Chapter 18 - Positano
The feeling of a new life is overwhelming… Maybe it still carries some sadness from the past, but it's still overwhelming.
It had been two months since Ginny had left England, despite her mother's non-acceptance. At least, she had had her father, Luna, Hermione and the twins to support her decision.
Luna and Hermione were the only ones who knew the real reason behind her decision to leave, while the twins thought their little sister just wanted to have fun, out there in the world without big brothers bothering her. Those two were the coolest brothers one could have. Her father… well, the love he felt for her justified his support.
Ginny had packed her bags right after leaving the Manor for the last time, and while she folded her clothes, the names of different countries kept popping in her mind. Where to go?
Finally, with some help from Hermione, she decided on leaving to South Italy, to the city of Positano. Thankfully Hermione knew hundreds of different spells that would allow Ginny to speak and understand Italian, so language was not a problem.
As soon as she arrived at Positano, Ginny searched for the entrance to the Italian wizarding world, and from that moment on, everything went just fine. She found a job on the public Hospital, San Giuseppe; she had rented a small apartment in the muggle part of town, and had familiarised herself with the new culture.
She felt extremely happy and stronger, now that she had done something alone, like coming to a foreign country and work out her life without anyone's help. But still, this feeling of freedom was clouded by thoughts of England, the cosy feeling of the Burrow, the grandness of the Manor, the walks in the garden with Thomas, sipping wine in front of the fire with Draco, making love with Draco…
She couldn't forget… Those moments were a part of her life, and they should remain in her memory, but at least, she had to minimize the frequency with which they came to her mind.
Luna sent her owls very frequently, letting her know how was the family, the country, Thomas… But she never referred to Draco, and although she thanked her friend for not referring him, Ginny felt that she needed to know how he was, if he had married already, if he was happy with Chantal…
Thomas seemed to be much better, after Draco hired a new Healer, and he was now walking with the help of a crane. These were great news, but Luna never mentioned if the boy asked for Ginny, if he missed her…
`Now you're being selfish, only thinking about your feelings!' Ginny reminded herself, as she walked on the beach, pulling up her skirt to avoid getting it wet with the sea waves. The weather was slightly chilly, but not as chilly as in England. In the south of Europe, everything seemed so much more alive, colourful…
The sea ahead of her was a little wild, and the wind was blowing strongly against her hair and clothes, but she loved to feel it against her skin. It made her feel alive, free and relaxed. The town was located on a big cliff, overlooking the sea; and all the small houses painted in white, with their red roofs, made everything look surreal… It was gorgeous scenery, and Ginny was happy with her decision to come here. One day she would return to England, but not for now…
"Good morning Draco!" Thomas smiled, walking in Draco's office at the Manor.
"Good morning, Thomas… Have a seat! How are you doing?" Draco smiled warmly, helping Thomas sit down on the chair and placing the crane on top of his desk.
"I'm great! So, when are we leaving this house?" Thomas asked excitedly. He could hardly wait to leave this huge house, full of nothing but air. Thankfully, he had become good friends with Draco on the last few months, and they had a good time visiting all sort of places around Diagon Alley.
That had been Thomas' first contact with the outside world, with the magic world, and they had had a lot of fun.
"We leave tomorrow in the morning, but don't worry, everything it taken care of." Draco replied, taking the books from the shelves to place them on bottomless boxes, special for house moving.
"Do you think Mom will like the new house?" Thomas asked, his face torn between happy and concerned.
"I'm sure she'll love it, Thomas…" Draco smiled sadly.
"Can we write to her, and make her remember we love her? She would come back, right?" Thomas said, enthusiastically.
"It's too early, Thomas… We have things to finish first!" Draco warned him gently, pausing his activity to kneel beside the boy and caress his cheek. "We won't loose her this time, I promise…"
The boy only nodded in agreement and smiled. He would get his Mommy back, and what a surprise she would have!
He only had one more week to start walking without his crane, if he wanted to run into her arms, just like he had seen his cousins do.
Oh, didn't I tell you? Sean, Anthony, Andrew and Jessica were his new cousins, and they used to have a lot of fun at Grandma Weasley's house, while Draco was doing business, preparing his Mommy's surprise.
"Buona mattina, signora…" the owner of the small coffee shop said, when Ginny walked past. Every morning she walked past that coffee shop, and every morning the old man smiled at her and gave her good morning. The Italian people were so warm and gentle; sometimes she wished some English people were like that.
"Ciao!" she called back with a big smile, walking down the street. It was early in the morning and the streets were still empty, making the sound of her footsteps echo around her at a steady rhythm. The sun was covered with clouds, but once in a while it would peak out and warm her tanned face. Living in Italy had its good points… tan being one of them.
An owl had arrived when she was leaving her apartment and Ginny pocketed the piece of parchment, deciding she would read it in her favourite spot… the beach. She liked to take long walks on the seashore every morning, with her feet immersed on the cold water, and she could read the letter while she walked.
The first thing she did when she got to the cold sand was take a deep breath, enjoying the smell of salty water and fresh wind caressing her skin. Today the sea was particularly wild and it wasn't blue… Today, it was grey, just like is eyes.
That thought was enough to make her remember the small exchange with Thomas, that day she took him to Draco's pool.
"Have you ever been in a pool? Or in the ocean?" she asked, with a big smile as she took off his bathrobe and his slippers.
"No, have you? Is it blue like the sky?" he asked, curiosity all over his childish face.
"Yes, I've been at a beach before, and yes, the sea is blue when the day is sunny… Sometimes it becomes grey, when the weather is stormy…" she explained, "One of these days I'll take you to see the ocean… Would you like that?"
"That would be great! Thank you…" Thomas laughed, hugging her.
Maybe one day she would meet Thomas again, and just maybe she would show him the ocean… Maybe.
Pulling up the legs of her jeans and removing her training shoes, Ginny started her walk and pulled out the letter. It was from Hermione…
`Dear Ginny,
Hello dearest friend! I'm missing you so much right now, that I'm almost drowning in tears… Why did you have to leave when I have to plan a whole wedding and endure the sickness that comes with being pregnant?
You should be here, picking up dresses with me, holding my hair while I throw up… Well, maybe I'm taking it over the edge, but I MISS YOU!
So, Luna told me you love Italy… Have you found any cute Italians? Just make sure you don't find another Carlo Moretti, ok?
You know what, I'm working on a huge project… I can't reveal much to you, but know that your father is one of the responsible of this project and it will help lots and lots of children in England.
Did I catch your interest? I hope so because your father is helping … I can't say whom… with this, just to have you back in England working on what you love… children.
Your family is great, Thomas is much better and Harry keeps grinning like a fool because he's going to have a Little Princess. I swear, if I didn't love him so much, I would slap that grin out of his face. It's infuriating!!!
Well, I hope you're well, and I hope you come to my wedding, ok?
Lots of love,
"A new project to have me go back to England?" Ginny whispered, stopping her walk to read the letter all over again. "What's going on over there?"
Her only answer was the cold water hitting her lower body, as a very strong wave hit against the rocks.
Her father was trying to have her back at home… They must miss her as much as she missed them, if he was involving himself in such project. She could only imagine that it involved a clinic for children, or something like that! What could it be? Why didn't they tell her anything before?
Not paying attention to where she was going, Ginny smacked against a strong chest and would have fallen on her butt, on the wet sand, if it weren't for two strong arms surrounding her waist.
Ginny recovered from the shock and was about to take a step back and face the man when a familiar scent invaded her senses… She could never forget this smell, as it was his only. The hands on her waist were now massaging her lower back, bringing her body closer to his.
Taking in a shaking breath, Ginny lifted her head and gazed into the silver grey sea of his eyes.
"Draco…" she whispered, surprised with his presence. What was he doing in Italy? And in Positano, no less! "What are you doing here?"
Draco just watched her in silence, his face blank of any emotion. It had been so long since he had last seen her, and now all he wanted to do was observe every single part of her, and engrave them in his memory.
"I came for you…" he whispered back, kissing her forehead gently, afraid of how she would react.
"Why?" she insisted, leaning against his chest, enjoying the feel of his body against hers, welcoming his warmth.
"We'll talk about that later… For now, there's someone else here to see you!" Draco replied with a big smile on his face. A real smile that showed her how relaxed and gentle he could be when he wasn't acting like a git.
"No! You didn't?" she asked in shock, staring at his face. "You brought Thomas?"
"Yep… Thomas!" Draco called over his shoulder, and Ginny rose on her tiptoes to look over Draco's shoulder as well. There, trying to run as fast as he could in their direction was Thomas… He still couldn't run, but he sure walked fast enough, with a huge smile on his face, and his arms wide open as if calling Ginny to embrace him.
And she did… Ginny ran in his direction, kneeling in front of him to hug him the strongest she could. Even Molly Weasley would have been jealous of such hug.
"Oh, my baby… I've missed you so much, Thomas!" Ginny sobbed against his small frame, touching his face, his arms, his chest, his legs, wanting to make sure he was real, and he was really standing there in her arms. "How are you?"
"I'm great! But I've missed you so much, Mommy… We came to get you!" he said enthusiastically. "We have a surprise for you!"
"Thomas, it's a secret, so be careful with what you say!" Draco warned softly, kneeling next to Ginny, and in front of Thomas. He placed an arm around her waist and moved her so she could face him.
"We need to talk." He said in a soft voice and very serious face.
"Yes, we do… But for now, I just want to say thank you for letting me see Thomas again. For letting me see both of you again, in fact!" she cried, caressing both their faces with her hands. "I've missed you both!"
"I've missed you too, Mommy!" Thomas shrieked happily, throwing his arms around her neck.
Draco just smiled widely, showing his perfect white teeth, as he placed his arms around both Thomas and Ginny.
Ginny looked over Thomas' shoulder at Draco and gave him a small smile, and he leaned in to give her a soft kiss on her trembling lips.
"We both missed you…" Draco whispered against her lips. "I'm sorry…"
Right now, everything was ok in the world… She had Thomas in her arms, she had Draco's warm lips on hers, and it almost felt like having her own family.
That morning, the grey of the sea and the memory of her conversation with Thomas about showing him the sea, almost seemed to be warning her about the surprise she had just received. The grey of the sea now reflected on Draco's beautiful eyes and Thomas finally got to see the ocean.
There would be time for explanations, but right now, Ginny wanted to enjoy this moment, with her two of her favourite men in her arms.
Boy, was I quick on the update or what?
I had no idea of what to write after the last chapter, and today, when I was getting sick of studying so much Development Psychology, I decided to give a try on the chapter thanks to Sexytexy's review…
This is the result of 3 hours of brainstorming, so I hope it suits all of you.
Positano does exist, and it's a beautiful place, I assure you.
Now, on with the answers to my reviews:
RyteR - Ginny Pregnant? I have to admit I was taking the story that way when I was trying to write the plot to the next chapters, but I gave up on the pregnancy as a way to win Draco. Maybe she'll get pregnant in the future, who knows? About adopting Thomas, well, it could happen! (*hint hint*). Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Sweety_pie1276 & Company - First of all, I'm not paying you for spreading out word about my Fanfiction. As a payment I give you a new chapter and a huge virtual hug for being such a great and loyal reader. Send my thanks to all of your friends who reviewed under your name, ok? Love ya all.
Yekmah - Thank you for supporting me, both on the football and on the Fanfiction. Love ya!
Darkstarspanky - I hope your butt doesn't get flat after spending so many hours sitting, but if it does, it was for a good cause, right? Thank you so much.
Sexytexy - I know that I shouldn't write sex scenes if I don't feel secure about them, but at least I try, for the sake of the plot and of my readers, as well. You gave me the idea to actually allow Ginny to leave the country and get a job. Originaly I wasn't letting her leave England, but your review inspired me. Thank you so much for reading, reviewing and inspiring me.
Crackedribs - I know, Ronaldo was crying so much, poor thing… Well, Draco keeps pushing Ginny away because he has promises to keep, and he shouldn't make Ginny be the lover when he got married, it wouldn't be fair. So, what can he do? Push her away… Thank you for your review. Love ya
Lily love - Hello Lily, thank you so much for leaving a review!
Ginnymalfoy21 - Thank you for reviewing and I hope the chapter came out fast enough for you. Love ya!
Austen lover - I know I'm evil! Sorry! Thank you for your review…
NGI - Don't be jealous, I don't swim for fun… Well, I do, but I also swim because I need to keep an eye on my weight. On the last three weeks, because of the exams, I've been eating like a cow, and I don't want to look like one. Thank you for your review.
Americasweetie - Of course they stay together, I don't like sad endings. Thank you for reviewing.
Thats so Raven - No Unforgivables because… well, they are unforgivable! Thank you.
Eri - Hola! I assume you're Spanish, so, Como estas? Espero que bien! Thank you for reading and about the sequel, I still haven't thought about it.
Parvati89 - Thank you! Oh, Neville is Pureblood.
Tropicalcharm_bebe - They will be together, don't worry. Thank you!
Demon12 - She won't stay alone, but no kidnapping involved! That's a crime! Thank you for your review…
And Thank you to:
bByxjUjUbee, Natalie, Swimchick1614, ~Mrs~Draco~Malfoy~, Poet666, Whisperinthenight, Momentyne, Tayler, Nellio8, Prue1912
WoW! This is the first and last time I say thank you to each one of you! This is hard and time consuming.
Love you all so much,