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If I Don't Tell You Now by Kath

If I Don't Tell You Now


Chapter 8: The Return

Half an hour later, Harry wiped his face and slowly started to make his way back inside the house. He went into the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, and sat down at the table, putting his head in his hands.

He couldn't believe what he had done. Why had he thought that telling Hermione he was in love with her was the right thing to do? It was in retrospect, Harry thought now, perhaps the stupidest thing he had ever done. He had, with just those three little words, perhaps irrevocably destroyed the two greatest friendships he had ever known. Harry sighed deeply and shook his head, wondering how he was going to deal with this. As thoughts circled in his head, his gaze shifted over to the staircase, as his thoughts returned, as they always did, to Hermione.

Harry stood up now, suddenly eager to sleep. He rinsed his glass, and put it back in the cupboard, before trudging over to the staircase, and making his way up. Reaching the door to his room, he put his hand on the doorknob, hesitating over whether or not to open it. After a moment, he turned around, and moved cautiously to Hermione's door, trying to make out any sounds coming from within. What he heard made his heart stop and his breath catch in his throat. Hermione was crying.

As her friend and someone who loved her, he wanted to fling open the door and comfort her in his arms until she fell asleep. As the man who had caused her this hurt, he knew he could not, at least not right away. Yet as much as he knew he shouldn't, that he may only make things worse for himself, he simply couldn't bare to leave her crying and alone.

He knocked quietly on her door. "Hermione?" he called in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Getting no response, he tried again, raising his voice just a bit. "Hermione?"

"Go away," she cried out in between sniffs and sobs.

Harry felt as if he had been kicked in the gut. "Hermione, I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Please, go away, Harry!" she cried louder now.

At that moment, his heart hurt more than it ever had. Not because of the mind numbing pain he had inflicted upon himself by his actions, but for causing Hermione any kind of discomfort or pain. He could never stand to see her upset, and to know that he was the cause of it was just about too much for him to bear.

"Hermione, I... I'm sorry," he ended in a whisper, as he walked to his door with his head hanging down.

He changed his clothes and fell into bed, desperate for a sleep that would not come.

The next morning he showered and got dressed in a hurry, hoping to see Hermione. He practically ran downstairs, though to no avail. She had already left.

Hermione was very successfully avoiding him. He didn't see her at all that day, or the next, or even the day after that. In fact, Harry didn't see her at all until his last day staying with her, the day that Ron was due home.

Harry had awoken early, disturbed by noise downstairs. He heard what sounded like breaking glass. Worried, he got out of bed and grabbed his wand, not wanting to waste time putting a shirt over his bare chest. He thought that it was most likely that Hermione had simply broken a dish, but wanting to be prepared nonetheless, in the case of possible foul play. He walked carefully down the stairs ready to use the body bind curse if need be, only to find himself face to face with an angry and red faced Ron.

"Dammit!" Ron cried, massaging his hand. He had apparently slammed it accidentally against the bureau by the door, knocking off a vase, which broke on the floor, in the process.

Harry smirked at his friend, raising his eyebrow and waiting to be acknowledged.

A second later, Ron looked up and smiled, embarrassed. "Hello, Harry. Saw that, did you?"

"No, unfortunately, I missed it."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Ah, very funny. Honestly, sometimes I think we should put bubble wrap on the all our furniture just so I don't continually injure myself on anything!"

Harry laughed. "Good to see you back, Ron."

Ron smiled, and pulled Harry into a one armed embrace. "It's good to be back."

"How was it? How's Charlie?"

"Oh, well, as you know I'm not too fond of Romania," Ron began, as Harry helped him and his bags through to the living room. "But I swear, if I don't make the trek up there, I'd never see the sod. He's good, though. Loves it up there. Kinda makes me a bit sad though, whenever I go up there. Charlie's love of those dragons really reminds me of Hagrid."

They both paused, remembering their friend. "Norbert's doing well. I wish Hagrid could've seen him again before..." Ron shook his head, as if to shake away the sad thoughts that thinking of Hagrid inevitably conjured up. "Anyway, how've you been, mate? And how's my gorgeous fiancée?"

Harry paused for just a moment. "Well, I can't complain. And Hermione... well, I think she's been missing you."

Ron's face lit up. "I've missed her too. Where is she?"

"I guess she's still asleep. I don't think either of us expected you until tonight."

"Yeah, I took an earlier portkey," Ron explained. "Hermione!" he suddenly exclaimed.

Harry turned around and saw Hermione, showered and dressed, standing on the stairs. He shook his head internally. She'd obviously been getting up this early for the last few days in her efforts to leave before having to see him.

Ron bounded over to her, and caught her up in a tight embrace. She smiled sadly; catching Harry's eye for a moment before both looked away.

"Ooh, I've missed you so much!" Ron told her, pulling back a little to look at her.

With the same sad smile still imprinted on her face, which Harry mused that Ron seemed oblivious to, she nodded. "I'm glad you're back."

Ron quickly swept her up into another hug. Harry hung back, feeling uncomfortable standing there topless in front of Hermione. When they broke apart again, Harry cleared his throat.

"Well," he said, stepping awkwardly past them at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm just gonna get dressed."

He came down with his bag a few minutes later to see Ron sitting in the living room. There was no sign of Hermione.

"Well, I'll get out of your hair now."

"Don't be silly, Harry. Stay and have some breakfast with us."

At that moment, Hermione walked into the room. Harry caught the look of discomfort that passed over her face, and replied to Ron. "No, I'd better not. Have to get an early start in the office today."

"Oh, if you have to," Ron said not looking as sorry as he sounded. It was obvious why, and Harry gulped, unjustifiably feeling ill everytime he was confronted by the nature of Hermione's relationship with Ron.

"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you two later, then," he said, moving towards the door.

Ron stood to follow him, accompanied by Hermione. "Don't be a stranger, okay, Harry?"

Harry chuckled awkwardly. "Sure, Ron. See you later."

He walked out the door, across the porch, and down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he turned around.

Ron had his arm around Hermione and was waving and calling out his goodbyes. Hermione didn't say a word.