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The Crossways Guest House by Heaven

The Crossways Guest House


A/N: Thanks again to those of you who took a few moments to leave a review. Even my anonymous fan who REALLY seems to enjoy my work so much that he/she leaves the 'nicest' reviews. Everyone should go back and look for the four in a row. They're wonderful. Really! He/she even got me to quote Dr. Seuss! Life is good ;)

Anyways… all the R/Hr is past and I've got a nice H/Hr scene in this chapter. Hope this makes up for the non action of our fave couple before this!

And as always, reviews are very, very much appreciated!

Meanwhile, Hermione, Ginny and Luna were crowded on Hermione's single bed. The brown haired girl was careful in opening the journal, as she was still afraid of any loose or crumbling pages that would fall out.

"Come on, come on," Ginny said impatiently while Luna pulled a blanket closer around her.

"I wish Ronald were here." She said, staring at the wall. "I wouldn't be so cold."

Ginny shivered and Hermione let out a weak half smile at the blonde's remark. "That's really gross Luna," she complained. "That's my brother."

Luna only smiled as Hermione turned to the right page in the journal.

'I went back to school today, the first day since the trial began. Most of my friends would not even turn my way, much less talk to me during our recess. Evan, who is supposedly my best chum, spent all day talking with Peter and Michael. He did not look my way once.

Thank goodness for Charlotte. Even though the other girls were taking the Mickey out of her for being with me she has not left my side once. After school let out she took me to town and we sat at the soda fountain and had a Coke.

I know now for certain that I am in love with her. She is my best friend. I looked at her today, the way her hair was tied up in a ponytail with a flip at the end, her grey school jumper that showed off her curves… my hands almost ached to touch her.

I must figure out a way to tell her this. I cannot bear to see her married off to Charles Rochester, whom her father has already picked for her as soon as we graduate. I must find a way to talk to her father about this… to tell him I would make a good husband for her.'

"Wow," Hermione brushed a lock of her bushy hair behind her ear.

"Tell me about it," Ginny said softly.

"Keep reading!" Luna leaned forward.

'I'm not sure what happened tonight. Charlotte was over as always, trying to talk me out of the sadness that has seemed to envelope our home.

Crossways doesn't seem to be the happy place it once was. In fact… we've had our recent fall of guests due to the fact that the judge is in town nearly every day speaking nonsense about my father.

Charlotte tried to tell me that it was only not busy because of the season, not due to the trial. I suppose in a sense she's right- every guest still gets the same treatment they always did and everyone almost always leaves here satisfied.

We sat by the swing, I pushed her as high as I could. I delight in hearing her laugh. It helps me think that things won't turn out so badly.

My parents invited her to stay for supper and after that, she asked if I wanted to take a walk along the lakeside.

It was quiet at first but she took my hand in hers and it seemed as if a door opened inside me. I told her more about what was going on than I ever said before. The whole time I talked, Charlotte just listened and by the time I finished, we were sitting underneath the big oak tree and she was hugging me.

I held on to her like she was a lifeboat and I was sinking into the ocean. Charlotte doesn't judge me. She knows circumstances are beyond my control. I wish everyone else could see things the way she does.'

Hermione stopped for a moment. "I can't believe this…" she murmured.

"What?" Ginny and Luna both exclaimed as they both leaned forwards expectantly.

'I can't say what came over me in that moment but she looked so beautiful when bathed in the moonlight that I had to kiss her.

So I leaned forward and I did just that. Charlotte was surprised, I could tell by the way her body stiffened and I fully expected her to pull away but instead…

She only kissed me back.'

Hermione looked up at her two friends. "I almost hate to read this… especially because I know they never married."

Ginny opened her mouth but closed it again. "I see what you mean," she said quietly.

"I'd really like to ask her about it," Luna was sitting with her back against Hermione's headboard.

"So do I," Hermione sighed. "But… she's pretty fragile. I know she's had some heart trouble in the past several years and she's in her mid to late 70's now. I don't want to cause her any unnecessary stress, especially while this place is still in shambles."

"Right," Luna replied as Ginny nodded. "Maybe after we're done reading this we can give it to her."

"She'd probably like that," Hermione replied. The girls read several more entries before deciding to turn in for the night.

Yet after the light was turned out Hermione found she couldn't sleep. Her thoughts lingered on the journal entries they had read that evening.

It was scary how Richard and Charlotte's relationship seemed to mirror her and Harry's. Aside from the snogging that had pretty much dominated the last two entries they had read that night, the events reminded her of her friendship with Harry- like during their 4th year with the Triwizard Tournament and how everyone, even Ron, thought Harry had entered himself.

Hermione also thought of the many times she'd let Harry vent his frustrations while she listened. She knew he appreciated the fact that she refrained from being judgemental about him and his decisions.

She tossed and turned for what felt like a couple hours before deciding she needed to put something in her stomach. She hadn't eaten much at dinner.

Slipping into her lightweight robe, Hermione stole downstairs to the kitchen. Opening the icebox, she set about making herself a sandwich and was about to sit down when Harry appeared in the doorway. His hair was even more rumpled than usual and his glasses were crooked over his dark rimmed eyes.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, immediately sensing that he was upset about something.

"Nothing," Harry muttered, going to the sink for some cold water. "Bad nightmare is all."

"Come sit down," Hermione patted the chair next to her. Harry sat, pressing the cool glass against his throbbing head. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Harry was silent a few minutes. "I know Voldemort's gone but sometimes it feels like he'll never really be gone." He said finally. "Not as long as I have these bloody nightmares."

"What was it about?" Hermione asked softly.

Harry shrugged. "What isn't it about, really." He stated. "There's always so much going on. Sometimes I win, sometimes he wins."

"Harry, you DID win," Hermione reached over for one of his hands, lacing their fingers together.

"I know that," Harry replied. "But… with everyone that died in the meantime, sometimes it doesn't feel like I won. I feel as if I've put you and Ron in danger so many times."

"That's bullocks," Hermione said firmly. "Harry… we've told you this many times. If we thought being your friend wasn't worth everything the three of us have gone through then Ron and I would be long gone by now." She moved her chair closer. "We both love you Harry. You're a brave person, braver than anyone I've ever known. And I'm proud to be considered your best friend."

Harry felt considerably cheered at her words. "Thanks," he said, squeezing her hand. "That really does mean a lot to me."

Hermione smiled at him. "Well you mean a lot to me… and Ron." She added hastily. The thoughts of the journal came flooding back.

Ron's words came back to haunt Harry in that moment.

"You're jealous," Ron said smugly.

"I am NOT!" Harry snapped.

He shook his head. "Well you mean a lot to me as well… you and Ron." He added. Hermione turned a slight shade of pink.

Her insides squirmed as they avoided looking at one another for a few moments. Her hand was growing sweaty inside his so she pulled away. "Are you hungry?" Hermione tried to keep her voice as normal as possible.

"A bit," Harry answered.

"You can have half my sandwich," Hermione offered, holding it out to him.

"All right," Harry took it from her outstretched hand. "Thanks," he said, biting into it.

They ate together quickly and Harry washed the few dishes they used. Hermione dried them and put them back in the cupboard.

"Think you'll sleep better now?" she asked as the climbed the stairs.

"I should now," Harry replied. "Thanks… thanks for listening to me. I don't like having to dump everything on you."

"I don't see it that way," Hermione objected. "I'm your friend. I'm here to listen to your troubles and help you."

"Thanks," Harry smiled at her. They looked awkwardly at one another before he moved forward and hugged her. "I'm glad to have you in my life Hermione."

Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat and was unable to answer as Harry kissed her cheek (and was it just her or did he kiss near the corner of her mouth?) then disappeared into his bedroom.

"Oh Merlin… what am I getting myself into?" she asked herself as she slid back under her covers.

*** *** ***

The next night, dinner was a much livelier atmosphere. Harry and Hermione would look at each other every so often and share a secret smile while Neville, Ron and Ginny were talking over which Quidditch team (only when Aunt Charlotte left the room) was sure to win the Cup this year.

Luna was reading a new copy of the Quibbler that her father had just sent that day. She seemed quite engrossed in it but was sure to cover up any moving pictures with her elbow whenever Aunt Charlotte was nearby.

The teenagers finished their dinner and Ginny and Neville decided to help Aunt Charlotte with the dishes. Ron was going to ask Harry if he wanted to go have a game of chess when Luna spoke up.

"Ronald would you like to take a walk with me?" he turned to see her staring at him, her finger twisting around a lock of her blonde hair. "It's a very nice evening."

"I uh…" Ron looked at Harry to help him with an excuse. "That is… I think… well me and Harry we were going to-"

"Go ahead Ron," Harry said, grinning a bit wickedly. "We can play chess later on."

Ron glared at him. "All right," he muttered, not wanting to be rude. Luna took his arm happily as they stepped outside.

Harry and Hermione waited until the door closed behind them before breaking out into laughter. "Should we go spy on him you think?" Harry asked mischievously.

"No!" Hermione laughed. She was glad to see that during the day the dark circles under Harry's eyes had disappeared. "Honestly, would you like it if he spied on you?"

"He has," Harry replied mildly. "Caught him in sixth year when I was out with Hannah Abbott one time."

"Well then by all means," Hermione replied. "Let's go follow them." They ran out after their friends.

"Great, we get stuck with all the work," Ginny complained.

"It's not so bad," Neville replied. "I daresay Hermione's been doing the dishes almost every day." He started running water in the sink.

"You're right," Ginny sighed. She grabbed a towel from the drawer and started drying the plates Neville handed her. "So are you guys finished with the stables yet?"

"Just about," Neville said. "It just hasn't been used for so long that all the dirt and such are caked on. Plus there was all that mouldy hay that I had to scrape out of the stalls. One more day of work and we should have it finished."

"We've still got so much left to do with the attic," Ginny set aside the now dry plate. "I think our problem is, we always find some clothes or in Hermione's case, she finds books and we get sidetracked."

"Girls," Neville shook his head and laughed as Ginny elbowed him in the side.

"Where would you boys be without us?" she shot back but was smiling.

"I don't want to think about that," Neville joked.

*** *** ***

"So what are we looking for?" Ron asked wincing as Luna clung to his arm.

"A Jarvey," Luna replied, holding onto her Quibbler in the other hand. "Daddy says he'd love to write up what a Jarvey says in the next edition."

"Right," Ron muttered. They were in the forest that was near the stables end of the property. It was growing cold and all he had on was a thin shirt. "How long do you think it will take to find one?"

"I'm not sure," Luna said. "Maybe an hour, maybe six hours." She turned to look up at him. "You don't mind do you?"

"Well…er…" Ron fumbled. "I guess not."

Luna smiled. "Thank you Ronald." She stopped and suddenly flung her arms around him. "You're very much a gentleman."

"Uh… thanks…" Ron said, uncomfortable. "A Jarvey…" he tried to change the subject. "Looks like a ferret right?"

"Right," Luna said. "And it talks! I've always wanted to talk to a Jarvey."

"Okay," Ron said, resisting the urge to pull away as she gripped his hand.

"This should be a nice spot to wait for one," she declared a few minutes later. Luna sat down, pulling Ron down with her.

Ron nodded silently and picked at a few blades of grass. The half moon came out from behind the clouds and shone down on them. He looked up as the pale light caught the silvery strands of her hair and for a moment he almost felt compelled to reach forward and see if her locks were as soft as they looked.

Luna moved her head at that moment and Ron pulled his hand away. "So you're a Chudley Cannons fan?" she asked.

"Yeah," Ron nodded. "Best bloody team around. No one seems to realise it though."

Luna tipped her head to the side. "I agree," her eyes focused on him. "They've been my favourite team for years. I like Puddlemere too, but the Cannons, one of these years, will turn around and surprise everyone."

"I… I didn't take you for a Quidditch fan." Ron said, wide eyed.

"Not many people do," Luna said dreamily. "I do prefer reading about the Jarvey and other beasts more. I also like making my butterbeer cork necklace. Would you like one?"

"Uh… no, no thanks." Ron replied. "I'm not much into… jewellery."

"Okay," Luna said. "I wonder if your sister would like one."

"She might," Ron shrugged.

Luna stared at him again. "She's happy that you're not angry with her anymore." She said suddenly.

"What?" Ron was startled.

"Your sister," Luna said. "She's glad that you apologised to her the other day."

"Oh…" Ron replied. "Well… I can't stay mad at her. She's my sister and we're the closest out of all of us Weasley kids, except for Fred and George."

"I always wanted a brother or sister," Luna said vaguely.

"How come your parents never had any more kids?" Ron asked curiously.

"My mum died when I was very young," Luna said. "She never had enough time to."

"Oh," Ron felt his face turn red. "I'm sorry… I didn't know."

"It's all right," Luna said, looking at him again. "It happened a long time ago. I miss her very much but I can think of her without feeling sad." She leaned forward. "I have a picture of her in this locket," she opened it to show him.

"Wow…" Ron took it in his hand. "She was really beautiful. She looked a lot like you." He didn't realise what his comment implied until a moment later.

She actually blushed. "Thank you Ronald," she said quietly, tucking the locket back in her shirt.

Ron raised his eyes and realised how close he and Luna were sitting. Her blue eyes were even larger when he was only a few inches away from her and she actually smelled quite lovely. His hand came out again and he touched her long hair this time, rubbing the silky strands between his fingers.

Their faces drew closer and closer together; eyes closing and then Ron felt his mouth touch a pair of soft lips. His fingers moved from her hair to cup her cheek as Luna pushed forward and Ron was suddenly on his back.

This was… it was… Ron couldn't put words in his head to describe the way he felt, the way she felt. Her lips were warm and wet and her hands ran through his hair, sending goose bumps down his arms.

"Silly… ugly!" a tinny voice suddenly rang out and Ron and Luna pulled apart breathlessly. A Jarvey was in front of them, it's small furry face cocked to the side. "Silly ugly stupid human!" it nearly shrieked.

"There's… there's your Jarvey," Ron said, his chest still rising and falling quite rapidly.

"Yes," Luna nodded. "It's lovely to meet you," she leaned closer to the Jarvey.

The Jarvey skittered back several feet. "Mindless ugly bearing faces!" it backed away even more and then disappeared into a hole in the ground.

Ron shook his head. "That was bloody stupid," he said.

Luna shrugged and smiled. "I thought he was rather cute."

"If you like that furry look," Ron replied. He got up and extended his hand to the blonde. "Want to get back?"

"Sure," Luna reverted to her dreamy look. "Thank you," she said as he helped her up.

Ron nodded and this time he didn't mind when her hand stayed inside his.

*** *** ***

Charlotte got herself ready for bed as she noticed another box of things the girls had brought down from the attic. It had been difficult for her to go through some of the albums and see pictures of herself and Richard.

Hermione had most likely advised her friends not to say anything to her, but Charlotte knew they were curious, especially her great niece. Sooner or later she would have to tell them about what happened between her and Richard.

She had set aside several photos she wanted to have framed and put on display in the hallways of the house. Charlotte had found one of herself and Richard when they were playing around on the swing one day that used to hang on the large tree in the front of the house.

There had also been another one of when they were much younger, around eleven. She was hoping to have it restored as it was quite badly creased along the top but it was a nice, innocent shot of them playing together on the expansive lawn in back.

"Aunt Charlotte?" Hermione knocked softly on the door. "I saw your light was still on and I wanted to see if you were all right?"

"I'm just fine dear," Charlotte smiled. "I do have a favour to ask you."

"Sure," Hermione stepped inside.

"I do believe there is a place in town that restores old photographs," Charlotte held it out. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind taking it in the next couple of days and having them look at it for me."

"Oh, of course," Hermione smiled. She took the photo carefully. "Who is that?"

"That's me when we were much younger, and Richard." Charlotte answered her tone slightly wistful.

"Richard… I think we've seen quite a few photos of him up there in the attic," Hermione kept her tone neutral. "He was the person who left you Crossways right?"

"Yes," Charlotte nodded. "We were… very good friends a long time ago."

"You weren't friends later on?" Hermione asked her tone still steady.

"Well… yes and no dear," Charlotte replied. "We were as close as two people could be as friends. I was by his side when no one else wanted to talk to him. And then…" her voice trailed off as her eyes grew distant.

"And then…?" Hermione hardly dared to breathe.

Charlotte seemed to snap back into focus. "Oh nothing dear- it's all quite sad really, I'm sure you don't want to know about it."

Hermione wanted to object but didn't want to push her aunt. "All right Aunt Charlotte," she kissed the older woman's cheek. "Good night then. I'll take this picture to town tomorrow."

"Good night dear," Charlotte smiled as the younger woman left.