By the time that Ginny had to go back to school, she was thoroughly confused. It was the day before she had to leave, and she and her mother were sitting on the terrace at Malfoy Manor. Yes Ginny Weasley was at Malfoy Manor. Her mother and Narcissa were chatting and gossiping, while she was currently having a staring contest with Draco Malfoy.
She would have won if Molly's sudden shout of laughter hadn't made her jump. She turned back to look at Draco, who was smirking at her. Ginny huffed, and stood up and walked over to the other side of the table. She sat down next to her mother and turned into their conversation, which abruptly ended.
Narcissa smiled at Ginny, then turned and smiled at Draco. "Are you enjoying yourself Ginny?" she asked.
"Oh yes Mrs. Malfoy. You have a lovely home."
"Thank you dear. I'm just glad the ministry is letting me keep it. Although they have raided several times. I was shocked at what they found…" Narcissa's voice trailed off, and Molly shot Ginny a warning look. Ginny sighed.
"So school starts again tomorrow." She said for lack of anything better to say.
"I know. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday Draco got his first Hogwarts letter.
I know what you mean Narcissa. Ginny is graduating in just three years. I can barely believe it. My baby girl, almost all grown up."
"Have you found her a match yet Molly?" Ginny did a double take and gaped at Narcissa.
"Well, no. Arthur still insists that she's too young."
"Mum! I'm not getting married right after school. I told you this. And why must you insist on choosing someone for me?"
"You know very well it's the way it's done. Why, your father and I were betrothed at our births. We were lucky though, we fell in love."
"You know Molly Draco is not betrothed either. Well…he was, but he and the daughter didn't get along at all. Then Lucius went to Azkaban and both her family and I, even Lucius decided to break the betrothal."
"Really?" Molly asked a smile showing on her face. Both Draco and Ginny inwardly groaned. They knew what was coming next.
Two hours later, Ginny was sitting in her living room sulking, while her parents were having an ungodly row upstairs. Arthur hadn't been happy when Molly had told him the deal she and Narcissa had come to. They wouldn't force Draco and Ginny to wed, but they had managed to guilt them into dating for the year. Then if they liked one another, a marriage would be arranged for when Ginny graduated. Ginny wasn't very fond of this idea, and had the feeling she would be marrying Draco Malfoy weather she wanted to or not. The noise upstairs stopped, and a red faced Molly came in into the living room a few moments later.
"Oh Ginny, don't pout. I think you're going to find that you and Draco have a lot in common and are a great match. He's a nice boy, nothing like his father I promise."
"Why mum, why Malfoy of all people?" Ginny asked slightly upset.
"First of all, Ginny his name is Draco. Second of all, because Narcissa and I are good friends, and we want to fix the problems between our two families." Molly answered sitting across from Ginny. Ginny sighed and rubbed her eyes.
"Fine. I'm tired, and really need some sleep. It's been a long day. Ron won't talk to me, Hermione is convinced that your right, and Harry….well, he finds it amusing the great pratt!" Molly chuckled.
"Goodnight love. Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight mum." Ginny said, rising and walking up the stairs and disappearing into her room.
Draco Malfoy glared at his mother, who was writing a letter, and humming. "Now, now Draco, don't sulk. I assure you it won't be so bad. Ginny Weasley is everything I always expected in a wife for you. She's pretty, down to earth, motherly, and I have the feeling that she won't let you run her life. Besides, would you rather be married to the Parkinson's daughter?"
"I'd prefer to not have to marry either. But seeing as how I am not being given a choice, I'll play along. But only if you stop talking as though I'm going to fall madly in love with her." Draco said through gritted teeth. Narcissa didn't seem to hear her son's last comment though, as the next words from her mouth were,
"Yes, Virginia Malfoy is a lovely name."
The next day found Ron and Draco glaring at each at Kings Cross, while Molly and Narcissa chatted happily. Ginny watched, fascinated even after five years, as Harry, Hermione and Ron ran towards the barrier and disappeared, unnoticed by the muggles.
Ron was very mad at the idea of his baby sister dating-and possibly marrying a Malfoy. Everyone else except of course her father had found it amusing, much to Ginny's dismay. Her jaw had hit the floor when Hermione said, "Well, at least you'll have beautiful children." after Ginny had told her the situation. Ginny shuddered at the thought of having children with Malfoy…no Draco. Getting scolded once for calling him `Malfoy' was embarrassing enough and no one had even witnessed it.
Ginny gripped the handle of her trolley, and moved to stand next to Draco. The each glanced warily at each before running through the barrier, side by side. Ginny smiled at the sight of the giant scarlet steam engine that would take her back to her home away from home. She was startled out of her reverie by her mother and Narcissa, who had just come through the barrier.
"Ginny dear, let Cissa and I take care of yours and Draco's things. You two go find a seat. They said goodbye to their mothers and went off in search of an empty compartment. They quickly found one, and sat on opposite sides, and glared at each other.
Not too long later the whistle blew and the train gave an almighty lurch, and started forward on the journey to Hogwarts. They each pulled out one of their new school books, and settled down in a comfortable silence for the long train ride.
A few days later Ginny was sitting in History of Magic listening to Professor Binns drone on, when someone knocked on the door, startling the entire class, that was half asleep.
"Come in." Professor Binns wheezed. Draco Malfoy stepped into the classroom, his prefects badge glittering in the sunlight shinning in the windows.
"Professor McGonagall wishes to speak to Ginny Weasley. She says it's urgent."
"Of course, Miss Weasley, go on." Professor Binns said looking in the opposite direction. Silently Ginny picked up her thing and followed Draco outside. When she started to walk toward McGonagall's classroom, Draco called her back.
"This way Weasley. McGonagall doesn't want to see you. Ginny blinked at him and followed. He led her down many corridors, some unfamiliar until they reached the bare stretch of wall that led into the Slytherin common room.
Draco said the password, and the hidden door opened. Draco led Ginny inside, and up a flight of stairs to a dormitory. About five beds were in the room, but one stood out. It had a fine hand stitched comforter instead of the usual Hogwarts one. It was dark green with silver serpents embroidered along the sides, and a family crest was in the center. Ginny automatically knew it was Draco's bed, and she was proven right when he went over and sat on it. He motioned for her to sit next to him. She didn't move from her spot across the room.
"Come on over here Weasley, I won't bite you…." He paused "hard." He finished in a suggestive tone.
"Draco Malfoy you great ferrety git, why do I have to put up with you? And why did you call me out of class. Not that I mind skiving off the rest of History of Magic class mind you, but why?"
"I got a letter from my mother. She ordered me to do something with you, so here we are. Apparently we're supposed to…talk." He had as if it were the silliest thing anyone had every suggested. Ginny closed her eyes and took a deep breath before walking over and sitting next to him.
"Do you have a set of Wizards Chess?" Ginny asked
"Yeah, want to play?"
"That was my idea, hence me asking if you had a set." Ginny said, already getting annoyed, even though he hadn't done anything annoying yet. Draco got off his bed and walked over to his trunk, producing a chess board and pieces from somewhere inside it. Ginny noticed it was a very nice chess set. The board was made of marble and the pieces were made of ivory. "Nothing but the best for a Malfoy." Ginny mumbled under her breath as she set up
"You're absolutely right Weaselette." Ginny just shook her head, and they began to play in silence.
A little farther into the game they were both laughing and having fun. "Check mate Malfoy." Ginny said smiling.
"No way Weasley, impossible, you can't beat me." Draco said, refusing to believe that Ginny had beaten him.
"Yes way Draco. I won. Look." Ginny said pointing to the board. Sure as hell, Ginny had beaten Draco Malfoy.
"Where'd you learn to play like that?" Draco said looking slightly impressed.
"Ron and Charlie. They're the best chess players around. Charlie taught me how to fly as well." Ginny said.
"My oldest brother. I think you'd like him. He's studying Dragons in Romania."
"Really? Dragons are amazing creatures."
"You only say that cause your named after them Draco."
"She speaks Latin too. Impressive, I didn't realize Weasley's could be so smart." The next thing he new Ginny had pushed him back and had him pinned down.
"Take that back Malfoy."
"Calm down Weasel, I was just joking." Draco said, managing to get an arm free. The youngest Weasley was strong. Using his free arm, he started tickling her side. This sent Ginny into peals of laughter, and caused her to let him go completely. Draco smirked and followed her, tickling her some more.
She fought his hands away, laughing hard. "Alright, alright Malfoy. Just stop." Draco stopped tickling her, and she managed to catch her breath.
"I wonder what time it is." Ginny said
"I don't know must be time for dinner soon. Want to head down?"
"Good idea. I'm starving." So Draco and Ginny walked down to the Great Hall together, getting weird looks from everyone they passed.