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The Throne Reclaimed by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Throne Reclaimed

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Two: Homecoming

Hermione watched the procession wind its way through the streets and up to the castle. Her husband had returned. The news of his son being born had made his way to him at Rowena and he had left as soon as possible, that was four weeks ago. She silently drummed her fingertips against the balcony ledge. She had had two glorious months without him and now she would have to deal with her husband back under the same roof.

He had been at Rowena these past months to assist with the law and order that had ceased to exist since the Ravenclaw knights left the town. Draco had ordered the knights dead and relied on his own Knights to do it but they had failed at their task, letting the King down. Hermione turned away from the balcony and headed down the stairs, she was joined by her handmaidens, a few of the King's servants and the witch McGonagall who carried her infant son. They made their way to the front steps of the castle where a crowd roared in approval and stood to greet the King. Hermione had easily won the citizens of Slytherin over with her beauty and grace. She had been filling in for her husband when dealing with matters inside the city, petty arguments between land holders, one citizen claiming some sort of injustice against the other. Hermione listened to both sides then dealt out appropriate solutions or punishments. The citizens were grateful that they had finally had a compassionate queen. The Kings and Queens before were usually cruel and typically sided with those who could pad their royal seats more comfortably.

The crowd roared and the sound of hooves clopping on the cobblestone caught Hermione's attention and she turned to see the procession enter the castle courtyard. The Slytherin King sat upon a black stallion adorned in green and silver. He sat with an air of conceit and of pompousness. Hermione watched him approach with a cool gaze, one she had always reserved for him, one that he never deciphered the true meaning. She did not love him, she loved another.

Draco saw his Queen among those waiting for him and he burst with a smug pride. His days had been troubled ever since that wretched horse rider proclaimed himself to be the True King. The matter worsened when the False King confirmed it and broke ties with Slytherin and was now cowering in his castle. The Shadowlands had been silent. To make matters worse the Queen's former lover, Jason, still had not been turned in. Draco had no proof of their affair but he was sure of it. The Queen had already been plucked before he could take her to the marriage bed and Jason was the only one who kept close company with her. Jason had fled the Kingdom and the Queen said nothing to the ransom put on his head.

"My King," Hermione said dutifully as she knelt. Draco dismounted from his horse and approached her. "May I present to you your son, James Edward?"

Draco walked past her and to the tiny bundle in the witch's arms. He looked down upon the tiny babe, his eyes were closed as he slept, the soft wisps of brown hair on his head, the tiny fists clenched tightly to its body.

"Is he healthy?" he asked.

"He is in perfect health for a child born too early," the witch answered. She knew about the lie.

"I told you to refrain from taking those damned walks," he turned to Hermione who bristled under his glare. "We were lucky this time."

"My Lord," Hermione acknowledged.

"He will be a great King," Draco said, looking down at his heir.

"Yes, he will," Hermione agreed.

Hermione sat by her husband that evening as he held court, dining with the local nobles and elite, excusing herself once in awhile to feed the baby. She was growing tired, she had been only getting a few hours of sleep at night, baby James was demanding in his feedings but he was growing healthy and strong. But she forced herself to pay attention, she wanted to hear any bit of news of Rowena.

"The armies of the False King still hold the North and Arneau Tak but with our army in the South, Rowena is still safe," he was saying.

"And do the citizens pledge fealty to you?" a nobleman asked.

"They have to," Hermione answered. "I am still their Queen, our Kingdoms are now joined."

"And what about this True King?" another nobleman asked. "I hear he is gathering power in the west."

"He is of no concern to us," Draco said dismissively. "He has business with the False King, he has no qualms with Slytherin. The power of our army is enough to keep him at bay."

"We shall see of his fate, a tradesman has brought me news of a little battle going on in the northeastern border of Hufflepuff." Hermione's stomach clenched. Harry in battle again?

Draco let out a mirthless laugh. "Like I said, his business is with the False King. He will be foolish to set foot inside Ravenclaw."

As Hermione dismissed herself for the evening to retire to her bedchamber, Draco escorted her. He had been watching her all evening. Motherhood had done wonders to her figure and she seemed more voluptuous and curvy. He had been without the comforts of his wife for far too long.

Hermione let out a gasp of surprise when her husband stopped her and cornered her into the wall behind her. His rough kiss spoke of what Hermione feared, a pent up lust for her. His hands freely assaulted her breasts, already tender and full with milk. He led Hermione to his bedchamber against her protests and she hoped he would listen to her pleas to be gentle with her.


Hermione lay in the bed, silent tears escaping the corners of her eyes while Draco lay next to her snoring in his deep slumber. He was not gentle with her, he never was when he took her. He seemed to enjoy it when she struggled against him so Hermione stopped giving him the satisfaction of that. But she couldn't help the grimaces she would make as he mercilessly tore into her.

She summoned up her courage, wiped the tears from her eyes and got up to dress herself. On shaky legs she gathered the rest of her clothes and made her way to her bedchamber. She slipped on a simple nightdress, ignoring the faint pink of blood that ran a little down her thighs. She walked to the other side of the room and opened the door to the nursery to her wailing child.

"My dear, I sent for you but the maids couldn't find you," McGonagall said as she gently rocked the child in her arms.

Hermione took James from her. "I was with my husband," she said quietly. She sat down on a chair, slowly and uncomfortably, wincing slightly. McGonagall noticed this and the faint trace of tears on the young woman's face. She frowned.

"You may retire for the evening. I can look after him from here," Hermione ordered McGonagall.

The witch nodded and went for the door. She looked back once to watch the young woman rock the babe and her heart broke. She promptly left the room resolving to find a way to help this young woman.

Hermione looked down at James' tiny face as he suckled from her. She wiped the tiny tears from his cheeks and murmured sweet and soothing messages to him. She had made a grave mistake and she had to get out of here, at least for her son's sake. She would not allow that vile creature of a husband raise this child to be like him. But she couldn't send the child to his true father, Lord Voldemort would hunt him down and kill him. The thought of any harm coming to James sent Hermione into panic. No, she would have to send him somewhere else.

She looked down at her child and nearly started. She shook her head and blinked her eyes and looked again. No, it must have been her imagination for she was so tired, it had to have been a trick of firelight. She could've sworn that for a moment, James' eyes turned emerald green.


Harry looked down at the map in front of him, the candle light illuminated his next target. Ron was with him pointing at various locations.

"There's a river here, it's shallow so we'll have no problem crossing. To the north are the plains, you are completely exposed there, they have dragons that are constantly monitoring it from the sky."

"How many?" Harry asked.

"Six," Ron replied and Harry let out a low whistle. He was silent for awhile taking in this news.

"The dragons won't be a problem," Harry said. "They'll be taken care of."

"Now in front is a large wall, it's steep and the draw bridge is the only way in," Ron continued. "This thing was built to keep people out."

"Or keep people in," Harry grinned.

"Right," Ron grinned.

"Now, they sent many of the soldiers to fight in the border and they haven't sent reinforcements yet, so their numbers are half. Neville has informed us that the nearest army is three days march from there," Ron finished.

"We will be going in through here." Harry pointed to the map. "The dragons will be taken care of by then and the large army and banners will distract them to the front." He pointed to another location on the map. "Are you sure they haven't discovered this?" he asked.

"Positive," Ron assured. "My men have been watching it day and night."

"About how many are there?" Harry asked.

"Three hundred," he answered.

Harry's brow furrowed in thought. "That should be enough," he murmured. "Yes, that will do."

"We're ready to go at your word," Ron said but with some hesitation.

Harry looked at his friend. "We'll leave a week after your wedding. You need some time afterward to spend with your wife." Ron looked unsure but a bit relieved. "We need a celebration around here, something to raise everyone's spirits." He fell silent after this, deep in thought and Ron took that as his cue to leave the tent.

Arneau Tak.

He stared at it on the map. He needed this fort, the importance of this place was greater than his soldiers knew. It would be a calling card to the False King, it would be a knock at the Slytherin King's door, it would smoke out the lioness and her cub who so far have been too quiet. It had to be his, he would succeed in capturing it.
