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Hellfire by HogwartsHellion




You know the drill. I own nothing but the plot in this one.

An hour later, we were standing outside the Burrow. Ron had never moved out, for the simple reason that playing Quidditch for the Chudly Cannons kept him away from home for long periods of time. Hermione and I walked up to the door of the mismatched house, and I knocked. Immediately the door was flung open, and Molly Weasely threw herself around my neck.

"Harry! Its so good to see you! You haven't been around in ages! Do come in!" She said, and ushered Hermione and I through the door.

"Hermione, how are you?" Molly asked as she sat us down and gave us each a bottle of butterbeer.

"Wonderful. How are you?" She answered.

"Fine, just fine. What brings you two here?" The redheaded matron sat across from us, all smiles.

"Ron, actually. Is he here? We need to talk to him," I said, leaning foreword. Molly frowned.

"He should be in his room." She replied. "What has he done now?"

"Nothing," Hermione said. "We just need to talk to him is all."

We climbed the stairs to Ron's room. Heavy snoring could be heard from within. Hermione looked at me.

"Tell you what, you go in, and if Ron is decent enough, let me know." I nodded and opened the door. The room hadn't changed much since I was in it last, the biggest difference was the Quidditch gear in the corner and the posters on the walls included Ron. Ron himself was sprawled over the bed, half on, half off, snoring like to wake the dead. I walked over and poked him.

"Wuzzzzzzzzzz" He mumbled, and rolled over.

"Dude, wake up," I said, poking him again.


I grinned maniacally.

"You asked for it," I whispered, drawing my wand. Aquamenti! I said, and he was suddenly covered in cold water.

"What was that for?" he spluttered, flailing around. I muttered another spell, and he was dry.

"I had to wake you up, I replied as I walked over to the door.

"Hermione? Its safe." I called. Ron shifted nervously.

"Harry, I'm only in my pajama pants."

"So?" I asked as Hermione eased into the room with her eyes closed. I laughed.

"Hermione, its all right. Ron's as decent as he ever gets."

"Hey!" he protested.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked, standing in the middle of the room with her eyes shut tight and a hand over them.

I stood in front of her, reached up, and took her hand.

"Hermione? Ron isn't that ugly.("Hey!") Besides, I'll never lie to you. " I said, gently pulling her hand down. She smiled at me when she opened her eyes to see me. I got lost in her eyes, and the world slowed to a halt. It wasn't until Ron cleared his throat loudly that we looked away and blushed. Ron rolled his eyes, and spoke.

"So why did you have to wake me up?" He asked from where he had drawn his bright orange blankets around him. I pulled out his one chair, gave it to Hermione, and I sat on the edge of the bed. We looked at one another again. She sighed, and leaned back in the chair. Then she told Ron what Kingsley told us. She had barely gotten started when Ron interrupted her.

"When do we leave?"

"I assume as soon as we have everyone recruited. We're going to go get Neville next. Can you talk to Ginny for us?" I said, standing up.


Hermione stood up as well.

"Well, we better get going. Pack for an extended stay."

He nodded.

"Where will we meet?"

"Kingsley's office, tomorrow at 0830."

He nodded again.

We left, waved off Molly's repeated offers for us to stay for tea, and strode down the lane.

"Well, that went well," Hermione said, looking at me.

"I agree. I only hope the others will be as helpful." I replied, taking her hand and apparating away.

When we arrived at Neville's flat in muggle London, I was pleasantly surprised for her not to let go. I smiled as I knocked on the door in front of us. Hermione quickly dropped my hand and blushed when it opened. I grinned and hugged my friend.

"Neville, how've you been man?" I asked, as Neville gave Hermione a quick hug.

"Excellent. Did you hear? Professor Sprout is retiring, and I'm stepping in as Herbology Professor next year!", he exclaimed, waving them inside.

"That's wonderful Neville," Hermione said as we were ushered into his small living room.

"So what are you here for? Im not complaining, I haven't seen you both in a while, but I have a feeling you need something." Neville said as we settled into a loveseat and he piled into an armchair. Hermione spoke up.

"We need your help." She proceeded to explain the situation. After she finished, Neville looked thoughtful.

"Sounds risky. Im in." He looked up at us. "Wouldn't miss it."

I sighed.

"I can't thank you enough."

"My pleasure. Who else is coming?" He asked.

"Ron, Ginny, Luna, you, and us. Hopefully,"Hermione said, leaning onto my shoulder and smiling. I looked down at her and smiled as well. Neville stood up.

"I best get ready." He said, and we stood to leave. We shook hands and left. As soon as we were in the hallway, Hermione took my hand and apparated away. We popped into existence in front of the Lovegood house. Walking up to the door, Hermione and I looked at one another, sighed, and knocked.