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Safe in Harbor by weird4hanson

Safe in Harbor


A/N:Once again, profuse thanks for all the reviews!! I'm glad you guys liked the Julia chapter. Somebody said that now they were sorry that she had to die. Wow. I guess what I was trying to do got across.. I wanted you guys to like her, even if she wasn't Hermione. Anyway, from now on, the story is Harry and Hermione (and Emerson, of course). Thanks again for all the reviews, and please continue! Sorry this chapter is so short, and the ending is intentional *evil laugh* :)

Chapter Seven

It was five days after Emerson arrived and Harry Potter was ready to tear his hair out in clumps. No, it wasn't because of the baby. Emerson was at the moment sound asleep, a little smile playing about her rosebud mouth. Even in such a short time, Harry had come to realize that Emerson was a very good baby who so far only cried when she was hungry or needed a change. Her one big meltdown had occurred because he'd startled her in a strange environment.

Or at least that's what the books said.

Harry's daughter was mostly smiles, giggles and baby babble. She had even laughed out loud once, startling Hedwig and making Harry, in a burst of fierce Daddy love, pick her up and shower her little face with kisses while she grabbed at his glasses and gurgled. His glasses were an endless source of fascination to her, apparently.

He marvelled at how much he had come to love the little tousle-haired moppet (poor kid had inherited his unruly hair, but in the form of fat, black curls) in such a short time.

Not that there weren't the times when he seriously questioned his sanity in keeping her - especially at 3 o'clock in the morning when she wouldn't shut up no matter what he tried. But any second thoughts that cropped up promptly evaporated like mist on a hot day in the face of Emerson's lopsided grin or one of her little contented sighs. And when she smiled at words existed to describe the emotion that swelled his heart.

No, Harry Potter was violently clutching his chronically untidy hair out of sheer anxiety. Today was going to be his first foray into the wizarding world with his daughter and he was nervous as all hell. But he just couldn't put it off any longer. He had already broken two appointments at the MoM, to Hermione's great chagrin since she was the one who had set up the meetings using her various contacts.

The last time he had done that she had given him such a thorough chewing out that he'd been surprised that she hadn't hexed him.

"Do you have any idea how that reflects on me, Harry?" Hermione's hands were on her hips and her dark eyes flashed dangerously. "I've already gotten Susan Bones' assurance that she will personally handle your case and you know she's the Head of that department. What more do you want? Emerson has already been here almost a week and I told you that Susan said the longer you wait, the more chances that she might not be able to do it herself."

"But Hermione-"

"Listen, Harry. I understand that you're nervous, I understand that you're worried about it getting out before you're ready. I understand. But hiding out in here, putting off what needs to be done will not solve anything! So you had better be ready to leave tomorrow morning at 8:30 or I swear by all that is holy that you will regret it. Just try me!" She disapparated in a huff leaving an extremely irritated (and guilty) Harry behind to berate himself.

Needless to say, trying Hermione when she got like that did not bode well for one's chances of survival which was why Harry and his daughter were ready and waiting.

There was a 'pop' behind him and he turned. It was Hermione. "Hey," he said nervously.

She gave him a quick hug and Harry greedily sucked in the sweet scent of strawberries from her hair. She was beautiful in pale blue robes and he didn't want to let her go. But she pulled away, looking anxious. "Ready to go? Susan gave me a Portkey that'll take us directly to her office so we won't have to meet anyone else."

Harry nodded and picked up Emerson while Hermione shouldered the baby's bag. She held up a large eagle feather quill and checked her watch. "Another minute now."

They gathered around and Harry held Emerson's hand on the quill. A few more seconds, there was that familiar pull behind his navel and they were standing in a large carpetted room lined with bookshelves. There was a large desk covered with neatly arranged folders and paperweights in the center of the room, behind which sat their old schoolmate Susan Bones. Susan looked much the same as she had at Hogwarts except now her blond hair was cut in a short bob instead of pigtails.

Harry looked down at Emerson; she was awake, her green eyes wide and startled. Uh-oh. "Hey, it's ok," he said hastily. "I hate Portkey travel too. Would much rather apparate. But we're there now." Emerson frowned and Harry held his breath but after a few tense seconds, she decided not to cry. Crisis averted. Thank Merlin, because when Emerson cried she really brought the house down. He blew out the breath.

"How're you doing, Harry?" Susan came around the desk and shook Harry's hand. Not waiting for an answer, she looked down at the baby. "So this is your daughter?"

"That's what we're here to find out, isn't it?" He smiled nervously. "Thanks for doing this, Susan. I appreciate it very much and sorry about the.. er.. canceled appointments."

She waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Shall we start then?" She instructed Harry to lay Emerson on her desk and Harry sat down beside Hermione. "What did you say her name was?"

"Emerson," Hermione said.

Susan looked puzzled then shrugged. Harry and Hermione exchanged amused looks. "So did Hermione give you the documents that you needed to fill out?"

"Uh, yeah." Harry handed her the packet of completed forms.

Susan nodded. "Ok. All we have to do then is the Patrius Test and I'll put the appropriate information on the papers. We should be out of here in no time. Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes."

She waved her wand in tight circles over Harry's head. "Patrius." A circle of emerald green light streamed from her wand and ringed his head and Harry felt a strange warmth on the back of his neck. Next she did the same motion over Emerson's head, but muttering "Filiola" instead, and the three adults smiled as the baby's eyes followed the motion of the wand.

Suddenly a beam of light shot out of Susan's wand, circling Emerson's small head and Harry and Hermione gasped.

The light was a deep, unmistakable blue.

End notes: The latin words are from ( Patrius just means "of a father" and Filiola literally means "little daughter".
Next chapter: um.. you'll see, hehe..