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Lost Daughter by i found nemo

Lost Daughter

i found nemo

Disclaimer: JKR owns.

Lost Daughter

Chapter 21: The Dark Mark Over Hogsmeade


Hermione's reaction was immediate as soon as she saw Amia go down. The grip on her wand tightened as she flung her magic towards her daughter.

"PROTEGO!" Once the glowing blue shield was surrounding her, she accio'd her toward her. Hermione was shaking uncontrollably until her daughter landed beneath her.

She dropped to her knees immediately, "Mia! Mia, wake up!"

Hermione quickly noticed with a calming relief the absence of blood. However, Mia's eyes were closed, clearly denoting her unconsciousness, and her body was becoming noticeably colder. Hermione became increasingly more frantic as Mia went unresponsive.

Suddenly she was crying, "No… Please baby…"

Quavering, she lifted her wand to try and cast a finite.

Rose, James, and Albus were standing nervously in line in the Three Broomsticks, waiting for their turn to use the floo. The professors and Madam Rosmerta were running around trying to keep order of the panicking Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins, but their actions were only making the Gryffindors more anxious.

"Seriously, who do you think is attacking out there?" James questioned, turning around and standing on his tiptoes to try and get a glimpse of the outside view. Rose pulled him down.

"Don't even think about it James," she told him sternly. Her mum still hadn't made it back from running off earlier, and the last thing she wanted was to add James to the list of people to worry about.


The three kids were suddenly knocked back as a body hurtled into the group of students in front of them.

"Dad!" Albus yelled, recognizing his father stand up and quickly wipe the soot off his auror robes.

Relief immediately washed over Harry's features as he saw his sons and niece standing close by. However, his expression turned serious again as they ran forward.

"Are you all okay?" he asked kneeling down next to them.

Before either of the boys could speak to their father, Rose butted in. If anyone could help find her mum, it was her uncle.

"Uncle Harry, I don't know where my mum is! She showed up and took off up the high street and she hasn't been back!"

Harry spent a second staring at his niece. No… he promised he wouldn't let them touch her…

A second later, he'd already snapped into action and was sprinting from the pub, fighting his way past the oncoming crowd.

Hermione was still trying to wake up an unconscious Amia. She'd now accio'd Tony over as well, and had taken notice to the boy's severe condition. Bloody was coming out of his nose and ears. He had a huge scorch mark across the side of his neck, extending down towards his torso and a bit onto his cheek. Blood was everywhere. Hermione had wanted to turn and empty the contents of her stomach after first seeing him- she had no idea he would be this hurt. However, it helped calm her down as she tried to stop the bleeding and put a light healing charm over his burn. At least her magic was working on the Head Boy. Amia, however, was not taking to her healing spells at all.

Hermione had tried about a hundred `finites' but so far they all went by useless. Tears were streaming out of her eyes as she realized that she was running out of options. Something could really be wrong with her; her body temperature was fluctuating from really hot to really cold. She had no idea what that meant, or what she could do to fix it. Every spell she cast upon her seemed to have no effect…

"Mia… My baby, please…"

"Hermione!" Harry's voice called to her from the murky distance. Hermione turned around just in time to see Harry running towards her from the wrecked street.

"Harry- I can't wake her up. She won't snap out of it!"

Harry could tell Hermione was hysterical just by the way she looked and the way that she didn't even check if it was really him or not.

Immediately, he cast a protego around the four of them before kneeling down next to Hermione.

He pulled together and concentrated his magic as much as he could, "FINITE!"

The bright bolt hit Mia right in the heart, but the girl didn't budge. Her body absorbed it, like it should've, but still she didn't wake.

Next to him, Hermione whimpered, "Nothing's working…"

Harry cursed under his breath and tried again. After it failed to have any effect another time he spouted off several other curses that he learned during auror training. Nothing woke their daughter.

Hermione was sobbing over her at that point. Harry felt weak looking at the pale face of his little girl. His mind was going foggy snapping back and forth between reality and seeing her little pale face for the first time sixteen years ago…

"Mia… please wake up!"

Harry could feel his world caving in. He wanted to close his eyes just so he wouldn't have to see Amia not wake, but then… her eyes snapped open.

"Mia? Mia! Thank Merlin..."

Hermione leaned over the girl, cradling her head gently in her lap as she cried. Harry sat back, looking at the sixteen year old in shock.

Her hand came up to brace herself against Hermione's arms and her legs started to work around. Harry could hardly get over his utter gratitude to whatever divine thing caused her to regain her consciousness before he too was crowding over her.

"Amia, can you speak?"

Hermione finally straightened up allowing Amia to see things more clearly. She looked around wildly, "Wh-… Where's TJ?"

Harry and Hermione frowned, "TJ?"

"Tony… I mean Tony…"

"He's right here but we need to get you back immediately," Harry didn't give her any time to argue as he helped Mia onto her feet. He knew she'd be weak legged so he held her against him safely until Hermione got up and stood on her other side. Hermione took hold of Mia while Harry turned around and waved his hand at the beaten boy, charming him so he'd float behind Hermione and Mia safely with a protection shield around him just in case.

Mia and Hermione started walking, trying to keep under cover as best as possible. Harry didn't follow them as they walked away. His eyes were scanning their surroundings, looking for any sign of anyone or anything watching…

A thin mouth turned up into an eerie smile as it's hawk-like eyes stared down into the ruined street of Hogsmeade Village. Their work had been completed.

A maniacal laugh emanated from it's lips as the hawk-eyes narrowed in on the wizarding world's saviour, scanning the surroundings for him. Another giggle of evil left him before he turned his attention back towards his soon to be prize.

The absolute ecstasy he felt cursing their child was multiplied watching her get up a few moments later. Her recuperation meant the prophecy was one hundred percent true- Amia Cooper was Harry Potter's daughter… and she would belong to him soon, very soon. Her parents wouldn't be able to protect her for much longer…

Looking around to the other rooftops, he could make out just barely where his comrades where. With another evil grin, he pointed his hand towards the heavens and shouted the curse for the signal he knew everyone had been waiting for.

"Hermione- Hermione tell me what's going on! Somebody cursed Tony-"

"Mia we need to get back to the castle now-"

"No, wait!" Mia stopped dead in her tracks, pulling Hermione to stop as well. She felt Tony's foot lightly bump into her back but she ignored it as she levelled her professor with the strongest, most daring look she could manage, "What's happening? Why-"

She was going to turn back and point to the wrecked street for evidence, but what she saw, replaced in the destroyed afternoon's sky silenced her immediately. She'd seen that thing before… she'd just read about it in her History of Magic text…

"Hermione... Look..."

Hermione turned, following Amia's troubled gaze. Once she saw what had silenced her daughter, her blood went cold. Hermione would know that florescent green anywhere…

A large intimidated green skull was floating in the sky with a long snake flowing in out and of its mouth repetitiously. Voldemort's sign was in the sky again after seventeen years of absence.

"There's no time to stop- we must get out of here!"

"Harry…" Hermione muttered, shaking her head slightly but not taking her eyes off the skull.

Harry frowned, noticing something was wrong purely from the looks on Hermione and Amia's faces. He turned, looking around for whatever was amiss. And then he too saw it.

A moment past where life itself seemed to stop. And then, Hermione saw his posture falter. Harry spun around. Suddenly he was the boy from seventeen years ago all over again.

He ran towards the girl and grabbed them. Without saying a word he started running with them up a short cut. This time Mia didn't question anything- she seemed to grasp the severity of whatever was happening. Finally after cutting through the back alleys they reached an old shack barely still standing but not because of today's terror- the Hog's Head only looked that way because of its age.

Aberforth Dumbledore opened the door as they were running up the steps.

"I knew you'd come," the old man greeted them serenely. To Harry and Hermione, he looked much like the same man from the battle of Hogwarts, just slightly more aged and frazzled in appearance. "I've opened the passageway already. This way."

Harry turned to the girls, "You two go-"

"Harry, no!"

"I have to go back-"

"Harry no, you can't leave-"

Harry cut her off. Her look of desperation made him glance at Amia. She was staring at Hermione, perplexity and concern written all over her features. He watched her glance back in the direction they'd come, also curious as to who had cast the huge monstrous mark. He knew he had to go- he had to try and go find these people before they got to their children. But he also knew that was the exact reason Hermione wanted him to stay. It was always her first instinct that to protect their baby, they had to keep her close.

"Hermione…" Harry muttered, feeling unsure of what to tell her.

"They've already fled Mr. Potter," Aberforth's twinkling, mystical voice broke the reverie.

Hermione quickly agreed, "They're gone Harry. Just come back and we'll figure things out together!"

Harry sighed once, staring into her entrapping eyes before nodding them forward and heading up the stairs.

They continued into Aberforth's private home upstairs. True to his word, the younger Dumbledore had already taken the liberty to open the portrait of his sister, Ariana. Harry helped Hermione in first, then Amia, before bumping the unconscious boy upwards a bit so he'd float cleanly down the stairwell passage. He shook Aberforth's hand in thanks before climbing into the small hole himself and starting his way down the passage.

They had been walking silently for about two minutes before her questions started.

"That sign- that was that one dark lord's sign wasn't it? The one you killed."

Harry looked back at her and then to Hermione before turning back to face the front again. He continued walking.

"Does this mean he's not-"

"Voldemort is dead," Hermione cut her off gently, putting her hand on her back to quicken her pace.

"Then what explains his trademark floating in the sky?" Mia asked, this time looking at Hermione for answers.

It was a moment before Hermione answered. "Deatheaters," she whispered. Amia could hardly believe it but she felt like this was the first time she'd ever seen her professor look truly scared.

"Why would they do this?"

This time both Harry and Hermione looked back at her.

Mia frowned. Was she missing out on something? "What?"

"We need to hurry," Harry said suddenly, "This boy's in bad shape."

"Do you know what happened to him Mia?"

Amia turned back to look at Tony. She wanted to look away because every time she saw his bloody face she felt even more bludgeoned with guilt, but she simply couldn't. "He- we were leaving some shop when it got hit by a reducto I think. Anyway, he was more in the shop than me. I think the curse grazed him. The way he screamed…"

Hermione looked back at her sadly, "Are you okay Mia?"

She shrugged, "I'm fine."

Hermione clearly didn't believe her but she turned around back to Harry, "Will you go with us to the infirmary?" She looked back at Mia once more, "I want you to get looked at by Madam Pomfrey as well."

"I don't need to-"

"You got cursed. You're getting checked out and that's final."

Amia didn't argue with her, and for that Hermione was grateful. She turned back to Harry in time for him to nod at her. He took her hand as they continued their way down the dark staircase.

Harry, Hermione, and Amia made it back to the hospital wing relatively quick. Madam Pomfrey, who had already been attending to some other students instantly took Tony into her supervision after seeing the state he was in. Mia was inclined to stay close by but Hermione insisted she sit down and relax.

As more and more aurors started to pour in with injuries, Hermione could tell that Harry's duties were needed in Hogsmeade more than ever. She wondered if the fighting had continued after the Dark Mark, or if students and aurors were still facing threats.

Once Harry and Hermione had both made sure Madam Pomfrey had run over every check and test they could think of on Amia, Hermione convinced her to take a replenishing potion and sleeping draught. It had taken a little pull on her behalf- Mia was adamant about getting as far away from the infirmary as possible- but after a few pleads, the girl had conceded.

It wasn't until their daughter was sleeping that Harry came up to Hermione to tell her that he had to go back. She knew she couldn't argue, but still it was hard to let him go.

Her mind had been running wild with wonder and worry the entire time he'd been gone. Thankfully, Neville showed up shortly with a few injured students and with information that would put her mind partially to rest.

"All of the students are being held in the Great Hall so that the Head's can make sure everyone is accounted for."

She remembered turning to Madam Pomfrey and ensuring that she'd keep an eye on Mia before hurrying out of the hospital wing at top speed. She knew Amia shouldn't awake for another few hours, but still the thought of her waking up and Hermione not being there was stomach-churning. That's why she wanted to get down to the Great Hall as fast as possible to make sure her other daughter was okay.

The Great Hall was just as chaotic as Hogsmeade when Hermione got there. Students where everywhere, terrified and panicked looking. It broke her heart to see how scared and tormented some of them look; and what was even worse was that she knew some of them were missing, either on their way or already bedded in the hospital wing.

A wave of anger coursed through her at the thought of Deatheaters once more out to hurt innocent children. But there was no time to focus on that- she needed to find her own child.

Finally after a few minutes of searching, she saw her daughter standing in a group with James, Albus, and a few other Weasley cousins.

"Rose!" she yelled out, running up to her. She hugged her instantly and was happy to feel her hug her back. She pulled in the boys standing close by as well.

"Is everyone okay? Anyone hurt?"

"No, we're okay Aunt Hermione," James said, a different tone in his voice.

Rose however still look worried, "Mum did you find Mia?"

"She's in the hospital wing," Hermione told them painfully. Upon all three of their distraught expressions, she quickly shook her head to calm them, "She's okay. The curse she was hit with amazingly had no lasting effect. She's sleeping it off in the infirmary."

Rose and James shared a relieved look before loud calls from the professors interrupted their reunion. At the front of the hall, the heads of houses were calling for attention. Hermione knew they'd be taking them back to their common rooms soon. She figured she had enough time to escort the Gryffindors back as well. At least that way she could check on Hugo too.

"Is everyone ready?" she asked, turning around to check on her kids. They all nodded to which Hermione replied,

"Alright, let's go. Stick together."

McGonagall was there when Hermione got back, taking inventory of the injured students. Hermione walked over to Amia's cot once to check that she was still sleeping soundly before heading over to greet McGonagall. Just as her half-hearted `hello' was on the tip of her tongue, Hermione noticed a few wizards witches, dressed in lime green robes, standing at the cot closest to Madam Pomfrey's office on the other side of the wing. Hermione had seen wizards with those robes before- they were healers from St. Mungo's.

Hermione opened her mouth, now prepared to ask what the healers were doing there, but then the sudden knowledge of who they were there for dawned upon her. Her mouth closed into a grim line, before turning back to glance at her daughter. She'd be so upset…

"Is he-"

"No. Mr. Stonem is alive for now. He'll need several blood transfusions. Poppy just doesn't have the supply here."

Hermione sighed in relief, "Have you been able to contact his parents yet?"

"They're waiting for him at the hospital."

Hermione turned back to her own and walked over to check on Mia. She looked troubled even as she slept. Hermione tried smoothing the creases of her forehead gently, hoping that would calm her as she slept. Her thumb grazed over the left part of her forehead. Well, at least she'd never been openly marked like Harry had… at least she still has some chance to live peacefully…

"Ah, Miss Cooper," Professor McGonagall acknowledged, tapping her wand to the notepad and quill floating next to her. Hermione's stomach turned as the quill started to scratch Mia's name onto the list of those injured. "Well at least she's one student I can guarantee will be safe after today."

Hermione's attention snapped up at the professor, "What do you mean?"

McGonagall met Hermione's eyes in an air that looked like she wish she didn't have to say this, "Miss Cooper will probably be sent home. Once her dean hears about this I can't imagine he'll feel comfortable with her staying here. I'll let her make her own decision when she wakes."

It's a good thing there was a visitor's chair placed standard next to Amia's bed, or else Hermione would've fallen flat on her bum. She practically collapsed into the seat, feeling as if McGonagall had just ripped her heart from her chest. Amia leaving Hogwarts? The idea was even too unbearable…

"Hermione?" The older professor came up and clamped a hand on Hermione's shoulders. Hermione tried her hardest to wave her off but she could barely lift her hand.

"I'm-I'm fine. I just… I can't believe what's happened."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "I've heard the aurors discussing how it's happening all over again. It feels different this time though."

Hermione looked at her old professor and for the first time really noticed how old she'd become over the years. She didn't look like she could handle the thought of this happening all over again… the thought of another war. Minerva McGonagall had always been one of the people Hermione admired most. The idea that she was scared was truly unsettling to her.

After a moment, she went back to looking at Mia. Hermione didn't notice but after a few seconds the Headmistress also started staring intently at the exchange student.

A few hours had past. Tony had already been taken away to St. Mungo's and Amia had yet to wake. Hermione and Neville were the only professors left in the infirmary trying to help out as many injured students and aurors as possible. Every bed was full and there was still a lot of work that needed to be done.

Neville had been trying to make small talk to Hermione about everything but she just couldn't voice any opinions at the moment. Not because she didn't have any, but because she simply couldn't speak. The thought of Mia being taken away from her was an all encompassing fear making it hard for her to think about anything but.

"Deatheaters… Deatheaters! They're back. He's back. You-Know-Who-"

"Please auror, quiet yourself! You'll scare the students…"

Hermione jolted and turned to stare at the man in the bed across from the auror she was assisting. Madam Pomfrey was the one attending to him; he looked like he was recovering from broken legs.

He was a middle aged auror, probably with them during the trio's Hogwarts years. Hermione didn't recognize him directly, but the fear she observed leaking out of his eyes reminded her of several people she knew back then.

Was this it? Were the Deatheaters really back? Was her daughter the reason for all of this? Could they actually know?

She looked forward at her daughter laying asleep a few beds ahead. The man she was dabbing with ointment hissed in pain as Hermione absently pressed too hard.



She started working again, trying to be more gentle with the man's burns as she got closer to the more sensitive parts. However, when the doors burst open, Hermione jumped again, taking some of the robe fragments infused in his burn with her. The man yelped in agony as Hermione spun around.

She couldn't fight the breath of relief that escaped her when it was Harry standing at the entrance. His eyes were focused on Amia but he waved her over after making eye contact. Hermione turned back to the man, about to make a hasty excuse.

"I can do it," he muttered angrily, snatching the bowl of essence of murtlap. Hermione gave him a sheepish look before turning and quickly heading over to Harry.

"What's the word?"

Harry glanced back behind her before grabbing her hand and pulling her out into the corridor. He closed the doors immediately.

Hermione took notice to how peculiarly grim he looked, "Harry?"

"We didn't catch any of them," he muttered angrily, finally turning around. "Not one. Hogsmeade is destroyed for the most part. It's like sixth year all over again. I feel fucking clueless!"

Hermione could tell he was blaming himself but she wanted him to continue.

"Did you find out anything?"

"We figured out that they made their assault from the rooftops. They just took down buildings one by one. Everyone's thinking that they just wanted to show off the strength of their return but…"

Hermione bit her lip nervously, "You think they were here for Mia?"

He sighed, "I don't know… I don't understand why they'd curse her with something that would allow her to just wake up and walk away. It seems like there should be more to it than that."

"We had Madam Pomfrey run every test on her that we know about though…"

"I know, that's why this doesn't make sense. Perhaps… perhaps they were just trying to show off their power; tease us…" as he trailed off, he looked away, disgusted by the possibility. Hermione knew he was dealing with some dark thoughts, but she couldn't help but ask.

"Has- has someone taken down the mark?"

"I did first thing."

Hermione nodded, but then quickly shook her head as an idea hit her, "Students are going to be pulled out of this school left and right. Parents are going to be so scared…"

Harry agreed dourly, "We have some people at the ministry making sure that this doesn't get to the press until we want it to."

"And McGonagall's sending out letters to the parents as we speak."

"Have you seen the kids?" Harry asked, a lighter tone finally making it's way into his hoarse voice.

Hermione nodded, "They're all okay."


At the mention of their children, Hermione suddenly burst into tears. She couldn't hold it off any longer.

Harry looked scared, "Hermione? Hermione what's wrong?"


"I thought she was okay!"

"She is… for now. Who knows how much longer that's going to last for…"

Harry grabbed her face gently and lifted it up until they were eye level, "Hermione, I've already told you. As long as she's here, inside this castle I'll never let anyone touch her."

"She might not be in this castle for very much longer," Hermione whispered desperately.

Harry frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"McGonagall said she's going to contact her Dean. It'll be up to Mia if she wants to stay here after today. I wouldn't blame her for wanting to go home after what's happened to her… but Harry… the thought of her leaving me…"

Harry didn't need her to speak any further. He pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her as tightly as he could. He kissed the top of her head as he tried to comfort her.

"Let's not think about that right now, okay? At least she's safe. At least those bastards didn't do more damage to our baby…"

She cried harder as Harry did everything he could do dissuade hers and his own fears.

Ginny had been at the burrow for a few hours now. She had left immediately after Harry, and her childhood home was the only place she saw fit to go to. She'd told her parents what had happened; she'd all but had to curse her father to his favourite reading chair to stop him going to Hogsmeade and helping the aurors. And then her mother had wanted to floo everyone in their bloody family to let them know, but Ginny had to insist several times that it would only cause more panic than they were capable of dealing with at the moment. The only person she'd allowed her mother to floo was Ron but he was both absent from home and his office. While that confused Ginny, the wonder of what was happening in Hogsmeade and the state of her husband and children were more resounding in her mind.

After waiting for a few hours, Ginny was to the point where she couldn't handle her father's speculations and her mother's ranting over her cooking. She just needed to find out already so that she could put her own worries to rest. Harry had sent her his patronus about an hour and a half ago letting her know that the attack was over and that the boys were safe… but still, that didn't answer much in her mind. She needed to know more.

Finally, she went into the kitchen and told her mother she was going to the ministry to check if Harry was back. She deliberately told her so while her dad was in the loo just so she didn't have to fight him off from tagging along.

Mrs. Weasley had her own protests but once Ginny assured her that she'd come back as soon as she found out what was going on, her mother had no further problems.

As soon as she was to the boundary point by the old shed, Ginny disapparated to Hogsmeade.

Ginny felt sadness engulf her as she turned around from the gates of Hogsmeade to face the little town. Several buildings along the main street were busted up, and she noticed that even further up on the high street, several of the shops had crumbled to the ground entirely. Aurors were everywhere, she figured, trying to get as much evidence as to what happened as possible. She also noticed the bright blue uniform robes of clean up workers trying to fix some of the damage.

Ginny took a breath, trying to clear her thoughts and focus on the task at hand before heading into the village. She approached the first man dressed in auror robes she saw.

The auror saw her first and tried to stop her, "Excuse me miss, no civilians allowed in the town today!"

"My name's Ginny Potter, I'm looking for my husband."

The man immediately lowered his hand, looking sheepish, "Oh, right Mrs. Potter… er, I think Auror Potter went up to the castle about twenty minutes ago."

"Do you know where in the castle?"

"Dunno. Perhaps the infirmary to check on our guys up there."

Ginny frowned, "He wasn't hurt was he?"

"No ma'am. I'll send him a page to let him know you're coming."


At that, Ginny turned and started on the path leading up to Hogwarts castle. As she walked, she noticed aurors running past her, obviously coming from the castle. She was curious as to what urgent news they were trying to spread, but that only made her quicken her pace towards the castle.

She arrived in record time, and instantly started climbing the staircase towards the hospital wing. When she turned right to head down the corridor for the infirmary, she saw two shapes standing close together at the end of the hall. The hall was dark and she was still quite a distance away so she couldn't make out who the shapes were.

As she got closer though, her feet became less willing to walk. That man with the tuff of wild black hair was recognizable to her anywhere… even with her sister-in-law standing in his arms.

Ginny froze as she watched Harry holding Hermione, kissing her head, her cheek as he rocked her back and forth. This was all too strange to her… not because another woman was in her husband's arms looking all too much like she'd been there before, but because she'd never witnessed Harry comfort anyone that way… not even her…

Ginny felt the surges of jealousy calm as another thought struck her. Harry was comforting her… why would Hermione need to be comforted unless… no… Was it Rose or Hugo that was inside that infirmary? Which one of her children had been a victim of this terrible occurrence?

At the end of the hall she noticed Harry pull away for a second to grab his wand. He must've gotten his colleague's page. Ginny watched as Hermione disentangled herself from her husband and took a few steps back. A few words were exchanged between the two before Hermione turned and hurried back inside the infirmary.

Suddenly, Ginny was walking backwards. She didn't want to be seen lurking at the end of the hall now that Harry was alone. She'd rather them casually bump into each other than explain herself as to what she possibly saw him doing.

She hid behind the corner of the adjacent corridor and stayed there until she heard footsteps coming from the infirmary side. As they drew closer, she stepped out just in time to run into her husband.



She thought she would hug him, but she didn't. They both stood there staring at each other imploringly, both wanting the other to be the first to speak. Finally Harry gave in.

"You didn't have to come-"

"I wanted to make sure my family was okay."

"The boys are fine. They're safe up in Gryffindor tower now."

Ginny nodded. It took some time before she forced herself to respond, "And you?"


"What about Rose and Hugo?"

"Everyone we know is safe."

She was staring at him intensely by now, "And Hermione?"

"A bit stressed, but that's Hermione for you."

Ginny frowned. Did stress really explain her tears or the way her entire body was shaking? Did Harry really see it fit to lie to her?

"Who did this?"

A forbidding look spread over his already worn out face, "We don't know- we caught no one."

"An entire town was destroyed; the aurors really have no clue as to who it was?"

"We have clues but you know I can't get into it Ginny."

"Forgive me for being worried about my family."

Harry clenched his jaw, feeling as if he'd been slapped. He knew he shouldn't feel guilty; she knew this was a part of his job.

"I'll let you know first thing as soon as we get some solid information to go off of. For now, I think it'd be best if you just went home and locked up the house. I'm sorry you had to miss your game."

"You promise my boys are okay?" Ginny whispered after a moment of quiet.

Harry nodded, "You have my word."

His word, was that really worth much of anything anymore? She sighed, "Fine. I'll be at the Burrow. You'll tell them I love them, won't you?"

He nodded again, "If I see them I will."

"Be careful, Harry."

"Always Gin."

She gave him one last look before turning and walking away. Surprisingly enough, it felt like the most comfortable thing she could do.

Hermione was sitting in the infirmary next to Amia. Everyone had been cleaned up as best as they could. Neville had left a while ago and some of the aurors had been taken back to the ministry's infirmary so that they could give their reports. Hermione had been sitting next to Mia for the past hour and if anyone thought it strange for a professor to be sitting so intently next to her student, Hermione simply didn't care. She had caught a few strange glances coming from Poppy's direction, but since the old maiden didn't comment, neither did she. They could all stuff themselves, Hermione thought. No one in the world could convince her to move.

Hermione noticed immediately as Amia's eyes started to twitch into awareness. Standing up, she leaned over the girl and grabbed her hand. "Mia?" she called out gently.

Still her eyes didn't fully open so Hermione called out again, "Amia, sweetheart can you hear me?"

Her eyes started to crack open. Hermione could see the confusion relishing within them.

"M… mom?"

And at that moment, Hermione's heart shattered into a million pieces. She fought the tears off as best as she could but couldn't stop them from pooling in her eyes.

"Er… it-it's Hermione…"

Mia's eyes opened wider until they were staring openly into Hermione's. Suddenly, the young girl pushed herself up from the bed.

"What time is it?"

"About half past six. You were out for a couple hours."

Amia turned and looked at her, "Can I go now? I'm going to go," she muttered afterwards, more to herself. She pushed the sheets off her and swung her legs over the side so she could hop off. Hermione was surprised by the girl's agility so soon after being unconscious.

"Mia wait," Hermione stopped her as she started to put her shoes back on, "Take it easy, alright. You shouldn't be in a rush."

"No I'm not, I just have some homework to finish and… where's Tony?"

Hermione came around from the other side of the cot. She placed her hands delicately on Mia's shoulders, knowing she'd need it for what she was about to tell her.

"Tony had to be taken to St. Mungo's. Madam Pomfrey just didn't have the resources to care for him."

Mia didn't say anything for a few moments. She stood there quietly, staring at the bed that her friend had occupied before the nurse forced her into unconsciousness. Anger immediately coursed through her but she told herself to calm down. However much she pleaded with herself, she knew she had to get the hell out of there. She didn't want Hermione to be around her. She was already starting to shake…

"I'll see you Monday," she muttered back to Hermione before turning sharply and heading for the exit.

Hermione was just starting to protest when the doors to the infirmary opened and the Headmistress strode through.

"Ah, Miss Cooper, I thought you'd be awake."

Both women gave the Headmistress a rather annoyed look. Mia, because another obstacle was in the way of her finding solitude, and Hermione because she knew McGonagall was here with special interest to Amia.

"I was just leaving. Thanks Professor," Mia muttered fast, trying to move past the older woman before either of them noticed her shaking.

"Actually Miss Cooper, I was wondering if I could have a word-"

"Professor, is now really the best time for that? I think tomorrow once Mia's had a chance to-"

"Excuse me Professor, but I do believe I also have the best interest for my students."

Mia looked between the two older women, "What are you talking about? What's going on?"

"Miss Cooper, I've been in contact with your Dean. In light of today's events, he's giving you an option to return back to your home academy. If you so choose," Professor McGonagall finished, glancing up at Hermione to see her reaction.

The older Gryffindor looked heartbroken once more, but was staring longingly at Amia waiting for her reaction.

"I-I can go home? Just because of this?"

"This is quite a serious issue young lady. You are not the only student this option will be given to."

"B-But I could go?"


Hermione felt like she was continuously getting punched in the gut looking at the excitement starting to spread over her daughter's face. She was going to go back… of course she was going to leave. What reason did she have to stay here?

At that moment, Amia turned and looked back at Hermione. A subtle curiosity was evident on her face but it wasn't too enlightening. She turned back to the Headmistress.

"When do I have to decide by?"

"Whenever you make up your mind, we'll go from there."

"Okay… well, I'm going back to my common room now. I'll let you know tomorrow."

She turned back once more, "Bye Hermione."

Hermione sucked in a shaky breath, "Bye."

Later that night, Hermione was alone in her bedroom quarters, quietly getting ready for bed. Her mind was in a thousand different places, making it hard for her to focus on even the most mundane of tasks. Try as she might, she just couldn't get her mind off of Amia leaving Hogwarts. She hated how evil her mind was to herself- she could practically see Amia coming down to the great hall tomorrow, her trunk packed, already dressed in her casual California wear. She could already picture the bright smile on the girl's face. Of course she'd be ecstatic. Hermione only hoped that she'd make it a point to say goodbye to her before going…

There was a knock, and Hermione turned around to see Harry standing in the doorway, both arms braced on either side of the door frame. He looked haggard, but his eyes were glossy and discrete as they stared at her.

Hermione finished buttoning her blouse, "What are you doing here?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders, still looking at her bizarrely.

"Should I go?"

"No, I just figured you'd be swamped at the office."

"I got away…"

Hermione looked to the ground suddenly, trying to control her breathing. She knew he'd probably have more information to share with her, but she was struggling as it was with the thought of Mia leaving in the morning.

"Can we… can we just talk about everything in the morning?"


Hermione sighed as she nodded in relief. Good, she thought, that means nothings so important that it can't wait one night.

"I'm tired," she said, looking back to her bed.

Harry jerked his head towards the comfy looking bed, "Go on then."

Hermione looked at him, "Will you stay?"

Harry nodded once, "Of course."

Without further mention of anything, Hermione turned, somewhat more content with things, and climbed into her bed. Mindlessly, she scooted over to give Harry enough room too.

The mattress shifted under his weight and Hermione closed her eyes, feeling peace for the first time that day as Harry's arm came around her middle.


Reading the reviews really inspired me to churn out another chapter. That, and the fact that we really are getting into the heart of this story. I can't wait to share with you faithful readers what I've been mapping out for (bloody hell) the past 3 years.

Next chapter: Harry and Hermione finally acknowledge a few things about each other and Harry goes on a search for a prophecy.

Please keep up and REVIEW!
