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Just A Dream by hpdreamer500

Just A Dream


Just A Dream

Chapter 4: Their New Beginning

He was perfect for Lily. He was sweet, but not too sweet, and he was everything she needed. Sitting there on the pew, she remembered the night he left. It was the night that changed everything. She remembered how he laughed with Katy, and Sirius, and her, and how he promised he'd be back. She knew nothing less than death would keep him from keeping that promise, and it scared her.

It scared her because she knew he'd never stay away for two years without coming back to find her if he had the choice. She was terrified of losing her husband. She remembered plenty of amazing times, plenty of fights, and she knew in her heart that she couldn't bear to know that they would be only ones. She remembered yelling at him in school, but she remembered every single beautiful moment. She decided it wasn't fair. She was only eighteen, he was only eighteen.

She'd known losing him was possible, but she'd always wanted to believe that she and James would be safe from the war. It was the reason her parents were dead, and now the reason her husband was dead. Or missing. She still wasn't sure she wanted to know which.

Lily's thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the church doors. She turned around, as did all the other guests.

Silence filled the church. The silhouette of a man was standing in the doorway.

When he stepped inside, there was a collective gasp. The man in the doorway had messy, black hair and glasses. His eyes scanned the crowd and stopped when they landed on Lily.

"Lily," he started.

She felt like she was in a dream; the most amazing dream of her life. Standing before her was the man she loved, the one she was told was dead. They told her that he had to be dead because he'd been gone so long. She didn't want to believe it. She ran forward, threw her arms around him, and kissed him. "I missed you. You're never going on another mission without me ever again."

James chuckled. "Whatever you say," he replied and kissed her again.

Then he walked over to his parents. "I'm so sorry to worry you so much," he told them.

"We understand," his dad said. "There wasn't anything you could do about it."

"Thank you. I really needed you to understand," James replied.

Lily watched carefully, tears still on her face, but now they were different tears. She was still trying to understand that James really was alive and back with her for the first time in two years.

He walked over to his best friend and Katy next.


"Prongs," Sirius replied with a laugh. "You're alive, thank Merlin."

"Obviously," James answered, now laughing too.

He walked back to Lily, took her hand, and announced that they had to leave.

When they walked out of the church doors and into the crazy world, they were walking into their new beginning. They had no idea how long it'd be until the war ended, but they knew that as long as they had each other, they would make it.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading this story! I really hope you liked it! Thanks to owanalilypotter, anarita, and an anonymous reader for reviewing! I really, really appreciate it! I might write a sequel, where we learn about James' mission, but only if I get a lot of reviews! Plus keep on a lookout for my fic The Realities of Love, which should, if all goes well, be coming out soon. Thanks again!

<3, hpdreamer500
