Chapter 16 - The Visitor
"I'm sure you'll find my curriculum very satisfying, Mr. Thompson…" Ginny smiled sweetly, as she handed the archive to the Director of St. Mungos, that same afternoon.
She had tried several clinics that day, and none of them had accepted her, and now St. Mungos was her only hope, for she had already tried every single clinic in England.
Mr. Thompson seemed very interested in her curriculum, just like all the others had been, but she feared his answer… Probably he would reject her just like the others had done.
"Yes, Miss Weasley, your curriculum is truly interesting… But, I'm sorry. At this moment we have to need for more Healers!" the man said with a disappointed look on his face. It was almost as if he were feeling guilty.
"Very well, sir…" Ginny replied, trying to keep her face from showing her hurt. "But, I must ask you something, and I trust you to be honest with me."
"If I can help…"
"You don't need any more Healers, or you were told to not employ me?" she asked slowly. "Your answer won't change anything, sir… I just need to know, because I went to every single clinic in the whole country and no one wants me to work there."
Mr. Thompson watched her frustrated and sad face, and sighed loudly.
"Miss Weasley, you know who ordered all of those clinics to not hire you, so I think I don't have to explain you anything… We all want to keep our jobs, or businesses going, and if we hired you, Mr. Moretti would do everything he could to ruin us." The man explained in a kind voice. "You must be a wonderful Healer, but I cannot risk my job…"
"Of course not… Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Thompson." Ginny smiled before leaving his office and the Hospital, stepping into the Muggle London.
There, among Muggles, where no one could recognize her as a Weasley, Ginny finally allowed her tears to fall down her face. She felt desperate, she felt frustrated, she felt angry and weak… Carlo had ruined her life, just because she didn't want a horrible life by his side… But, she wouldn't go to him to demand answers. That would only bring even more frustration and it would make him feel victorious for making her so unhappy.
Slowly, she made her way to the alley with the access to the Ministry of Magic. From there she would Apparate home and think about her life.
Everyone in the magnificent hall waved at her and smiled, as they all recognized the Minister's daughter. Ginny tried to smile back, but it was lacking her usual happiness and sincerity. Still, she tried her best to smile and after passing the security, entered the golden lift to go to her father's office and pay him a small visit.
"Good afternoon, Miss Kensington… Is my father available?" Ginny asked to the young secretary that worked for Mr. Weasley.
"Good afternoon, Miss Weasley… The Minister of Magic is in the middle of a meeting and then he'll have a free hour. Do you wish to wait?" the young woman, about Ginny's age, asked with a gentle smile.
"Yes, I'll wait… Thank you."
Half an hour later, several men in expensive cloaks left the office, and Ginny walked in. The room was huge and well furnished, but it didn't reflect her father's real taste. He was a simple man, with no desire for such luxuries, but he had to have them considering his position.
"Hello Daddy!" she smiled, approaching her father, whom was leaning on his desk, writing something down on a parchment.
"Ginny! I didn't know you were coming!" he smiled openly, standing up to crush her in a hug and kissed her forehead. "So, how was your day? Did you find a job?"
"No Daddy…" she replied sadly, and watched the frown on her father's face. But it wasn't directed at her, and she knew that. He was frowning because he knew the reason why she couldn't find a job.
"I'm going to have a conversation with that evil git!" Mr. Weasley hissed, his face becoming a deep red, just like Ron used to be when he was mad.
"I don't want you to do anything, Dad… I came here just to say hello, and now I'm going home and spend sometime thinking about what I'll do next." Ginny smiled, kissing her father's cheek. "Probably I'll leave the country and try to find a job somewhere else."
"Ginny, that would break your mother's heart, you know she can't bear to be away from her babies…" her father complained, sitting on his chair with a sad look on his kind face.
"I know, Dad, but I want to work… I love my job, and I will not work on anything but on Healing!" she explained, pacing the room. "I'll send an owl to Dumbledore and ask if he needs an Healer, now that Madame Pomfrey is getting old."
"Ok, darling, you do that, but I still think you should let me intervene… I could talk with the clinics where you went, and make them accept you! You are a wonderful healer!" Mr. Weasley said, shaking is baldhead.
"I know you could do that, but I don't want you to… I should be accepted because of my experience, my capacities… Not because my father is the Minister of Magic and he says so! I want to be known for me, for my talent, and not because I'm your daughter!" she replied sadly. "I love my family, I love my father and I'm very very proud of you, but I cannot accept your help on this, Dad…"
"I understand, sweetie… Just do what you must to be happy and I'll be there to support your decision." Mr. Weasley sighed, standing up to hug her strongly once again. "I love you, Gin-bug."
"I love you too, Dad…" Ginny mumbled, letting her tears fall down her cheeks. She did love her family, but she loved her father more than anything. He had always been such a warm and caring person, always keeping his temper calm until he could understand the complete story about what was going on, before making judgements, he always protected his kids from Mrs. Weasley's wrath, he had a wonderful sense of humour, he was honest, he behaved like a kid playing with Muggle artefacts… He was her Father, and she loved him. No matter what…
Knock, knock…
Father and daughter broke their embrace, and smiled warmly at each other, before Mr. Weasley gave his permission for the secretary to open the door.
"Minister Weasley, an owl just dropped this letter to Miss Weasley." Miss Kensington said, walking inside the office to give the letter to Ginny, and then left again.
"It's a letter from Mom! What's going on?" she whispered worried, as she opened the letter.
I'm sorry to interrupt your quest for a job, but someone just popped out of our fireplace calling out for you, and I had to warn you immediately, to come back home.
He needs you, Ginny, and he loves you so very much… Come as quickly as you can!
"Oh Merlin… He's there! He loves me? But… it can't be true… Can it?" Ginny mumbled, thinking about Draco.
"Who are you talking about, Gin?" her father asked, suspicious of his daughter's rambling.
"I have to go home, Dad, don't worry… It's nothing to worry about! I'll see you later at home, ok? Bye…" she kissed his cheek quickly, and ran out of the office, going up the stairs instead of the lift, as it would take all day to get to the Entrance Hall. When she got there, she was panting heavily, and stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. Then, she Apparated back to the Burrow, trying hard to keep her heart away from her throat.
"MOM?" she yelled, as she ran to the Burrow's kitchen door and walked in, looking around her in search of her mother and their visitor.
"In here, darling!" Mrs. Weasley replied from the living room, and Ginny immediately followed the voice.
There, in front of her, was her mother sitting on the couch, knitting a maroon sweater with a blond boy sitting by her side. That was the visitor her mother had mentioned on the letter… Not Draco…
"Thomas!" Ginny screamed happily, her eyes shimmering with tears, as she ran to the boy and hugged him as strongly as she could, not wanting to ever let go of him again. "Oh my baby boy… I've missed you so much, darling… So much!"
"I've missed you too, mommy…" his small voice said in her ear, making the tears finally drop down her face. "Don't leave me again, it makes me sad!"
"Oh Thomas, I wish I could promise you that, but I can't…" she sighed, sitting next to the boy, still hugging him against her chest, trying to calm her wild heart.
Her mother sat still, the kitting forgotten in her hands, as she watched the heart-warming scene in front of her. Her daughter had won the boy's heart and they made a beautiful image together like that…
"How did you get here? Where's your wheelchair?" Ginny asked, breaking their embrace, to look Thomas in the eye.
"Luna had a fight with Draco, and I heard everything… Then she left and I crawled to the fireplace and flooed here." Thomas explained, shrugging his small shoulders with a mischievous look on his pale face. "Draco tried to stop me, but I was faster!"
"Oh Merlin! You ran away? But, Thomas, you can't do that… He's your legal guardian and he has to protect you!" Ginny explained, worried about the fight that would follow, when she met Draco.
"The best is, Ginny, that he was standing on his own legs when he got here!" her mother said with a big smile.
"He WHAT?" Ginny asked shocked, looking from Thomas to her mother and back at Thomas.
"I can stand on my legs, but I can't walk yet…" Thomas said with a proud smile.
"Oh, I'm so happy you're becoming stronger, sweetie… I knew you could overcome your problem, all you need is to face life with a big smile on your face, and work your legs and back, to make them stronger…" Ginny explained with the biggest smile she had ever showed on her face.
"But, I want your help… Please, Ginny, come back to the house… I heard Draco say you won the way to his heart! That means he likes you, right?" Thomas asked with his brown eyes full of hope.
`It's like seeing Neville's eyes that night at the Yule Ball… This little boy is my best friend's son and I never knew…' Ginny thought, with a small smile on her lips. Just then, did she realise his words. `I won the way to Draco's heart? He… loves me? Nah, probably Thomas is saying that just to make me come back, but I can't because Draco would never accept me.'
"Thomas, I know you love me, and I love you too, but you can't say something that is not true… Lying is an awful thing, you know?" Ginny said with a serious face, although her voice was calm and gentle. "Well, I better take you home, or Draco will have an heart attack."
"Mommy, please let me stay with you… I miss you so much." Thomas pleaded again, his hands surrounding her waist as he laid his head on her lap.
"I would give anything to have you here with me, sweetie, but I can't do anything without Draco's consent. We'll go to the Manor, and if he lets you come to the Burrow for a few days, then we'll gather some clothes and come back here, ok?" she proposed, already knowing Draco's answer.
Of course she wanted Thomas to stay with her! Don't even question her feelings towards the boy, but she knew that Draco would never forgive her invasion of his privacy… He was very serious about his secrets. So, knowing the best was to keep her distance from Thomas, no matter how much that pained her, Ginny had to return the boy, and continue with her life.
"Ok…" the boy sighed in defeat. "Mrs. Weasley, can I call you grandma, like the others call you?"
Molly Weasley, being the motherly woman she was, held the boy in one of her famous ribs crushing hugs, and cried on top of the blond hair.
"Oh, my dear, of course you can… It'll be an honour to call you my grandson!" Molly replied, kissing his forehead, and watching her daughter's sad face. "Ginny, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, Mom, I'll tell you when I return…" Ginny replied, taking Thomas in her arms and walked to the kitchen, towards the fireplace.
"When WE return!" Thomas corrected, but Ginny just smiled before they Flooed to the Malfoy Manor.
The house was quiet, as usual, and the hall was dark. It seemed like there was no one at home.
`Good, this way I won't have to face Draco…' she thought. `Oh, shut up! You know you want to see him!'
Walking towards the living room, she placed Thomas on a comfortable couch and called Tabby, whom appeared seconds later.
"Miss Weasley! Master Thomas! Master Malfoy was so worried!" Tabby shrieked, twisting her hands painfully. "Tabby is bad house-elf… Tabby should take care of little master and failed…"
"Tabby, it was not your fault, so don't hurt yourself, ok?" Ginny said in a gentle voice. "Where is Master Malfoy?"
"In his room, Miss Weasley…" Tabby replied shakily.
"Please, go get him."
"Master says he wants no interruption…" Tabby shrieked, trembling at the prospect of her master's wrath.
"Fine, I'll go there! Thomas, stay here and I'll be back in a while." Ginny said, kissing the
boy's cheek, before she climbed the staircase with determination. She was going to talk with Draco and tell him she
wanted to be a part of Thomas' life, not matter what he thought of her.
But of course, this is easier said than done… When she reached the door to his chambers, her determination faltered a little, and when she opened the door without knocking, it simply disappeared.
The room was looking the same, very tidy except for some clothes on top of the bed. Entering the room and shutting the door, Ginny took a deep breath and prepared herself for the discussion that would ensue.
"Malfoy!" she called, waiting for a reply, but the only sound she received was that of water splashing. He was in the pool…
Ginny approached the glass doors that led to the balcony and watched has Draco swam from on edge to the other, never stopping to rest, his head only leaving the water for a few seconds to take in a breath. He was a good swimmer… that's how he kept that gorgeous body, for sure.
She stood there, watching him, waiting for him to come out of the water and notice her. What would he say? What would he do?
Those thoughts were pushed away as he finally left the pool, his skin shining with thousands of tiny drops of water under the last rays of sunshine. His chest was broad and muscled; there were no signs of a sedentary life, as his aura screamed healthy all over the place. His long blond hair was now wet and a shade darker, brushing his shoulders in a sensuous way as he wiped his face with a fluffy black towel.
`Enough of filling the eye, Ginny… It's time for serious talking.' She said to herself, taking a step towards the balcony.
Draco noticed the movement and immediately looked at her, surprise and confusion all over his face.
"What do you want? I told you to never come back here…" he said with a cold voice, as he wrapped the towel around his waist and removed the swim shorts he had been wearing for swimming.
Ginny tried hard not to blush at his actions and took a deep breath.
"We have a lot to talk about, and I will only leave after you listen to me." She replied in a determined voice, locking her brown eyes with his silver ones.
"Fine… Anything to get rid of you for good!" he sneered, walking past her to his bedroom. "Go ahead, tell me what you want to say…"
Ginny followed him to the bedroom and took a deep breath. Now was the time to express everything she needed to say.
Hey everyone, new update!!! Soon, I'll post the next chapter, and just to warn you all, it will have sex… Just a warning! (I know I'm evil, no need to call me that! ;-) )
Have you heard? The 6th book is called Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. This prince isn't Harry or Voldemort. I've been twisting my brain, trying to figure out who is this prince and I cannot think of anyone! Who is half-blood?
Neville isn't, Draco isn't, Ron isn't, and Snape isn't… WHO IS IT? I'm going crazy, as you can see! I need JK Rowling to finish her book and publish it very soon.
Well, thank you for supporting Portugal, the final is Sunday against Greece, and I hope we win, of course.
LDevil989 - About Ginny's name. Well, in case you don't know yet, JK Rowling says in her site that Ginny's real name is Ginevra, not Virginia.
I know I started the story with her name being Virginia, and now I write Ginevra, but I'm too lazy and occupied to replace the chapters, sorry.
Well, thank you so much, to all of you who are reading and reviewing this story, and thank you to those of you who are reading, but not reviewing… I still love you guys!
Now, the king (me) says: Root for Portugal on Sunday!
And you all have to obey, of course!
Lots and lots of love