15 Years Later
Ginny Weasley ran down the stairs of the burrow quickly, she had overslept and today was a bad day for that. She was supposed to floo into Diagon Alley and meet Hermione later. She and Hermione were becoming good friends, and Ginny was glad to have someone to confide in. `Yes today is going to be a good day.' Ginny thought.
However when she reached the kitchen the day took an unexpected turn. Sitting at her table was Narcissa Malfoy sipping tea and looking very worn down. Her beautiful golden locks were pulled up in a disheveled bun, and she neglected using any beauty charms. Ginny cleared her throat to announce her presence.
"Hey sweetie good morning. I was just about to wake you when Narcissa aparated in unexpectedly." Molly said in an apologetic tone.
"That's alright mum." Ginny said pouring herself a cup of tea and grabbing a biscuit off a plate on the counter. "Hello Mrs. Malfoy. How have you been?" She asked sitting across from her mom and Narcissa.
Narcissa smiled at the surprised tone in Ginny's voice. "As well as I can be considering." Narcissa's smile faded and she looked into her teacup.
"Now now Narcissa, no more frowning today. None of what happened is your fault and you know it." Molly reassured her in a kind voice. Narcissa just sighed and turned to look at Ginny.
"You've grown into a beautiful young lady Ginny. I think you were maybe three months old the last time I saw you up close."
"Thanks, but actually you saw me just two years ago at the Quidditch World Cup. Don't you remember?" Ginny asked confused.
"I'm afraid not dear. I…I wasn't myself that day." Narcissa said in an almost whisper.
"Oh." Was all Ginny could say. She understood what Narcissa was talking about perfectly. Tom Riddle had used the same means on her during her first year.
"Ginny dear, this came for you with the post this morning, I almost forgot." Molly said handing Ginny a letter, glad to be breaking the sad conversation that had just taken place.
Ginny took the letter, immediately recognizing the handwriting. She quickly opened and read the letter, her mood falling to disappointment. "Hermione had to cancel. Seems Harry showed up at her house the other night." She said in a sad tone.
"Well then, why don't you stay and chat with us women. Your mum chased your brothers out when I got here."
"I couldn't do that. You two obviously have a lot to talk about."
"Then why don't you go outside. It's a beautiful day, and Draco is out there somewhere. He brought his new Firebolt that he just got for his birthday." Narcissa suggested.
"Draco Malfoy is at my house, in my yard?!" Ginny asked suddenly not very happy that Narcissa was here.
"Well, I didn't think it wise to leave him home." Ginny groaned.
"Go on dear. I bet if you ask nicely, he'll let you have a go on that fancy new broom." Molly said. Ginny just blinked at her mother before moving towards the door to the backyard, dragging her feet. As the door closed behind her two old friends started laughing together for the first time in almost 15 years.
Ginny walked into her backyard, seeing something that surprised her. Draco Malfoy was sitting on the ground no, lying on the ground and he seemed to be asleep. Ginny walked over to him cautiously, and stood looking over him. Still he didn't move, or open his eyes. Ginny nudged his side with her foot.
Draco opened one eye to look at her. "What do you want Weasley?"
"Not to be out here I assure you. However your mum and mine sort of left me no option, unless I wanted to listen to them reminisce. Which I don't want to do. Plus this is my house. I can do whatever I please."
"House?" Draco asked. Ginny just glared at him.
"Don't you dare insult my home or family Draco Malfoy." Ginny hissed.
"Now why would I want to do that?" Draco asked sarcastically, smirking. He sat up and stared at her.
"What?" Ginny asked impatiently.
"Just counting how many of those awful freckles you have." Ginny blushed and then turned red with anger.
"How dare you. This is my home and when I told you not to insult it or my family, I was included in that." Ginny said, extremely angry at Draco already.
"Temper, temper. I didn't do anything to deserve to be at the end of that stinging tongue of yours." Draco said standing up. He reached out and squeezed her chin gently before letting go and walking over to his Firebolt, which lay abandoned about 100 feet away from them.
Ginny turned and glared at Draco before walking over to him hands on her hips, her lips pursed in a thin line that would have made McGonagall proud. "Who do you think you are?"
"I'm Draco Malfoy." He said, reaching down and picking up his broom. Rage shook Ginny's small frame. The arrogant prick was really starting to bug her.
"You sarcastic little ferret, how dare you…" Before she could finish her sentence, she found Draco's hand covering her mouth.
"Will you shut up.? Merlin you're giving me a headache!" Draco said removing his hand.
"I'll stop giving precious little Draco a headache if he stops baiting me!" Draco gave Ginny an annoyed look.
"Look, if you promise to leave me alone I'll take you for a ride on my Firebolt." Ginny considered this for a minute. She did really want to try out the Firebolt, but on the other hand it was fun to annoy him. She smiled slyly. He never said for how long she had to leave him be.
"Deal." She said outstretching her hand and she and Draco shook on it. Draco straddled his broom and motioned for Ginny to get on in front of him. Ginny moved in front of him and grasped the handle. Draco moved his arms in front of her, so he could steer. With a hard kick, they were off the ground soaring up into the sky, gathering speed quickly.
Ginny closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of flying, unconsciously leaning back against him. Ever since she was a little girl and Charlie took her for a ride, she'd loved flying. It was an adrenaline rush for her.
Draco circled the Burrow several times, doing all sorts of tricks that made Ginny laugh with excitement. They landed on the ground to see there mothers walking towards them, smiles on their faces.
Molly and Narcissa walked towards Draco and Ginny, wide grins reaching their ears. They'd spent the last hour talking and reminiscing, and came to a conclusion: Their son and daughter were perfect for one another.
Both women realized that their hope for their children to get together was very much in vain. Or so they thought. But as they watched Draco and Ginny getting off the Firebolt, a new wave of hope floated through them, a hope that Draco and Ginny could be the ones to put an end to the Weasley/Malfoy feud. But only if Molly and Narcissa worked fast, and put one hundred percent into this matchmaking scheme.
They both new Lucius would be furious, and Arthur would be none to thrilled. But neither woman cared. All they wanted was their days of friendship back…and beautiful strawberry-blonde haired grandchildren.
A/N: What do you think? Be kind, this is my first Harry Potter fanfic.