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The Crossways Guest House by Heaven

The Crossways Guest House


A/N: Thanks again to those of you who left reviews- several of you were disappointed at Ron's sudden understanding of Ginny's situation but it was a long time coming, as we didn't see the time between THAT and when they left for Crossways. He's not altogether nice now, he's just Ron!!

Also… you diehard H/Hr fans please don't kill me this chapter. I'm warning you now- there's something I had to get out of the way before our hero can get the girl ;)

*** *** ***

While breakfast and dinner were Aunt Charlotte's grand meals, lunch at Crossways usually consisted of turkey sandwiches. The group of them never minded, simply because Charlotte was as sweet as could be and she was truly appreciative of what they were doing for her.

"I promise you one of these days when it's less busy that I will make you a lunch that rivals my dinners." Charlotte beamed as everyone wolfed down their meal.

"Honestly Aunt Charlotte, don't worry about it." Hermione replied. "These are just fine. We don't even expect big dinners! You shouldn't be spending all that extra time on us like that when you have other things to do."

"Nonsense," Charlotte waved off her niece. "Making a nice dinner for you six is my favourite part of the day." She smiled. "I've got to get back to my bills and paperwork now."

"Thank you Aunt Charlotte!" everyone spoke up, the boys with their mouths full. The older woman smiled again as she left the room.

"I'll clean up today," Hermione said. "Just stack your plates by the sink."

"I'll help you," Ron said, immediately seizing his chance to get her alone. He hoped no one would think odd of this but Hermione smiled at him.

"Thanks Ron," she said. He helped her gather everyone's dishes as Harry and Neville took off for the stables and Luna and Ginny headed upstairs.

Hermione ran some water in the sink and added soap. "Just stack them over here; I can wash them if you'll dry."

"Sure," Ron did as she said then grabbed a dry towel and took the first dish she handed him.

"I really appreciate the help. It'll make things go much faster and then we can get back to the real work." Hermione said. "How are the stables coming?"

"Good," Ron nodded. "We've got most of the stalls cleaned out and the floor… well we can finally see it."

Hermione laughed. "That's like the attic. The more we uncover and box up the more things there seem to be. It's good fun though. Luna and Ginny love playing around with the old clothes."

"How many books have you found?" Ron asked, grinning.

"Too many to count," Hermione replied. "Aunt Charlotte even told me to set aside the ones I wanted so I can take them home. I'm not sure how I'll fit them into my trunk. I'll probably have to use magic to shrink them down."

"Good idea," Ron replied. She handed him the last plate as she turned off the water.

Hermione took the dried dishes and put them in their proper place in the cupboard. "Thanks for your help again Ron," she said, smiling as she closed the cabinet doors.

"Sure," Ron replied. "Hey Hermione?" he said as she was about to leave the room.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Can… can I talk to you a minute?" his face began to burn and he willed the blood in his cheeks away.

"Sure," Hermione said. "What about?"

"Well…" Ron pushed his hands through his hair. He had her here now and he couldn't think of a single way to phrase what was running through his head right now. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure," Hermione looked slightly amused and slightly harried.

"How… how about we sit down?" Ron plopped himself in a chair and motioned for her to do the same. "Okay… well… Ilikeyou…" he said very fast.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I… like you." Ron said, quieter but slower. "I like you, Hermione."

"Well… I like you too Ron," Hermione was slightly confused. "We're friends."

"No…" Ron shook his head. "I mean… I like you… as more than a friend. I have for awhile now."

"Oh," Hermione looked strangely downcast. There was an unbearable few moments where Ron and Hermione looked anywhere in the room but at each other.

"You don't return those feelings… do you?" He asked uncomfortably.

Hermione looked up. "No," she said in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry Ron."

Ron sighed as he scuffed his shoe along the tiled floor. "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" he asked, knowing full well he was fighting a losing battle. Hermione rubbed her forehead but didn't answer.

He moved into the chair next to hers. "Will you let me kiss you?" he asked quickly.

"What?" Hermione was startled.

"Just to see if you like this." Ron almost pleaded. "Please Hermione?"

"I… suppose so." Hermione said a minute later. "Just… please don't expect much from me Ron all right?"

Ron nodded eagerly and leaned forward. She closed her eyes and the next thing she realised Ron's lips were on hers.

Harry realised he'd forgotten his kerchief in the dining room so he doubled back to grab it, and also to find out what was taking Ron so long to finish the dishes. He grabbed the door handle to the kitchen and opened it.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting to see but it certainly wasn't the sight of his two best friends locking lips in the middle of the kitchen. Harry stared for a moment before ducking back out unnoticed by Ron and Hermione.

Hermione pulled away from Ron a few seconds later. "I'm sorry," she shook her head. "I'm so sorry Ron."

"No different?" he said rather than asked.

"No," Hermione shook her head. "Ron…" she leaned forward and put her hand on his. "I love you… I love you very much. But only as a friend. That's all it's ever been and that's all it ever will be for me."

Ron stared at her a moment before breaking into a rueful smile. "That rather felt like kissing a sister," he admitted.

"I really hope you don't exactly know what that's like," Hermione said. Ron looked up at her and they both started laughing.

"No but I imagine that's what it's like!" Ron clutched his stomach. Hermione wiped tears from her eyes. "Listen… thanks for at least hearing me out."

"Sure," Hermione said. "I really am sorry Ron. But I don't to string you along."

"I understand." Ron nodded, getting up from the table. "I guess this means I'll have to stop arguing with you all the time."

"Don't you dare," Hermione also stood up. "I love fighting with you Ron. What would we do if we couldn't bicker?"

"Enjoy each other's company?" Ron joked. Hermione laughed again and he hugged her.

"You've really grown up you know. If this had happened during 4th year you'd have ignored me until now probably," Hermione rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Right, right… that's me, Mr. Mature," Ron quipped.

"Oh go on with you," Hermione. She kissed his cheek and he left for the stables.

He felt oddly light hearted as he headed over the grounds. Ron was oddly amused at the situation. Perhaps what he'd thought were strong feelings for Hermione really weren't romantic ones. Ron slowed down his walk as his thoughts wandered some more. Deep down… he had to have known Hermione wouldn't like him back or he'd be far more disappointed at the moment.

"Hey guys," Ron said cheerfully as he opened the door to the stables. "Sorry that took me so long."

"No worries," Neville replied from his spot in the first stall. "But we're glad you're here now so get scrubbing."

Ron grinned at Harry, who was working on the final window. Harry was looking at him a bit oddly and when Ron didn't say anything he turned back to the glass and began rubbing at the coated dirt.

*** *** ***

"Did you bring the journal?" Ginny pounced on Hermione as soon as she got upstairs. "You fell asleep on us and we didn't get to read any!"

"I know," Hermione felt bad. She'd gotten tired early the previous evening and was fast asleep with the journal under her pillow for safekeeping before Ginny and Luna had come to bed. "And of course I brought it. But we can't spend the whole time reading it you know."

"I know that," Ginny replied. "But we can read just a little right now… please? I'm dying to know more about Aunt Charlotte and Richard!"

"Me too," Hermione said. She pulled the journal from her waistband and Luna came over as they sat down.

'They actually called me up to testify today. Against my own father! I told them the truth- that he was home with Mother and me all evening long. Charlotte has started coming into the courtroom, sitting near the back.

It helps me to know she's near. I have known her for so many years that it almost feels as if I can draw strength just from her presence. We have been there for each other in the best and the worst of times. This is most definitely one of my worst times.

I felt horrible the other evening- she came by Crossways to visit with me and we wound up arguing. I could not help myself- I needed to yell at someone and there she was. Yet she seemed to understand how frustrated I am with everything and simply stood there and let me scream then came forward and hugged me as tight as she possibly could.

I felt the tension leave my body as she kissed my cheek and we held each other for a long while. After that we took a walk by the lake and had toast and hot chocolate that the cook brought out for us. I told her everything that had been happening even though we are not supposed to tell anyone what has been happening with the trial but I'm only seventeen- I can not keep this all to myself anymore.

It scares me- I feel as if I'm falling in love with Charlotte yet her father would never accept me as her husband- he seems intent on marrying her off to a banker or shopkeeper. I know I could make her happy.'

"Wow…" Hermione was stunned as she set the journal down.

Luna stared at the floor deep in thought as Ginny shook her head. "This guy was obviously crazy about your aunt," she said. "I wonder why they never married."

"I'm not sure," Hermione replied pensively. "I do know she was married for a time, but his name was Charles… that's my great uncle. I only met him once or twice and he was always very stodgy and serious. He died years ago when I was still very young."

"It's all very romantic," Luna said dreamily. "I wonder if your aunt was in love with him as well."

Hermione chewed on her lower lip. "I know from my mother that Aunt Charlotte always refused to talk much about her past. She once told my mum that it was very painful for her."

"I don't want to make her relive something painful," Ginny said softly, thinking about her own troubles of the past year. "I know all too well what that's like."

Luna and Hermione looked at her sympathetically. "At least when we go back this September all those Slytherins will be gone. Most likely no one else will remember or care," Luna said.

"I hope you're right." Ginny smiled at her friend. "Each day… I feel better and better about myself. Each day it's less painful to think about being ditched the way I was."

"Plus you have us to pull you out of your slump," Hermione slung her arm over Ginny's slender shoulders. "And at least Ron finally apologised as well."

"I was beginning to think I'd have to Bat Bogey Hex him," Ginny kidded. "I was ready to, believe me."

*** *** ***

Dinner that night was a quieter affair than the others. Hermione, Ginny and Luna were deep in thought over the journal entries they'd read and Harry was confused about why he felt so odd about seeing Ron and Hermione kissing earlier in the kitchen. Neville tried not to be obvious as he stole glances at Ginny.

Ron was the only truly happy person at the table. He still felt as if a large weight had lifted from his chest even though things between Hermione and him hadn't worked out the way he'd hoped. As the day had gone on he realised how much they weren't truly weren't compatible and was glad he'd told her and they were still friends over it.

He helped himself to more pasta, noticing for the first time that Harry was only picking at his dinner. He'd barely eaten a few spoonfuls. Ron wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with him but when they were all in their bedroom an hour or so later he decided to find out.

"What's wrong with you mate?" he asked, sliding his pyjama shirt over his head. "You've been quiet all afternoon."

"It's nothing," Harry muttered, setting his glasses on the nightstand.

"Well it's obviously something," Ron objected. "Why don't you tell me what's the matter? Neville's in the loo so he can't overhear."

"I'm fine," Harry turned under his blankets and faced the wall.

Ron sighed as he picked at a loose thread on the quilt that covered his bed. "Harry? How long have we been best mates?"

"Going on eight years," Harry answered.

"And I think after eight years, I can tell when something's the matter with you." Ron replied.

Harry turned back around. "Look… I guess I'm just a little pissed because… well you never told me about you and Hermione before all right? I walk into the kitchen today to see you two snogging." Ron opened his mouth to say something but Harry cut him off. "If you want to date I don't have a problem with that. It just feels weird to be left out is all."

Ron stared at him a moment as his jaw fell open and then he started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"No…" Ron began to snort. "You… you bloody walked in on a bad moment is all…" he fell back on his bed and was positively howling a few seconds later.

Harry shook his head. "I've no idea what you're talking about." He said.

Ron finally stopped laughing. "You didn't see what you think," he began. "I mean… I did kiss her but it was just sort of to see if we liked one another." he sat on the edge of Harry's bed. "I told her today that I fancied her… she told me she didn't feel the same way. So I asked if I could kiss her to see if it would change her mind and it didn't."

"You're happy about that?" Harry looked slightly incredulous.

"Well…" Ron thought for a moment. "Yes and no… it's nice to have finally got that out in the open but at the same time I do sort of wish she fancied me too. I've thought about it all day long and I realise it wouldn't have worked out anyways."

Harry narrowed his eyes. "All right, who are you and what have you done with Ron?"

"Sod off," Ron replied.

"No…" Harry shook his head. "I seem to remember when Lavender Brown broke up with you in the common room and you had a fit. You wouldn't talk to us if we were still friends with her."

"That was ages ago," Ron said.

"That was last month!" Harry replied.

Ron shrugged. "Well… Hermione means more to me than Lavender Brown does. She's one of my best friends. And I'd rather have her as that than break up with her down the line."

Harry's face softened. "All right," he said.

Ron grinned. "You sound jealous Potter."

Harry scoffed. "Hardly, I don't think of Hermione in that way."

"Then why were you so quiet tonight?" Ron asked airily. "You wouldn't have gotten so buggered if it wasn't bothering you at least a little bit."

Harry opened his mouth as Neville came back into the room. "What are you two doing?" he asked, tossing his towel on the nightstand.

"Nothing," Harry replied quickly.

"You're jealous," Ron said smugly.

"I am NOT!" Harry snapped.

Neville shook his head. "I don't really want to get between a lover's quarrel with you two all right?"

Ron glared at him. "We are NOT GAY!" he shouted. "You sick bastard!"

Neville chuckled. "Right," he smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You'd better find a girl to snog so Neville doesn't go blabbing in the Daily Prophet about you Ron. I'm sure they've had enough of me by now."

He fell asleep that night to Ron's protests, knowing once again all was right with the world.