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Stories by Granger

  1. Come Together by Granger

    It's four years after the Trio has graduated from Hogwarts, and they're about to live together again for the first time. But something is different... will old friends remain just old friends, or will they become something more?

  2. A Pair of Brown Eyes by Granger

    Join Harry and Hermione for a pint of romance in the Three Broomsticks, with special appearances by the Dursleys, assorted Weasleys, and the Invisible Drunken Gryffipede...

  3. Blush by Granger

    Harry returns from a summer at Quidditch Camp to find his best friends... transfigured. Love, lust, magic, music, and ale abound. And we always knew Draco was a rock star.

  4. Expecting by Granger

    Harry discovers that hormones may be a force more powerful than magic...