Prince of The Dark Triangle
Details, descriptions, items and characters of the Harry Potter series are the sole property of J.K.Rowling, et al and used only within the context of this story and my not be otherwise reprinted, sold, or used for any other purpose. Original characters and plot are mine and my not be used in any other {for profit} form without permission…
Chapter 7
Harry Potter sat slumped in a chair on the back patio of the Malfoy mansion as the sun began to paint the sky light blues and pinks. It was the best time of the day for him - early in the morning. It was when the voices in his head were quiet. He could think for himself - be himself again if only for a short time.
During these brief moments of inner silence he couldn't help but reflect back on how he had ended up where he was and what he had become. The pain of realizing the path of destruction and death he had left in his wake would have been debilitating if it were not for them.
In these rare moments of lucidity he thought he could remember when it had all started. It was not long after had he had asked Ginny to marry him…
He thought he had finally found a peace he had never known with Ginevra Weasley. She loved him and he loved her, clinging to that love with all the desperation of a drowning victim.
His life had become that of royalty. He could do almost as he pleased and there were no doors closed to him in this world. But then the voice…
It was on the eve of his 19th birthday. His friends had thrown him a surprise birthday party at the Burrow. Everyone who had survived the war - all his friends, the people he held most dear - were there. It had been one of the most wonderful nights of his young life.
He remembered dancing with Hermione and how very happy she was for him. He recalled doing Firewhiskey shots with Ron, Seamus, Dean and Neville. He remembered sneaking off to Ginny's room for a quick snog session before George and Charlie had apparated in on them, drunk, teasing them relentlessly.
It was that sudden flash of anger, the irritation of being interrupted - it had been the key - the opening He had needed to wedge a spectral foot in the door.
It had begun just like before - the blinding pain in his scar - the feeling his head was going to crack open like an egg.
He had fled - left Ginny and her brothers and dashed up the stairs to Ron's room. He found himself wedged between Ron's bed and the wall as the pain overwhelmed him. The whole world seemed to turn over as the contents of his stomach ended up on the floor.
Then the voice - first just a whisper of muddled words - then, with the clarity of thin colorless crystal the veil was broken between the world of the living and that of the dead.
"Harry Potter," the voice hissed inside his mind, "Did you really think you could be rid of me so easily?"
"Y…you're dead," Harry's own unsteady voice had wavered, "I killed you! I watched you die!"
"You watched the flesh die boy!" the voice spit with vicious anger, "Not the spirit! I'm alive and well and have found a way to reach across the chasm between the world of the living and that of the dead. Who would have thought the answer lay inside you, the very one who tried to destroy me! It is poetic justice is it not!"
Then the voice laughed - that manic, high pitched cackle that Harry had hated with every fiber in his soul - was now echoing around inside his own head.
"NO!" He had screamed, jumping to his feet, hands pressed tightly to his temples "NO, YOU'RE DEAD!"
"Not any longer…" the voice hissed and the laughter continued.
It was not long after that - the madness began…
Ginny was the first to notice the changes in him. She had asked him repeatedly what was wrong but the voice convinced him they would think him insane if he admitted what was taking place within him.
First, there was the fear, manifesting itself as a withdrawal from almost everyone he knew. Ginny began discussing the changes in him with others and they decided to become involved to try and help.
First it was Ron, then Hermione, then Arthur - it was when the paranoia began.
Instead of helping the voice had convinced him they were out to get him - to destroy his name and steal his fortune. It was then the other voice began.
This second voice in his head belonged to that of a woman - she was insane and evil and violent - and he was almost certain he knew who it belonged to.
There were times when she would whisper to him - in the darkest hours of the night - telling him intimate and sexual things - telling him what is was like to sate one's lust on another - instructing him in the art of self-gratification, filling his head with sinful images - laughing madly at his weakness. He was becoming depraved and desperate but the voices only became stronger, louder.
Ron had been the first to try and intervene on Ginny's behalf. He remembered the meeting at a room where Ron was staying at the Leakey Cauldron. Ron had wanted Harry to meet him for a drink but it had not gone as expected.
When Harry left the wizard pub Ron was dead. Strangled to death and in a fit of blind madness driven by the voice Harry had thrown Ron against a wall with almost inhuman strength. It had broken his already crushed neck to add insult to injury.
That was the beginning of his downward spiral into the depths of madness and murder - death and destruction.
"The only way to be truly free," the voice had said, "to be truly alive is to rid the world of all your enemies! Then, no-one can stand in your way. The world can be yours for the taking!
"He is too weak and pathetic to take what he wants," the woman's voice had added, "He cares too much for these stupid mudbloods and traitors and they will be his ultimate downfall! He can't even bed the woman he loves until they are betrothed - How pathetic. Take her! Take the little whore and do with her as you please…if your man enough!"
The woman's voice had pushed him to take what he wanted from Ginny one night at #12 but she resisted and Harry had become enraged at her refusal. It only seemed to justify everything the voices were telling him was true.
He finally got what he wanted from the girl that said she loved him but he had to take it. Afterward he had blacked out and when he had come to lying naked in a puddle of blood on the floor of the dungeon kitchen of their home at Grimmuald Place he realized the horror that awaited him.
Ginny was dead, tied to the old kitchen table naked and spread wide. Her beautiful long red hair hung down from the edge of the table almost brushing the stone floor. She had been savaged repeatedly then both wrists had been cut and the blood collected in two pewter pitchers. Her face was a frozen mask of utter terror and unspeakable pain.
When Harry was able to finally tear his eyes away from his dead Ginny he saw what had been written on the walls. It was then he looked at his hands and realized he was covered in blood from head to toe. His groin was a mass of dried seminal fluid and blood.
I killed her!
"No boy," the voice sneered, "We killed her! Don't forget I give you the power to overcome your enemies. It is I who possess the knowledge to help you achieve your dreams. It is I to which you will one day owe everything…but in return for your loyalty I will give you whatever your heart desires. I will help you obtain it!
"I will teach you the arts of physical pleasure if your man enough to listen to me boy! The woman's voice cackled like a lunatic, "I've forgotten more about sex than you'll ever be able to obtain in your whole life! I will give you the secrets that will make women worship you like a god and beg for your manhood. They will kneel before you and pleasure you in any way you desire - If you're strong enough to take what you want?"
"Oh he will be strong enough to overcome any obstacle, defeat any opposition and live as a god king among pathetic mortal men! All you must do is listen to me and offer me your loyalty…"
…And on and on it went, day after day the voices poked and prodded in an endless torrent of vile-laced pronouncements of endless glory and putrid propaganda but it didn't take long until Harry began to crumble under the endless onslaught of stress and pressure.
Before the year was out he had eliminated many of those who the voices told him stood in his way, convincing him that there were those who wished to take from him what was rightly his. The voices seemed to know things that seemed to come true about those he needed to eliminate for his own safety.
Once he had removed most of the obstacles that barred his future the voices began teaching him to build an army and he began seeking out those who would follow him and those weak and scared enough that would do his bidding.
The voices told him to trust no living person - only they could be trusted because they were a part of him so they could not lie.
It was not long until the man's voice instructed Harry to find what Death Eaters remained and call them to his cause. It took some convincing and Harry had been gravely injured several times trying to convince them he had truly turned. The voice had given him power and it was during these meetings when the voice revealed himself to the others as the Dark Lord Voldemort.
During those times Harry's consciousness was shoved aside and Voldemort had found a way to inhabit Harry's body without being expelled as he had been before. Once Voldemort had established his existence he urged his old followers to align themselves with Harry in a plan to take over the world.
Voldemort had learned of the Deathly Hallows from Harry's memories and was enraged that he had not been aware of them while he had lived. To know he could have been the master of death if he had only possessed those three items put him in a dark mood for weeks but he also reasoned the Resurrection Stone was the one item that could help him regain mortality - if they could only find it!
It was then the Clan of The Dark Triangle was born. Using the symbol of the Deathly Hallows as their mark the Clan began recruiting from both the Wizard and the Muggle world.
Harry had killed Draco and took Narcissa hostage so the Malfoy mansion was their primary base of operation. It was well guarded, un-plotable and covered by some of the oldest and strongest wards in wizard history - Care of the Black family.
Harry became the undisputed ruler of the clan and any who opposed him were forced to dual him to the death in front of all his minions. None had ever survived against him. He not only possessed his own knowledge - as limited as it was - he now possessed all the Dark Lord's dark sorcery and had become one of the most dangerous dualists in history.
The Clan of The Dark Triangle continued raining terror on his enemies as well as beginning to disrupt life in the Muggle world. His masses were growing and the more that joined him the farther his reach became and soon the terror of the Clan began spreading world wide.
It was not long after the Clan had dispatched that despicable mudblood's weak Muggle parents Harry had tried desperately to find and kill that annoying little bookworm. He knew it would not be easy for she was very clever and very resourceful. He had no idea how difficult it would become and the one chance he had to kill her slipped through his fingers.
He had been weak and sentimental that night in Hermione Granger's flat. He should have killed her then but something had stopped him - something he no longer had any use for…love.
Voldemort had been enraged and had punished him for hours after. The essence of the Dark Lord's spirit that resided inside Harry knew he would one day soon have to thrust Harry's existence aside but he needed a spell and the one Hallow that still eluded him
His spies at the Ministry began telling him Hermione had begun putting together a special force of highly skilled and trained wizards who she would use to bring down his organization. In just over a year her task force was complete and all attempts to kill her had failed.
She became almost completely untouchable and it was said she discovered it was him who was behind all the deaths and killings of their friends and loved-ones and it was overheard she had vowed to kill every member of the C.D.T. and that she was coming for Harry. He would die by her hand and her hand alone.
When this news reached his ears he had laughed but inside, when the voices were quiet in his head and he was himself he knew there was only one he truly feared. There was no Albus Dumbledore or great wise and powerful wizard that could threaten his plans - There was only one small Muggle-born girl who never really had any friends and there were few who ever really liked her - Harry knew if she vowed to bring him down she would stop at nothing to fulfill her promise.
Not long after they had moved into the Malfoy mansion he had set some of his minions to the task of breaking Narcissa Malfoy and turning her into his slave at the behest of the Dark Lord. It took several months of relentless physical, psychological and sexual abuse before she finally began to break.
Harry took great pleasure administering the sexual torture himself because eventually she was to be his and his alone. No-one would be allowed to touch her because he had plans for the eldest Black sister.
It was the Dark Lord who was interested in bringing Narcissa under his control. She would be the instrument he would use to create the potions and incantations necessary to bring him back into a corporeal form one again and then with all three Hallows in his possession he would be truly immortal at last.