Prince of The Dark Triangle
Details, descriptions, items and characters of the Harry Potter series are the sole property of J.K.Rowling, et al and used only within the context of this story and my not be otherwise reprinted, sold, or used for any other purpose. Original characters and plot are mine and my not be used in any other {for profit} form without permission…
Chapter 11
Teresa Marigold stood watching her fellow CDT members battle with what appeared to be the entire staff of the Special Operations Unit including their Director. It didn't take a genius to realize the Clan members were totally out-gunned and out-classed and the whole daylight raid on the Muggle bank was going to be a dismal failure.
She also knew the Prince was going to be really pissed. The thought of having to report to her superior, Barnabus Selwyn wasn't all that appealing either but at least she wouldn't have to be the one to tell him!
When Teresa apparated to the safe zone outside the Malfoy mansion she was instantly surrounded by Clan members.
"Go' a death wish girly," one nasty-looking toothless bloke scoffed.
"Back off Blakely," another groused, "Tha's one o' Selwyn's lot. Weren't you assigned to Mulciber's crew this mornin'?"
"Yah," Teresa huffed, "Was pegged as lookout but the Prince ain't gonna like what I seen!"
"Tha' righ," another younger guy with blood shot eyes enquired.
"What's going on here," they all heard a stern voice behind them. The massive bulk of Evan Rosier stood behind them regarding Teresa with a hot-eyed gaze.
"Caught this one tryin' ta' get in the grounds sir," the toothless guy replied, "She's one o' the ones sent out wit' Mulciber's lot."
Rosier gazed at her for a long moment making Teresa very uncomfortable.
"You report to Selwyn don't you," he asked in his deep gravelly voice.
"What's it to you," Teresa replied with chin up glaring at the big man.
She wasn't going to be intimidated by these guys because if she did they would be like a pack of starving wolves with a fresh bloody kill. Some of the men recruited into the Clan of The Dark Triangle were not much more than animals to start with and she had been forced to protect herself on more than one occasion.
She was beginning to wonder why she had joined at all but the lure of easy gold and no rules had been quite enticing in the beginning and she had to admit, the nice little nest egg of jewelry and galleons she had stashed away was nothing to sneeze at. Some of their raiding parties had been quite lucrative and successful.
She had been a part of several raids on some of those buggery Wizengamot member's opulent digs and scored some serious loot for their efforts. It had been like taking candy from babes.
"Then I suggest you get your tight little bum up to the house and report in at once," Rosier growled, "The rest of you back to your posts."
Teresa made her way to the mansion as quickly as possible. She didn't like that Rosie guy. She had heard rumors about him and his…appetite for younger women.
Some of those in the upper ranks of the Clan seemed to think they could do just as they pleased and for reasons she could not fathom there seemed to be no shortage of little groupie-type girls running all over the place ready and willing to please in whatever way a bloke wanted.
Teresa had managed to establish herself as useful in other ways and did her best to keep the slobbering wolves at bay. She was not shy at all about using one of the Unforgivable Curses to get her point across if she had to but since she had been with the CDT she had only needed to do it once.
She had been sleeping in a room she shared with a tough old witch named Francis Connelly when some blokes got it in their heads they were going to slip in and have their way with her and Francis.
They got way more than they bargained for that night. It was the first time she had ever used the Cruciatus curse on anyone but it had sent a message to a lot of the others since the scuffle had awakened just about the whole third level of the mansion.
The old bat Francis hadn't even bothered with torture. She just killed one of the buggers to get her point across but watching one of the blokes twisting and writhing in excruciating pain told them she was not going to be treated like one of their little groupies.
That was the first time she had met him.
He came up the darkened hall with a wand held high, the tip lit with a ball of bright white light.
"What the bloody hell is going on at this hour," he yelled sounding horribly put out.
Harry Potter looked just like he did in all the pictures Teresa had ever seen of him. There was little pre-possessing about the bloke. He was fairly average-looking if not a bit on the scrawny side wearing Muggle clothes - a t-shirt and jeans and a battered pair of trainers. His round glasses looked like two silver coins reflecting the glow from another wand as he came to a stop at the edge of the fracas. His black hair looked as if he had just got out of bed (and he probably had) - it was sticking out in every direction.
Her first impression of him was that he was a rather nerdy-looking sot but when she finally saw his eyes it made all the hair on her body stand straight up and her blood turn to ice.
His eyes were such a striking green they looked like two sparkling emeralds but in the midst of his pupils were two pin pricks of bright red like hot embers in a banked fire. His penetrating gaze was almost manic-looking and filled with what Teresa could only describe as pure unvarnished EVIL!
Those were the eyes of someone who could be capable of just about anything - even the destruction of the whole world!
The pure fear he had instilled in her that night was something she would never forget. She had witnessed several much older and larger blokes fall at the hands of the Prince and now she knew why this seemingly youthful nerdy guy was completely in charge.
The famous Harry Potter was now completely insane and to cross him was to die a violent and painful death!
When she reached the large room used as a meeting place for all the CDT generals and team leaders she found Barnabus Selwyn in a discussion with Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle pouring over a few greater London street maps.
When Selwyn saw her he waved Crabbe and Goyle off and motioned her over for her report.
"So," Selwyn asked in his usual haughty manner, "What news have you to tell us. Did we score a large cache of pound notes today?"
"Erm…" Teresa balked, "'Fraid not govna. Seems them SOU tosspots was on to our game right from the start. They jumped Mulciber and his lot before they could even get into the bank…"
"WHAT!" Selwyn yelled almost jumping to his feet, "Why that's…that's impossible! There is no way the SOU could have known about this raid before…" but he abruptly stopped talking.
He noticed the elder Crabbe and Goyle leering suspiciously at him, the over-stuffed Goyle had his arms folded tightly over his chest.
Selwyn glared back at Teresa with eyes narrowed.
"The only ones who knew of this operation before I put it into motion were myself and Antonin Dolohov, the Prince's second in command. Even the Prince himself didn't know about this raid. That means someone inside the operation had to leak it to the Ministry. You wouldn't know who that might be now would you Ms. Marigold?"
"Well it wasn't me," she huffed indignantly, "and I don't think it was any o' them other blokes either besides…you put me under the same Fedelius Charm remember. When we left here we went right to the bank. If any o' them others got wind to the Ministry they must have done it by some means I don't know about… Hang on a minute!"
She remembered something about the attack she had completely overlooked until that moment. She looked up at her superior with wide eyes.
"I remember right before those SOU tuffs got there, there was another bloke…a Muggle…yah, I remember now. He was dressed in a fancy uniform or something like that and he had a gun. He shot Mulciber with it!"
"A Muggle with a firearm you say," Selwyn asked clearly interested.
"A fire what," Goyle asked looking at Selwyn incredulously. Barnabus ignored the buffoon.
"It ain't no secret the Ministry's been working wit' the Muggle authorities," Crabbe interjected, "Maybe it was that bloke what spilled the beans to the Aurors? Either way the Prince ain't gonna be happy about that."
"Tha's righ'," Goyle guffawed, "Better you than us is wha' I say!"
Both the elder Crabbe and Goyle made a hasty exit from the meeting hall as if remaining anywhere near Selwyn would be hazardous to their health.
"Useless lumps of twaddle," Selwyn hissed under his breath.
Teresa couldn't help but crack a grin at that. She knew the two men who left were noting more than boot-licking cowards. They fancied themselves experienced advisors to the Prince but everyone knew the Prince thought of them as nothing but door mats on which to wipe his feet. They were cannon fodder and nothing more.
"I suppose Mulciber and his crew are all dead," Selwyn asked sighing wiping a hand down his face in irritation.
"Not all o' them," Teresa replied, "I'm afraid one o' the blokes got nicked. I don't know which one but they winged him first. I couldn't see things too clearly from where Mulciber told me to stay. Say boss…the SOU used a Muggle automobile to end the fight. They threw it right up against the front of the bank like it was made out of parchment! Damnedest thing I ever saw!"
"Lovely," Selwyn sneered, "It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it? Anything else that will get me tortured even worse?"
"Don't think so," Teresa replied looking a bit ashamed of herself, "Sorry boss but there was nothin' I could do. Those SOU louts had the whole area locked up tight. I had to get beyond their wards before I could apparate out of there and I was afraid they would tag me with a tracking charm so I went to Cambridge first and waited a while before I came here."
"Well that's something anyway," Selwyn smirked at her, "At least some of my people are using their heads for something other than targets but if they had wards up then that means they did know about our raid before hand and I just can't understand how. It's almost impossible to break the Fedelius."
Selwyn starred blankly off into the distance seeing nothing for a long moment. The thought that the Ministry just might have their own spies on the inside of the CDT was disturbing but not really all that surprising…But who could it be?
He eyed the young women standing before him but rationalized she didn't have the skill necessary to break a strong Fedelius charm. If she had tried and failed she wouldn't be standing in front of him. She'd be dead. There was no sense in throwing her under the bus…yet!
"Off with you now. I might as well go take my lumps and I'll contact our spies at St. Mungo's to see if our wayward soldier is there. If he is then I'm fairly certain we can get him back. Tell no-one of this debacle and if I find out you played some part in informing the Ministry of this plan I'll have your head on a flaming pike, understood?"
Teresa Marigold gave her superior a snarling weak salute and dashed out of the room.
When Selwyn made his way out onto the back terrace the Prince was there holding court with his personal sex toy, Narcissa Black (she had now dropped the Malfoy moniker), who was old enough to be his mother and his second in command Dolohov.
Antonin Dolohov had become an even more brutal and sadistic bastard since the fall of the Dark Lord and in insisting the very one who had dispatched their master had now somehow become the second (or was it the third) coming of the Dark Lord Voldemort he had gained his lofty position by shoving everyone else sideways or doing away with any direct competition altogether.
"Pardon for the intrusion my Prince but I have rather ill news I'm afraid," Selwyn said matter-of-factly.
No sense in beating around the bush. It would only make him appear weak and the only thing that infuriated the Prince more than weakness was dishonesty and he could somehow detect a lie a mile away.
"Leave us," Harry snapped at his two companions.
After Narcissa and Dolohov left with alacrity Harry motioned to one of the fancy wrought iron chairs.
"Sit," he demanded, "What is it this time…wait…let me guess - Incompetence from the useless rabble I find myself surrounded by these days?"
"Not exactly incompetence this time my Prince," Selwyn replied hastily, "As you know Mulciber was one of our more experienced and trusted field operatives…"
"Was," Harry asked tossing a scathing glare at his general, "That doesn't bode well now does it?"
"Indeed," Selwyn continued, "It seems the SOU had prior knowledge of this particular raid…"
"WHAT?" Harry lurched up off his chair. He was staring daggers at Selwyn now, the angry red points in his eyes flaring like a blacksmith stoking his forge, "and how the hell could they have found out about that Mr. Selwyn?"
`Kill the incompetent fool!' The voice of Voldemort growled in his head
Why should I kill him for others failures? Ever heard the phrase…Don't shoot the messenger?
"I think the answer would be obvious!" Selwyn groused not letting himself be intimidated, "I'm almost certain it wasn't any of the crew in the field. They had the Death Fadelius placed on them before they left and the only one to return was their posted lookout and she doesn't possess the skill necessary to break the Death charm. I'm speculating the Ministry has someone on the inside of the Clan my Prince."
Harry was well aware the Special Operations Unit - Hermione Granger's special team of highly trained and skilled Hit Wizards - ran daily security sweeps of the entire city of London and much of the outlying areas as well. Their tactics and successes against his Clan were beginning to influence similar operations in other countries where the CDT was attempting to dominate.
He had lost countless people to their subversive operation alone and could never seem to get a handle on where her agents might be. They covered their tracks well and staggered their security details so as not to establish any kind of pattern. He had tried to do the same with his raids but the fucking SOU seemed to show up just in the nick of time. He had his successes but the failures were humiliating to someone on a quest to take over the world.
Harry knew what a stupid concept that was but the presence of Voldemort inside him would punish him terribly for attempting to think otherwise and the Dark Lord's presence seemed to be getting stronger every day. Harry's rather tenuous hold on his own sanity would slip a little bit more sideways as the weeks and months passed.
Voldemort was now able to possess him completely for short periods of time by stuffing the essence of Harry away somewhere inside his own body. There were times when he could not remember things - When his world was nothing more than utter blackness. It was terrifying to realize he lost complete control of himself during those blank spaces of time.
It was usually while he was with Narcissa alone when these blank stretches of time would manifest themselves. It was beginning to worry him that Voldemort was making plans without him. He wouldn't put it past the torrid piece of shite.
It was easy to determine the essence of Voldemort inside him had the ability to read all his thoughts and memories as if they were his own but the reverse was not the case. The part of the Dark Lord that resided inside him had developed a way of shielding himself from Harry. He didn't do it often - just during the times when Harry's very existence seemed to be shoved aside and plunged into utter nothingness for the duration.
"Send Dolohov back to me at once," Harry hissed, "and if you fail me again Mr. Selwyn…"
Harry knew he didn't have to finish that statement. His general lurched to his feet and made his way back into the house. Shortly Dolohov appeared behind him as Harry peered out over the vast and sprawling rear lawn of the former Malfoy estate.
"You wish an audience with me my Prince," Dolohov asked.
"Gather all my generals and team leaders," Harry demanded without turning to look at his second, "I want them all here tonight by eight p.m.. Anyone that does not heed the summons go and find them and bring them to me…with extreme prejudice…is that clear Antonin?"
"Perfectly," Dolohov smirked, "It will be done as you order my Prince." With a slight bow he was gone.
Harry turned and went back into the house himself. He found Narcissa reclining on a chintz divan in what the Malfoy's had once used as a music room.
It contained a priceless, highly polished black Grand Piano, a large gilded harp and a modern looking black pearl drum set complete with high hats, cymbals and a vast array of different sized drums set on stands in a wide semi-circle around a twin base set up. It looked completely out of place in the Victorian setting of the room itself.
Narcissa had told him the drum set belonged to Draco. He had, at one time in the distant past, fancied himself a Muggle rock star when he had been younger. That was long before Draco received the Dark Mark.
Harry said nothing but made his way over to the Malfoy matriarch and pulled her roughly from the divan and towed her toward their bedroom.
It was the master suite that once belonged to Lucius and Narcissa. It now belonged to Harry, as well as the rest of what Lucius Malfoy had once owned…and that included his wife.
The Ministry caught Lucius not long after the final fight and executed him for a litany of crimes against the wizard world. They had struggled to catch any of the other Death Eaters who had escaped the Battle of Hogwarts but Lucius made the mistake of thinking he could return back to his former life. He had been wrong and Lucius Malfoy had taken the brunt of the Ministry's ire.
Narcissa had been trained by years of abuse to be as docile and subservient as a de-clawed house cat. For a woman in her forties she was still incredibly beautiful although she wore a glamour to make her appear even younger. For those who didn't know her she looked to be no more than twenty-seven or twenty-eight.
With the help of the psychotic voice of Bellatrix, Harry had become a dominant and brutal lover and he had decided to take Narcissa for his own. She had become nothing more than a plaything but after several years of unquestioned loyalty and her eagerness to please him in as many ways as she could he found himself becoming attached to her in ways even he could not understand.
When the essence of Voldemort was present Narcissa suffered his wrath but when it was just her and Harry alone he took great pleasure in her body, satisfying his own now perverted lust.
When they had gained the massive bed chamber Harry swished the Elder wand and warded the room with a silencing charm as well as bolting the large double doors. He did not want to be disturbed.
With another swish of the wand Narcissa was naked and Harry just stood there for a moment taking in her gorgeous and sensuous female form.
She was slender and the lines and curves of her body were graceful. Her breasts were full and firm. Her black hair was long and silky, the streaks of silver making her look exotic. Her alabaster skin appeared flawless but Harry knew the scars that existed beneath the glamour. He knew her back was crossed from the marks of her taskmaster's whip.
He banished his own clothing and stepped forward to take her. He gripped her upper arms roughly and kissed her. She did not resist. She leaned into his kiss forcing her tongue into his mouth. Their breathing was ragged and harsh as they tried to devour one-another. She sucked on his bottom lip, her chest heaving.
When Harry pulled back he just watched her for a long moment.
"Do you wish me to please you my Prince," Narcissa asked in a panting breathless voice, "You know I'm yours to command. Take from me what you want and need! I live to please you my darling!"
In the next moment Narcissa slipped to her knees in front of him and took his erection in her right hand and began stroking him. She gazed up at his face with eyes wide and rubbed his shaft against her cheek. A small smile crossed her face as she closed her eyes and moaned softly.
Harry grunted as Narcissa's hand squeezed and stroked his shaft. He was as hard as an iron bar.
`Take the whore!' Bellatrix' voice hissed in his mind, `You know you love the feel of her hot wet mouth... take it! It belongs to you doesn't it?' Her manic laughter filled his head forcing him to close his eyes and grit his teeth.
Leave me alone you fucking psychotic bitch!
Before Harry could move or do anything it was as if Narcissa could hear her sister's voice. She flicked the tip of his manhood playfully with her tongue then plunged his entire length into her mouth and into the depths of her tight throat.
It didn't take long and Harry was gasping for air. He grabbed Narcissa by her hair to stop her. He didn't want to climax quite yet. With a tug he had her on her feet again, her saliva dribbling from the corner of her sexy mouth. On her face was a slight look of surprise. She had her hands curled in front of her as if she was expecting a blow or a punch or a slap.
Without another word Harry pushed her backward toward the king-sized bed and practically threw her up onto it. He followed her and crawled to the head of the bed and lay down.
"Get over here and ride me," Harry growled.
Narcissa scrambled across the huge bed and started to crawl across his body to obey but he stopped her with his hands.
"Backwards," he demanded, "I want to watch while you impale yourself on me."
With a wicked smile Narcissa moved to do as he had bid her. Turning to face away from him she straddled his lap and, reaching between her slender silky thighs she wrapped her hand around his shaft and guided him to her moist center then lowered herself slowly down onto him until she had taken his entire length inside her.
Harry watched as Narcissa's perfect bottom rose and fell, sliding up and down on his rock-hard length, his shaft becoming slick with her fluid. He loved the way her body looked stretched tightly around him as she pleasured herself on him.
`You like watching my sister fuck you don't you, you pathetic little worm! If you were any kind of man you'd get off your ass and pound hers like an animal!'
Harry reached up and let his hands glide over her bottom as she rode his shaft at a smooth steady pace. Narcissa reached down between here legs and stroked herself while she bounced up and down on him. Her moans and gasps told him she was getting very close to climaxing. He loved watching her get herself off almost as much as he liked to get off himself.
Narcissa threw her head back and her pace quickened as she neared her climax. Harry moved his right hand and pressed his thumb tightly against her puckered little anus and pushed.
He heard Narcissa gasp as his thumb slipped inside her tight bottom. Her whole body shuddered as she cried out.
"YES my Prince," Narcissa hissed, "That feels so good!"
Harry felt her tight little bum tighten on his thumb and in the next minute she was screaming. She threw her head back and slammed her bottom down hard on his shaft taking in as much of him as she could, grinding her hips in small circles as she exploded in orgasm.
Her climax lasted for a long time as she cried out and gasped her release. After a few more minutes she collapsed across his legs gasping for air, her body sweaty and flushed, shivering from her intense orgasm.
Harry adjusted himself and pulled his legs out from under her. He positioned himself behind her and - grabbing her hips - pulled her back up to her knees. He forced her legs wide and he pushed her body down into the mattress by her neck.
Narcissa sucked in a breath but dared not protest, complain or try and pull away. She knew what would happen if she did.
Harry moved forward and pressed the tip of his still-hard shaft against her dribbling wet opening and shoved himself into her body. He began pounding himself inside her with as much brute force as he could. The slapping sounds of his wet thighs slamming into her tight bottom were loud but it was very pleasing to him. Narcissa's tight bottom shuddered with each impact.
With each brutal thrust forward he would let out a grunt. He could feel his swollen balls smacking into her soaking wet bush as he drilled her relentlessly.
In spite of herself and her previous release Narcissa found herself responding to his intense thrusts. She could feel his hard shaft sliding across her already sensitive clit as she tried to move her body into the perfect position to feel his entire length sliding in and out of her.
Harry reached forward and grabbed a hand full of Narcissa's beautiful long thick black hair. With a growl he yanked back hard forcing her head to snap back and causing her to impale herself on his entire length while Harry ground his hips in the same tight circles she had done to him before.
Narcissa moaned and mewled as Harry reached down around her body to squeeze one of her breasts hard.
"You like that don't you Sissy," Harry growled, "You like it when I shove it deep don't you?"
"Yes," Narcissa gasped, "Oh yes my Prince! I want it all!"
Harry resumed his torrid pace and could feel his own release begin to burn like fire in his loins. Another ten minutes or relentless pounding found Harry spilling his seed deep inside her body as he growled loudly while he climaxed.
After the last clenching thrust he simply held Narcissa by the hip with one hand and her hair by the other and just reveled in the sensation of her warm wetness and the subtle contractions of her own second climax.
They were both gasping and covered with sweat. Harry loved to fuck this woman. She never ceased to please him but even as he had come to value her for the pleasure she gave him constantly and without complaint, he did not trust her. Harry trusted no-one! - Not even the voices in his head.
With a wave of his hand he summoned his wand. He released her hair and, still inside her warm tight channel, leaned forward and pressed her body flat on the bed beneath him. He put his lips close to her right ear.
"You know how much I've come to value you don't you Narcissa?" He asked in a whisper.
"Yes my Prince," Narcissa replied, still breathless from her climax.
She wasn't certain what was going on. He had never acted this way after sex before. He had either got up and left or told her to get out or had simply fallen asleep beside her.
Harry licked the soft sweaty flesh just below her ear and reveled in the salty taste of her hot skin and the smell of her sex. It made his nostrils flare. It made her shudder.
"I need those around me I can trust without question," Harry continued, "Can I trust you Narcissa?"
"Ye…yes, of course my Prince," she whispered becoming a bit more uneasy.
"Would you ever betray me to my enemies Narcissa," Harry asked calmly.
"What," she asked incredulously, "Never my Prince! I would never think of betraying you and I would kill any who attempted it! I swear it!"
"Is that the truth Narcissa," he hissed, "Would you kill for me?"
"Yes," she replied.
"We shall see," Harry said softly.
He quickly leaned back and pulling his now soft shaft from her body he moved to where he was sitting astride her slender hips and with his left hand pressed her down even harder into the mattress.
With his right hand he pointed the Elder wand at the soft sweaty skin of her upper right shoulder. Harry began moving the wand as if to draw a line in the air while speaking a strange incantation in Latin.
As he watched lines began to appear on her pale skin. Three straight lines were carved into her flesh to form a triangle and the thin slices instantly began weeping blood.
Narcissa began screaming but this time it was not in the throws of passion - it was in utter blinding pain and terror. When she tried to rear back Harry punched her hard right between the shoulder blades with his balled up left fist. It knocked the wind from her lungs and she began gasping for breath cutting off her screaming.
He slammed her body back down again.
"Be still or I will make it hurt even worse! I'll carve you to the bone!" he growled through gritted teeth.
Tears began coursing down Narcissa's cheeks but she locked her muscles waiting for the next jolt of pain. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood to keep herself from crying out again.
When Harry resumed his work he drew a fourth straight line from the tip of the triangle, bisecting it right down the middle. When he had finished that he moved the tip of the wand in a wide arc, both left and right and watched as curved lines appeared inside the triangle until it formed a circle.
When he leaned back he waved the wand then gave it a flick. The bleeding wounds on her skin healed to leave a perfect tin-lined scar that revealed the mark of his new order - The symbol of the Deathly Hallows.
He then held his left hand hovering just above the mark and, swirling his wand in the air over his head recited another incantation. The mark on Narcissa's skin glowed bright blue for just a brief second then settled.
Harry leaned forward again and placed his lips close to her right ear once more. She was trying desperately to quell her sobbing but her body began shaking with fear and pain. She couldn't help it.
"You now bare my mark that is permanently etched into your flesh," he whispered, "You belong to me and no-one else. The mark bares a spell. If you try to betray me…you will die. Do you understand Narcissa?"
She wasn't certain she could speak so she only nodded fervently.
Harry smiled and slapped her on her bottom playfully.
"Go and clean yourself up," he ordered as he slipped off the bed, "and when you are done change these sheets. I don't want to sleep in your blood and sex."
Narcissa could only lay there, her limbs weak from not only two powerful orgasms but the strange torture she had just endured. Harry didn't seem to take any notice as he dressed himself.
As he made his way toward the bedroom door he waved the Elder wand and took down the wards on the room. He glanced back over his shoulder to see her crumpled form still lying on the bed, her body shaking with silent sobs.
"Dress in something nice," he said as if nothing untoward had just occurred, "We have guests coming at eight. It may please you to know you might not be the only one flayed this night."
He laughed as he left the room.