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Safe in Harbor by weird4hanson

Safe in Harbor


A/N: Boy howdy! You people are generous and dirty-minded! (Like me, hehe) Am so glad you all enjoyed the last chapter; I was determined for them to get together with a bang after all the shit they went through. Thanks ever so much for the reviews!! Now, I hate to say this, but this is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue and "Safe in Harbor" will be finis. No sequel is planned, but I won't say "never".. this story just jumped to mind; who knows? Maybe a sequel will do the same. And without further ado..

Chapter Twelve

If Harry had ever said he'd never been happier, he'd been wrong. Because any other happiness he'd experienced in his life paled next to how he felt now that he and Hermione were finally together.

'Joy Unspeakable' was the closest description for how he felt these days. Soon it would be three months since they'd officially began dating and every morning Harry woke up feeling happier than the day before. They did have their squabbles, what couple didn't?, but they always made up before the day was done. And whoever said make up sex was the best sex sure wasn't kidding.

With Hermione by his side again, Harry weathered Emerson's teething and the spate of ear infections that left the poor kid miserable for weeks. Emerson was also taking a lot of bumps and tumbles due to the fact that she was determined to walk, and kept falling. Most of the time she got right back up but sometimes she hit something as she fell and that, coupled with her frustration, made for a very cranky baby.

Hermione still had her flat in London but she spent so much time at Ballynore that she had as well as moved in. She was there most weeknights and every weekend, unless she had to work - which she was doing more and more as they entered critical stages of the Prolonged Cruciatus Curse cure.

None of their friends had been the least bit surprised that they'd gotten together. "It's about time!" was the most frequent sentiment expressed when the news got out.

"'Bout bloody time, I say," Ron had exclaimed when he came back from the Cannons' latest world tour to find Harry and Hermione engaged in a passionate liplock. The couple had been mortified, thinking Ron would be upset.

He laughed. "Why would I be upset? I've known you guys had the hots for each other since maybe seventh year at Hogwarts. Who better to get together than my best mates, heh?"

"Why didn't you ever tell me that Harry felt that way about me?" Hermione demanded.

"Yeah, you could have saved us a lot of unnecessary heartache," Harry added.

Ron took a long drink of his butterbeer and burped contentedly. "Ah, but what would be the fun in that?" He grinned as his friends glared at him. "There were times when I wondered if I'd have to lock you lot in a room together for a week before you'd come to your senses, though," he admitted.

"That wasn't the problem," Hermione pointed out. "We both knew how we felt; we were just convinced that the other didn't feel the same way."

"Besides, seeing as how they can hardly go half a day without shagging, they'd probably have killed each other in there," Malfoy drawled from the floor where he was rolling a ball back and forth to Em.

Harry grinned naughtily at Hermione. "Not a bad way to go, if you ask me. Death by Orgasm. Whaddya think, luv?"

Hermione blushed.

Tired of the ball, Emerson grabbed a keyring toy, climbed over Malfoy and crawled straight to Hermione. Hermione reached down to pick her up but the baby ignored her and drew herself up without help.

"Well, excuse me, missus," Hermione said, looking surprised. "Is it me or is she getting really independent?"

Harry beamed proudly. Emerson did have a mind of her own, even being a mere ten months old. "What d'you have there?" he asked the baby.

She looked up at him then down at the toy. "Dada," she said, holding it out to him.

Harry picked her up and cuddled her on his lap. He kissed her curly head, tickling her lightly and she squealed and laughed that deep belly laugh that only babies are capable of.

"Emerson," Hermione said. Em looked up at her. "Come here. Come show me the toy."

"Chaya?" Emerson asked. Or something that sounded like that. Everybody smiled.

"Yeah, bring it here."

The baby climbed off Harry's lap and crawled to Hermione. This time she let Hermione pick her up and seat her. Emerson held up the toy and let loose a stream of baby gibberish, obviously trying to explain about it and everybody gazed at her in adoration. She handed Hermione the toy. "Mama," she said.

Now everyone froze.

Ron goggled. "Did she just.. did she just call Hermione 'mama'?"

Harry was watching Hermione intently. He wanted to see how she would react. Something had been weighing on his mind lately and he had been looking for a push in either direction. Perhaps this was it.

He leaned forward. "Emerson." The baby looked over at him. "Who am I? Who's this?" He pointed at himself.

Emerson waved the toy. "Dada."

"Good girl. Now who's that?" He pointed at Hermione. "Who's that?"

She looked up at Hermione and gave her a dazzling smile. "Ma-ma."

Harry returned his gaze to Hermione who seemed to be blinking back tears. She hugged the baby tightly. "Oh, Sweetheart!"

Emerson tolerated this for a few seconds before she squirmed, wanting to be let down and Hermione set her onto the floor where she crawled back to Malfoy. Malfoy was wiping his eyes. "Damn allergies," he said weakly.

But Harry was suddenly lost in nervous and elated thought. Emerson's word and Hermione's reaction to the word had helped him come to a crucial decision with which he had been grappling. He loved Hermione so much. He wanted her to be his wife; to be his forever.

Today, in all honesty.

But he worried that it might be too soon to ask her. Even though they'd known each other for more than a decade, they had still only been romantically involved for three months. Marriage was a very serious step to consider, much less take, and although she was the only woman he could ever consider marrying, was three months too soon to ask her?

He knew that she loved him, she showed him everyday in so many ways, and there was nobody else he would even consider being a mother to his daughter. Or being the mother to the other children he hoped to have.

And just now, her reaction had made up his mind for him.


"That's the ticket, Harry," David Granger said as Harry swung his club awkwardly, teeing off on the 12th hole.

It was a week after he'd made his decision and Harry was playing his first ever game of golf, badly, with Hermione's father. David Granger was a quiet and bookish man who only seemed to come alive when he was talking about dentistry and Hermione. Or lately, golf. In making a choice as to the setting in which to make his request, Harry had decided that golf was the safer and less - but only by a little - boring option.

"How's the baby?" David asked suddenly, exchanging clubs.

Harry smiled. "She's good. Jabbering up a storm. She said 'moon' the other day."


"Yeah. I think it's that book Hermione's been reading to her," Harry replied.

David grinned. "Hermione's going to have her hooked on books, mark my words! Is she walking yet?"

"No, but not for lack of trying. The other day we caught her dancing though. I can't believe how fast she's growing," Harry said, shaking his head.

"What a delightful child," Mr. Granger chuckled as he bent to position his next ball.

Harry gulped and took a deep breath. "Er, David, can I ask you something?"

David straightened and looked at him curiously. He stopped fiddling with the club and observed Harry. "Sure."

Harry wished Mr. Granger would go back to looking at the clubs. His gaze was making Harry nervous. Taking another gulp of air, he decided to get right out with it. "Um, sir.. David.. I'd like to ask for your blessing to ask Hermione to marry me."

David looked at him for a long moment, his expression unreadable before he turned back to the clubs without answering and now Harry wished he could see the other man's face. The older man seemed almost to have forgotten that Harry was there and feeling slightly panicked, Harry hurried on. "I know we haven't been dating for very long, but we've known each other for more than 15 years and I love her-"

"I'd be honored to have you marry Hermione."

"... I can't imagine my life without her. She is the only woman that I-"

"Harry." He looked up into the twinkling brown eyes of Mr. Granger. "Did you hear what I said?"

Harry shook his head, feeling slightly foolish.

"I said I'd be honored to have you marry Hermione. I couldn't have picked a better man for my daughter."

Harry heaved a sigh of relief. "So it's ok?" he asked softly.

David smiled and clapped Harry on the shoulder. "It's more than ok. And I know that if my Elizabeth were alive, she'd say the same thing. You have my blessing. Go with God, young man."


It took Harry almost two weeks to decide how he was going to propose to Hermione. He wanted it to be simple yet romantic, something they would always remember fondly. David Granger's response to his question was a huge positive and the reactions of his friends when he told them of his intentions further bolstered his spirits and resolve.

Tonks and Angelina helped him pick out a ring for Hermione. Nothing overly fancy or showy; that was not Hermione's style. But he wanted the ring he chose to have a simple, understated elegance. Just like his lady. He was satisfied with the one he'd chosen, and he hoped Hermione would like it too. It was a 1.31 carat 3-stone setting platinium ring, made with a 0.71 carat round center diamond and a 0.30 carat round diamond on either side of it. Tonks and Angelina had both gotten teary-eyed and girly and Harry had had to threaten to hex them before they'd calmed down. They had, of course, promised to keep the secret, though they did urge him to do it ASAP because they would surely burst if they had to keep it quiet for too long.

Finally, the evening arrived when he would do it and Harry was relieved that everything had gone off without a hitch or a leak. Higher powers must have been at work there, as far as he was concerned, because Harry could count on one hand the number of times he'd ever been that lucky. Even the weather was cooperating. It was a lovely spring day, the proverbial April showers taking a break as if to cheer him on.

Per the plan, Fred and Angelina would keep Emerson overnight at their house. Harry had done that twice before, and both times it had been anguish being away from his little girl but he felt it was necessary for her to develop her own character. Much as he liked being needed, he didn't want Emerson to grow up to be needy and dependent on anybody but herself. And the books said to start early. Besides, it was the perfect foil. Hermione was unlikely to get suspicious because he'd done it before.

He told Hermione that it was so they could celebrate their three-month anniversary without interruption, to which she'd gotten that certain gleam in her eye that he'd never been able to resist. Suffice it to say, they had ended up in Fred and Angelina's guest bathroom but that's a whole other story.

Emerson waved bye-bye as Harry and Hermione prepared to leave and Harry waved back. "Bye baby. I love you."

But Em's eye had already been caught by the Fred Weasleys' Yorkshire terrier, Angus, and she squealed and began crawling towards the dog without a backward glance.

Harry sighed. "I think we've been dismissed," he told Hermione, who patted his arm sympathetically. "Shall we go home then?"

She smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."

After saying their good-byes and thanks-agains to Fred and Angelina (who winked at Harry) and their three year old twins, Marc and Marissa, he led her outside and checked his watch. If things were running on time and according to plan, the second phase of Operation Proposal should be completed by now. He took Hermione's hand and with a brief nod, they apparated to Ballynore.


The first thing he noticed when they arrived at Ballynore was a delicious smell wafting from the dining room. Harry heaved a mental sigh of relief. So far, so good.

Hermione grasped his arm. "Harry. Do you smell something?"

He grinned. "Actually I do. It smells like strawberries. Like woman." He grabbed her around the waist and buried his nose in her neck. "It smells like Hermione."

She swatted him. "Be serious!" But there was a faint blush on her cheeks so he knew she was pleased.

Harry took her hand and kissed it. "I ordered us dinner from Fifteen. Jamie owed me a favor and I told him it was our anniversary and.. well, wanna go see?"

She gave him a beautiful smile, seeming suddenly shy and Harry couldn't resist. He drew her closer and pressed his lips to hers. She sighed softly, her arms around his neck and Harry slipped his tongue into her delicious mouth. Hermione moaned and pressed against him and the feel of her breasts against his chest, even through their clothes, made the heat flicker through his brain.

He pulled away, breathing hard. Don't mess up the plan. Instead he gave her neck a quick nibble and whispered in a husky voice, "We'll continue this later."

Hermione shivered at his promise, her eyes bright and Harry took her hand and led her to the dining room. The sun was just beginning to set outside, its dying embers through the large bay windows enhancing the soft light of the candles scattered around the room. The big oak table, perfect for seating more than a dozen people without enlargement, had been transfigured into a smaller one just for two. There were two tall tapered candles in shiny silver sticks on the table with a small bowl of fresh rose cuttings between them. Their meals were covered by silver domes and a bottle of wine rested to the side, already uncorked and breathing, waiting for their enjoyment. Everything was, of course, being magically kept at their optimum temperatures.

"Thank you," Hermione said as Harry pushed her chair in. He sat down across from her, noting the way her eyes shone and the rosy glow on her cheeks. His heart was in perpetual hyperactivity mode, both from what he was planning and because he was aware of the fact that he was the one making her look like that. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen outside of their bedroom.


She nodded and he poured them some aromatic Pinot Gris. He handed her the glass and picked up his. "To us."

Hermione looked into his eyes and Harry felt goosebumps erupt along the back of his arms. "To us."

Dinner went by leisurely. The food was delicious, as usual; Jamie had really outdone himself once again. They both feasted on English pea carnaroli risotto with garden sorrel and ricotta, but not even the good food could make them keep their eyes off each other.

They talked about everything - about Hermione's job, where things were falling into place for the cure. About Emerson - laughing about things the baby had done and discussing her development. They talked about when Harry would go back to Quidditch - he would have to give Oliver a definite answer soon. Harry was leaning heavily towards going back; the next couple months for Puddlemere were entirely composed of training sessions and a few at-home games, so he wouldn't have to be away overnight. Molly Weasley was already watching a few kids during the daytime and had said she would love to have Emerson too.

Of course Harry was hoping that that wouldn't be necessary, if Hermione said 'yes' tonight. She still had every intention of taking an extended leave of absence from her job once the cure was finally implemented and Harry would much rather Emerson were with Hermione.

When the last morsel of their dessert, a delicious apricot and frangipane tart with mascarpone cheese, had been savored and their glasses drained, Harry stood up and went around to her side.

"Would you like to go for a walk?"

She took his proffered hand. "As long as I'm with you."

They stepped out into the cool darkness of the early evening. It was a full moon tonight, so there was no need for any other source of light. Harry made sure that the little velvet box was in his pocket, then he and Hermione strolled hand in hand slowly across the Ballynore grounds. They walked in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company and the loveliness of the night.

"Mmmm," Hermione said, breathing deeply. "It smells so good out here."

Harry gulped nervously. "Uh, yeah. There's a.. there's a wild rosebush around here somewhere. Em and I found it the other day."

"Are you alright?" she asked him curiously.

"Sure. I've never been better." He put his arms around her waist. "Happy Anniversary, Hermione. These past months we've been together have been, without a doubt, the happiest of my life."

She touched his cheek lightly. "And mine too. I love you, Harry."

"I love you, too," he said, bending his head to receive her kiss and for a long moment they just slowly explored each other's mouth. Hermione broke the kiss, hugging him tightly and Harry buried his nose in her hair, taking big gulps of air, plucking up his courage.

She gasped suddenly. "Harry, look!" She pointed to the sky and after a few seconds, he saw them: shooting stars. Perfect.

Her mouth was open in delight and seeing that her attention was otherwise engaged he dropped onto one knee, still holding her hand. The movement made him tug on her arm and she looked down at him in bewilderment.

Then her eyes widened and her other hand went to her mouth.

Ok, here it goes. Harry's heart was hammering so loudly he was sure she could hear it. "I.. I'm not really good at this, at using big eloquent words. Not that there are any words to adequately describe how I feel about you, how much you mean to me. How much I love you."

He realized that he was talking almost torrentially and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Hermione was still staring at him in wonder. "But I can say this, Hermione, I love you so much that when I'm with you I feel like I'm walking on air. You are my best friend, my rock, my lover. And I can honestly say that if you were just one thing more, I could conquer the world." He paused. "Well actually two things," he grinned.

Hermione laughed softly. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and her eyes were eloquent with feeling.

"I want you to be the mother of my children. I want you to-" Harry had to stop and swallow the huge lump in his throat. He looked up at her again, his eyes caressing hers. "Hermione.. Hermione, will you do me this honor? Will you marry me?"

Hermione let out a sob, dropped to her knees and threw her arms around him. "Yes. Yes, Harry, I'll marry you! I'll-" She broke off and kissed him and it was a sweet kiss, full of passion and joy. Their tears mingled as they clutched each other under the wild rose-scented moonlight. The love between them was almost palpable; surely, somewhere, the gods smiled.

They broke apart, both grinning like idiots.

Then Harry slapped his forehead. "Dammit! I forgot the ring." He fumbled in his pocket and brought out the little velvet box and handed it to Hermione. "I'm sorry," he said sheepishly. "I was supposed to have that in hand when I actually asked you, like all the big romantic heroes do."

She laughed and kissed him softly. "You're more than enough hero for me, Harry Potter. If you were any more, why, how could my poor heart take it?" She opened the box and gasped. "Oh my God, Harry! This-"

He frowned worriedly. "You don't like it? I thought, um... we can take it back and get anoth-" His words were cut off when Hermione kissed him again, sucking lightly on his bottom lip and Harry groaned.

She pulled away. "I love it. But Harry, this must have cost a fortune!"

He smiled dazedly. "I would gladly give up my fortune if it meant you'd kiss me like that again."

She smiled again and Harry's heart rate sped up. God, she was beautiful with the moonlight glinting off her hair. Her eyes were shining with happiness and he took the ring from her and slipped it onto her finger. It looked like it belonged there, like it had been made for her. Perhaps it had.

Harry drew her close. "Hold on," he said before he disapparated them to his bedroom.

He wanted her.

He wanted to show her just how happy she had made him tonight. He wanted to make her feel as good as he felt. He wanted to love her, with every part of his being, his body and soul.

Hermione shivered under his heated gaze and Harry brushed a strand of hair off her cheek. He bent his head and suckled at the pulsepoint on her neck and her breath hitched. He trailed his hands up and down her arms, her back, down to her butt, around to her front, up her legs, her belly, her breasts before cupping her face. Hermione's eyes were closed, her moistened lips glistening and slightly parted. She accepted his lips hungrily, her hands snaking under his shirt to lightly play across his lower back.

Still kissing her, Harry began unbuttoning her shirt, then his lips left hers to kiss every inch of skin as it emerged from the shirt he was slowly pushing off her shoulders. He cupped her breasts, weighing their soft mass in his hands as his thumbs brushed lightly across their hardened peaks through her lacy bra. Hermione gripped his arms and moaned as he continued his squeezing and caressing and suddenly the slow pace wasn't enough for him.

He kissed her again, hard, as his fingers fought with the hooks of her bra and when it had joined her shirt on the floor, he dipped his head and suckled one firm pink nipple into his mouth. Hermione cried out, her hands now in his hair, and the sound of her voice sent shock waves rippling through his body, fueling his urgency.

His lips moved to lavish attention on the other nipple as he unzipped her skirt and slid it down her hips, leaving her now only in her knickers. He slipped those off her too and as she stepped out of them, Harry's breath caught in his throat.

"My Hermione. You are so beautiful," he said almost reverently, gazing deeply into her eyes.

She blushed. "But you're still dressed. Now why is that?" She began pushing up his shirt and Harry helped her, quickly slipping out of his clothes leaving him standing just as naked before her. She reached down and stroked his hard length and Harry closed his eyes and hissed in pleasure.

"No, this is your night." He took her hand and led her to the bed, kissing her all over her face as they scooted to the middle of the mattress. He stretched out full-length on top of her so that his body was touching hers everywhere, resting his weight on his elbow. Again his lips captured hers and he kissed her until Hermione was panting while his hand played lightly across her flat stomach.

His fingers tickled the soft hair of her mound and her legs fell apart in silent invitation, which Harry chose to ignore for now. His lips wandered to her breasts again and still his fingers brushed lightly over her inner thighs, never quite going where she so obviously wanted them to.

"Please. Harry, touch me," she whimpered finally, trying to move his hand and Harry smiled around her right nipple before obliging and stroking her lightly. She moaned deep in her throat, arching her body to his touch and Harry slipped a finger inside her wetness, slowly moving it in and out.

Wanting suddenly to taste her, he slid slowly down her body, slipping his finger out of her as he went, to Hermione's disappointed cry. Harry parted her outer lips and looked at her soft wet folds for a second before he dipped his head and took a long taste of her honey. She tasted so good. She tasted like Hermione and Harry thought if he never had to get up from where he was, feasting at her most intimate spot, he would be more than fine.

Hermione was making the most delicious sounds, writhing beneath him. He slipped first one finger and then another inside her velvety softness and she made an odd gurgling sound while grabbing at his hair. Harry could tell she was getting close by the way her voice was rising and the way her thighs shook and he quickened the movements of his fingers and tongue.

"Harry!" she gasped as she tried to push his head away, obviously not wanting to come just yet but Harry pushed his fingers in deeper, applying pressure upward and she screamed. He stabbed at her clit with his tongue and felt Hermione shatter beneath him as her juices pooled around his fingers.

Unable to wait another second, convinced that he would surely die if he wasn't inside her at once, Harry slid back up her body, holding her close as she shuddered.

"Harry, Harry," she moaned, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He kissed her fiercely, plundering her mouth and she opened her legs wantonly, reaching down to guide him to her wetness. He slipped in effortlessly and they both cried out at the sensation of being one. They fit together so well, as if they had been made to match.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut, fighting not to explode yet, gripping her hips so she wouldn't move. Once he'd managed a measure of control, he raised his head and smiled at her. "You are so fucking sexy," he growled, watching the way her eyes rolled back in her head at his words. "And you're gonna be my wife."

She nodded, her breath coming in panting gasps. "Your.. wife.. oh Circe, Harry!"

Because Harry had started to move, sliding in and out of her slowly. He laced his fingers through hers and raised their hands above her head. She wrapped her legs around his hips, giving him better leverage to go deeper and the pace quickly sped up as they gave their everything to each other. Harry let go of her hands to fondle and squeeze her nipples while Hermione arched her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust.

"Oh Merlin, Hermione," he gasped as her walls began to tighten around him. He kept saying her name over and over again as his control slipped away from him and his movements became more frantic and unrestrained.

Her nails raked his back as she arched almost halfway off the bed, her face suffused with ecstasy. "Harry! Harry!"

The burning began simultaneously at the ends of his hair and the tips of his toes. He could almost track the sensation picking up speed as it rolled towards his gut from two different directions. He plunged into her harder, faster, sweat trickling down his back, and the two balls of flame met, merged and exploded into a raging inferno that had them both screaming to the ceiling of Ballynore.

They were consumed; he might have passed out, he would never be sure but it took them a long time to get down from the euphoric high. Afterwards they lay trembling in each other's arms, the blood pounding in their ears as their lungs worked frantically to get their breathing back to normal.

A while later, they were cuddled side by side gazing adoringly into each other's eyes.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" Hermione said softly, trailing her hand along his arm.

"A very long way," he agreed. "I mean, I never dreamed that the bossy little girl on the Hogwarts Express that first September 1st would end up consenting to be my wife. She was such a little know-it-OW!"

"Oh, you!" Hermione said, trying to look stern but failing by and large.

"So it's like that now, heh? Abusing me already. You're gonna pay for that, Miss Granger," Harry growled, rolling onto her and pinning her arms at her sides.

She smirked. "That's Mrs. Potter to you. And I'd like to see you try, hotshot."

Harry grinned and lowered his head to kiss her again. A profound sense of peace swept over him and as he slipped into her body again, he knew he was finally where he belonged.

He was home.