Prince of the Dark Triangle
Details, descriptions, items and characters of the Harry Potter series are the sole property of J.K.Rowling, et al and used only within the context of this story and my not be otherwise reprinted, sold, or used for any other purpose. Original characters and plot are mine and my not be used in any other {for profit} form without permission…
Chapter 4
Ten years before…
Immediately after the fall of the Dark Lord life for Hermione, Harry and Ron was a whirlwind of celebrations, appearances, award ceremonies and dedications. While Harry and Ron reveled in the pomp and circumstance Hermione just tried to fade into the background. Part of her had basked in the attention for about 72 hours because she felt she had earned some of it but after that it had just become annoying.
After things settled down for a while the Trio found themselves being offered all sorts of opportunities in the way of spokesperson for this and representative for that but Hermione had shunned all of it. As a result she found herself being separated from her two best friends because of all the notoriety. She just wanted to get on with her life.
For Harry, he had been heavily recruited by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to become an Auror but made it very clear, very quickly he had no intention of doing so.
Many thought it was Ginny Weasley's influence that made the decision for Harry to stay out of the Ministry a very easy one.
He and Ginny found themselves again and Harry was absolutely smitten with the red-haired young woman. Ginny was now considered by a vast majority to be one of the fairest and loveliest young women in the wizarding world.
She had shot up to stand five foot ten and one half inches of slender, graceful and elegant young woman but she was no wilting flower. She could hold her own on any Quidditch field in the world and was fast building a reputation as one tough customer.
Harry had proposed and Ginny had more than gladly accepted. They were happy and having the time of their lives and everyone considered them the closest thing to a Royal Wizard couple as they could get.
Much to almost everyone's surprise he re-connected with his old Gryffindor Quidditch captain Oliver Wood and with his help landed a spot as Second Seeker with none other than the Chuddley Cannons.
The Cannons were more than thrilled to have him and after a single season moved into the Number One spot when the starting Seeker decided to retire and much to everyone's surprise and utter delight Ginny became the Second.
The Chuddley Cannons had become the most popular Quidditch team in the wizard sporting world. Matches were always a complete sell-out and season tickets were simply non-existent.
There wasn't a day that went by without a story in the Daily Prophet about the couple's daily exploits.
When the Cannons decided to play an exhibition match with the Bulgarian National team with part of the proceeds going to charity a special arena had to be created for the event and attendance eclipsed even the Quidditch World Cup!
Wizards and witches from all over the globe attended to watch Harry Potter take on Victor Krum in a competition that would be talked about for years. Ginny stepped in as a Chaser because, as she told Ron and Hermione just before the match started, she'd be damned if Harry was going to get to have all the fun…
…And Hermione and Ron got to sit in the Minister's box for the whole thing. It was one of the most exciting and thrilling spectacles they had ever witnessed.
For Ronald Weasley, he had finally found acceptance in a world that, until the death of Voldemort, had struggled to remember his name much less the fact he even existed most of the time and he had taken full advantage of his fame.
He had profited from some of the lucrative endorsement offers he had received and, as fate would have it, found himself falling into partnership with his brother George and the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shops.
In the aftermath of the Dark Lord, George found he was hard pressed to keep up with the demand for his items so he decided to expand by purchasing (with Ron's financial help) Zonko's in Hogsmead and converting it into a Wizard Wheezes.
He decided to teach Ron the ropes and let him manage the place allowing him a percentage of the profits and Ron found he had a knack for it.
It was a complete shock to everyone when he announced his engagement to one Romilda Vane. Hermione was stunned and couldn't understand it but Harry didn't seem to be all that surprised.
He reminded Hermione about the time Ron had eaten some love potion tainted cauldron cakes meant for him and thought it might have been some strange residual effect but Hermione wasn't convinced.
After meeting the rather dark but very lovely Romilda at the Burrow one time Hermione had to admit the young woman had become rather personable and they were completely infatuated with one-another. Romilda seemed completely smitten with Ron.
Ginny hated the raven-haired girl with a passion for some reason and told Hermione she just added Romilda's new nick-name to the fiery redhead's personal hag list, right next to Phlegm's (Fleur's). From that day forward she would always refer to Ron's new bride-to-be as Trollmilda.
Arthur took to Romilda right away but Molly simply kept her thoughts about the rather dark young woman to herself but anyone who saw them together knew the Weasley matriarch secretly sided with her daughter when it came to the mysterious Ms. Vane.
Ron was completely oblivious to his mother and sister's disdain for his new love interest, however, they grudgingly had to admit the two seemed a perfect match and together they ran their new business venture like a finely crafted Swiss time piece. Even George had to admit the new Weasley Wizard Wheezes was a smashing success and Romilda was a large part of that success.
Harry and Hermione found themselves being happy for Ron irregardless of what others thought of them.
For Hermione…she had tried to date a few times but nothing ever seemed to come of her short-lived relationships. There were a few blokes she thought she could have fallen in love with but for one reason or another they never seemed to stick around for very long.
Hermione Granger was, if nothing else, driven. She was dedicated to building her career and before long realized she had considered the personal part of her life as just not that important and all her suitors felt they were taking a back seat, so to speak.
She had even tried to rekindle her brief and rather underwhelming romance with the Bulgarian National Quidditch star Viktor Krum but quickly realized whatever spark that might have been there no longer held any light or heat.
They had remained very close friends mainly due to their on-going correspondence but they both realized that's the way it should remain and they were both perfectly ok with that.
Hermione had visited Victor at his home in Bulgaria several times and he had come to stay with her in London and she had come to value the relationship they had. It was easy with no expectations for either one of them so it made talking and spending time together easy and care-free.
For a time it had bothered her that she couldn't seem to make any lasting romantic connections and she really had made an effort but after a rather horrible experience with an unintended one-night-stand she just didn't care that much about romance and finding someone after that. It had been humiliating and a real eye-opener for her.
She found herself spending a lot of her free time, along with Harry when he could manage, visiting Andromeda Tonks and little Teddy. She had fallen head-over-heals in love with the little morph-magus.
She would bring the tyke presents and goodies and she even started bringing Crookshanks with her on her visits and the old cranky cat-kneazle seemed to fall in love with little Teddy as well. He would howl like mad when it was time to leave so sometimes Hermione would let her cat stay the weekend.
Hermione suspected the barmy old feline just liked chasing garden gnomes into the peat bog.
After a while it seemed Harry's visits became less and less as his life became quite a bit busier with traveling to his matches and all the other public obligations he seemed to find himself involved in. It made Hermione a bit sad.
By the good graces of her friend and mentor Minerva McGonagall Hermione was offered a position in the Muggle Liaison's office at the Ministry. Wizard/Muggle relations had been strained because of the conflict spilling over into their world so McGonagall thought it would be a perfect position for her well-loved Protégé and she had been right.
Hermione took to her roll as if she were born into it. In a matter of months tensions between Wizards and Muggles began to improve and life, at least for Hermione was becoming normal…if not even a bit mundane but she reveled in the sheer peace of it.
Unfortunately, that peace didn't last as long as she had hoped…
It was only a scant 18 months after Voldemort met his fate Hermione found herself working late at the M.L.O. (as she always seemed to be…) when an urgent Ministry inter-office paper airplane zipped into her open office door and landed smack dab in the middle of a proposal she was working on for the Muggle Prime Minister's office.
She knew it was urgent because the parchment was bright red.
When she snatched it up she unfolded it and the words, `FOR EYES ONLY!' appeared on the page. She quickly swiped her wand over it and the real message beneath appeared.
From; The Desk of the Commander;
Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Ministry of Magic
To; Ms. Hermione J. Granger
Assistant Administrator; Muggle Liaison's Office; Ministry of Magic
Your presence is immediately and urgently requested at the Leaky Cauldron Pub, East End, London. Room 204. Please note, no apparition is being allowed in or out of the establishment at this time.
Commander; D.M.L.E.
Hermione couldn't quite fathom why Kingsley Shacklebolt would be sending her such a strange message but there it was so, for reasons she could not explain she hastened to get to the east end as quickly as she could.
When she arrived she passed several serious-looking Aurors who pointed her in the right direction until she found herself standing outside Room 204 on the second floor of the old wizard establishment.
There were Aurors and official ministry types everywhere. She turned abruptly when she heard a woman weeping coming from the room on the other side of the hall. She spied Molly Weasley surrounded by most all the other Weasley clan and was about to approach when she felt a large hand gently grip her arm.
Kingsley Shacklebolt was suddenly there standing in front of her.
"Thank you for coming Ms. Granger and I'm sorry for the urgency of my message but I thought you would want to know about this right away," his face looked pale and grim.
"Know what Mr. Shacklebolt," she inquired a little more than confused, "I'm afraid I don't understand."
"This way Ms. Granger," Kingsley said holding his arm indicating inside Room 204, "and all will be clear soon enough I'm afraid."
She started getting a bit frightened as she glanced over to see Molly Weasley bent over in what appeared to be utter misery clutching a white handkerchief. She saw Arthur sitting next to her on the bed, arm about her shoulders patting them gently. Percy was kneeling in front of her while the others stood in a circle all around her.
But when Hermione followed the Commander of the wizard law enforcement agency into the room the sight that greeted her in the far corner of the room was enough to almost make her wretch. She had to force a mouth full of bile back down as she gasped at the scene.
Ron Weasley was lying in the corner of the room as if he had been thrown there - arms and legs spread wide, eyes open and mouth agape in terror. He was dead and from what Hermione could assess he had been that way some time, maybe a whole day.
His face was bone white and his tongue was swollen to fill his gaping mouth. His body was surrounded by a host of Aurors, Medi-Wizards and a few who she recognized as from the new Wizard Death Investigator Division Kingsley had set up just after accepting his appointment as head of the D.M.L.E. They did the work of Muggle Medical Examiners and murder scene investigators.
Hermione turned away unable to look any longer as she burst out in uncontrollable tears of utter shock and grief. She could not seem to comprehend or accept what she was seeing.
After a few moments Kingsley put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry for making you see this Ms. Granger but I need your help if you're willing."
She nodded trying to control the raging sorrow that filled every cell of her heart and mind.
"Do you have any idea who might have done this?" Kingsley asked sounding almost frantic.
"You mean besides just about every Death Eater who escaped from Hogwarts the night Voldemort was dispatched," she said a bit harsher than she really wanted, "not a soul."
Her pain and sorrow was slowly turning into a blinding rage at the thought Death Eaters were involved.
"We've considered that but we have no evidence or eye-witness accounts any dark wizards were on the premises when we think the crime occurred and what is even more a mystery is why Mr. Weasley was here in the first place."
Kingsley sighed.
"We contacted Mr. Weasley's wife," he glanced at his notes, "A Ms. Romilda Vane-Weasley. She's at her mother's in South Hampton at present and has been there for at least the last 48 hours to attend the funeral of a great aunt. She was surprised to hear that Ronald was even here at the Leaky Cauldron. She stated when she left he was at their bungalow in Hogsmead and had no idea why he would even be in London unless it was to confer with his brother George but after talking with him, George told us he had not seen Ron in over a week."
"What do you know about Romilda Vane Ms. Granger," he asked, "I'm aware she was at Hogwarts but was a year behind you if my information is correct."
"I know very little about her…" she replied but she went on to tell the Commander about the time she had spiked some candy one Valentine's Day to try and get Harry to fall in love with her but Ron had gotten into them instead and almost died when Professor Slughorn gave Ron a sip of something that was spiked with poison that was actually meant for Dumbledore. She remembered Harry had saved Ron with a beazor.
She realized how utterly useless that information was to his investigation but it all seemed to come spilling out and she couldn't seem to stop it.
She suddenly realized how dangerous their lives had been and how many times they had all managed to snatch one-another from the hands of Death more than she wanted to recall. Now…it seamed, at least for Ron…
She broke down again. When she was able to get a hold of herself once again she looked at Kingsley.
"Why do you suspect her," Hermione asked, "They're husband and wife! I know they've not been together long but Ron seemed blissfully happy and Romilda, the few times I saw them together, seemed as if she was completely taken with Ronald. I just can't believe she would do something like this!"
"Nor do I Ms. Granger but as far as the investigation goes I must cover all possibilities and because there is such a lack of physical evidence to point to the actual killer it forces me to make rather uncomfortable inquiries, you understand?"
She did but at the moment she just felt numb. Something occurred to her.
"Have you contacted Harry?" She asked.
"I did," he replied, eyebrows pinched in concern, "and he has yet to reply to my owl or show up. I contacted him almost an hour before I had my assistant send you that message. That's another reason I requested your presence Ms. Granger."
"At the risk of sounding daft Mr. Shacklebolt I'm not sure I understand…"
"If this is the work of some of Voldemort's lot then I'm getting a bit worried. I know how close you three were Ms. Granger, the whole bloody wizard world knows so the fact that he's not here right now gives me a serious cause for concern."
"And," he went on, "Since all three of you are, at present, our world's most notable figures I'm inclined to suspect they may attempt to target you as well."
She gaped at the Commander of the D.M.L.E. turning pale and started getting a sick feeling in her stomach all over again. The hideous taste of bile erupted in her throat again and she had to physically fight the urge to vomit.
Kingsley must have seen her turn a few shades of green because he bade an Auror standing near to get her a chair and began fanning her with his notes.
As Hermione sat contemplating the severity of their situation her eyes flicked over to where one of her best friends lay dead. Thankfully the Medi-Wizards had covered the body with a blanket.
Her heart throbbed painfully in her chest and her nerves were scraped raw at the thought something bad may have happened to Harry as well.
One of the Scene Investigator's stepped up to Kingsley and slipped several sheets of parchment into his hand.
"C.O.D. report Commander," the man said then turned back to the room.
"C.O.D., Mr. Shacklebolt?" Hermione inquired.
"Indeed, Ms. Granger," he replied glancing at her, "It's the cause of death report," his eyes perused the pages making a few non-descript grunting noises as he read, "Would you excuse me for a moment Ms. Granger. I need to ask the Examiners a few questions for clarification."
For some reason Hermione suddenly found herself on her feet.
"May I go with you Mr. Shacklebolt," she asked beseechingly, "I want to know how Ron was killed. I'm not sure why…but I just do, please?"
Shacklebolt eyed her for a long moment then reluctantly nodded. Hermione fell into step behind him.
She wasn't sure she really wanted to know how Ron was killed, it was more the fact that she didn't want to be left alone to think…to remember and to fall into the depths of her utter despair and grief.
Part of her knew she should go next door and offer her condolences and comfort to Ron's family but she wasn't sure that was for the best at the moment. She wasn't certain how much comfort she could be to them anyway.
She wanted to know what happened and the more she thought about it the more that question burned in her mind. The next question…who!
The hot anger was back and to Hermione it was much more palatable than the debilitating grief and sorrow.
Kingsley stepped up to a short squat man with a large bald spot on his shiny sweaty head that gave him the look of an old-world Benedictine monk. His round face was almost the color of a tomato and his baleful eyes put Hermione in mind of an old hound dog.
"Healer Flinkle, may I have a word if you please?" Kingsley asked.
"Of course, Commander," the rotund Healer replied with a rather jovial but sad smile, "What can I do for you?"
"Just need some clarification," Kingsley continued, "You state in your assessment the victim died of asphyxia due to the collapse of his tracheal passageway?"
"Indeed," Healer Flinkle replied adjusting his glasses, "The trachea was completely compressed by what I would consider a very great force. The bruising around the neck suggest two hands applied a tremendous amount of pressure to crush the air passage in such a manner Commander," the Healer held both his hands out close together cupped in mid air with left thumb over the right.
Hermione couldn't stand it. She had to turn away and fought herself to remain in control.
"But you also have listed a basil skull fracture," Kingsley asked looking a bit surprised, "That's the separation of the spinal cord where it connects at the base of the skull yes?"
"Yes, exactly Commander," Healer Flinkle added, "but we're almost certain that condition was post-mortem trauma."
"I see," Kingsley replied, "so you think the victim was physically thrown against the wall with enough force to do that kind of damage after he had been strangled and it wasn't done with magic?"
"That is what the evidence is telling us Commander," Healer Flinkle said, "There's no trace of a magical signature to suggest the victim was stunned or cursed at any time during the altercation that we could detect nor did the victim use his wand either."
"And there are no other indications of a fight or a struggle before the C.O.D. No bruising, contusions or lesions?"
"None, Commander,"
"Hmm," Kingsley murmured, "Very well, thank you Healer. Carry on."
As she listened Hermione's mind began working. She started piecing together a picture in her head.
She could almost see Ron standing in the middle of the room, possibly having a heated argument with someone and from the lack of bruising…someone he might have known or at least didn't consider an enemy or a threat.
The murderer would have had to be a rather large bloke because Ron was not a little guy. He had been around six foot two and must have weighed a good 225 pounds or more and was as thick as the Hogwarts Express locomotive.
But to physically throw him bodily across the room without the aid of magic was just unimaginable. Whoever killed him must have been a monster or at least filled with a blind rage.
Kingsley Shacklebolt watched the young woman as she stared blankly off into the room as if she were lost inside her head. He knew this young lady was as clever as they come after many conversations with Minerva McGonagall over the years.
"Ms. Granger," Kingsley asked quietly so not to startle her, "what are you thinking?"
Hermione glanced back at the Commander, her eyes welling with tears again.
"I'm not sure Mr. Shacklebolt," she sniffed miserably, "but something tells me Ron knew whoever killed him."