Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Throne Reclaimed by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Throne Reclaimed

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Twenty: The Final Battle

Hermione knelt before Dumbledore as the venerable wizard placed the gold and ruby crown on her head. Unlike her coronation as the Ravenclaw Queen, this ceremony was held before the Ravenclaw court, in the castle with the people of Rowena as witness. She wore a beautiful gold dress and a red velvet cloak. As she stood, there was a great roar from the crowd below as they cheered and clapped. Riders were sent to the four corners of the land to spread the word.

There was no celebration after, though. The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor armies marched to leave for Arneau Tak. She turned to Minerva who held James in her arms. She felt horrible for leaving him yet again. But she had to, she had to rescue Harry from the hands of the False King.

"He'll be safe, my Queen," Minerva said to the teary eyed queen.

"Where will you go?" she asked.

"I will take him to a small village in the mountains." Hermione smiled softly at this. "We'll return when the war is over."

Hermione kissed the top of her son's head then turned to face her new friend, Buckbeak.

"I will rally my herd to spread the word," he said.

"Your loyalty is something I am so honored to have," she replied.

"Every creature has a stake in this war. It is our land and our King in danger," he said before unfurling his large wings and taking flight in the sky.

Hermione watched him until he was a small dot on the horizon. A touch at her arm brought her attention. Her cousin was at her side, dressed in his shiny Gryffindor armor.

"We should leave," he said as he gestured to the carriage in front of her.

She climbed inside and looked once more back at the castle, her childhood home. Those familiar turrets that she knew so well grew smaller and smaller as she rode farther away.

The Slytherin army joined them just outside of Arneau Tak and as she laid eyes on the fortress, her unease at being at the very location at which her husband was taken began to settle on her. Did he struggle? Did they hurt him? Was he in pain?

The gate raised and Matt rode out to greet them. "Battle's already begun," he said seriously. "Scouts have spotted an army marching toward Hufflepuff just half a days ride from here."

Hermione looked at Ron, who turned back to Matt. "Lead a brigade to intercept them. Hufflepuff has been warned and are gathering an army under Sirius. We don't want them caught off guard before they can reach us." Matt nodded and rode off to carry his orders.

Ron leaned toward her window and said in a low voice. "I don't like the idea of you riding into the Shadowlands. Let Matt or Jeffrey do it."

"We have to get him out of there," Hermione said. "I've been going over the drawing you have given me and what Buckbeak has described of the land around it."

"But do you have to do this?" he asked.

Hermione eyed the narrow package in her carriage that contained the Gryffindor sword. "Yes, Ron. His reign of terror ends with us. I have to be by Harry's side when he fights the False King."

Rod nodded solemnly. He knew there was no way to argue against his cousin once she had set her mind on something. And keeping her at the castle would do no good either, she had a tendency to sneak out in disguise anyway.


The elf peered up at Harry. "There are several guards stationed outside of your door. We will start a commotion in the hallway to draw their attention. At that moment, the door will unlock and you must run for it."

Harry nodded in agreement and waited for what seemed a lifetime with the tiny elf in his cold, stone prison. At long last there were the shouts of men in the hall followed by the footsteps of running.

"Go!" the elf whispered as the door magically unlocked. Harry didn't hesitate as he ran out of the room. He immediately ran into one of the guards, taking him by surprise. Harry took advantage of that moment and disarmed him, running him through with his own sword. The little elf ran ahead of him, showing him the way out of the castle.

Harry became nervous when they didn't run into anyone else and no alarm had sounded. When he, Ron and Neville escaped they had sent nearly the entire castle after him.

They ran down corridors, down stairs and through doors but no one was in the castle.

"There is a horse ready and waiting for you in the stables," the elf instructed him when they paused around the corner. The foyer was in front of him, the lady and the lion statue stood in the middle. "Go…now!" the elf urged him forward.

Harry broke out into a sprint for the castle doors but halfway through the room, Death Eaters seemed to appear out of nowhere and surrounded him.

"You didn't think it would be that easy," a cold voice asked that belonged to Voldemort. The circle of Death Eaters parted briefly to let him though. Harry held out his sword.

Voldemort smirked as Harry rushed him with it. "I don't think you'll be needing that." And with a wave of his wand, Harry felt the sword fly out of his hands and clatter somewhere in the room. With another wave of his wand, Harry found himself pinned to the floor.

"LET ME GO!!" he roared.

Voldemort laughed carelessly before hitting him with a Crucio. Harry cried out in pain but he began to crawl for the door. Fatherly desperation overwhelming him. He needed to get to James. He needed to get him and Hermione to safety.

There was a sudden shout and the pounding of little feet as a small group of house elves ran to the Death Eaters. To Harry's and the Death Eater's surprise, they attacked them using magic to make the Death Eater's robes attack their wearers. The Death Eaters fell to the floor, wrestling to keep from being strangled as the little elves set their sights on the False King.

Voldemort was not amused.

With a wave of his hand he sent the little elves flying and smashing into the walls that surrounded them. Harry got to his knees and made a dash for the door but Voldemort saw him and with his wand flung him back to the floor. A handful of house elves got up from the floor and rushed again to Voldemort but he blasted each one of them with his wand. Once again, Harry ran for it while he was distracted.


This was the last thing Harry heard before something exploded above him. Debris rained down upon him and all went black.


Hermione woke up with a start. She heard shouting outside of her door and before she could get up and find out what was the commotion, her cousin flung open her door and burst in.

"Dragons, Hermione! Dragons headed toward us!"

She ran out into the courtyard of the fort to see the archers shooting up at the large beasts that flew overhead. The catapults were readied and were flinging large and heavy stones at them. Hermione ran up the stairs to the turrets in time to see one of the dragons fall to the ground below it. She turned to her cousin, a bewildered expression on her face.

"Why aren't they attacking us?" she asked as the dragons continued their flight south toward…

"James…," Hermione whispered.

"What?" Ron asked.

"James!" she cupped her hands to her mouth in terror. "We have to take them out!" she grabbed Ron's arms.

As if her prayers were answered, there was a loud screech in the air and the shouts of her men. Shouts of triumph.

A large shadow flew over Hermione and Ron and before they could register what it was, it attacked the dragon in flight. More shadows flew above her and Hermione shielded her eyes to see the shape of a hippogriff flying above her, headed toward a dragon, claws out ready to attack. One by one the dragons fell from the sky, not one of them surviving to continue on their journey.

A hippogriff landed in the courtyard and Hermione hustled down to greet it.

"Buckbeak!" she gasped.

"We've been following them for a day and just now caught up with them," he said as he preened his feathers.

"I am forever grateful to you," Hermione said earnestly but the hippogriff's face was grave.

"I also bring you terrible news from Firenze about the king," he said softly.

Hermione began to feel her legs give away from under her but she fought against it and steeled herself for whatever he was to tell her.

"The king attempted an escape three nights ago. He failed and has angered the False King greatly." Hermione brought a hand to her mouth and closed her eyes. Buckbeak paused a moment to have the queen recompose herself. She drew a deep breath then nodded for him to continue. "The King will be tortured horrendously for two days and on the third…he will be executed on the castle steps for all of the kingdom to see. He is turning it into a victory celebration for all the dark creatures of the Shadowlands."

Ron was horrified and looked over at his cousin, expecting her to break down and cry. He was stunned to find her face was stony and filled with anger and rage. She turned to her cousin.

"Then we leave now," she said. "March the armies now. Force the False King's hand."

"You want him to kill Harry sooner?" Ron spluttered.

"Yes and no. Harry will not die, we will rescue him before he does but I want him rushed to gather his army. I want them sloppy and disorganized. Voldemort will move up his little celebration just as we make our move."

"How many will infiltrate the city?" Buckbeak asked.

"Just a handful," she answered.

"My herd can take you right away to the Dark Forest to hide. You will join Firenze and his herd there."

"Gather everyone then," Hermione turned to her cousin. "We leave as soon as possible."


Harry looked over the crowd in front of him of dark creatures, soldiers and Death Eaters. They were stomping, howling and shouting, weapons held above their heads in triumph. He lay bound on the castle steps, spirit broken and in such pain that he'd never felt before in his life. He cried out as a sword as plunged once again in him, his hand scraped on the stone under him, grasping to hold onto something but he found that the ground was already sticky with his blood.

He turned his head to his side, suddenly feeling a ray of warmth. The crowed slowly became silent as a lioness slowly walked down the main aisle. They eyed her warily as they booed and hissed at her but not daring to get near. There was a soft hiss in Harry's ear and he turned away from the lioness to see the biggest serpent he had ever seen in his life perched under the castle doors watching the lioness approach them. It hissed again, dripping its venom from its fangs. The snake eyed Harry then lunged for him. Harry was expecting the blow as he closed his eyes but he felt a rush of wind and a roar. He opened his eyes as the lioness leapt over him and swatted at the snake with her paw sending it flying back into the castle. The lioness paced protectively in front of Harry as he struggled against his binds to free himself.

"No," he said, "Hermione. Please no."

The snake coiled and hissed at the cat before striking again. Lioness and serpent collided in battle as Harry watched helplessly struggling against binds that seemed to tighten the more he struggled against them.


The scream of pain jolted Harry from his dream and for once it wasn't coming from him. He was on display like a caged animal in the gallery where Voldemort ruled from his makeshift throne. He had been tortured constantly from the evil man and found a mild relief that for once his wand was being turned on one if his Death Eaters.

The man writhed and cried on the floor apologizing for something he had failed to do.

"I gave you one simple task!" Voldemort shouted. "ONE!! Take the dragons and use them to find the babe and you failed me."

"It wasn't my fault! She attacked us with her hippogriff army!"

"Hippogriffs?" Voldemort repeated angrily. "HIPPOGRIFFS?!! Those wretched winged pieces of filth?"

"The dragons didn't stand a chance," the Death Eater said weakly. Voldemort looked down upon the man the lashed out and struck him hard across the cheek.

"You were caught unprepared, you stupid poor excuse for a servant of mine!"

The doors to the gallery burst open and another Death Eater marched in looking worse for the wear and breathing like he had been running.

"What are you doing here, McNair?" Voldemort asked angrily.

"It was a massacre. The men were nearly all slaughtered, we barely escaped with our lives," McNair replied.

"How unfortunate," Voldemort said.

"We were attacked a days ride from the Hufflepuff border," McNair explained. "We were outnumbered."

"I sent a thousand men with you!" Voldemort spluttered.

"We were seriously outnumbered," McNair said evenly.

"Who did it?" Snape stepped out from the shadows to stand by the False King.

"The Slytherin army," McNair replied and Voldemort inhaled sharply. "Under the Gryffindor banner," the Death Eater continued, "a royal banner." His eyes flickered to Harry listening behind bars.

Harry's heart nearly stopped when he heard this. He found it hard to breathe.

"So…the traitorous little Slytherin king has gone back on his word," Voldemort snarled.

"The king wouldn't help Gryffindor. He was nearly killed by your prisoner," Snape interjected.

"The queen had to have taken control of the kingdom," Voldemort said quietly. Harry drew his legs closer to his body and wrapped his arms around them. "The point is…she has Slytherin marching under the Gryffindor banner. Ravenclaw will go with her for sure."

McNair spoke up. "The army is already in the Shadowlands, we were attacked on our own land."

"Then she means to start a battle," Voldemort said lazily. He turned and marched toward Harry.

Harry watched him approach. "Bad news?" he asked. Voldemort just sneered at him.

"That meddlesome little Queen wishes to play war," he said. "I will crush her and her little army, destroy her the same way I'll destroy you."

Harry approached the bars. "With sending dragons after James?" he asked and laughed. "That worked out well, didn't it?" he smirked. "You'll never get your hands on James. She won't let you."

"You don't know what I'm capable of," Voldemort replied.

"I don't think you know what she's capable of," Harry shot back.

Voldemort scoffed. "You know, I think I'll have your head on a pike on the city wall to greet her."

"Oh so you think she'll get that far?"

"Enjoy your last night in my company. You're dead tomorrow."


As the sun began to rise on the horizon, the traffic began to pick up on the dusty road leading to the dark castle of the False King. There was to be a celebration today, the enemy of the False King had been captured and would be hung today. As the travelers passed the edge of the Dark Forest, they were unaware that they were being watched.

Sirius, Remus and Ron placed broken branches and foliage over the bodies of some soldiers of the False King. They took their armor and dressed themselves disguised in them. Ron made final adjustments on the helmet then joined his cousin at her side.

She was watching the road intently with Firenze at her side, angry that all these people had come to watch her Harry die. She clutched her tattered robe closer to her.

"Are you ready?" he whispered.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she replied.

"We will be fine. We will be safe," Dumbledore approached them. He too, was wearing a tattered old robe.

"There is a break coming up," Firenze whispered, his eyes still on the road.

Ron turned to Hermione as she held out her hands to him. He tied them loosely around her wrists. The look on his face clearly showed how he disliked this.

"You risk too much," he said with concern, looking into his cousin's eyes.

"Because everything is at stake," she replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Are you ready?" Sirius whispered as he turned to them. Hermione could see Dumbledore being bound by Remus over his shoulder. Hermione reached down and took some mud in her hands, smearing some on her face.

The group emerged from the forest and stepped on the road. Ron and Hermione were in front, Ron holding on to her elbow. Remus, Sirius and Dumbledore followed. The castle loomed closer as they approached and Ron's grip on her tightened. Hermione wasn't sure her bravery would last very long, inside she grew more frightened with each step closer.

But each step closer took her to Harry. That was the root of her bravery, her strength. The man she loved needed her now more than ever and she would not fail him. They had no trouble entering the city gates but it became very crowded as they made their way to the castle courtyard. As they entered, Remus gave Ron the very slightest of nods before the three of them departed ways with them.

Ron stayed close to his cousin's side, protective of her every move. There were dark creatures that mingled among the crowd, shadow hounds, trolls, goblins…Death Eaters. Hermione felt the comforting weight of the Gryffindor sword tied to her side, banging ever so slightly against her leg as they walked.

Fights broke out within the crowd, the huddling masses ebbing and flowing, sometimes knocking Hermione and Ron. Her cousin took the brunt of the hits as they made their way to a galley being set up. Hermione's eyes fell upon it. This is where the False King planned to kill her husband. They were currently testing the strength of the rope on some hopeless prisoners. Hermione looked away as one was hung. Ron didn't look to pleased to be witnessing the mode of his friend's death.


Harry tried his best not to scream as he writhed on the floor. Voldemort was getting one last curse on him as they dragged him out of his cell.
"Now you are properly ready to face your death," Voldemort sneered.

Harry couldn't stand. He had been cursed and beaten all night and early this morning. He tripped and fell to the floor.

"Drag him," Voldemort ordered.

The crowd roared suddenly and Hermione gasped when she saw Voldemort appear on the balcony. Ron drew a small dagger and cut Hermione's binds. "Stay close," he whispered as the crowd cheered all around them.

"The battles we have fought to control the kingdom have been long and difficult," Voldemort addressed the crowd. "The end is finally near. Behold," he held up a triumphant fist, "the last of the Gryffindors!"

"Oh!" Hermione cried when her eyes fell on Harry as he was dragged out of the castle. He looked beaten down and broken. The crowd around her booed and hissed. They began to throw things at him. Hermione's heart broke and she wanted to cry out for them to stop. Ron placed a comforting hand on her arm.

"Not yet," he said quietly.

Hermione couldn't look anymore and her eyes began to wander around the crowd. Cloaked figures wound their way through the crowds, two of them passing near the other group as Sirius adjusted his mask around his face.

"Snape," Ron whispered and Hermione looked up to see him passing by them. Hermione moved her cloak further over her head as she turned away.

Harry's hands were bound in front of him. The sound of boos and taunts filled the air and he did his best to try and block them out. The rope was tight and it cut into his wrists painfully. He was marched out to the platform of the galley, a dead body swung by a noose and it was lowered to be loosened and taken off. The body fell with a sickening thud and kicked carelessly into the crowd where a small pack of shadow hounds pounced on it and began to tear it to pieces.

"Move!" a guard said as he was shoved sharply from behind.

He was marched to the front and stepped onto a smaller wooden platform. The crowd screamed and roared louder as the noose was wrapped around his neck. He scanned the crowd, his one last defiant glance. But something caught his eye, a beggar man who looked oddly familiar.

"Dumbledore," he said in a whisper.

At either side of him were two guards, one of them lifted his mask slightly to reveal his godfather, the other had to have been Remus. Sirius held a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence.

They were here. They were going to rescue him.

Drums sounded out and the crowd quieted down to an excited buzz. Ron flexed his grip around his sword. He looked to the side of him to the other side of the crowd where Sirius looked over at him and nodded. Harry had seen this exchange and began to search the other half of the crowd, heart beating in his chest as he remembered his dream.

No, no, no. Hermione please don't be here. Please don't be here.

"I have been waiting for this moment for such a long time," Voldemort said aloud as he drew his wand.

Harry's eyes fell on a tall soldier next to a cloaked person. He was carefully drawing a sword and a patch of red hair stuck out from under the helmet he wore. It had to be Ron. Harry's eyes fell on the cloaked figure next to him and he saw her face. Eyes wide and fearful. Hermione held her breath as she locked eyes with him. Harry broke contact when he saw a Death Eater…Snape's attention caught by Ron's movement and he began to make his way toward them.

"REDUCTO!!" Voldemort shouted.

"NO!! HERMIONE!!" Harry screamed.

Several things happened at once. The wooden platform he had been standing on exploded when the spell hit it. Harry dropped, the noose tightening around his neck for a split second before another wand blast came from the crowd and hit the rope, severing it as he dropped to the galley floor.

"NO!!" he heard Voldemort shout but there was a faint buzzing in the air.

Ron grabbed Hermione and forced her to the ground, taking an anonymous person next them with them and using him as a shield when the first wave of the centaurs arrows rained down upon them.

Harry didn't hesitate as he rolled off the galley and fell into the crowd below. A soldier had already fallen, an arrow through his neck and Harry freed himself of his binds on the edge of the man's sword. A horn was sounded from somewhere outside the castle walls and there was a loud boom as a large slab of rock was hurled at the castle, making its mark. Once again the air filled with the sound of arrows flying and Harry grabbed the man's shield and used it as he clambered his way over in Hermione's direction.

There was chaos as the crowd scrambled to form their lines, the war had begun and Voldemort was screaming out instructions. Hermione was helped to her feet by her cousin as they ran to the walls surrounding the castle.

"We've got to get inside the castle," Ron said to her.

"Is he okay?" Hermione demanded. "Everything happened so quickly I didn't get a chance to see…"

"Hermione! We don't have time. I'm sure he made it, Dumbledore is a good shot," Ron grabbed her shoulders. "Now, we have to get inside before we are killed in this courtyard." Something sharp was jabbed into the side of his neck.

"You aren't going anywhere," McNair said as he held his wand to his neck.

Ron jabbed the Death Eater with his elbow, buying himself some time. "Run Hermione!" There was an explosion nearby and Hermione jumped into action, running toward the castle, toward Harry.

Voldemort looked down on the chaos before him. How could this have happened? What did he overlook? The Rider had gotten away somehow, his army was in chaos, horribly forming their lines and ranks as they were attacked from outside the castle walls. From his position, he could see arrows coming from the Dark Forests, the centaurs and he shouted to release the shadow hounds into the woods. All around him he could see approaching armies, banners of Ravenclaw, banners of Hufflepuff and the largest one under the banner of Slytherin all marching toward his castle. Fools, all fools, he thought, thinking that they could defeat him.

Dragons screeched overhead and Harry looked up to see them heading outside of the castle. Where were they headed? Who was attacking the castle? Suddenly a dragon plummeted to the ground in front of him. A strange looking horse-eagle creature was standing upon it triumphantly.

Hermione had barely ducked out of the way as the dragon fell near her. She scrambled back to her feet but was grabbed from behind.

"You aren't going anywhere," Snape said in her ear.

"No, let me go!" she struggled as the Death Eater dragged her along toward the castle.

Harry suddenly saw her on the other side of the dragon. "Hermione!" he screamed, seeing her in the clutches of a Death Eater.

Hermione looked up at her name being called from the most wonderful voice she had ever heard in the world. "HARRY!!" she screamed back.

Voldemort turned his head sharply and saw Snape carrying a writhing peasant and the Rider making his way to them. It wasn't possible. Could it actually be the annoying little queen?

"Expelliarmus!" Snape shouted and Harry's sword once again went flying out of his hand. Harry cursed and pulled another out from a dead body near him. There was a loud boom as the castle gates shuddered. Someone was trying to break them down.

"Let me go!" Hermione writhed and squirmed but his grip was too tight on her.

A wand blast from above narrowly missed Harry and he looked up to see Voldemort casting spells down upon him. "Harry watch out!" Dumbledore said from behind him as he sent a spell back up at the False King.

Voldemort fell to the floor as the spell whizzed above his head. So he has a blasted wizard on his side. Gryffindor Kings always did. There was a loud crack and Voldemort stood in time to see the gates surrounding the castle give way and the enemy's army spill into his courtyard. This couldn't possibly be happening. Yet before his eyes, his dragons were falling from the sky, his army was being slaughtered, the enemy was at his door.

Hermione screamed once again, catching his attention. Voldemort tightened his grip on his wand and dashed out of the room.

The cloth of Hermione's cloak ripped as Snape gave a particularly hard tug. Hermione resisted and the cloak fell away from her, revealing the Gryffindor sword at her side. Snape and Harry stopped fighting as they took sight of it. Snape reached for it but Hermione turned away, flinging the sword into the melee around them.

"Go, Harry!" Hermione said, relenting a little to Snape so he would be more inclined to get her inside the castle instead of going for the sword. "Get the sword!"

"Hermione's right," Dumbledore said as he cast a spell at Snape but he blocked it. "You need the sword, Harry."

Through the dust he saw it gleaming on the ground. "Harry please!" Hermione pleaded. Harry swore violently and went after the sword, dodging a few soldiers and wrapped his hand around its hilt. He turned just in time to see Hermione dragged into the castle…into Voldemort's waiting hands.

"Hermione!" Harry shouted at the same time as someone else did. Ron came to his side, bloodied sword in hand and helmet and mask off of his head. Remus and Sirius were behind him and together the men made a mad dash for the castle just as the doors closed and the drawbridge was slowly being drawn up. Harry and Sirius leapt on it as Ron and Remus screamed out some sort of warning.

With a crash the drawbridge slammed back to the ground, splintered under the weight of the enormous dragon that had landed on it. The wind was knocked out of Harry's lungs and he rolled on the ground, grasping for breath. He heard Sirius groaning nearby and saw a large piece of wood sticking out of his leg. Ron wrapped his hands under Harry's arms and dragged him safely out of the dragon's way but Harry shrugged him off when he recovered his breath.

Dumbledore sent a spell that hit the dragon which roared in response, setting aflame the nearest building to it. "Oh, I guess that wasn't the best of ideas, was it?" Dumbledore sighed.

Harry knelt next to Sirius who was groaning. "Can you help him?" he looked up at the wizard.

"Of course I can." Harry didn't hesitate as he left their side to face the dragon.

It eyed him warily then lunged forward to snap at him. Harry dodged him and lashed out with his sword, swiping the dragons snout. It roared angrily and spit more fire. The sound of galloping hooves surrounded him and Harry saw centaurs around him drawing back their arrows.

"Move over Harry!" a loud booming voice said and Harry turned to see his friend Hagrid leading a small legion of giants.

The centaurs let loose their arrows and Harry saw that they had rope attached to them. At first, Harry thought that they had overshot but the giants surrounded the creature and quickly snatched up the ends of the arrows that landed in the earth. The dragon cried out in fury, fire spitting from its mouth as the giants tugged on the ropes, restraining the creature. The dragon so distracted, forgot about Harry who used some of the ropes to climb it and swing himself into a window inside the castle.

The castle shuddered violently and Hermione, Snape and Voldemort swayed against the wall for balance. Voldemort grimaced then reached out for Hermione again, wrapping his cold fingers around her delicate wrists and yanking her forward.

"This castle is falling apart from under me," he muttered.

"Because it belongs to the True King!" Hermione spat back.

Voldemort quickly let go of her wrist and struck her across the face. Hermione recovered quickly enough to spit back in his face. Snape took her and shoved her against the wall.

"You will respect your king!" he roared.

"He is not my king! Harry is my king!" she shouted.

"Just like Draco was your king?" Voldemort lashed out at her. Hermione gave no answer, she only smirked knowingly.

"Your reign is over," she said softly. "Take a look at my hand." She motioned to the appendage that Voldemort had in his hand.

He looked down at her wrist and turned her hand over, palm side up. He could just barely make out the thin scar along her palm.

"It can't be," he whispered. "Gryffindor hasn't had a queen since Godric's reign."

"Neither have they had a king," Hermione answered.

Voldmort tightened his grip on her as he quickly drew his dagger from his robes and plunged it through her hand. Hermione screamed and fell to the floor, clutching her injured hand to her chest.

"Mind your tongue or it will be next," he said.

"Let her go!" Harry's voice called out from the corridor.

The three of them turned to see Harry stepping out from the shadows. Voldemort eyed the sword in Harry's hand and he drew his wand.

"CRUCIO!" he said but Harry blocked the oncoming spell by reflex with his sword. The spell bounced harmlessly off of the blade to the surprise of both men and hit Snape who cowered on the floor in pain.

Harry leveled the point of the sword toward the False King. "Let her go," he repeated calmly.

Voldemort smirked. "I think not," he said as he raised his wand. "Expelliarmus!"

But nothing happened. Harry rushed at the evil wizard sword raised.

Hermione wrenched herself free of him just as Harry collided with him. Snape staggered to his feet and pointed his wand at the two men who wrestled on the ground. Hermione threw herself at him, knocking his wand from his hand. He threw her off of his arm and snatched up wand from the floor and turned it on her.


The sound of quiet little pops filled the air and a handful of little elves appeared in the room and they lunged for the Death Eater. Hermione reached for the torch above her and took it out of its sconce and swung it down on the man who had betrayed her father and her, knocking him out cold on the floor.

The elves climbed over the False King but once again he threw them off with a wave of his hand, sending them flying into the walls. Harry punched Voldemort in the face with this distraction and raised his sword. Voldmort punched him in the stomach and the sword fell from his hands. Voldemort reached for it, grabbing its hilt before he screamed in pain and flung it away from him. It spiraled to a stop at Hermione's feet. Harry moved away from him but Voldemort trained his wand on him.


Harry screamed in pain when the spell hit him. Hermione reached down and grabbed the heavy sword. Voldemort smiled maniacally down at the Rider writhing at his feet. Suddenly, a piercing pain shot through him like fire. Hermione had stabbed him in the back pulling the sword out, the blade gleamed with fresh blood.

"Hermione!" Harry called out as the wizard turned on her.

"You stupid little Queen. You'll pay for that!" He cast the Crucio on her but she lifted the heavy sword to block it successfully but the sheer force of the impact knocked the sword out of her hand. Voldemort smile and raised his wand.

"Now, you die before your King."

Harry lunged for the sword and slid between the False King and Hermione as he swung out. Voldemort cried out in pain as the blade cleanly cut his hand off that was holding the wand. Harry didn't hesitate as he scrambled to his feet and plunged the sword into Voldemort's chest, pushing him towards the balcony.

Voldemort stopped when he hit the banister and he looked around him. His kingdom dying around him.

"It ends now," Harry said evenly.

Voldemort looked up at him. "Yes, it does."

He reached for the young man with his remaining hand just as Harry pushed him over. The momentum caused Harry to fall forward, grasping onto the banister. Hermione rushed forward to grab onto him.

"Harry!" she cried out.

Voldemort slammed against the balcony and briefly lost his grip on Harry as he fell. But he reached out and grabbed his ankle. Harry slid over the banister, sliding out of Hermione's grip as she screamed, still clinging to him for dear life. Harry's grip was slipping on the stone.

"Don't let go, Hermione," he called up to her. Her grip was slipping on him because the blood from her injured hand was causing her to lose her hold.

Voldemort dangled above the ground at a dangerous height, gripping ironically to the man who was his lifeline as well as his poison.

"Harry!" Hermione cried as he continued to slip out of her grasp.

Suddenly a new set of arms reached around her and gripped him. Ron heaved and tugged as he pulled Harry up.

"Let him go!" Hermione swatted at the False King's hands, prying his fingers off of his ankle.

"No!" Voldemort gasped determinedly. He would be damned if he would die alone. If he couldn't take the King, he could take his Queen. And in a risky move he let go of Harry's ankle to grab onto Hermione's hand.

Her injured hand.

Hermione briefly lunged forward with his weight. But Harry, who had just clambered over the balcony, reached out and grabbed her waist, yanking her backward as they tumbled to the floor. Voldemort slipped on her bloodied hand and fell, screaming to his death.

Harry still held on to Hermione, breathing heavy, as he turned her to him and delivered kisses all over her face. Hermione began to shake with her sobs. He ripped some of her dress to wrap the fabric around her bleeding hand.

"It's over," Harry buried his face in her hair as a few tears fell from his eyes. "It's finally over."

"Not just yet," Dumbledore said as he stepped onto the balcony. Remus was with him as was Sirius, who was leaning on him for a crutch.

"The sword Harry," Sirius said, motioning to the object on the floor. "End it. End his reign."

Harry got to his feet and helped Hermione to hers. On shaky feet the two of them made their way down to the statue of the lady and the lion…and the throne room. Hermione slipped her hand in his. Harry looked down at her, then at her injured hand.

"You told him?" he asked softly, residual anger at his newly defeated enemy lingered as he eyed his wife's hand. The very hand that he cut to bind himself to her.

"I don't think he was expecting the Queen to rescue her King."

Harry stilled as she said these words, looking deep into the eyes of the woman he loved.

"I crowned her the day we marched for battle," Dumbledore said softly behind them.

Harry felt a warmness run through him. The finality of having her as his Queen, to rule with her, to have her by his side forever. She smiled up at him and motioned toward the door.

"Go ahead, Harry."

Harry reluctantly tore his gaze from her to face the throne room. He lifted his sword and plunged it into the slot in the doors.
