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Her Story: Philosopher's Stone by I Heart Harry

Her Story: Philosopher's Stone

I Heart Harry


"Rough Start"

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. All characters are creations of Joanne K. Rowling, © 2007, to whom I am deeply indebted. I make no money from any of this. I'm just taking her world and tweaking it a bit.

Note One: Hey guys! Oh my gosh, over a 100 reviews? Thank you so much! I honestly didn't think this story would do so well but the support and encouragement I keep getting from all of you means a lot to me. As the famous Captain Jack says: drinks all around! Except for you youngin's… you guys get the pumpkin juice.

Also, I decided to have the weekly update be on Thursday's instead of Friday's…mainly because I'm getting the special combo pack of HP:DH part 1 tomorrow and will probably be watching that and all of its extra goodiness. All. Day. Long.

EDITED 06/12/2011: Just some dates changed and minor edits.


2 September, 1991

It took Hermione a moment to remember why she was in a strange, yet comfortable, bed when she woke up the next morning. Grinning she sat up and stretched, glancing at the clock that hung above the door to the bathroom. Having always been an early riser, it came to no surprise to Hermione that it was barely half-past seven. She knew she was the first one to wake up and pushed back her covers, slipping out of bed and quietly padding to her trunk and opening it. Grabbing the bag that held her toiletries and a fresh uniform (all of her ties had turned red and gold during the night and were no longer plain black), Hermione went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After she showered and dressed, Hermione walked back into the room just as the others were starting to wake up. Lavender was waiting by the door to the bathroom and shuffled past Hermione as she exited, mumbling a groggy `good morning.'

"What time is it?" Fay yawned, letting out a loud groan as she stretched from her bed.

"Nearly eight," Hermione replied, pulling her book bag out from her trunk. Fay groaned again and flopped back onto her bed. "Do you think we'll need our textbooks today?"

"It's too early for that topic," Shae whimpered, burrowing her head underneath her pillow.

"Lessons start in an hour," Hermione pointed out, frowning.

"An hour too early if you ask me," she shot back. Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed her shoes just as a shrill ringing came from the clock. Fay, Shae, and Parvati shrieked, all three girls shooting out of bed. Hermione realized that the large clock must have had an alarm set and started laughing as the girls glared at it.

"See you in the Great Hall." Hermione slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door, practically skipping down the spiral staircase. Other Gryffindors were slowly making their way out of the common room, Harry and Ron among them. Hermione paused, wanting to go walk with them but unsure if she'd be welcome. Ron's attitude towards her on the train was barely civil but she didn't want to miss a chance at making friends because of one encounter. Perhaps Ron was having a bad day and she had caught him at the wrong time.

With a deep breath, Hermione straightened up and hurried after Harry and Ron, falling into step beside Harry. "Good morning," she greeted with a smile.

Harry looked surprised to see her but offered her a smile back, "Good morning."

"How was your first night?" she asked.

"Er, fine," Ron mumbled, staring at her warily.

"Mine was interesting," Hermione said idly as they walked out of the common room. "Shae and Lavender had an argument the moment we got to our dorm over who would get the bed closest to the bathroom, of all things! Luckily Fay was able to stop it before it escalated, but she was the one who ended up getting the bed so I don't think Lavender and Shae are too happy with her." She glanced at Harry and Ron, her heart sinking when neither looked interested in what she was saying. She decided to try a different tactic. "I wonder what our timetables will be like."

"Dunno," Harry replied with a casual shrug.

Hermione bit her lip and gripped the strap of her bag. This wasn't going how she had planned at all. They walked in an awkward silence for a while, Ron leading the way while Harry and Hermione followed. Hermione didn't recognize any of the décor they passed from when Percy showed them the way to the Gryffindor Tower and had a feeling that Ron had no idea where they were going. After they passed the same suit of armour for the third time, Hermione couldn't keep quiet, "Are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Well since we haven't even been here for a day," Ron began, starting to redden, "no, I don't."

Hermione forced herself to count to ten before answering. "I was only asking because you led us past this corridor multiple times now," she defended.

"If you're so sure we're going the wrong way," Ron snapped, "you lead us then."

Hermione glanced at Harry, who was suddenly very interested in his shoes, and bristled. "Fine," she snapped back. Stopping, Hermione quickly glanced around the corridor before turning on her heel and backtracking. Harry and Ron trudged after her. It took her a moment to retrace their steps and finally ended back at an area that looked vaguely familiar. She led them down the staircase that had suddenly appeared and smirked when she saw students heading in the same direction. When they reached the Entrance Hall, she turned to Ron and gave a smug smile.

Ron glared at her before marching into the Great Hall. Harry looked between Hermione and Ron's retreating back before going after him. "Thanks," he muttered as he passed Hermione.

Hermione watched as the two sat down with the first years at Gryffindor table. That definitely hadn't gone as she planned and she felt a twinge of annoyance at Ron's reluctance to be nice to her. With her head held high she strode right past them and over to where Neville, another boy, and the girls from her dorm were sitting. "Good morning."

Neville looked startled as he glanced up at her. "Morning," he replied.

"Have our timetables arrived yet?" she asked, sitting down beside Fay. She felt Ron's gaze on her but refused to turn around and acknowledge it.

"Not yet," Fay said. "Oh Hermione, this is Seamus."

The sandy-haired boy looked up from his plate and grinned at her, "Hello." He, like Shae, had an Irish accent.

Hermione smiled back at him and began to fill her plate with food. She may have had a rough start with Harry and Ron, but the other first years were making an effort to include her which was something that never happened back home. Her smile widened at the thought as she dug into her sausage and hash browns.

"Why did it take you so long to get here?" Lavender asked suddenly. "You left before all of us."

"We got lost," Hermione grumbled, allowing a quick glance at Harry and Ron.


Hermione was just about to tell them how rude Ron had been to her when suddenly a hundred or so owls flew into the Great Hall. All of them jumped in surprise and stared up at the ceiling in shock as the birds swooped in, dropping parcels and letters in front of people before flying back out. A tawny owl dropped a letter on to Shae's plate and swooped out, almost clipping Hermione in the head with its wing. The owls eventually cleared out and Neville let out a relieved sigh, going back to his breakfast.

"You're happy you didn't get anything?" Parvati asked, looking puzzled. Shae ripped open the letter and read it quickly before stuffing it into her bag.

"Not getting anything means I didn't forget anything at home," he replied with a grin. Seamus laughed and Hermione shook her head at him.

"Look, Professor McGonagall's handing out the timetables," Fay pointed out, nodding towards the front of the table where the witch had started to pass them out. Hermione squeaked excitedly, gaining odd looks from the others but she ignored them. She could barely contain her excitement when Professor McGonagall passed by them, handing them their timetables before moving on to Harry and Ron.

`Granger, Hermione. Gryffindor - First Year Schedule.


9:00 - 10:30: Double History of Magic

10:45 - 11:30: Herbology (Hufflepuff)

11:30 - 12:30: Lunch Break

12:45 - 1:30: Defense Against the Dark Arts (Ravenclaw)


10:45 - 11:30: Herbology (Hufflepuff)

11:30 - 12:30: Lunch Break

12:45 - 2:15: Double Transfiguration (Ravenclaw)


9:00 - 10:30: Double Charms (Hufflepuff)

10:45 - 11:30: Herbology (Hufflepuff)

11:30 - 12:30: Lunch Break

12:45 - 1:30: Transfiguration (Ravenclaw)

12:00am - 12:45am: Astronomy


10:45 - 11:30: Charms (Hufflepuff)

11:30 - 12:30: Lunch Break

12:45 - 2:15 Double Defense Against the Dark Arts (Ravenclaw)


9:00 - 10:30: Double Potions (Slytherin)'

Below the timetable were the room numbers and a brief explanation on how to get to each classroom. Hermione was in the middle of rereading her timetable when Shae reached over and yanked it out of her hand. "Hey!" she sputtered. "Give that back!"

Shae shushed her and looked over Hermione's timetable. She grabbed Neville's and looked it over as well. "Looks like all of us have the same lessons," she said, handing the timetables back to Hermione and Neville.

"Look at our Wednesday's," Lavender groaned.

"I know," Hermione agreed. "I wish our Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's were like that."

"What?" she screeched. "How could you want more lessons?"

"Because I want to learn," she snipped. Shae, Parvati, and Lavender all stared at her in shock.

"Well we know who to go to for homework help," Shae smiled brightly.

"What makes you think -" she began hotly.

"I was kidding, Hermione," Shae interrupted with a roll of her eyes.

Hermione huffed and finished her breakfast in silence.

Soon it was time for them to head to History of Magic. Everyone gathered together, nominating Seamus to be the one to lead them to the classroom. With his timetable in hand, he led them up to the first floor and down a corridor.

"Fred and George say that History of Magic is only good for catching up on sleep," Ron told Harry as they all followed Seamus. Hermione frowned, biting her tongue so she didn't reply to that.

"Here it is!" Seamus exclaimed, grinning as he pushed open the door and walked into the classroom. They all piled in, Hermione grabbing a desk in the front row. Neville followed and sat down beside her, Fay slipping into the desk on her other side. To Hermione's surprise, Harry grabbed the desk that was behind her and Ron reluctantly followed, plopping down heavily into the desk beside him.

Hermione took out her notebook and opened it up, grabbing her quill and neatly writing the date and subject at the top of the page. She had just settled into her desk when an old looking ghost with thick glasses floated in through the blackboard. Everyone jumped and Parvati and Lavender screamed as he stopped in front of the teacher's desk, looking around the room.

"Welcome to your first lesson at Hogwarts," he drawled in a monotone voice. "I am Professor Binns and this is History of Magic. Let's get started. Now, as we all know Merlin started…"

Everyone rushed to get their things ready as Professor Binns immediately went into different dates and scenarios. After getting over the initial shock of seeing a ghost float through a wall, Hermione couldn't believe how fitting it was for one to be teaching History of Magic and mentally stored this information so she could write about it in her letter to Viola.

For fifteen minutes there was nothing but the sound of Professor Binns' dull, monotone voice and the furious scribbling of everyone trying to write down what he said. He didn't wait for people to finish writing down the point he made before he moved onto another date in Merlin's life. Hermione was hunched over her desk, scribbling everything down as neatly as she could and trying to keep up. Others started to give up gradually and by the end of the lesson Hermione was the only one left writing down notes.

"That wasn't a lesson," Ron complained loudly once the hour and a half was up. "That was torture!"

"It wasn't that bad," Hermione said with a roll of her eyes. They had all grouped together again as they made their way to the greenhouses outside. Hermione was gently massaging the hand cramp she had gotten from writing down all the notes and secretly hoped that their Herbology professor would be slightly easier on them.

"Hermione, you were the only one writing by the end." Ron pointed out.

"What's his problem?" Shae whispered to Hermione. She just shook her head.

Herbology was, to everyone's relief, a lot different from History of Magic. Professor Sprout was a squat little witch who spent ten minutes explaining the advantages of Herbology before pairing them off and instructing them to replant a strange looking shrub. Professor Sprout wanted to start friendships between houses so she went around and paired a Gryffindor with a Hufflepuff. Hermione lucked out and was paired with Sally-Anne, spending the entire lesson talking with her about how her first night at Hogwarts was.

Herbology finished and everyone rushed to lunch, Seamus and Dean going on about what they hoped to learn in Defense Against the Dark Arts that day. Hermione rolled her eyes, if they had read the required books they'd know that the things they wanted to learn wouldn't be covered until fifth year.

Defense Against the Dark Arts, unfortunately, wasn't like anything they thought it would be. As soon as Hermione entered the classroom she was hit with the very strong stench of garlic, making her nose burn and eyes water. She wasn't the only one who had that reaction to the smell; Neville turned an interesting shade of green and Lavender had to constantly have a chunk of her hair under her nose so she wouldn't gag from the smell. Professor Quirrell wasn't much better. Stuttering and stumbling over his words, Professor Quirrell seemed terrified of the subject. When asked to elaborate on certain facts, he would turn the colour of his turban and change the subject.

Every lesson Hermione had so far surprised her one way or another so she was excited to see how Transfiguration was going to be. She anxiously sat down in the front desk with Neville and Seamus Tuesday afternoon, Professor McGonagall striding into the classroom moments later. She sternly told them there would be no fooling around in her class and began to write complicated notes on the blackboard. Like in History of Magic, everyone worked furiously to write everything she was saying down but no one had the gall to stop, except for Ron.

"Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall snapped, making everyone in the room jump. Ron, who was resting his chin on his hand snapped to attention. "Is there a reason why you aren't writing this down?"

"Uh," Ron stammered, going as red as his hair. "N-no… I, um… sorry Professor…"

"A point from Gryffindor," Professor McGonagall said, turning back to the blackboard. "And you can all thank Mr. Weasley for the extra homework due tomorrow."

Everyone groaned and glared at Ron. Ron sunk down into his desk, going even redder in the face, but picked up his quill and started copying down the notes. Professor McGonagall cleared the blackboard ten minutes later and began to hand out match sticks, telling them to turn it into a needle. By the end of the lesson, Hermione was the only one who was able to turn the match entirely silver and pointy and earned back the point Ron had lost them.

Professor Flitwick, the Charms professor, seemed to favour Hermione slightly. Since she had memorized all the spells and diagrams of proper wand movements during the summer, she was slightly ahead of everyone else in Charms and often called upon to demonstrate. She flushed proudly when Professor Flitwick told everyone to turn their attention to Hermione as she did the swish and flick wand movement correctly her first try and earned another point for Gryffindor.

By Friday, Hermione was curious to see how Potions would go. She'd overheard other students complaining about Professor Snape and wanted to see for herself if everything that had been said against him was true or not. However, within the first ten minutes of their first lesson, Hermione was very tempted to report Professor Snape to Professor Dumbledore. He openly patronized Harry for not knowing the answers to his questions and then accused him of thinking he could get by with his celebrity status. If that wasn't bad enough, Professor Snape downright ignored Hermione when she had raised her hand to answer the questions Harry didn't, snapping at her to sit down when Harry mentioned that Hermione might know the answer (she still wasn't sure if that was meant as a compliment or insult). The rest lesson was full of Snape's snide comments to the Gryffindors, boasting loudly when the Slytherins got their potions right but sneering at the Gryffindors when they made tiny mistakes.

Hermione and Parvati were paired together and managed to brew their potion perfectly but Snape just passed by them with a condescending, "I suppose that's barely passable."

Hermione felt her temper flare and was about to speak up when Parvati jabbed her in her side. "Don't push him," she hissed in her ear. "Padma said that Snape already gave a Ravenclaw detention for asking what was wrong with his potion."

Hermione snapped her mouth shut and sat back in her seat, glaring at Professor Snape as he bullied Neville and Seamus.

"Now that was torture," Shae complained as they were finally let out of Potions. Neville had had an accident with his potion and had to be taken to the Hostpial Wing by Seamus. The rest of the lesson was filled with Snape and other Slytherins commenting on how inept Gryffindors seemed to be at following directions.

"I'd take History of Magic over Potions any day," Dean said. "But at least we have the rest of the day off."

"What are you going to do for the rest of the day?" Fay asked Hermione as they watched Harry and Ron sprint out of the castle.

"I'm going to write a letter to my family and then get to work on homework," Hermione replied.

Lavender's eyebrows shot up. "Homework?" she said. "Why? It's not even noon."

"Well, there's still a lot to do," Hermione said, shrugging. "We have the homework that Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell, and Professor Flitwick assigned, plus the reading Professor Binns told us to do and the plant diagrams Professor Sprout gave us."

Shae, Lavender, Fay, Parvati, and Dean all stared at Hermione in shock. "You're really going to do all of that this weekend?" Lavender asked.

"Yes," Hermione said, nodding slowly. "It is due next week. In fact, why don't we all work on it together?"

A chorus of `no' was shot back at Hermione. She frowned as Dean took off to go see how Neville was doing and the girls announced they were going to go outside. "Sorry Hermione," Shae said apologetically, "but I want to have fun on my day off."

Hermione sighed and watched as the girls made their way out of the castle. She slowly walked up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower, wondering what she was doing wrong. Throughout the week it was clear that relationships were starting to form between the different first years but Hermione was still being treated like an acquaintance - like she wasn't a friend but she wasn't a stranger either. It hurt her when she'd watch the other girls wait for each other after class and ignore her. But they were at least talking to her which was a lot more than the girls back home had ever done.

The Gryffindor common room was empty when Hermione arrived so she grabbed a sofa by the window, taking out a spare piece of parchment. She hadn't had the time to write her family during the week (the reading and homework her professors gave them taking precedence) and felt guilty. She knew her parents would understand but hoped that Viola wouldn't be too mad at her for not writing straight away.

`Mum, Daddy, and Vi,

I'm sorry it took so long for me to write, the first week has been hectic! Lessons are tough but I'm more prepared than I thought I would be. Did you know that I'm the only one who pre-read all of the required textbooks? There's a girl in my dormitory, Shae, who didn't even touch her books until Monday night! I have no idea how she can handle going into the lesson blind without even an inkling of what will be talked about. It'd drive me mad! Especially with all the homework the professors have been assigning. I knew magic would be difficult but I wasn't expecting it to be like this. Either way, I love every moment here!

The train ride was… interesting. The boy we met on the platform (his name's Neville) ended up losing his toad on the train so I offered to help him find it. While searching for it, I ran into Sally-Anne! Yes, Perks! It turns out that she was the other witch Professor McGonagall said she had to talk to. Susan wasn't given a letter though… can you tell me how she's doing?

Vi, remember how we read about Harry Potter? He's a first year as well and so humble and almost shy that you wouldn't think he was famous. Then again, he grew up not knowing he was famous so that plays a part.

Anyway, the Sorting Ceremony: we first years were led to the castle by boats (second years and up go to the castle by carriage) and then had to line up and walk through the Great Hall. We were sorted by an old, magical hat. It was weird! I had to put the hat on and he seemed to see into my mind. He said that I was intelligent but that my bravery and courage outweighed that so I ended up in Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw. I don't mind, the others seem nice and talk to me. There's one boy who is just… ugh. He seems to have something personal against me and I can't figure out what!

The castle is amazing. Vi, think of how cool we thought Hogwarts sounded when we read it in Hogwarts, A History and multiply it by ten. That's how it is in person. I haven't had time to really explore but I hope to finish my homework early and spend the rest of the weekend getting to know the castle - I haven't even found the library yet! Eep!

Oh! Our teacher for History of Magic is a ghost! No lie! Unfortunately he's extremely boring and doesn't seem to care if people pay attention during his lesson or not, which is a shame. If he were to liven things up a bit the lesson would be very interesting.

But I should really start on my homework. I just wanted to send a letter to let you know how I am.

I love and miss you,


Hermione scanned the letter and folded it up. She would ask Percy at dinner where the Owlery was and send the letter. Grabbing her bag she took out her History of Magic textbook and leaned back against the squishy sofa, opening up to the chapter Professor Binns had told them to read.

Lavender and Parvati entered the common room hours later, Lavender's eyes bulging when she spotted Hermione on the sofa. "Have you been doing homework the entire day?" she asked, going up to her.

Hermione nodded, pausing to look up at the girls before going back to her notes. She had actually finished all the assigned homework over an hour ago and decided that her notes were too messy to study from. She had made sure to buy extra notebooks and was currently rewriting everything that they had learned in Transfiguration down neatly in point form, adding tidbits she learned from her textbook down in the margin.

"Wow, Hermione," Lavender breathed, shaking her head. "Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?"

"How so?"

"It's only the first week! And we're first years; they have to go easy on us."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Oh really," she challenged. "How much homework did Professor McGonagall assign us on Wednesday? Have either of you finished the three chapters Professor Sinistra told us to read on constellations? Or what about practicing the different wand movements for Professor Flitwick?" Hermione rolled her eyes at Lavender and Parvati's blank expressions. "If this is the first week think of how much homework we'll be getting once we're settled in. Just because we're first years doesn't mean they'll go easy on us. In fact, we have so much to learn that I bet they're going harder on us than other years."

Lavender was speechless for a moment, opening and closing her mouth while Parvati looked embarrassed. "You're mad," she finally said, turning on her heel and stomping up the stairs to their dormitory.


5 July, 2016

"turning on her heel-" Lindsay cut off, yawning loudly, "and stomping up the stairs to their -" She cut off again with another loud yawn. Groaning, she closed the journal and rested her head against the back of the sofa. Her throat felt dry and she sounded hoarse. "I can't read anymore, I'm too tired."

Karen nodded, yawning herself, as she grabbed her mobile from the table. Her eyes bulged, "It's nearly two in the morning! We've been here for six hours!"

"What?" Lindsay grabbed her own mobile, which had been on silent, and groaned at all the unread text messages. "My roommates probably think I've been abducted."

Karen got up and stretched as Lindsay wrapped the string around the journal. Both thankful that their shifts weren't until the afternoon, they put the journal back in the storeroom and stumbled out of Just Imagine. Karen had offered to drive Lindsay home earlier that day instead of her roommate coming to pick her up. She unlocked the doors to her car and they both climbed in.

The car was silent as Karen pulled out of her parking space and onto the empty road. Lindsay yawned again and then looked at her friend, "So… what do you think?"

"Honestly, I haven't really formed an opinion," she replied after a moment's pause. "It's good and I like all the new characters but… I just don't know."

Lindsay nodded, feeling exactly the same way. "We did get through a good chunk of the journal tonight."

"Six hours of straight reading will do that," she snorted.

"It isn't much of a journal," Lindsay observed. "It's more of a novel."

"The note did say that it was meant as a companion series."

"Oh yeah… that makes sense then," she said. "Why make a companion series in a different style of writing?" Karen nodded as she pulled up to a red light. "I wonder what'll be different. The note that was left said that J.K. Rowling's version `strayed from the truth' but so far it's been pretty much the same as the Philosopher's Stone."

"Well…remember when we were looking through all of them," Karen began, "and some of them up to a certain number had a long title scratched out?"

"I think so."

"Maybe that's when it changes. Even if it takes a while for the changes to happen, whoever wrote the journals obviously put a lot of work into it - they're handwritten for Christ's sake! And well-written and not just copying what happened in the Philosopher's Stone and switching it so Hermione is with Harry every step of the way and faces everything he does. I think it'd be insulting not to read it after seeing how much work has been put in. We owe this H.J. that much at least."

Karen finished her rant with a look of determination on her face. Lindsay bit her lip, unable to keep the laughter to herself. "Getting a little excited about this, aren't you?" she teased, giggling.

"Well, no I -" she cut off, going red. "Shut up, Lindsay. I know that you feel the exact same way."

"Maybe," she grinned. "But it's so much fun watching you get all worked up over it."

"Do you want to walk home?"

"Alright, sorry," Lindsay laughed, her exhaustion starting to ebb away as she teased her friend. The light changed and Karen sped off, still red in the face. "Okay so nothing of real importance happens to Hermione in the Philosopher's Stone except when she has to help Ron and then send an owl to Dumbledore at the end of the book."

"It's pretty much Harry off on his own and then telling Ron and Hermione what he overheard," Karen agreed, nodding.

"So," Lindsay began, "how about we hurry up and finish the first year so we can get to the good stuff?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"We both agree that staying after hours at Just Imagine is dangerous," she said, rolling her eyes.


"Well, what if we take 1.1 and 1.2 and read them at your flat?"

"Weren't you the one who said we shouldn't risk it because we would have to face the wrath of Mrs. P if she found out?"

"Well, yes," Lindsay shifted. "But I don't think I could handle being able to read an hour or two at a time. We just got to Hogwarts and we spent how many hours reading?"

"Only because you kept on stopping to clear your throat," Karen pointed out.

"My throat was dry and there wasn't any water."

"I don't think we should risk it, Lindsay." Karen said with a note of finality in her voice. "We'll stay after hours at Just Imagine just like we've been doing. But we'll come prepared - bring water and food. And I'll read next time so you can rest your poor throat."

"It's going to take forever to finish the journals," Lindsay groaned.

"Oh suck it up."


End Notes: Short chapter, I know. Some of you have been asking questions about Lindsay and Karen and whether or not I've abandoned their part of the story. The answer is: no I have not. Lindsay and Karen play a crucial role in Her Story, but their time to shine doesn't come in until much later. So I'm sorry if people have been wanting more of them, it isn't going to happen for a long time.

Drop a review and tell me what you thought about Hermione's timetable! I put like, 4 hours of research and planning into that thing. See ya next week!

