Chapter 3
Weeks passed too quickly for Ginny. It was almost Christmas, and she was more than ready for vacation. She was going home, on her mothers request while to her surprise Ron, Harry, and Hermione were staying at school. Ginny suspected this was because her mother was having two very certain blonde haired guests over.
Of course she hadn't told Ron this, when he asked why she was going home instead of staying, as he was already upset about her showing up for lunch that time with Draco. And of the times since then she had spent playing Wizards Chess or Exploding snap with him. At one point, he had gotten so mad that he put Draco in the hospital wing for two days, and landed himself a months worth of detention. Ginny was sort of glad that he had hurt Draco, because Draco had led Ron, Harry and Hermione to believe they had slept with each other. Ginny could still remember the incident like it was yesterday. It had happened the day that Draco had gotten her out of History of Magic.
As Ginny and Draco made their way to the Great Hall for lunch, they received many stares from onlookers. Draco proceeded to glare at each one of said on lookers, causing them to turn back to whatever they had been doing. They entered the Great Hall to see Ron, Harry and Hermione standing by the entrance. Ron looked very pissed, and Harry and Hermione stood at either side of him, holding him back from pouncing on Draco. Both Harry and Hermione looked way too amused for Ginny's liking.
"What is it now Ron?" Ginny asked upon seeing the almost purple state of Ron's normally pale face.
"What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong she asks. I'll tell you what's wrong Ginny, what's wrong is that you skipped TWO classes to spend time with…with… this….ferret!" Ron finished almost screaming. All of the Great Hall was now watching the small group with undivided attention.
"Ron, you stop this now. I don't know how you know that I skipped classes, but I assure you they were ones you've skived off before too. History of Magic, and Divination. So don't you dare yell at me for skipping classes. As for whom I skipped with, well it's not like I have much of a choice. And besides, since when are YOU my mother? Last time I checked you were just my annoyingly over protective older brother. Now, I'm starved and want lunch, excuse me." Ginny finished up her rant, and pushed past the trio and went over to the Gryffindor table. She sat down and grabbed a sandwich off a giant platter in the center of the table and began to eat.
"You better watch it Malfoy." Ron spat.
"Watch what Weasley? Your sister? Don't mind if I do." Draco said in a suggestive tone. Ron was ready to snap. Harry and Hermione both had to grab one of his arms to keep him from attacking Draco.
"You little ferret. How dare you talk about her like she's just a piece of meat! She's too good for you. You don't deserve her."
"That doesn't really matter does it Weasel? I have her and always will. Our mums will see to it. You know it. Get used to it."
"Why do you want to go along with this? You hate all Weasleys." Ron sounded desperate. He did not want his sister involved with Draco Malfoy, son of a deatheater that had just been put away the year before.
"I like her fiery little temper, especially when she and I are all alone." Draco said suggestively. He was about to walk towards his table when Ron's fist connected with his face. Draco was taken aback by the sudden blow, and he stumbled. The next thing anyone new, the two boys wands were out and hexes were flying. Harry and Hermione had backed away from the scene, deciding to let Ron fight this battle on his own.
Both Draco and Ron had some serious damage done to them, and unfortunately for Ron, Snape was the only teacher at lunch. Both boys were sent to the hospital wing, but Ron would have a months worth of detention to serve, on top of a 50 point deduction from Gryffindor.
*End Flashback*
Ginny sighed at the unfairness of that day. Sure Ron shouldn't have punched Draco, but both boys were throwing hexes. It was just rotten luck that Snape was the only professor around at the moment. Needless to say Ron and Draco's relationship had only gotten worse, and as a result Ginny's life had become a struggle. She could not ignore either boy. She loved her brother, and she had to tolerate Draco because she loved her mother.
What Ron didn't know was that Ginny had a date planned for over vacation with the great bouncing ferret. Ginny's gut instinct told her this was part of the reason that Ginny was going home.
Ginny sunk into a chair in front of the fire in her common room, and pulled a book from somewhere inside her robes. She had just gotten into the book when the common room door swung open and Ron came in looking very upset.
"What's wrong now?" Ginny asked as he sank into the chair next to her. Ron sighed and mumbled something under his breath.
"Didn't quite catch that. Want to repeat it?"
"It's nothing really. So are you ready for your holiday from hell with Deatheater Jr.?"
"I really wish you wouldn't call him that, and yes, I'm packed."
"Good. If he tries anything you owl me straight away okay?
"Okay Ro-wait a minute, how did you know that mum is having him over?"
"The ferret himself told me."
"Oh no." Ginny groaned. "You didn't punch him or curse him again. Did you?"
"No. I wanted to, but I don't want to risk getting more detention added, or expulsion."
"Good. Where are Harry and Hermione?" Ron's face fell at the mention of his friends.
"I think they're off snogging somewhere." Ron said, looking crestfallen again.
"Oh Ron. You know she's not the one for you. You'll meet someone." Ginny instantly regretted her words as her brother suddenly looked very angry.
"I am not jealous of them, nor do I fancy Hermione, so bugger off and save your pity for someone else Mrs. Malfoy." Ron snarled, before storming up to his dormitory. Ginny shook her head and went back to her book.
Ginny was sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts express waiting for the train to take off, when the compartment door burst open and in walked Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, locked at the lips. Ginny had to jump up so they wouldn't sit on her. Silently screaming, she started poking Pansy, increasing how hard she poked until Pansy and Blaise separated.
"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" Pansy asked snottily.
"I want you to give me my seat back, and find somewhere else to snog!"
"Listen Weasley, we'll do no such thing. Besides, Draco told us to tell you he wants you to sit with him. Don't ask me why though. I still don't understand. Anyway, shoo get lost," And with that said Pansy and Blaise went back to snogging.
Cursing Malfoy under her breath, Ginny grabbed her stuff and went in search of the bouncing ferret. She found him two embarrassing compartment intrusions later.
"Took you long enough, though I suppose it could be Parkinson and Zabini's fault." Ginny just growled at this comment before plunking down in the seat across from him, and glaring.
"The snogging monsters almost sat on me. Next time send one by themselves. It was a horrible experience. I think I'm scared for life." Draco laughed at this.
"Oh sure, go on laugh."
"I will. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to deal with it anymore."
"By the way they were snogging I think the compartment will need a strong `scourgify' when we get into King's Cross." Draco smirked at her.
"You don't know how right you are." Ginny shuddered, horrible images now inside her head. She decided it was time to change the subject.
"So, are you coming over for Christmas?" Ginny asked.
"I think so. Either that you're coming over to my house, my mum wouldn't tell me which. Don't see what difference it makes though. Our mother's are nutters."
"Most defiantly." Ginny agreed.