Unofficial Portkey Archive

It's About Life by tastethekiss

It's About Life


James decided it was time to take some action, figure out exactly what kind of shit was going on in Lily Evans' life. He abandoned his bag in the Transfiguration classroom (McGonagall would keep it safe, surely) and caught up to Lily in the hall.

"Hey, Evans, can we talk?"

She sighed and told her friends that she would catch up with them later. Lily turned to James. "Make it quick."

Suddenly, James' mind went blank.

"Potter?" Lily tapped her foot impatiently. "Did you really want to talk to me about something?"

"Er... yes. Yes, I wanted to ask you a question."

Seconds passed.

"And..." Lily encouraged. "Would you like to ask it?"

James rubbed the back of his neck. "Um... yes." Lily stared at him expectantly. "How's... life?"

James felt like smacking his head against a wall. Suave, Potter. Very smooth.

"Did you want something, James?" Lily looked exasperated.

"I just wanted to talk." The truth would set him free.

"Why? You don't know anything about me."

Suddenly, Padfoot's words rushed into his mind. I wouldn't mess with her. She's one messed up chick.

No, James thought defiantly, staring at Lily. No, he knew her. He knew her better than she thought.

"No, you don't," she repeated after his declaration, this time with a laugh. "You don't know me at all."

"Then I'll get to know you," he told her. "We'll learn everything about each other."

She didn't answer, but she hadn't dismissed him, so James decided to take no reaction as a good reaction. He took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders, only to slouch back over when he noticed Lily wasn't looking anywhere near him.

That would be changing.

"I'll start then, shall I?" He regretting his tone the moment he finished. Something about Lily's reaction-- tenser shoulders, tightening of the jaw-- didn't feel right.

"All right. Well, my name is James Potter. I'm a chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. I've also been the captain since fifth year."

He paused, waiting for her reaction. She didn't seem impressed.

"And?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

James took in her expressionless face. His jaw dropped. Did she honest-to-Merlin not understand what he just told her?

"Lily, I am the Quidditch Captain of a team that's won the House Cup for the past five years. I've won every year as captain. I've won every year I've been on the team! I'm the pride and joy of my team!"

Lily only rolled her eyes. James nearly gasped. Was she joking?

"Does this mean anything to you?"

"Obviously not," she said, moving out of her chair. "I've better things in my life to worry about." As she turned to leave, James grabbed her arm.

"Wait," he nearly pleaded, wincing inwardly at his tone. "Wait, Evans, you haven't even gone yet. You haven't told me anything about yourself."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "That's funny. I thought you knew it all."

She slipped her arm out of James grip, leaving him alone, once again.