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If I Don't Tell You Now by Kath

If I Don't Tell You Now


Chapter 3: The Talk

Hermione shot a quick glance at Harry, before clapping Ron on the back of the head again.


"Despite what you might think Ron, becoming my husband does not give you the authority to act like a jerk all the time." She looked at him with pursed lips. "You already did that as my friend, so if getting married doesn't change that, then what's the point?"

She walked casually away, over to the table and began dishing out the food.

Ron's smile faltered slightly, as he glanced first at Harry, then back at his fiancée. "Hermione, I'm sorry, okay?" he said coming up behind her, and wrapping his arms around her waist. "But is everything alright?" he whispered so that Harry, who was trying his best to pretend he was doing something other than listening, could not hear. "I mean," Ron continued. "You've been a bit short with me lately. Always snapping at me, for no real reason. I know I annoy you sometimes." He stopped when he saw the amused look on her face. "Okay," he conceded, chuckling. "Most of the time. But since we got together, I think I've been a lot better, and you've been a lot more tolerant of me on the odd occasion that I have slipped back into my irritating school boy ways. But lately, ever since we got engaged..." He frowned. "I guess I just want to make sure everything's okay; that we're okay. Are we?"

Hermione turned around in his arms so that she was facing him, and glanced over at Harry, who was thumbing through a book. She looked up at Ron, not quite meeting his eyes, and sighed. "We're fine, Ron," Hermione paused and looked briefly at her hand that was resting on his chest. "Nothing to worry about."

Ron smiled back down at her. "Good." He turned around. "Harry, you can put down the book now. World War III narrowly averted," he smirked.

Harry adjusted his glasses, and looked across at Hermione. "Lucky."

Hermione looked away from his gaze and cleared her throat. "Okay, boys, dinner's ready."

"Brilliant," Ron said, planting a quick kiss on her cheek, before sitting down at the table.

Harry pulled out a chair and offered it to the still-standing Hermione. She smiled at him. "Thanks, Harry," she said, taking her seat parallel to Ron at the circular table.

Harry returned her smile. "You're welcome," he said as he sat, creating between the three of them a triangular shape with himself as the vertex.

Harry picked up his cutlery and began to eat the food, roast pork and vegetables, which Hermione had prepared.

"This is delicious, honey," Ron said to her between mouthfuls. "Back when we were at school it didn't even occur to me that the gift you had for brewing potions would transfer to food and work in my advantage later on," he said, making Harry and Hermione laugh with him.

"Ron's right. It really is incredible, Hermione," Harry said, still smiling.

Hermione shrugged and rolled her eyes. "What can I say? I do my best," she looked sideways at Harry, holding his gaze for a moment, and then at Ron, smiling slightly at each of them. "But thank you both. I'm glad you like it."

After dinner

"Listen, don't you two worry about that. I'll clean everything up."

Hermione looked quizzically at Ron, surprised by his very infrequent offer to wash the dishes.

"What?" he said, noticing her stare, and smirking back at her. "You're acting like I've never offered to clean up before?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Ron?"

Harry and Ron laughed. "Hey, this is all me, baby," Ron said, trying to sound like Barry White, and causing both Harry and Hermione to erupt in laughter. "Seriously, we haven't seen Harry in a long time, and I thought you'd like to talk to him alone for a bit." Ron's smirk returned. "Don't worry, I'll steal him away from you later while you make the desert."

Ron patted Hermione fondly on the head, as he began clearing the dining room table of the plates and leftover food.

Hermione watched him go and then turned to Harry, smiling. "Do you want to go and sit on the porch?" she asked.


Hermione took her jacket from where it was hanging on the back of the front door and put it on, before heading out into the chilly night. Harry followed her, closing the door behind him. Hermione made her way over to a bench on the far end of the porch and sat down, patting the spot next to her. Harry made his way over and sat down next to her.

They sat in silence for a few moments.

"You've been awfully quiet tonight Harry," Hermione began cautiously. "Is there something the matter?"

Harry looked into her eyes and saw concern reflected in them. He could tell she was worried, and wanted to know if she could help him, but was not going to press him to reveal anything he didn't want to. Hermione just watched him as she waited patiently for an answer that Harry didn't really want to give.

"Well," he began finally, not even knowing how he was going to continue. "I'm not really sure, to be honest."

Hermione looked at him, confused, but she did not push him, as he knew she wouldn't.

Harry sighed. "I've been having some ...personal problems, for a very long time now"

Hermione reached out to his hand, and held it in her own. "Harry, you know that if you ever need to talk to Ron or I, you can. You can come to us about anything, at anytime. You're the most important person in..." she stopped herself. "... our life."

Harry looked down their interlocked hands. "Thanks, Hermione. I know I can come to you, and believe me, I wanted to." He looked up into her eyes. "It's just that I'm not sure you, or anyone, can help me out this time."

Hermione squeezed his hand, and smiled warmly. "Why don't you try me?"

Harry chuckled briefly, and then sighed. "Okay..." he began, terrified beyond belief. "You see, it's about a girl..."

"Mr. Potter," she began, still squeezing his hand and laughing softly, though the laugh did not seem to reach her eyes. "It was strange enough to have to reveal this little secret to Ron in our fourth year, but even stranger to have to tell you now, at twenty-seven years old. You see, believe it or not, I myself am a girl, and therefore may be of some use to you."

Harry laughed again. "Oh, I've always known you were a girl, Hermione." He stopped laughing and bit his lip, as Hermione watched his face intently, waiting for him to continue. "Well, I know this girl. Only she's with another guy, and they're really happy. And, honestly, I'm happy for them. But you see, she's the most beautiful, amazing, intelligent, caring and loving person I've ever met." He looked at Hermione. "And the thing is ... I'm in love with her."