Chapter 13 - Sweet Confessions
After baking dozens of cookies, Ginny took a shower and fell asleep in her soft bed, expecting a long night of sleep, because the next day, she would need to be on full alert, to put her plan into action.
But she never expected to wake up in the middle of the night, as someone pounded on the door, with extreme force.
`Who the hell is making so much noise? Are the twins drunk again, and afraid to show up at home in such a state?' Ginny thought, running down stairs, not even bothering to put a robe on top of her pyjama, aka, small shorts and spaghetti straps top.
Both her parents were already in the kitchen, their wands drawn, preparing to open the door. The person kept on pounding the door so harshly, that it was a miracle the door was still on this place.
Her father finally opened the door and a person covered in a black cloak feel in the kitchen, as she prepared to bang once again.
The first thought that ran through the three Weasley's mind was: `Death-Eater', but it was a little ridiculous, actually. Harry had killed Voldemort, and all the Death-Eaters had been captured. Surely no one would start the whole death eater thing again, right?
"Who are you, and why are you here in the middle of the night?" Arthur asked, in a cold voice, his wand directed towards the cloaked person.
"Draco Malfoy." The male voice, Ginny had come to know so well, replied, as he rose to his feet again. Then, he removed the hood, showing his face, his eyes were extremely concerned and his mouth in a tight line.
"What's wrong? Why are you here?" Ginny asked, making him focus on her, instead of her parents.
"Thomas is burning in a fever, and I can't get it down… He keeps on throwing up and I don't know who else to call, but you!" Draco replied, letting the worry and frustration show in his voice. "Can you come to the Manor, please?"
"But, of course! I'll get my cloak!" she replied, now feeling very worried as well.
While Ginny ran upstairs, Draco faced her parents, who looked at him with anger.
"I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley…" he said.
"It's ok, Mr. Malfoy… But tell me something, how do you know Thomas?" Molly asked, already taking her our conclusions.
"He's under my care, Mrs. Weasley, but if you don't mind, I would like to keep it secret." Draco replied, finding out that Ginny had told him the truth… Not even her parents knew were she was working.
"Why? Are you her boss? The one who yelled at her for bringing the boy to my grandson's birthday party? She was just trying to help, you know…" Molly said, growing furious on Draco.
"Yes, I know… And I want to say thank you for receiving Thomas in your house." Draco replied, trying to stop the woman from hating him, although he didn't know why.
"It was a pleasure… Thomas is a wonderful boy, and he has become good friends with my grandchildren!" Molly replied, leaving the kitchen. "Good evening, Mr. Malfoy, and I hope Thomas gets better soon."
As soon as Molly left the kitchen, Arthur started his own speech.
"Don't think I don't know who that boy is, Mr. Malfoy… Don't think I didn't know my child was working for you… I have my own ways of getting information, and I just let her work for you, because I saw the importance of it." Arthur said in a fatherly tone, sitting at the kitchen table, his eyes piercing Draco's. "My daughter as a wonderful heart, and she decides who she thinks to be worthy of her affections, don't you ever forget that! So, pay attention to what is happening around you, and don't make her suffer…"
On that same moment, Ginny walked in the kitchen, wearing a light blue cloak, on top of her pyjama, sandals on her feet and her wand in her right hand.
Her arrival prevented Draco from having to reply to Mr. Weasley, and he was thankful for that, for he needed to spend some time over his words, to understand what he meant.
"Daddy, go to bed, I'll be home as soon as possible… Goodnight!" Ginny said in a sweet voice, kissing her father's bald head, and going out the door with Draco behind her.
With a small Pop, they both Apparated at Malfoy Manor.
Draco immediately took her hand in his and pulled her towards the house; quickly opening the double doors, and then lead her to Thomas' bedroom. Not a word was said, as they were both worried and nervous, and hurt, in Ginny's case.
Still, it was very curious to see Draco so worried about a little boy he seemed to despise…
Draco's deadly grip on her hand ended as soon as they walked in Thomas' bedroom. The boy was lying in his bed, his face shining with cold sweat; his lips were trembling with cold, although he was covered with several blankets.
"What the hell his going on?" she mumbled, running to the bedside, measuring his temperature and becoming even more worried. "We need to lower his temperature… Tabby, prepare a warm bath, NOT HOT, just warm!"
The house-elf ran to the bathroom, while Ginny removed the blankets from the bed.
"Cold… So cold!" Thomas cried, his teeth clashing against each other, the sound echoing in the room.
"Don't worry, sweetie, you'll be ok in no time!" Ginny promised, trying to smile. "Let's give you a bath…"
Ginny was about to take Thomas in her arms, when Draco came by her side, and took the boy in his strong arms, to the bathroom, placing him inside the tub full of tepid water after vanishing the boy's clothes. She just followed in silence.
"What do we do now?" Draco asked, sitting on the bathroom rug, covering his face with his strong hands, looking and sounding tired.
"Now, we wait…" she replied, kneeling next to the bathtub, to keep an eye on Thomas. "Hopefully his temperature will drop a little and then I'll give him a potion to balance his immunity system. I believe his body's reacting to our afternoon at the Burrow's lake…"
"Don't you dare!" Draco hissed, holding her wrist tightly, making her yelp in pain.
"What are you talking about?" she gasped in surprise. His eyes showed fury towards her and Ginny didn't know what she said wrong.
"Don't you dare blame yourself for this… You're not to blame of his natural protection being so weak!" Draco said, pulling on her wrist to bring their faces closer.
Ginny remained silent, trying to make her head and body react against his touch. He had hurt her, treated her like a lowly creature, and here she was, melting in his hands.
`Get a hold on yourself, Ginevra Weasley!' she screamed inwardly, and just as Draco was about to kiss her, Ginny turned her face, and he ended up kissing her cheek.
"I believe you've played me enough for today…" she said, in the coldest voice she could muster.
"I didn't play with you, Ginevra…" he sighed, letting go of her hand, but his eyes remained locked on her.
"Oh, is that so? Then, can you tell me what happened? Why did we both behave that way, WILLINGLY, and then you turned cold on me, and called me the COOKER? I'm no cooker, Mr. Malfoy and I certainly am no toy for you to have fun with!" Ginny hissed, trying hard not to raise her voice, because of Thomas.
"What happened in the office was a mistake, that's all… You shouldn't take it so personally, Weasel! After all, Malfoys commit mistakes as well…" he sneered, although his heart clenched to see her so mad at him. "And about the cooker thing, I don't want Chantal to know about Thomas."
"What? Afraid she won't shag you anymore, if she knows you have a kid under your care?" she replied, coldly, touching Thomas' forehead again, and sighed in relief when she noticed the temperature had dropped a little.
"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out…" he replied, standing up from the floor, but not leaving the bathroom.
"Ginny, I'm tired…" Thomas' small voice said, as he sat in the tub.
"I know, sweetie…" she replied, taking him out of the tub, drying him up with a towel, and putting him on some fresh pyjamas. Draco once again, took Thomas in his arms and took him to the bedroom, placing him on the freshly made bed.
As Ginny moved the blanket to cover the now sleeping boy, both Ginny and Draco gasped with shock, upon seeing the boy move his legs to sleep on his left side.
"You were right, after all…" Draco sighed, sitting on the small chair, next to the bed. "The only thing keeping him from walking it's his mind."
Ginny didn't answer, and removed her cloak, as when she had removed Thomas from the bathtub she had gotten it wet. The room was a little cold, making her shiver, as she was wearing just her cotton shorts and top.
"Mr. Malfoy, would you mind if I stayed for the night? I want to make sure Thomas' temperate doesn't rise again…" she asked, not daring to face Draco, as she knew all her resolve to be strong would fly off the window the minute she looked into his silver eyes.
"Yes, you can…" he replied, observing her whole body, and every single gesture she did, as she walked over to the bed. That woman could make him feel like the lowest scum on Earth when she treated him this way. He had his reasons to stop their very intimate moment, that afternoon, and he didn't want to tell her why, because Malfoys don't have to justify their behaviour…
"You can go back to your bed, now… I'm sure you have a full day tomorrow and you need your sleep." She said, sitting against the headboard, under the blanket. Ginny intended on staying awake all night to watch over Thomas' sleep.
"No, I'll stay here as well…" he replied, trying to get comfortable on the small and hard chair, ending up breaking it.
Although she had her mind set on being cold towards him, Ginny giggled. What do you want? Her heart was bigger than her head, sometimes! Draco looked so cute, sitting on the floor with a shocked look on his handsome face.
Draco stared at her with killer eyes and stood up from the floor, kicking the remaining pieces of wood that one minute ago had been part of a nice chair. What he did next, surprised Ginny, but she remained silent, watching him attentively.
Draco searched around the bedroom, searching for other chairs, but there weren't anymore. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked over to the bed, took of his shoes and his black cloak, revealing a black silky pyjama.
`The man sure has class… What a contrast, uh? Me in cotton and he in silk, even in bed!' she thought with a small smile on her lips. Yes, she did have sexy underwear, but what's the point in wearing it if you didn't have anyone to show it to?
Draco sat on the bed and laid under the blanket, punching the pillow to make it softer. Right now, Thomas was sleeping on the right side of the bed, Ginny was seating in the middle against the headboard, and Draco was lying on the left side of the bed, lying on his side, facing Ginny with his now dark eyes.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" Draco asked in a deep voice, watching Ginny caress Thomas' hair and cheeks.
"Not yet… I need to keep an eye on him." Ginny replied, sighing.
"Fine. If you need me, call me… Goodnight." Draco replied, closing his eyes and prepared to fall asleep.
Ginny kept on playing with Thomas' hair, although her eyes were fixed on Draco, trying to memorise every single aspect of him. It was during this inspection, that she ended up falling asleep as well.
Everything was dreadfully quiet in the bedroom, and there was one single candle, fighting to remain burning, casting a soft glow over the dark room.
There were three people on the bed, and only one of them was awake, brown eyes shinning under the soft light.
Thomas woke up feeling much better, although his throat was a little sore. Rolling his body to lay flat on his back, he felt a warm presence by his side… Ginny.
She was everything he had ever wished, after losing his mother. Ginny cared about him and wanted the best for him, even when he acted like a brat.
Whenever he closed his eyes, he could see his mommy yelling at him, telling him to stop being so childish and then her death… Ginny said his mother was the fault, not him. Was it true? Well, maybe not, it had just happened, but the truth was, Thomas had played a small part in it, although he couldn't be blamed. Yes, Ginny had helped him realise he was too small and innocent to be guilty of such an important thing, as death.
`Can you make me forget that day, Ginny? Can you love me, like I want you to? Can you be my new mommy?' Thomas thought, caressing Ginny's face and touching her soft red hair.
There was a deep sigh, a male one, and Thomas jumped in surprise. He hadn't noticed anyone else in the room… Searching around the dark corners of the room, he found no one, but when he propelled himself up on his elbows, Thomas saw a blond man, lying on the other side of Ginny, sleeping peacefully.
`What is he doing here?' Thomas thought, watching as Draco moved in his sleep and placed an arm around Ginny's waist, bringing their bodies closer, to fit perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. `They kind of look cute together… Maybe he's here because he cares about me? Maybe he wouldn't mind being my father, and stay with Ginny?'
The Gods will always hear a child's wish… Maybe Thomas' wish is strong enough to become real? Who knows?
Thomas was still watching the couple, when Ginny woke up and smiled warmly at him.
"Hello, darling… How are you feeling?" she whispered, touching his forehead, only to find out it wasn't too warm.
"I'm better… Thank you for caring about me, Ginny!" he replied, falling on his back to touch Ginny's long fiery hair. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No, why are you asking?" she asked, playing with his hair as well. "Are you interested?"
"NO!" he giggled. "I just wanted to know if you would like to have kids?"
"Yes, Thomas, that's what I want the most…" Ginny smiled warmly, kissing his forehead. Only when she moved to do so, did she notice the strange weight on her stomach. Looking down she was surprised to find Draco's arm holding her against his body. It was quite the sight…
"Do you like him?" Thomas asked, clearly talking about Draco.
At last, Ginny seemed to understand what Thomas was trying to do.
"Listen Thomas, adult people's lives aren't that easy… To like someone, isn't enough to be happy. You have to truly love the person before you decide anything. And most of the times, the feelings aren't present on both ways, and when that happens, you're better off alone, than trying to be the only one feeling love in the relationship…" Ginny explained. "But, that's more than your little head can understand… When you grow up, you'll know what I mean! Draco Malfoy is my boss and that's it."
"Will you be by my side, when I understand what you just told me?" he asked, full of hope.
Yes, Thomas was just asking her if she would be present in his life, forever more. And no, she couldn't answer that, because she didn't know, and highly suspected she wouldn't.
"I love you, and I'll always be thinking of you, no matter how far we are from each other…I can promise you that." She smiled warmly, a tear running down her face.
"I love you too, Mommy, and I'll never forget you." Thomas sobbed, throwing his short arms around Ginny's neck, wanting to feel her motherly warmth protecting him.
His words were enough to make Ginny cry like a baby… This small child lover her like a mother! She felt so happy, because she loved him back, as a son, but at the same time, she felt fear…
Hopefully she would help him walk again, then her job would be over, and she'd have to leave the Manor… Thomas' heart would be broken, in the end, and it pained her so much to know that.
Embracing each other strongly, afraid to lose one another, Ginny and Thomas fell asleep.
Silver eyes were shining under the candle light for a few seconds, and then the candle burned out, leaving the whole room emerged in darkness. He had heard the entire conversation, and decided he would have to take measures about what he had just heard. Ginny and Thomas' shouldn't get so connected; it would only make things worse in the end.
For now, Draco tightened his hold on Ginny's waist, smiling to the feeling of having her in his arms and spent the rest of the night watching over the beautiful redheaded Weasley and blond haired Longbottom.
Thank you all so much for your reviews! I feel loved and that's great for my EGO.
Well, it's 1 a.m. over here, and in about 9 hours I have an exam, to which I barely studied, but it's not a case to worry, because it's Informatic applied to Statistics.
It's easy, and so, I took the time to write this new chapter. You all deserve it, for being such great readers.
Well, next Friday I have a very important Statistics Exam, and the next week I have Learning Psychology exam, and then I have 12 days to study for the other exam, so after the 30th of June, I'll post a new chappy, ok?
Please be patient on me, I'm don't take that long to update my stories.
Love, Carina