Summary: Molly and Narcissa were friends in school, and after each married, their friendship did not withstand Lucius disapproval. Now many years later the two are best mates again after Lucius' imprisonment in Azkaban, and they are playing matchmaker between Draco and Ginny.
A/N: The timing in this story may not coincide with the books, though this tweaking was necessary for my story to make sense.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters.
A heavily pregnant Molly Weasley sat in her living room watching the large grandfather clock. Each hand had a different family member's name engraved on it. Currently there were eight hands. All except the one that read Arthur Weasley were pointed towards the place that said `home,' which replaced the twelve on the clock. Arthur's hand was pointing at visiting, and Molly was getting worried. She sighed and picked up her knitting and continued to work on the pink doll sized sweater for the tiny baby girl inside her stomach. She looked up suddenly to see that Arthur's hand had moved from `visiting' to `traveling.' A second later with a small pop Arthur stood in front of his wife.
"How did it go?"
"Not good. I couldn't convince her luv."
"She's putting him in danger! His father will teach him to be a deatheater! How can she do this?" Molly exclaimed tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Molly, there's nothing we can do and honestly, I don't blame Narcissa for refusing. Lucius would have been furious."
"I still think it's wrong. That poor baby. He's not going to stand a chance. Maybe I should go talk to her. She and I were good friends in school. I'm sure-"
"No Molly." Arthur said, in a firm voice interrupting his wife.
"But Arthur! This is so unfair."
"Molly I know your upset, but don't you think you're overdoing it a little bit?"
"It wasn't supposed to happen like this." Molly whispered quietly, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Well…no. No one expected him to get off. Everyone knows he was a deatheater."
"No! I meant between Narcissa and I. We…we were best friends. We had all these dreams and plans. None of them have come true. And finally, finally, the chance comes up and it's bloody ruined by Lucius bloody Malfoy." Molly said loudly before bursting into tears.
"Shhhh. You'll wake the children and what dream dear?" Arthur said walking to his wife and embracing her warmly.
"We're having a girl Arthur."
"Yes, I know. But…"
"Just listen. We're having a girl. Narcissa had Draco, a boy. We always said that our son and daughter would be best friends and fall madly in love. Then we'd be related. I...she was always so close to me Arthur." Arthur sighed. His wife had frequent mood swings lately, and this seemed to be one of them.
"Hunny, things will work out in the end. They always do." Arthur said pulling Molly into another warm embrace.
`I suppose your right. Let's go to bed." So husband and wife together somberly made their way to their bedroom, to get some seriously needed sleep.