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If I Don't Tell You Now by Kath

If I Don't Tell You Now


Chapter 2

Harry immediately heard sounds of life coming from within the house; a clattering of dishes, a quick laugh, followed by the same voice issuing an exclamation of what Harry thought sounded like mock pain.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Harry found himself face to face with a man the same age as him, though slightly taller, and very lanky, with flaming red hair. The man was still laughing softly as he massaged the back of his head.

"Harry!" he exclaimed warmly, his smile widening as he pulled Harry into a bear hug.

Harry patted the man's back. "Ron," he smiled. "It's great to see you."

"You too, Harry, you too. Come in, please. How've you been? What've you been up to? It seems like ages since we last saw you!" he spoke quickly, still grinning happily.

Harry's smile faltered just slightly, but Ron, who was closing the front door, didn't notice. "Well, I'm fine," Harry said as he moved into the living room. "I've just been a bit busy lately. Had to catch up on a lot of work at the office." Harry turned his gaze to the ground, and cleared his throat. "Where's ...?"

"Hermione, there you are!" Ron said cheerily to the woman who had just entered the room. "Look, Harry's just arrived!"

Harry, still with his eyes averted to the floor, tentatively looked up, and was immediately met by Hermione's tender gaze.

"Harry," she said softly, as she quickly closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Harry sighed into her embrace, and closed his eyes.

Hermione pulled away and put a hand on his cheek. She stared into his eyes, and spoke quietly, but emotionally. "I've really missed you, Harry."

He surveyed her briefly. She looked as beautiful as she always had, with her deep brown eyes, and wavy dark hair, which framed her face perfectly. He smiled down at her, the touch of her hand still on his cheek spreading warmth throughout his entire body. "I've missed you too, Hermione."

For the first time that evening, she smiled at him and enveloped him in a hug once more.

"So Harry, I hope you're hungry, 'cause I think Hermione's made enough food for at least six people," Ron laughed.

Harry pulled himself away from Hermione's arms and looked briefly at the practically forgotten Ron, noticing Hermione doing the same. She was turning slightly red and had an odd, shy smile on her face, as she started fidgeting with her hair.

Harry chuckled. "Don't worry," he said to them both. "I'm so hungry I could eat a hippogriff."

Ron grinned once more, and clapped him on the back. "Excellent. Let's go to the table then. I'll start serving, that is, if Hermione didn't break all our dishes." He began to laugh again. "She practically jumped out of her skin when she head you knock on the door. Dropped some plates she was carrying," he said, still laughing.

Hermione scowled, blushing red once more, and hit him playfully on the back of the head.

"Ouch," Ron cried, his eyes grinning despite his efforts to look hurt. "Why do you keep hitting me?"

"Because you deserve it," Hermione retorted, her own eyes shining in jest. She looked at Harry, apparently wishing to explain. "I just wasn't expecting you just yet. The knocking frightened me a little. But no harm done," she smiled.

"Tell that to the dishes," Ron mumbled, as he shot behind Harry to avoid another smack.

Hermione put her hands on her hips. "Are you so determined to aggravate me tonight, Ronald Weasley? Because you're getting off to a very good start."

Ron came out from behind Harry and hugged her closely. Harry found himself quickly looking away. "No, Miss Granger," Ron grinned evilly down at her. "I'm not determined to aggravate you tonight. I'm determined to do it all the time. After all, what else are future husbands for?"