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And Hell Followed With Him by IanC

And Hell Followed With Him


Note: as always a thank you to all who read the story and especially those who took the time to review it, Looney warner Mouse., the_scribbler, hbraveheartp, Anonymous, frostykist.

The setting sun bathed the Hogwarts grounds in a golden light and made even the Forbidden Forest look inviting. Harry looked over at his broom, checking it one final time. It was the first game of the season tomorrow and he'd slipped away from the busy common room, making excuses about wanting to check his broom before the match. It was a flimsy excuse; everyone had seen through it, but they respected his privacy and did not say anything. The sound of someone climbing up the stone steps made him turn around, to see Hermione making her way towards him. The cold November wind had turned the tips of her ears and nose pink.

"Ron said you would be up here; I hope you don't mind the intrusion."

"Nah. I was going to come down soon anyway. Have you finished your homework?"

"Yeah, and I found a book that might be helpful. It was in the Restricted Section, but it is about mind control so it wasn't unexpected. I thought Madam Pince would faint when she saw the slip was for unlimited access, signed by Dumbledore." Hermione's joy at having so much of the Headmaster's trust was obvious. Hermione had gone to speak to Dumbledore because she had wanted to try and find answers to what was happening to Harry. She had poured through what felt like every book in the library, but had been unable to find any useful information. Dumbledore had also confided that he too had drawn a blank and had given Hermione all his research. He had given Hermione his extensive notes because she had would have more time to devote to its study than he would.

"I'm sorry I missed it. Does Angelina want to see me?"

"Yeah. The spies are back with there latest 'intelligence report'," said Hermione, referring to the twin's spying on the Slytherin team.

"Okay." As Harry moved across the tower to leave, Hermione grabbed him and pulled him toward her, smashing her lips into his. Harry felt all his troubles leave him as his world was consumed by a whirlwind of desire. He snaked his arms around her, while she slipped a hand under his shirt. He shivered as her cold hand began to roam across the skin of his back. As he pulled his lips away she caught and held his bottom lip between her teeth for just a second.

"I don't know about you, but I've been wanting to do that all day," said Hermione, with a shy grin.

"It was the only thing that kept me sane during Potions."

"I'd wondered why you were grinning during the whole class. Slytherins can be really annoying when they want to be."

"Yeah. It makes me wonder why Dumbledore keeps giving us classes together."

"Are you sure it's Dumbledore?" asked Hermione, as they walked down the stairs hand in hand.

"Of course it is. Anyone else would have accepted the fact that when you put Gryffindors in the same room as Slytherins you're going to end up with a pitched battle. I know he's a genius, but…"

"There's a fine line between genius and insanity," said Hermione with a slight grin.

"And I'm sure he does cartwheels across it three times a day." Neither of them could stop themselves from laughing at the thought of the venerable old wizard doing cartwheels.

"You know what I think?" asked Harry as they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"What do you think?" asked Hermione after giving the Fat Lady the password.

"I think we should go back to the north tower, just to make sure we've got all the kissing out of our systems," said Harry, taking a step towards Hermione.

"I think," said Hermione as she closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around Harry. She leaned in until there was less than an inch between her lips and Harry's. "I think I've got a book to read," she whispered before giving him a quick kiss and then running through the portrait hole.

"You are a cruel, nasty, evil woman Hermione Granger," shouted Harry as he entered the common room.

"That's true," Hermione gave him a saucy smile, "But you love me anyway."

"Damn right I do."

"Do you two mind?" shouted Alicia from across the room. "I'm glad you're getting on, but I can feel my teeth rotting just watching you two."

"They are sickeningly sweet together aren't they?" said Ron with a smirk. The rest of the Quidditch team agreed and soon everyone in the common room was noisily shouting about how high their dentist bills were.

"All right everyone shut up. We have tactic to discuss, Harry, get over here," shouted Angelina after the majority of the noise had died down.

"On you go Harry, your captain wants you," said Hermione.

"Sorry Angelina, but I'm a one woman man," shouted Harry as he walked to the table.

"Prat," said Angelina with a grin as he sat down. "Okay. Fred, what did you two find out?"

"They're good. Not as good as us, but they won't be a push over and the rumors are true. Malfoy does have a Firebolt; we got close enough to see the handle."

"Any good news?" asked Katie.

"Sure, we're certain they believe the rumor about Harry wanting to try a Wronski Feint." Fred looked straight at Harry "So you should be able to get one free dive at the snitch."

"Is Malfoy good enough to handle a Firebolt?" asked Angelina.

"Yes, but I'm better than he is," replied Harry. The team smiled at Harry's confidence, but Angelina thought he was being dangerously arrogant. She suspected he wasn't being arrogant since he had managed to beat Malfoy to the snitch in second year even thought he had an inferior broom and a broken arm, but his dislike of Draco could be clouding his judgment.

The team spent the next hour putting the final touches to their tactics for the next day. Harry had been surprised at how much Ron contributed the session. Ron's lack of confidence on the pitch wasn't carried over to the realm of tactics, which he had mastered with ease. After the tactic session Harry spent the rest of the night doing some light homework, more to keep Hermione happy than any other reason

~ ~ ~

Harry sat eating his toast, soaking in the noise of the Great Hall. Most weekends you would be lucky to find even half as many students in the Hall this early, but no one wanted to miss the Quidditch match. He was at the end of the table along with the rest of the Quidditch team and Hermione. He could see how nervous Ron was and it reminded him of his very first game. Now, five years later, he felt like a seasoned professional. He knew his job and he could do it well. He looked at the rest of the team and saw what he expected to see, calm and confident faces.

"Don't worry Ron, you'll do fine," said Harry.

"That's easy for you to say Mr. Youngest Seeker in a Century. I can't do this, I can't play Quidditch in front of the whole school, they'll all laugh at me." Ron's words were tumbling out in an uncontrolled stream and Harry thought he would have to slap his friend in order to calm him down.

"Ron, calm down and start breathing. Angelina would never have chosen you if she didn't think you could do the job," Hermione spoke in her usual cool and logical way and soon had Ron under control.

"Hermione's right, Ron. I've got faith in you, so don't worry."

"Okay team lets go," said Angelina.

"Good luck, Harry," said Hermione as she kissed him.

~ ~ ~

Harry pulled on his Quidditch robes as the low growl coming from the stands steadily increased in volume as students began filing out to watch the game.

"Okay team," said Angelina as she stood up and walked in front of the team, ready to giver her speech. "Let's go and show those Slytherin scum how to play Quidditch!" Harry couldn't help smiling at Angelina's words.

He walked on to the pitch and the noise of the crowd washed over him like a wave driving all other thoughts from his mind. The day was cold, but there was almost no wind and the sky was crystal clear.

"Captains, shake hands," directed Madam Hooch, Angelina and Montague briefly touched hands their faces sharing identical looks of disgust.

Harry's eyes sought out those of Draco Malfoy and pointed to the chest that contained the four balls. "Take a good look at the Snitch Malfoy, because it's the only time you're going to see it." The insult was quickly followed by a slap to the back of Harry's head by Angelina. "What was that for?"

"Don't get cocky, the game's not over till the Snitch is in your hand. Once you've caught it you can brag all you want," growled Angelina.

At Madam Hooch's command Harry kicked off and felt the rush he always got when flying. He did a lap of the stadium searching the stands for Hermione. He quickly found her familiar bushy hair bracketed by the vivid red of Ginny's and the dark hair of Parvati. Lee Jordan's commentary filled his ears as Madam Hooch released the balls.

"And they're off. Bell grabs the Quaffle, ducks a Bludger and flies down the field. Quick pass to Spinnet, she swoops 'round Goyle, passes to Johnson who rockets towards the goal. Montague and Worrington try to intercept and she drops the ball! PORSKY PLOY, BELL CATCHES THE QUAFFLE, THROWS IT AND SCORES!!! TEN- NIL. First blood to Gryffindor with a display of superior skill the Slytherin team can't hope to match."

"Jordan." Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted the commentary, but Harry could tell she wasn't too upset.

"And Slytherin in possession, they come racing up the field. Sloppy passing and Bell intercepts the pass, takes a Bludger to the shoulder and Montague picks up the dropped Quaffle, passes to Worrington, but takes a Bludger to the back of the head. And Worrington just has the Keeper to beat, he throws it left and Weasley gets a hand to it, but Worrington catches the deflection and throws it to the middle hoop. Ten points to Slytherin. Bad luck Ron!"

"And Spinnet has the Quaffle." Alica flied across the pitch looking for someone to pass the Quaffle to, but the Slytherin Chasers were doing an excellent job of marking her team mates. See spotted both a Bludger and Crabbe zooming towards her and prepared to swerve away from the Bludger she expected to be sent her way, but he went past the ball and came right at her. He waited until they were close before swinging his bat at her. She tried to dodge but the edge of the heavy bat hit her hand accompanied by the crack of bone.

"Penalty, that piece of shit just broke her hand!" Jordan's voice was full of rage and every student present could guess at Professor McGonagall's mood by the lack of censure.

The team huddled round as George performed a quick healing charm on Alica's hand, but even with the quick fix Harry could tell she was still in pain.

"Are you well enough to go on?" asked Angelina.

"Just try and stop me."

"Alica Spinnet to take the penalty after that disgusting attack." Jordan's voice once again filled the stadium but most of its rage was gone. "She takes the ball goes forward, left right and easily slides it past the Keeper. Twenty - Ten to Gryffindor."

It was after a few minutes of scrappy play, that resulted in were no one scoring, that the twins got there revenge on Crabbe by sending both of the Bludgers into his stomach seconds after each other.

"Hope your boyfriend isn't hurt too much," said Harry, t. Taunting Malfoy. He was hovering a few feet below Harry. He saw Draco open his mouth, but never learned what the reply was because at that moment they both spotted a flash of gold and were racing across the pitch after the elusive prize. Both Harry and Draco were getting as much speed out of their brooms as they could and were quickly side by side. Draco jabbed his elbow into Harry, who retaliated by striking back. The elbows were being traded with increasing ferocity each one seeking an advantage in their battle for the Snitch. Draco changed tactics and sent his elbow into Harry's face. Harry waited for Draco to turn around and when he saw a smirk flitter on to his face. Harry savagely head butted his opponent. Seconds later they both had to swerve to avoid other players and the Snitch was lost.

"And Gryffindor calls for a time out." It had been twenty minutes sine Harry's battle for the Snitch and Slytherin was in the lead by ten points, but Harry wasn't sure for how long the team could keep playing.

"How is everyone?" asked Angelina as Fred began working on her eye. She had been hit in the face with a Bludger and it was quickly swelling shut. The rest of the team was in a similar condition, Katie had a broken nose which had been fixed by George, but was still bleeding at intervals. Alica's hand had been hit another two times and even with the twins help she barely had the strength needed to grip the Quaffle. Both Fred and George were covered in bruises and Harry suspected that George's arm had been broken.

"Were going to win this game," snarled Katie with a fierce pride that was undermined by the blood that had begun to run from her noise.

"Okay. We've got a penalty and they're only in front by ten points. So let's keep it together. Harry, do you're best. And Ron, keep up the good work." They all kicked back into the air feeling a little better and even more determined to win the game, but Harry feared that if the game didn't end soon there wouldn't be a team left despite the best efforts of the twins.

"And Johnson gets ready to take the shot in what has been the dirtiest game of Quidditch I have ever seen. She flies in straight, goes right, it's a fake she punches the ball, the Keeper gets his fingertips to it, but it's not enough Johnson scores! Ten points to Gryffindor and that ties the score at fifty points each."

Harry was doing a loop-de-loop when he spotted a flash of gold at the center of the pitch. Instead of curving at the top of the loop flattened himself to his broom and dove straight down. He pulled out of the drive with just inches to spare and sped across the pitch. He felt wind on his face as a Bludger zoomed by his face before bouncing into the ground. Harry flew through the cloud of dirt and grass blinding him as he lunged for the Snitch. He felt the cool metal of the Snitch in his hand as he plowed into the ground.

~ ~ ~

"Harry!" squealed Hermione with delight as she threw herself at him and pulled him into a hug. "I was so worried about you. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but Madam Pomfrey isn't happy with me." Harry had spent the last hour after the match in the hospital wing with the rest of the Gryffindor team being poked and scolded by Madam Pomfrey for doing dangerous things. Harry was the last one to leave once Madam Pomfrey was certain he didn't have a concussion.

"Good. NOW-DON'T-YOU-DO-THAT-TO-ME-AGAIN." Hermione punctuated each word by hitting Harry.

"Hermione, stop it you're going to do more damage than the ground did."

"Do you have any idea how much I worry about you?"

"Yes," Harry took her hands in his and looked into her eyes, "and I'm very grateful you do, but you shouldn't." Hermione wanted to stay angry with him for putting her through so much worry, but she found it was impossible while he was being so sweet.

"Well I'll stop worrying about you when you stop doing stupid and dangerous things."

"So about two weeks past never then," replied Harry with a smile.

"Come on, we need to get back to the common room." The couple started wandering through the halls of Hogwarts holding hands, content to be alone together for a few moments. "We need to talk to the twins and the next batch is ready, so you and Ron need to stay awake tonight."

"What do we need?"

"I've got a list in my dorm, so you can just give that to them." They walked the rest of the way to Gryffindor tower chatting about inconsequential things.

A celebratory atmosphere filled the common room, so even the students doing homework had a smile on their face. Hermione went to her dorm to get the list and Harry walked over to Ron who was sitting at a table on his own waiting for him.

"Hey Harry, are you okay?" asked Ron when he saw his friend.

"I'm fine."

"I would have waited for you, but I though you and Hermione could do with the time alone," said Ron looking slightly embarrassed.

"Its okay, don't worry about it. You played good today. You should be proud." Ron grinned at in response to his friends praise.

"Okay, here's the list. It has to be here before Christmas," said Hermione, suddenly appearing by Harry's side. Harry gave her a mock salute before going to talk to the twins.

"Are you okay?" asked Ron when Harry was out of earshot.

"Yeah. I didn't think that it would be any different. I've always worried about him, but today was so much worse than before," replied Hermione with out taking her eyes off Harry.

"Well things are different now."

"I suppose," said Hermione with a mischievous smile.

"I think that's more than I want to know. Can I ask you something? But you have to keep it a secret."

"Sure," said Hermione puzzlement filling her voice.

What do you think of … do you think…what do you think Lavender would say if I asked her to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Ron's embarrassment was clear for Hermione and probably the entire common room as well, to see.

Hermione had to work hard to keep the grin from showing on her face. Hermione prided herself on being grown up and mature, but at that moment a tiny little voice in her head, that sounded like the twins, was encouraging her to start singing 'Ron and Lavender sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G', but she couldn't do that to her friend. It had taken a lot of courage to admit he liked Lavender, something neither she nor Harry had ever confessed to Ron about each other. "Why Lavender?" asked Hermione needing to time to think about her answer.

"Well she's good looking. An okay laugh when she isn't giggling or obsessing about Divination and she didn't run and hide from the Blast-Ended Skrewts."

"Why is that last one important?" asked Hermione not making the connection.

"She didn't run and hide, she stayed to help. I admired that and it means there's more to her than meets the eye," said Ron surpassing Hermione with his answer. "So what do you think? What will she say?"

"I don't know Ron. We're not exactly close," said Hermione wishing she could have told him better news.

"Thanks anyway."

"Why don't you just ask her if she wants to go next week?"

"I don't know, that sounds dangerously complicated. Can't you come up with a way of asking her without asking her?"

"I don't think so. You're just going to have to ask her," said Hermione.

"Look, you don't know what it's like to be knocked back, it's bloody embarrassing. It was bad enough in fourth-year with Fleur, but she went away and everyone just assumed it was because of the Veela thing."

"You're right. I'm sorry. How about I ask her if she wants to go to Hogsmeade with all three of us? That way you can get to know her a bit better."

"Won't she be going with Parvati?"

"No, Parvati is meeting someone from Hufflepuff at Puddifoot's."

"Okay that sounds good," said Ron.

"What does?" asked Harry who'd finished talking to the twins.

"Is it okay?" asked Hermione. Ron's only answer was to nod his head.

"Ron fancies Lavender, so I'm going to ask her to come to Hogsmeade with us next week." Hermione could see Harry struggling to keep a smile from his face. "Not a word from you Harry Potter."

"Me? I wasn't going to…" Harry stopped talking after a look from Hermione showed she wasn't joking. "Okay, the stuff will be here by Wednesday. They're sending off an order tonight."

"Fair enough. I'm off for a shower," said Ron hoping it would wake him up.

"So what do you want to do?" asked Harry.

"Homework and no arguing," said Hermione when she noticed him opening his mouth.

"Okay, but after dinner we go for a walk around the lake and then watch the stars."

"That sounds fair," said Hermione with a grin that made Harry wish it were dinnertime already.

~ ~~

He sat with his back against a tree, Hermione in front of him with her head on his chest. His right hand was playing with her hair as his left drew patterns on the skin of her stomach. The night sky was ablaze with stars and Harry felt a peace he had struggled to find recently. Hermione let out a small laugh as Harry stroked a sensitive patch of skin.

"That tickles," giggled Hermione.

"What? That?" Harry asked as he brushed the same piece of skin.

"Yes that."

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"I'd have believed that three month ago, but not now."

"Yeah, but I like making you laugh, you look even more beautiful than usual."


~ ~ ~

"Are we clear?" asked Harry, taking off his invisibility cloak as he walked into Myrtle's bathroom. Ron, studying the Marauders map, nodded. The sound and smell of the potions filled the small room completely.

"Okay it's a cup of the green, then the spell and then half a cup of the blue," said Hermione, pointing to the cauldrons as she spoke.

"Will this hurt as much as before?" asked Ron remembering how his bones had ached for the whole of the next day after taking the last batch of potions.

"Yes, but according to the guide it should only last for a few hours."

"You think?" asked Harry, filling a cup with the green potion.

"Well they used a dictation spell and it wrote down a lot of the bickering. So it's a little hard to work out sometimes."

"Bickering?" asked Ron confused.

"Well look at this," said Hermione and then started to read out a section.

"Are you sure it will only hurt for a few hours, Sirius?"

"Of course I am, trust me."

"Okay, I believed you until you said 'trust me'. That's what you said about that potion to turn Snape's hair green."

"Well it did."

"And turned our hands bright orange for a bloody week!"

"You asked about hair and not hands. You should have been more specific with your questions."

"Well you get the idea," said Hermione.

"How much longer are we going to have to do this for?" asked Harry after he had drank his green potion in one go.

"Now the spell. The potion and spell phase should be over by the end of January and then it's just another couple of weeks to train ourselves." They each performed the spell, a lengthy charm that shared a structure with transfiguration spells. She wished she could discuss it with Professor McGonagall, but knew how important secrecy was.

"Half a cup of blue?" asked Ron, confirming the dose. Hermione nodded as she measured out her own cup.

"Enjoy," said Harry as all three of them downed their cups. Harry now understood why Animagus were so rare. The process involved a complex combination of spells and potions that had to be taken in the right amounts at certain times and with the correct spells.

"I've got to get to bed before this kicks in," said Ron. Harry handed him the cloak; Harry would use the Marauders map to get back to Gryffindor tower while avoiding Flinch. Hermione, as a prefect, was allowed to be out of the common room at night.

"Do you know what went through my head when Ron told me he liked Lavender?"

"Aww?" guessed Harry.

"Ron and Lavender sitting in…"

"A tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Harry and Hermione finish the playground rhyme together with matching grins.

"How about 'Harry and Hermione sitting in a toilet K-I-S-S-I-N-G'," sang Harry.

"Sitting in a toilet" laughed Hermione, "Romance thy name is Harry," said Hermione with a smirk. Harry just shrugged and kissed Hermione. It was quite sometime before Harry left the bathroom and followed Ron's path back to Gryffindor tower.