Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by weird4hanson

  1. Writing To Reach You by weird4hanson

    "Safe in Harbor/Above It All" Futurefic. This is the story of Emerson Potter, twenty-one year old daughter of Harry and Hermione. It explores two years in her life as she falls in love with the last person she expected to, while pursuing the dream of her life. The whole gang is back: Ben, Budget and Vina, (plus Harry and Hermione, of course) but the focus is on Emerson. Come read along!

  2. Above It All by weird4hanson

    SEQUEL TO "SAFE IN HARBOR". "Harry Potter" and "normal life" doesn't usually reside in the same sentence but somehow, lately, that had been true. But deep inside, Harry awaited the day when a vindictive fate would lash out against him once again. They say "Love conquers all". But what do you do when even love is not enough?

  3. How Much? by weird4hanson

    Hermione overhears a conversation between Harry and the boys. Later, she tells Harry that what she overheard is not possible. Harry says it is and "Wanna bet?" And the deal was on.. who will win? How much can she take? Only one way to find out, innit?

  4. A Fair Exchange by weird4hanson

    One-shot response to "Snitch" challenge.. Hermione gets a tattoo. How does Harry react when he finds out?

  5. It's Been Awhile by weird4hanson

    Set the summer after OoTP. Harry writes a letter to Hermione. A long letter..

  6. Rubber Chickens and Cake by weird4hanson

    ONE-SHOT. Outtake from "SAFE IN HARBOR" Emerson's first birthday party. Nuff said.

  7. Nothing She Wouldn't Do by weird4hanson

    **RATING UPPED** No stranger to grief, Harry Potter gets hit one more time and hides himself away. And once again, only one person can make him open the door. The person who would do anything..anything for him..

  8. Safe in Harbor by weird4hanson

    Harry Potter:The-Boy-Who-Lived? Sure. Harry Potter:Quidditch Star? No problem. But Harry Potter:Single Parent? Of an infant? By himself? Crikey! And how does Hermione Granger factor into the whole thing? Set 8 years after Hogwarts.