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The Throne Reclaimed by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Throne Reclaimed

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Nine: Hostage

"This…this is not good," Ron muttered. Harry paced back and forth in front of his throne. The large seat that was gilded in gold with plush red velvet cushions and two golden lions at each side.

"We have to separate them," Sirius said in agreement. "You have a group of knights here sent by the Slytherin king mixing with former Slytherin knights that have deflected to pledge fealty to you."

"Insults have already been thrown," Ron said.

"Not to mention the fact that every single one of them is chomping at the bit for a chance to bring Jason's head to their king," Sirius added.

Harry didn't want to be dealing with this right now, he wanted to be upstairs with Hermione who left the dinner abruptly when that large knight sat next to her.

"It is imperative, Harry, that no blood between the two be shed," Dumbledore wisely advised. "We are on the brink of war with Slytherin. Slytherin blood spilt by Gryffindor or vice versa would give either side an excuse to war. You must keep the peace."

"What am I to do?" Harry asked.

"Agree to the Slytherin terms, it's the only diplomatic thing to do," Remus replied.

"And have Hermione held hostage here?" Harry shot back.

"Those knights were sent to keep her from being a hostage here," Sirius said.

"To keep…what?" Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. He wouldn't dare keep Hermione as a hostage here.

"Harry, she is the Slytherin Queen," Sirius said gravely.

Harry hung his head in defeat. "Very well," he sighed. "I agree to the terms. Hermione is to be under the surveillance of her knights, who from here on until they leave Gryffindor are under the protection of the me, the King." Remus was scratching his words down on a piece of parchment and Harry turned to him. He took the quill and signed his name, "Post this around the castle and village." He turned to Neville and Ron. "House the knights in separate quarters from us, preferably near the stables."

Harry was tired and dragged himself to his chambers. Two of his own guard stood outside the doors and bowed to him as he entered his room. His page was there to ready him for bed, a washbasin of clean water was already ready for him.

"Will Milord need anything else?" the young boy asked.

"No," Harry said absently. "You're dismissed." The boy left his room to lay his head down wherever it was he lay his head.

He needed Hermione tonight, he needed to know that she was alright. He went to a large tapestry in his room, pulled it back and pushed against the brick. It gave way to a passage but he jumped in surprise when he found Hermione on the other side. She gave a startled cry but held a hand up to her mouth to smother it.

"You scared me!" Harry said quietly, stepping back to let Hermione into his room. She had her night robes on, the cream colored ones with gold trim and thin gold embroidery at her slim waist. Her cinnamon colored curls fell softly around her shoulders and down her back. She looked lovely and he felt his lust building for her as he leaned in to capture her lips.

"No," she said sternly. Her hand stopped him as it rested on his chest.

"No?" Harry asked, a little unsure.

"After what you did this afternoon do you honestly think I'll allow you back in my bed?" she hissed.

"What I did?" Harry asked innocently knowing full well what she meant.

"You promised me! You swore that you wouldn't finish inside me! I cannot bear you another child! I cannot risk it!"


"No, Harry," she said firmly. "Not anymore, we cannot share each other's beds."

"Are you doing this because of that knight?" he asked.

"Harry, we've been living this wonderful dream but that's all it is. It ends now," she had tears in her eyes and Harry moved to hold her but she stepped away from him. "No, Harry. Please don't," she pleaded as the tears fell down her face. "I couldn't bear it if you held me once more." She moved back into the passageway and closed it behind her.

Harry stood there in shock for a moment then he picked up a goblet nearby and threw it against the wall where it shattered. He flopped down onto his bed, it was cold and empty without her by his side. He closed his eyes and imagined what it felt like to have her next to him, his face buried in her hair, her warm body snuggled against his. His heart ached for her, longed for her. But he wouldn't dare go to her tonight, she just needed her space and time. The knights showing up here had been quite a shock for her but she would return to him eventually.

But she didn't the next night.

Or the night after that.


Snape reluctantly knocked on the door of the King's chambers. He didn't want to go in there and disturb the King at a time like this but he insisted to be notified as soon as he received any word from Gryffindor.

"What is it?" the King shouted.

Snape opened the door to find the King taking his pleasure between the legs of a pretty blond wench from the kitchens. He averted his eyes.

"Word from Hogsmeade has just arrived for you, Milord," Snape said.

"Yes? And what did Cragen say?" Draco didn't stop what he was doing to the wench.

"It, uh, is not from Cragen. It is from the Queen," Snape replied.

Draco's head snapped up and he stopped his motions. "Hermione?" he asked with genuine concern. He moved off of the young woman and tossed her drab dress at her. "Get out of my sight," he said roughly to her and the young woman ran sobbing from the room with reproach, her dress clutched at her body.

"What did say?" Draco asked as he pulled up his breeches. "Is she well?"

"I did not read it, Milord. As soon as I received it I came here to you," Snape answered.

Draco snatched the parchment from him. "As rightly you should," he said briskly.

Dearest Husband, My King,

I am most impressed by the small garrison you have sent to escort me while I am here on my diplomatic mission for peace. If it please you, the Gryffindor King does accept the terms on which they are brought here and their duties. But come now, let us be honest with each other, they are here to guard more than just me. I have half a mind to assign my own garrison to watch over your bed as well. But I can honestly tell you that I only willingly part my legs for one man only.

With Adoration,

Your Loving Wife

Draco laughed after he read the letter and then tossed it into the roaring fire in the fireplace in his room. He looked back at Snape, amusement and adoration for his wife in his eyes.

"Write to my Queen, tell her to be quick with her peace talks and then come back. Her husband misses her presence greatly."


"I can't believe you are asking this of me," Hermione said harshly. "This has nothing to do with me."

The three men who loomed above her looking just as uncomfortable as she did.

"With all due respect, Hermione," Ron said tentatively. "This has everything to do with you." Hermione looked away from him.

"We think you are the only one who can convince him of this," Sirius said.

"He'll listen to you, he'll heed your counsel," Remus added.

"Very well, I'll think on it," she said snappishly. "Now, please leave me in peace."

The men nodded and left her alone with her thoughts, well almost alone, Cragen lingered by the door. Hermione shook her head and rejoined the ladies who had come to pay her court. Luna and Ginny sat nearest to her to work on a new quilt to present to the King, a harpist sang in one corner singing songs of brave knights and their ladies. Hermione's eyes skimmed over the other ladies in the room. How could she choose? But even as she asked that question she knew the answer.

Cho Chang sat in the corner with her usual group of companions laughing at the juggler. She wore a gown of pale blue and cream, her beautiful long hair fell straight down to the middle of her back.

Her, she had to be the one.

Hermione looked away to keep the tears from building in her eyes. The doors opened and the serving maids came in with refreshments for the court.

"A cream for the Queen?" one of them asked Hermione in a strange voice. Hermione turned around and nearly squeaked in shock. She would recognize those blue eyes anywhere, despite the cap on his head and the horrible dress he was wearing. Hermione couldn't answer him, she was afraid she would burst out laughing if she opened her mouth.

"I heard the Queen was displeased about the state of her room?" the strange maid said.

Hermione caught on and did her best to keep a straight face. "Yes, if you would please come with me." She stood and led the woman to her room.

She closed the door behind her and leaned back against them. "I must say that color looks absolutely horrid on you," she giggled.

Jason scowled at her and took off his cap. "It was the only thing I could find in a hurry."

Hermione walked over to him and reached into his dress pulling out some bunched up rags. Jason snatched them back from her and stepped away, clutching his chest.

"My Queen!" he said in a scandalized voice. Hermione let out a genuine laugh. Jason moved to her and put his hand on her mouth. "Shh," he said and they stood silent for a moment. The sounds in the other room were loud enough to cover her laugh.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jason grumbled as he moved his hand away from her. "How are you faring?"

"Better now that I've been given a true laugh." She shook her head. "Jason, what are you doing here? It's too dangerous for you, any one of those knights would love to send you to the King."

"I needed to see that you were faring well under the watch of that…that man," Jason said irritatingly.

"Jason, I know there is no good blood between the two of you but you must stay away from that man," Hermione cautioned.

"The tournament is in a few days time and I have half a mind to enter my name next to his."

"No! No, Jason you mustn't! Swear to me you won't!"

Jason looked down at the frightened face of his Queen, realizing that they hadn't moved away from each other and that her hand was gripped on his arm. It was at that moment that Hermione knew that she did love Jason, not as much as she loved her Harry, but enough to hold a place in her heart. This brave knight who would risk anything for her and she would risk anything for him. A true and trusted friend.

But it was Harry that she loved more.

They moved away from each other. "Has he sent any messages to my husband?" she asked.

"One," he answered. "I shot it down. It was nothing but announcing his arrival here."

Hermione paced the room. "I've already sent a letter to my husband about his knights so that has been confirmed by me. But I want all correspondence shot down. No letter is to reach my husband without coming through me first."

"I have men already stationed in the forests."

"I want to know what those knights are doing, where they sleep, where they dine, what they are doing while on these grounds."

Jason grinned. "Already one step ahead of you my Queen."

Harry walked into the Queen's rooms to see her courtiers laughing and talking. They immediately stopped what they were doing to kneel respectfully. Harry had just noted that Hermione wasn't in the room when her bedroom door opened.

"And I want these changes done immediately," she was saying to a maid. She stopped and looked up at Harry and the maid did the same but quickly ducked her head. But Harry had immediately recognized Jason. The "maid" hustled from her side and hastily left the room. Harry watched him retreat then turned back to Hermione, surprise on his face.

"Your Grace," Hermione recovered. "What brings you here?"

"I was hoping to hold court with you," he answered as Hermione moved to sit down.

"Of course," she said, "you need not ask. This is your court after all."

Ronald, Neville, Remus and Sirius were with him and they exchange looks of meaning with her. She nodded slightly then cleared her throat.

"I was…if it would please you Your Grace," she turned to Harry as he sat next to her. "I am requesting an extra setting at your table."

A wry grin grew across his face. "Shall I presume it to be for one of my knights?"

Hermione licked her lips nervously. "For Lady Chang, Milord."

Harry's features grew dark and hard. "Leave us!" he said roughly to the court.

The room came to a stop, wondering if they heard the King correctly but as they saw the look of quiet anger on his face they scrambled hastily from the room leaving Cragen and Harry's companions. Harry got to his feet.

"I assume this is your idea?" he said to Sirius and Remus, circling them.

"The land is at war, the people are united and love their King and they would love for them to have a Queen," Sirius said. "Having her here reminds them of something they long for." Harry looked sharply at Hermione who didn't dare meet his gaze.

"Uniting the kingdom would be for nothing if there is no one to pass the throne to," Remus added. "Make the people believe their sacrifice is worth something."

Hermione found the courage to speak. "You loved her once, you can love her again."


Dinner that night had the finest foods but Hermione couldn't bear to eat it. Something violent wanted to jump out of her throat and she was barely keeping the tears from spilling from her eyes. Lady Cho Chang sat next to the King, laughing and dining happily. Hermione wanted to rip her throat out. She mentally scolded herself, saying that it wasn't right for her to jealous of Lady Chang. Harry needed a Queen and an heir to his throne.

Harry could see that Hermione wasn't eating, not that he was either. He was polite to Lady Chang and held conversation with her. There was already a murmur of talk when she came into the dining hall on his arm and took a place by his side. But it was Hermione that he desperately wanted. He kept gazing at her from time to time only to have her look quickly away from him.

That night she was grateful for dinner to be over and excused herself quickly. She sought solace in her room, Cragen sat outside her door. Her maid had dressed her in her red night robes and brushed her hair out. Hermione gazed into the fire, the anguish and pain filling her. It was long into the night and she couldn't sleep and couldn't rest. She moved to the tapestry and opened the passageway.

Why was she doing this to herself?

She gave a pause at the other door, the door to Harry's room. What if Cho was in there? What if she walked in and saw them together in the most intimate of ways? Did she want to do this? She summoned her bravery and walked into the room.

Harry was sitting in front of the fire, his page had long left him. He saw a movement from the corner of his eye and looked up to see Hermione in her flowing red robes.

"Why do I do this to myself?" she asked.

Harry reached for her and she slid her hand into his. He pulled her down on the rug with him, laying her down and capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

"The same reason I do," he whispered as he reached for the knot of her robe.


The morning was cool and crisp as the maid put some linen in her basket to hang and dry. She walked briskly across the dew tipped grass to hang them. She hummed a little tune as she did her work and didn't hear the person come up from behind. She gasped when his hands went around her throat.

"Are you ready for my morning report?" he hissed in her ear.

The terrified maid gasped and shuddered. "Her bed last night…" she trembled.

"What of it?" the man said silkily in her ear.

"It…it wasn't slept in." The maid felt him release her and she spun around to find he was gone.

Cragen stepped into the courtyard and met with another one of his knights. "She has a lover," Cragen grumbled to him.
