Chapter 17 - Just this once
"I've brought Thomas back… He Flooed to my house." Ginny started, leaning against the glass doors, watching him dry his hair with a clean black towel. "I came up here to tell you that he's ok. Why didn't you go in search for him? He could have gotten lost, anywhere in the world!"
"He only used the Floo Network once, with you, to your house… He was crying your name, he kept on asking for you and he talked with Luna about you! Where did you expect him to go? Honeydukes? I don't think so…" he sneered, making her blush with shame. He was right, as always…
"Well, I wanted to talk with you, because I have a request to make… I want your authorisation to let Thomas stay with me for a couple of days at the Burrow." She asked, playing with her handbag straps.
"I thought I had told you to stay away from us! That boy is too tied to you, and that's not good, for either of you!" Draco replied, coldly. "No, Thomas cannot stay with you."
"Ok." She replied in a very calm voice.
She showed no surprise, no sadness, no anger… That lack of emotion surprised him, and Draco turned around to face her, trying to understand her.
"Why don't you sound hurt? Or at least surprised?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow, his hair wild around his face.
"It's not that hard to predict you, Draco Malfoy…" she replied with a sneer, looking him straight in the eye. "But I thought that I could give you a chance to prove me wrong, and allow Thomas to stay with me for a few days. Too bad it didn't work…"
Draco stared at her coldly, but said nothing.
"I want to be a part of his life, Draco… He's my best friend's son, and he's an orphan. I want to be close to him and help him the best way I can. All I can ask is your permission to visit Thomas once in a while and spend some time with him." Ginny proposed, leaving the glass doors and walked over to the huge bed, feeling the silky green fabric against her hands. "For some reason you're his guardian, but I believe there's something you can't give him, just like you said that night we had dinner… You can't give him love, and I have plenty of it to give, if you'll let me."
"I don't want you around here…" Draco sighed, deciding to tell her the truth, or at least, part of it. "My wife won't accept another woman walking in and out of the house, disturbing our lives…"
He was getting married… It could only be that woman she had met so many days ago, that French girl with a sophisticated look. Ginny's heart tightened with the urge to cry, but she kept her cool façade.
"Very well. Could I meet Thomas some place else? The house-elves could take him to my house or somewhere else and bring him back. That way I wouldn't disturb your wonderful honeymoon…" she asked, sarcasm evident in her voice.
"No." he replied, folding his arms in front of his bare chest, and leaned his body against the vanity table. "If that's all, leave…"
"No, that's not all, but I will leave…" Ginny replied, stepping closer to him, holding his chin in her hand, to make him face her. "That boy is a precious jewel, but a very fragile one. I trust you to keep him safe from harm; I hope you give him happy memories of his childhood, memories full of love, laughter and innocence! If you don't give him that, rest assured I will be warned and I'll come back to England to kick your pale ass, you hear me, Mr. Slytherin Prince?"
Draco stared at her angry, yet sad face, and felt her hand on his jaw, her thumb caressing the corner of his lips, driving him crazy.
"You're leaving the country?" he asked, trying to sound unaffected.
"Yes, I am… My life in England is ruined, so I'll try my luck somewhere else, not that you'll mind too much about having one less Weasel polluting the air you breathe…" she replied, a sad smile on her lips. "Goodbye Draco…"
With those whispered words, Ginny leaned against his body and kissed his lips softly. The kiss was quick and so soft you could have not felt it, but it held so many feelings in it… Sadness, regret, sorrow, worry, love, passion, frustration…
Ginny took a step back and dug her hand in her handbag, until she felt something soft brushing her fingers. She always carried it with her, wherever she went, and now was the time to return it to Draco. What symbolised the beginning, would now symbolize the end…
With gentle hands, Ginny removed his arms from their position in front of his chest, and forced one hand open, gently placing a small red rose on his palm. She had placed a charm on it to keep it fresh and perfect, so that she could remember that night, but now it was time to say goodbye to everything, and start a new life, away from here.
"Thank you…" she whispered with a small smile, looking into his silver eyes, before she left the room and ran downstairs to say goodbye to Thomas.
`I won't cry… I won't cry…' she repeated in her head as she approached the sleeping Thomas, on the living room's couch. `Hold on until you're out of here, Gin.'
Kneeling next to the couch, Ginny ran a hand through the boy's blond hair, and kissed his forehead, not wanting to wake him up, and see him suffer because they had to say goodbye.
"Thomas, you were the best thing that ever happened to me… You gave me a new hope of working with other children with problems similar to yours, you gave me the strength to work harder, you helped me free my motherly side and you gave me the joy of being my best friend's son… I will always love you, and I'll make sure Luna tells me everything about your recovery." Ginny whispered, her voice shaking with emotion. "Maybe I'll send you a letter, when you're grown up, but for now, I don't want you to suffer more than you should. Goodbye, Thomas…"
With one last kiss on the boy's forehead, Ginny rose to her feet and walked out of the room, towards the entrance doors. With a trembling hand, Ginny opened the door, but something made the door close violently, making her jump with surprise.
"Don't you even dare!" Draco hissed behind her, his hand against the door, very close to hers. "Don't you dare leave and make me feel guilty for this…"
"I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, Draco… I'm not trying to make you feel anything!" she sobbed, the tears finally falling down her face, but she kept her back to him.
"Yes, you are…" he whispered in her ear, snaking his arms around her waist, holding her tightly against his body. "Let me have you… Just this once."
Ginny's eyes became wide open when she realised what he was asking from her. Why did he want to do that with her, when he had said quite clearly that he didn't want her at all?
"It would only make things worse, Draco… I would know why I was doing it, but why would YOU do it with me?" she asked, shivering under his gentle touch.
"I know why, and that's all that matters…" he replied, kissing her neck, breathing in her scent that always drove him crazy. "Will you allow us just this once?"
`I shouldn't… It'll only make things worse!' she warned herself, but the other side of her that involved her body, her emotions and her desires, wanted her to do this… Just this once, to say a proper goodbye to what she had never had and would never have.
"Yes…" she mumbled the answer and turned around in his arms, to place hers around his neck, looking deep into his light blue eyes, the colour they had when he was aroused, when he desired something. At this moment, her.
That answer was all he wanted to hear… Draco held her body in his arms, and climbed the stairs to his bedroom, her delicious curves against his chest, her gentle arms around his neck, caressing the line of his hair, her soft brown eyes watching his face, trying to memorise every single line of it, every expression. This would be a one time only, but Draco knew it would not leave him satisfied even before they joined completely. He had told Luna that what he felt was probably love, but now he was sure… He loved Ginevra Weasley, and he wanted to have her, if not forever, at least today.
When they got to his bedroom, Draco placed her on her feet, and caressed her face with one gentle hand, looking deep into her eyes. The next moment, he pulled her closer and kissed her lips roughly, passionately, making her go weak in the knees and lean on his body to prevent from falling on the floor.
Draco just held her tight against his body, his hands roaming around her waist, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin against his, the tips of her long hair brushing against his hands, her sweet scent invading his brain, making it numb and desire driven.
All he could feel, breathe, see, taste and hear was Ginny. She occupied all of his 5 senses. He could feel her soft skin, breathe her sweet scent, see her beautiful red hair and brown eyes, taste the sweetness of her mouth and hear the small moans she made at the back of her throat.
Without breaking the kiss, Draco started to unbutton her shirt, enjoying the feel of her hands caressing his bare chest, feeling his toned muscles vibrate under her touch. When he finally removed the shirt, he pulled Ginny against him, wanting to feel her warm skin against his… to feel the fast beating of her heart in time with his.
"How can you do this to me?" she mumbled against his lips, enjoying the feel of his hands on her bare breast.
"Do what?" he whispered, lowering his body to kiss her jaw, her neck and then her bosom, nibbling on the sensitive skin and smoothing the bite with gentle movements of his tongue.
"Make me want you, even though I know I shouldn't…" she gasped, when his hand cupped her bottom roughly and he proceeded to remove her skirt and underwear, leaving her completely naked in front of him.
"Just this once, Gin…" he whispered, holding her strongly in his arms, taking in the beauty of her whole being.
Ginny smiled and never breaking their eye connection, she removed the towel he had around his waist, leaving their bodies on full contact, with the pressure of his arousal against her hips.
Without any other words, Draco took her in his arms and laid her on the bed, watching her long red hair spread out around her face, contrasting with the soft green bedcover, her milky white skin as soft as silk and her eyes… Those eyes that right now fluttered closed with every caress, with every kiss.
Draco laid his body on top of hers, kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheekbones, her earlobes, her jaw, her nose and finally her lips, making her moan and rise her hips to meet his, making him gasp with the contact.
That gasp turned into a groan as soon as she moved her hand and held his arousal, stroking it slowly.
"Don't… do… that!" he groaned, although his body thrust in time with her hand movements. "Stop!"
Ginny obeyed and smiled mischievously.
"Found your weak spot, did I?" she whispered, placing her hands on his backside and held him tight against her.
"You've already found more than one, Ginny… You are my biggest one!" he replied, running his hands on the inside of her thighs, making her shiver and close her eyes to enjoy the sensation. "You sure are my biggest weak spot…"
Ginny opened her eyes with surprise all over her face, but she didn't have the time to question him about the meaning of his words, because the next moment he had entered her, joining their bodies completely, and her brain turned into a huge centre full of sensitive connections. All she could do right now was feel, feel the way every single part of her body seemed to react to every movement of his hands, of his body… Even the simple touch of the tips of her hair against her breasts made her shiver with pleasure.
Draco thrust into her slowly, locking his eyes with hers, and then removed himself almost until the end, and thrust once again, in a slow rhythm that made small drops of perspiration appear on his forehead, showing how difficult it was for him to hold back this way.
"You don't have to hold back…" she whispered, raising her head to kiss him deeply, passionately, urging him to move faster, harder, and he did. Oh, he did.
In seconds, they were moaning against each other's mouths, roaming their hands over each other's bodies, and trying hard to reach the point of pure bliss, pure pleasure and pure belonging.
When the small pressure started to gather inside of her, Ginny's body took a mind of its own and started moving faster against Draco, meeting each of his thrusts, making the pressure grow and grow, until it was almost unbearable, and it exploded making her inner muscles shiver with the pleasure that now ran all over her body, tightening her inner muscles around Draco, making him groan with the feel and explode right after her.
Exhausted, he fell on top of her, nuzzling his face against her sweaty neck, placing small kisses on her collarbone and neck.
"I love you, Draco…" Ginny sighed, caressing his back. The words made him go still and his body tensed against her. She should have stayed quiet…
Draco removed himself from her body and laid next to her, his face staring at the glass doors of the balcony, clearly avoiding her gaze.
"I think you should go now…" he said in a whisper.
Ginny nodded her head in agreement, even though he couldn't see her, and got out of the bed, putting on her discarded clothes. When she was finished, she noticed the small red rose sitting on top of the vanity table. Draco was still facing the other way, not wanting to look at her, but Ginny took a deep breath, climbed on the bed, and kissed his cheek, placing the rose on top of his chest, before she walked out of the room and down the stairs. From the entrance to the living room she saw that Thomas was still sleeping and with a sad sigh, Ginny turned her back to the room and left the Manor, Apparating back to the Burrow.
Now was the time to move on with her life, and she knew the new memories she had built with Draco would give her strength to face the new obstacles she would find away from home.
~~The End~~ (NOT!!! JUST KIDDING!)
Okay, first of all, I'm not very good at this sex stuff, but I think it's very important for the story, for the characters…
I'm sorry if the sex part is horrible, but it's the best I could do, really…
I'm very sad because Portugal lost the finals, but still, this was the first time we got to a Final, and the whole country won a lot from this championship.
Every single tourist loved our country, our food, our monuments, our beaches, everything!
If you don't know Portugal, you should!!!
Well, I'll post more ASAP, ok?
Right now I'm going to the pool and swim for a while. When I'm studying I eat like a cow, and I have to take care of my body.
Oh, I forgot! Don't forget to vote on the Portkey Awards, OK?
Lots of love, and thank you for the great reviews,