Ginny was seated in a compartment with Draco and her friend Collin. Draco was currently sleeping, his head lying in her lap. Ginny sighed as she ran her fingers through his silky blonde hair. The rest of Christmas vacation had been very hard on him. He and his mother had lost Malfoy Manor, and Lucius was going to be sentenced in a few short weeks.
Ginny couldn't believe how fast the process had gone. They found dark things; kicked Draco and Narcissa out of their house, and proved that Lucius was guilty. Now they were waiting to see what his punishment would be. Narcissa was currently living atone of the Malfoy's summer cottages, which wasn't really a cottage rather a mini mansion that was a beach front property. Ginny felt so bad for them.
Ginny glanced up to see Collin glaring at her. "What now Collin?"
"How is it that you are so attached to him?"
"He had a rough holiday, okay? You really should order the Daily Prophet." Ginny said picking up the paper that was lying beside her and tossing it to Collin. He looked down at the front page and gasped.
"They lost their house?"
"Keep reading." Ginny said looking down at Draco. He looked so innocent, that she couldn't believe it was the same Draco Malfoy she'd known for good part of her life. Draco stirred, waking up. He sat up groggily, and looked around confused for a second, before remembering where he was. Ginny smiled at him. "Have a good nap?"
"Mmm." He said, nodding. He looked out the window sadly, watching the English/Scottish country side rush by. Ginny rubbed his back gently, ignoring the death glare Collin was still sending her. It was beyond her why he didn't understand her concern, though she guessed that it had something to do with the fact that he was Draco Malfoy, Slytherin bastard who had called Collin a mudblood on several occasions.
"Would you stop glaring at me Creevy; if you don't like me sitting here, then go join the golden trio." Collin gasped indignantly, and Ginny swatted Draco's arm.
"Be nice, Draco. And Collin, please stop glaring. I'm sorry you don't approve of my err…friendship with Draco, but it's too bad. Get used to it, Harry has. Hermione even has, and he was a lot worse to her than he has ever been to you."
"I don't trust him, and I never will. Not even if you end up marrying him." With that said Collin grabbed his things and stalked out of the compartment. Ginny put her head in her hands and sighed deeply. The rest of the year was going to be very interesting.
Draco was sitting in potions class, though he wasn't really paying attention. Talk around the school was of his father and predictions on what would happen to Lucius in two weeks. This talk had been going on since he got back, and that had been almost a week ago. He had gotten numerous points taken off Slytherin for hexing several different students who he heard whispering behind his back. Only Snape seemed to be cutting him any slack. Ginny had been very helpful too, though he would never admit it to anyone.
"Mr. Malfoy will you please answer the question!" Draco looked up to see Snape looking at him anger clouding his features. Draco guessed his break was over.
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't hear the question." Snape sighed, before repeating the question, the look on his face clearly suggesting that he was not happy about having to repeat himself. Draco easily ticked off the answer, before zoning out again, not really caring if he ended up scrubbing cauldron bottoms for his lack of attention.
Ginny was sitting in Gryffindor tower listening to her brother drone on about why hanging around Malfoy was bad news. She wasn't really listening to him; though she decided just to let him rant then tell him to shove off, that it was none of his business what she did.
"And furthermore, he is bad news. Now, I know I've said it at least five times before but I just can't stress it enough. I know you pity him and all, but you don't need to hang around him. Mum will under…"
"Ron shut your gob. NOW! It's my business, not yours. Did you ever think I don't hang around with him because I pity him, but because I actually like him? I'm not saying I do like him, but I'm not saying I don't either. So why can't you just support me until I figure it out for myself!" Ginny screamed. "I'm confused enough as it is, and you are really not making things any easier." Ginny said in a quieter voice. Ron looked shocked, not at the fact Ginny had yelled at him, he was used to that, but rather at the fact that she wasn't sure how she felt and may actually like the albino bouncing ferret.
"O...okay Ginny…I just don't trust him. Be careful." Ron said before exiting the common room, probably to go find Harry and Hermione, and pull them apart.
Over Christmas vacation Harry and Hermione had jumped head first into a relationship. Ginny wasn't exactly sure about how Ron felt about this, but she had to admit he seemed to be handling it very well, though Ginny suspected it had something to do with the pretty blond Ravenclaw that had been following him around lately. Ginny for one, hoped that Ron and Luna started actually dating soon. Harry and Hermione's relationship was keeping them off her back, and Ginny believed that if Ron had a girlfriend, maybe he would be too busy to bother with her extremely screwed up love life. This was wishful thinking, but hey a girl can dream, can't she?
Ginny walked towards the portrait door, deciding to go find the blonde Ravenclaw. She really needed to talk to a female friend.
"So, any pearls of wisdom to share with me?" Ginny asked as she finished explaining her situation to Luna. Luna had a dreamy look in her eye, which Ginny knew was because she was deep in thought.
"Do you look forward to seeing him?" Luna asked.
"I don't know…sometimes. He's not horrible company. A little…well, a lot cocky, but in an amusing way, though if you say that to him he gets all defensive. He's not that bad looking either. He so mopey right now, I know he has every right to be, but it's going to be the death of me. I want to kill his father for it, never mind what his father did to me, but to hurt his own family like that, being so selfish." Ginny said looking out onto the lake, which was still frozen. Luna smiled.
"I think you know how you feel, and I think it's time you face it." She said before taking Ginny's arm and leading her back to the school. "Let's sneak into the kitchens and have some warm Pumpkin Pie. I'm starving."
"That's sounds good."
Draco Malfoy quietly made his way to the kitchens. He had skipped lunch, and had already decided he was not going to dinner, so he decided a snack was in order. He was very glad that his classes were finished for the day, and that it was Friday. As he entered the kitchen he heard two girls giggling. Rounding a corner the makers of said noise came into his view. Smiling to himself, he walked over to them. "Well well well, looks like I just can't seem to get rid of you, huh Ginny?" Startled, Ginny turned around and grinned.
"Seems so. Want to join us, we're having Pumpkin Pie?"
"Sure." Draco said sitting next to Ginny, and across from Luna. "Hello Lovegood."
"Malfoy." Luna said in a dreamy sort of voice.
"So how has your day been?" Ginny asked Draco.
"I've had better days. I'm just glad the teachers had a staff meeting so classes ended early today."
"Me too. We've only been back from Christmas Holidays for what; a week, and already I want it to be Easter Holiday." Draco smiled and nodded, in agreement.
"I must be going now." Luna said smiling. Ginny glared at her knowing Luna was only leaving so that so that she would be alone with Draco.
"Are you sure Luna?"
"Oh yes, I have an essay to write for my Muggle Studies class. I'll talk to you later Ginny. Bye Malfoy." Ginny sighed as she watched her friend leave the kitchen.
"So how have you been Draco, and tell the truth." Ginny said. Draco shrugged and took a bite of his pie.
"Okay I guess. Things have been better."
"You can tell me you know. If you want to berate your father, the Ministry, my brother, Harry, anyone? You must be angry with someone Draco.
"You won't leave me alone until I tell you, will you?"
"Nope." Ginny said smiling cheerily. Draco sighed and mumbled something under his breath.
"You really want to know?"
"Yes, I really want to know."
"I'm angry at the Ministry and more so at my father. I can't stand that because of both I no longer have my childhood home, and my mother is slowly falling into a depression. I hate that there isn't anything I can do about it." Draco yelled the last sentence, anger clouding his handsome features. Ginny wanted to cry for him, because she knew he wouldn't. She wanted to cry for Narcissa, for the pain she was going through, but most of all she wanted to cry because she had fallen for the poor spirited boy sitting next to her all to fast to even realize it. But she knew she couldn't cry; so instead she wrapped her arms around Draco and held him tight, allowing him to fight back his tears of sadness and anger.
Later on, Draco walked Ginny back to Gryffindor Tower. They stood in front of the Fat Lady holding hands. Ginny gave Draco another hug, and when she went to pullback, he pulled her forward again. But instead of hugging her once more like Ginny thought he was going to, he kissed her gently on her lips.
Ginny stood there shocked, being kissed by Draco Malfoy. It only took a second before she reacted. Closing her eyes gently, she stood up on her toes and pressed her lips further onto his, deepening the kiss. His hands were running up and down her back, and her hands were wrapped around his neck, holding him close.
They pulled apart a bit later to breath, leaning their foreheads against one another's. Ginny sighed happily, looking into Draco's grey eyes. They reminded her of clouds after a rain shower.
His eyes were full of his emotions just waiting to be let out, whether it was quieter like rain shower, or raging like a thunderstorm. Ginny had noticed how his eyes got darker if he was angry or lighter when he was having fun. `Yes, very much like clouds', she decided.
They pulled away from one another, both now smiling. "I'll see you later Ginny."
"Yup, see you later Draco." Ginny said, slightly dazed, watching Draco walk away. She had kissed boys before, but kissing Draco was like a release. She felt better all of a sudden, and if she had asked Draco, she would have found out he felt better too.
A/N: Everybody say "Yay! New chapter!" hehe. Lots of angsty-fluffy stuff in this chapter. Next chapter will have some more Narcissa/Molly interaction, and Lucius' sentencing. (If all goes well, all things are subject to change at my will;) Review review review!