.

"What are you doing here?" Draco whispered harshly.

"They didn't think that I came here at night. I had to prove them wrong." Hermione explained.

"Actually you specifically said that you have been in Slytherin Manor at night. I would like to see that." Harry elaborated.

"Are you crazy! There's a big meeting in the drawing room. Mr. Riddle is very paranoid about something. He added extra wards around the manor. If we get within 300 yards of the manor the alarms would go off." Draco stated.

"I'm sure you can get around them." Harry said with a big smirk.

"Potter.." Draco started but was cut off by Hermione.

"Now is not the time for your mach arguments." She pointed out and Ginny agreed with her.

"Can we just go?" Ron asked.

"Why don't we go visit Luna then?" Draco suggested as he watched Ron. He would need to find a way to ditch him so he could spend some time with Ginny.

"That's a great idea," Hermione said, "Go get Nimbus from the stables and I'll meet you at the main gates."

Draco nodded and headed off while Hermione lead the others back the way they came. He soon joined them and they headed off in the direction of Ravenclaw Manor.

"Do you think it's a good idea leaving those two in front like that?" Ron said to Harry as he wondered about Malfoy and Granger in the lead.

"I have no clue." Harry responded as he kept an eye on the two chatting away in front of him.

"Relax I have a fairly good idea where we are going." Draco called to Ron in the back.

"Who asked you ferret?" Ron snapped at him.

Draco ignored him, picking a fight with him would only make it more difficult to approach Ginny. He wanted to make a good impression on her and Hermione advised for him to behave himself.

"So Potter, I hear the Slytherin team is ahead in the Quidditch cup." Draco said conversationally.

"Not for long," Harry replied confidently.

"I doubt anyone can beat us." Draco boasted.

"I wouldn't be so confident about that, we beat you when we were in school." Ron reminded him.

"That was a fluke!" Draco replied.

"Seven years in a row is not a fluke." Ginny told him.

"Doesn't sound like a fluke to me either." Hermione said siding with Ginny.

Draco looked flabbergasted at her. She was supposed to side with him.

"What?" Hermione asked him.

"You know nothing about Quidditch." Draco pointed out.

"So, logically speaking seven years in a row couldn't be a fluke." Hermione explained.

"You don't know about Quidditch?" Harry asked horrified.

"It's just a game right?" Hermione said.

"A game, Quidditch is more than just a game." Ron said seriously.

"I could show you." Ginny offered much to the displeasure of her brother.

Draco snorted. "Good luck with that. Hermione won't even touch a broom much less get on one to play Quidditch."

Hermione frowned. "It doesn't mean I can't understand what the game is about."

"But you are missing a big part of the experience." Draco countered.

"He's right Hermione. Flying is indescribable. I love to fly." Ginny revealed.

Draco raised his eyebrows at her.

"Ok I love to fly when my brother's aren't around." Ginny corrected.

"So what role would you like to play if you could?" Draco asked curiously.

"Either chaser or seeker but I really think I would like to be a chaser." Ginny said

"We're here." Hermione interrupted.

Off in the distance the outline of a large house with a huge eagle adorning the roof could be seen.

"Wait here, I will be back in a few minutes with Luna!" Hermione stated.

Twenty minutes later Hermione returned with Luna Lovegood to find Ron and Draco arguing.

"Good night Ronald," Luna greeted him.

"Good night," Ron responded reluctantly.

"So, Hermione while you were gone, Potter here said his horse was the fastest in Hogwarts but we both know that's not true. I have fifty Galleons riding on Comet." Draco said.

"You can't volunteer Comet for a race, Draco!" Hermione admonished him.

"I'll meet you at the lake to collect my winnings." Draco continued ignoring Hermione.

"Draco!" Hermione protested.

"In three, get ready Comet." Draco instructed.

Harry winked at her, "Easiest Galleon's I'll ever make!"

"Easy!" Hermione cried horrified. "I'm not easy."

Hermione tightened her grip on Comet's rein's and pointed her in the direction of the lake.

"3," Draco said as Firebolt started fidgeting on the spot.

"2," Hermione got Comet ready to sprint to the lake.

"1," and both horses sprinted off.

Draco looked over at Ginny, "Would you mind if I accompanied you to the lake?" he asked in his most charming voice.

Ginny looked over at her brother who was currently trying to fend off the advances of Luna and decided she was better off going with Draco. "Yes, I would like that but we probably shouldn't drift too far ahead of them."

"I'm sure as long as we're in hearing range would be appropriate. Luna is thoroughly familiar with these woods." Draco replied with a forced smile.

Hermione and Harry stayed neck and neck during their race. Harry felt it would be wrong if he left her alone in the dark and decided to hold back on Firebolt a bit to stay with her but Hermione was also holding back on Comet. She didn't really want to embarrass the birthday boy and as a result they both declared the race a tie. Harry rode over to the grassy knoll close to Hagrid's hut and was surprised to discover that Hermione also knew Hagrid. Most people didn't associate with him because of his unusual height and gruff behaviour. His brother Grawp, who was even taller than him, had recently joined him.. They had attitudes different to the social norm and were shunned by society. Hermione guessed that was why she loved to visit him so much.

Harry was even more surprised to see they had a lot in common. Granted Hermione's views on certain issues could be a bit extreme vis-à-vis house elves but other than that he enjoyed talking with her. The one thing he didn't like was her dislike for flying and he was determined to change that.

Luna had successfully convinced Ron to wear a Radish necklace to protect him against wolves. After about five minutes of bickering they soon settled into easy conversation and he realised Luna was a nice person. He got so caught up talking to her that when he actually stopped to look around he had no clue where he was or where Draco and Ginny had gone off to and panic soon filled him. Luna sensed his panic and she informed him that they were 10 minutes away from the lake and that the others went ahead since they were trotting along kind of slowly. She told him not to worry she would get him there in one piece. She did however neglect to mention that Draco was escorting Ginny to the lake.

Ginny was surprised that Draco had turned out to be decent company. He did have views very opposite to her own when it came to money and large families but she found that she enjoyed his conversation. Their debates were lively and got quite fiery at some points. Most men she could over power but not Draco. She could bend all of her brother's to her will but not him, he stood firm, something she didn't experience too often. Draco was a challenge and she liked challenges.

Ginny and Draco rode through the last piece of forest before they could see Hermione and Harry on the grassy knoll. Draco smirked; from the look on Hermione's face she was animatedly lecturing Potter on house elves. What was unusual though was that Potter actually appeared to be listening to her. Most of the time he and Luna just let her rant. They learned long ago it was no use arguing with Hermione.

They made their way over to them and tied their horses up next to theirs.

"So what you guys talking about?" Ginny asked and Draco braced himself for the inevitable.

"The enslavement of house elves, they have even less rights than us witches," Hermione stated.

Before the conversation could continue any further a white snowy owl swooped in and landed in front of Harry. She stuck her leg out and a letter written in untidy scrawl could be seen attached to her leg.

"Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed.

Harry quickly untied the letter and opened it. He inhaled sharply and showed the letter to everyone.


Charles told Mom. Get back here now. She is really pissed. She hasn't said anything to Mrs. Weasley or Mr. Granger yet. She is waiting for you in your room.

Good Luck,


"This seems to be the end of a lovely night." Draco said as he finished the letter an eyed Ginny.

"Where is Ron?" Harry asked angrily and as if summoned Ron and Luna emerged from the forest.

"Ron" Harry shouted. "We have to go now. Pick it up."

Ron picked up the pace and soon he and Luna were there. Harry handed them the letter and Ron's face went pale.

"Harry if your mom tells my mom, I'm dead!" Ron said. He was truly scared of what his mother would say. He was out in the middle of the night and to make matters worse he had Ginny with him! She definitely wouldn't take well to that.

"Wait there must be a way around this. William said she was waiting for you in your room. What if we sneak back into the room that Ginny and I are staying in?" Hermione asked

"And then what?" Harry asked

"We could play it two ways, either you and Ron return to your rooms and explain that you were in our room playing and talking or we let your mom inform our parents of our absence. Mrs. Weasley and my father will definitely check our rooms and they will find us present and accounted for." Hermione suggested

"The second option will embarrass my mom but I like it! Lets go." Harry said

"What about me?" Luna asked sadly.

"I will take you home." Draco offered

Hermione gave them both a worried look.

"We'll be fine. I do know my way home." Draco said.

Satisfied that they would be ok, Hermione left with the other and twenty minutes later they were climbing into the girls' room through a window. As the boys landed Harry exclaimed softly. They had forgotten that Ana would be asleep in the room. Hermione suggested that they light their wand tips and spend the rest of the night playing poker, after all she had promised to teach Ginny. They stayed pretty quiet so they wouldn't wake up Ana. As Hermione predicted one hour later, Mr. Granger came bursting through the door followed closely by Mrs. Weasley.

"There're in here Lilly" Molly called out.

"Harry James Potter! Where have you been?" Lilly bellowed fiercely.

"Right here mom." Harry said trying to look very confused by her actions.

Lilly glared at him.

"And what are you doing in here when you told your brothers you were going out!" Lilly asked furiously.

"Well you see, I told them that to get them out of my room. I really just wanted to have a game of chess with Ron without them interfering." Harry gave the prearranged answer that Ginny had come up with.

"You still lost anyway, mate!" Ron interjected.

Harry shot Ron a deadly glare.

"So you've been in here the whole time?" Lilly asked

All four shook their heads and Lilly glared at them. However, Lilly wasn't one to be outsmarted especially by her son! She was highly suspicious that tonight's activities were more than they claimed to be and they weren't getting away with it. She looked around the room and smirked. She could see Harry, Ron and Ginny tense. They obviously knew what her smirk meant. Afterall, they probably saw it dozens of times, well except for Harry, he had seen it once everyday since he was born!

"Boys, it's not becoming of you to be in young ladies rooms at this hour of the morning! I believe, and I am sure Molly agrees, that this type of behaviour is unacceptable and thus we would like you to clean the entire borrow of knomes!" Lilly said

"But.." Both boys tried to protest, but they were cut off by Mrs. Weasley wholeheartedly agreeing to the punishment that Lilly Potter had just given them.

"And furthermore, Ginny is playing Poker which Molly forbade her to. I think the boys would love to have Ginny help them with the Burrow." Lilly stated quite gleefully.

"But.." Ginny started but was also cut off by Mrs. Weasley going into a tirade about how unladylike Poker was.

"Edward, would you mind if Hermione also helped her co-conspirators with their chores today. I believe you and Sirius will be busy discussing business and this will definitely keep her occupied and out of trouble." Lilly explained to him.

Hermione decided not to verbally protest but instead look pleadingly at her father but Lilly stepped right in front of her preventing her father from seeing her pleading face.

"Alright, it sounds fair." Mr. Granger replied.

"Great, I expect you up before dawn and I will have Fred and George go with you as well." Lilly said happily.

"DAWN! Aw come on mom." Harry protested.

"Don't mother me. Accept your punishment, now out! Ana needs her beauty sleep." Lilly said as she ushered Harry and Ron out behind Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Granger.

"Great plan Hermione we are still in trouble." Ginny said frostily.

"It was better than the alternative besides, it can't be that bad. Imagine what would have happen if they really knew where we went." Hermione told her.

"You have obviously never seen the burrow!" came a sleepy voice from the bed.

"You know you could have defended us." Ginny said grumpily as she climbed into her bed.

"Are you kidding me? Mom knew you were lying and I am not going to jump into your sinking boat!" Ana replied

"Hhmph" Ginny said as she turned around to go to sleep.

"Goodnight" Hermione whispered as she pulled the sheets around her.

"Good morning" both Ginny and Ana corrected as they closed their eyes to claim what little sleep they could.


Draco had gotten Luna back safely and was about to enter Malfoy house when he saw his father heading down from the Manor with Mr. Snape and he quickly ducked behind his mother's rose bush.

"It's almost time for Draco to join." Mr. Snape said.

"I'm aware of that." Lucius snapped.

"I would watch your tone in his presence." Mr. Snape advised.

"I can handle my tone." Lucius replied acidly.

"But can you handle your thoughts or do I have to remind you that failure isn't tolerated." Snape sneered at him.

"You mind your own and I'll mind mine." Lucius said before opening the door and closing it on Mr. Snape.

Snape turned around harshly and headed a little further south towards his small cottage and Draco assumed the coast was clear. He opened the door and quietly snuck inside. As he reached the bottom of the stairs he could hear his mother in the study with his father.

"I don't want that for Draco." She said angrily.

"We have no choice." Lucius told her.

"There is always a choice." Narcissa said.

"We have all that we have because of him, are you willing to give all this up?" Lucius asked.

"I'll give up anything for Draco's safety!" Narcissa informed her husband.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Lucius warned his wife.

"He's not taking my son!" Narcissa said as tears started to form on her beautiful face.

"I wish it were that simple." Lucius said sombrely and Draco realised that his father was moving towards the door.

Draco quickly scampered up the stairs and into his room. He pulled the covers up over his head but sleep refused to claim him and he spent the rest of the night in contemplation.
