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Forever Together Part 2. A Time to Live and A Time to Die by Solomon Aegis

Forever Together Part 2. A Time to Live and A Time to Die

Solomon Aegis

7. Love Potions Master?

There was no sign of the Headmaster during the next few days, and so at their first defence study group with Solomon, Harry posed the question that he and Hermione wanted answered.

"Solomon, what is wrong with Professor Dumbledore?" Harry asked. "We have all noticed that something is not right."

Aegis shook his head, "I told him to see you straight away, I knew you six would notice even if no one else did." He looked at each of the Tyr in turn, then having made a decision, spoke again "There is no easy way of telling you this, Albus Dumbledore is dying" there was a collective intake of breath, "Not long after your birthday Harry, the Headmaster began his search for Voldemort's headquarters. He searched in some very unsavoury places as you might imagine, two days after his return from…well never mind where…he contracted a fever. Madam Pomfrey had great difficulty in controlling it and initially couldn't find the cause. Then she isolated something in Albus' blood, it's effects are particularly nasty and impossible to cure. Slowly but surely, this thing is eating away at everything that makes Dumbledore, Dumbledore. There are potions that can slow the process" Aegis looked pointedly at Harry "Severus has been incredible, and produced elixirs which have made things much better, but not a cure. As the Headmaster weakens physically he weakens magically as well, eventually he will be unable to cast even the simplest spell. I am sorry Harry, but he will not live long enough to see your next birthday."

All the Tyr were shocked to silence, Harry shook his head as if he couldn't believe what he had just been told. Then Hermione broke the quiet.

"Is there nothing that can be done Professor?" she pleaded.

Aegis ignored her unnecessary use of his honorific, for tears were now falling from her eyes, he took her hand to give her comfort but his words had none.

"All that can be done is being done Hermione, but I am afraid the outcome is certain." He said sombrely.

"What do we do?" Harry sounded as if he had lost hope all over again.

Solomon knew he was becoming too attached to the fates that awaited the members of the Tyr. To help them properly he had to try and remain a little distant. He mentally squared his shoulders.

"We go on Harry, that is what the Headmaster wants us to do, and when and while he can, he will help. There are times when his mind can be as sharp as it ever was, he has lots of invaluable experience to pass on to us. I know it's hard but there is only one person who cannot be sacrificed before the final battle with Voldemort, and that is you Harry, only you."

It was a very subdued group that retired to the Heads Common Room as they sat in their pairs contemplating a future without Dumbledore at the helm; it was Ron who put things back in perspective.

"Look it's no good us all moping about like this, Voldemort isn't going to give us any extra slack because of Dumbledore. This fight has claimed many others and" …he swallowed uncertainly… "may claim many more. We have to continue, the alternative is too horrible to think about. If we are going to lose him, let us honour Dumbledore by making him the last sacrifice, and to do that we have to win."

Even if their spirits were still down, the resolve to finish this war was rekindled, they really had no choice.


The Tyr partook in no structured lessons anymore, they studied together and sought special instruction from all the Professors, and all the Professors helped, even Snape.

Outwardly his manner hadn't changed, but when they were alone with him all the Tyr noticed that he became less confrontational, it was as if he no longer needed or wanted to score points against them. Even Harry surprised himself by thanking the Potions master without a trace of sarcasm in his words, but that was nothing to the surprise of the reply "You're welcome, Potter."

What was bothering Snape? It was not increased concern for Harry Potter. Whatever that boy thought of him, Snape had always been on his side. It was not concern for the Headmasters condition, it was regrettable and possibly disastrous to the cause, but he was an elderly man and such things happened to the old. No, the thing which troubled Severus Snape was young and small and had a name which brought back unsettling memories to the Professor.

AH loved his lessons, Transfiguration was great, Charms was fascinating, Defence was phenomenal, but his greatest passion was Potions. He loved the dark and dingy dungeon Professor Snape used as his classroom, the place was essentially creepy, but AH felt it was full of mystery and secrets. Then there was the Potions Professor himself. Snape was universally nasty to everyone in the first year, basically because there were no Slytherin students for him to approve of.

AH thought him well weird, and when his potions weren't going as planned, steeled himself for the lash of Snape's tongue. However on those occasions when trouble was certain, the Professor had stopped short, and as AH had looked him in the eye prepared to have detention or at the very least house points taken, a perplexed expression would cover the teacher's face and he would mutter under his breath and round on the next poor unfortunate whose potion was giving off the wrong coloured steam.

For Snape's part these occasions left him feeling very confused, not a situation he was well able to deal with. He would often return to his desk and while the little cretins continued to wreak havoc with their classwork, his mind would wander back to possibly the one time in his life that Snape was really happy.


It would have been just over twelve years ago, the end of another school year, and the start of the brief period when Snape thought he was free. Free of Voldemort, free of the Death Eaters, free of the dark time of his life. The Dark Lord destroyed by little Harry Potter those few years before had not resurfaced as Snape had feared, the last remaining Death Eaters of any consequence were in Azkaban, and those weak followers who cared more for themselves than Voldemort had gone to ground and would remain in hiding for good.

Severus Snape had shocked all his colleagues at the school; he had discarded his traditional black robes. He had not gone completely overboard, but he sported robes of a tasteful green and his normally uncared for hair had been washed and combed. The feeling of freedom had even softened the sour expression he usually carried with him. He remembered Dumbledore smiling at him, patting him on the shoulder and telling him to enjoy his summer, asking if he had everything packed, and when he assented said "Well off you go" just as if he had been one of the students.

Snape had travelled, stayed in good lodgings, explored places he had never been to before, and had met someone who had wormed a place into his heart which had seen so little in the way of love.

Her name was Esme. She was an elfin like witch, not a stunning beauty, but a very pleasant face and wonderful sense of humour. Her eyes were grey, and held such a look of innocence, that made Severus wish he had known love much earlier in his life. There was only one other that had ever made him feel like this, he had been too young and callow, and full of his own bitterness then to realise what he was feeling, that girl had been Lily Evans. He, like almost every other boy in and around his age, had fallen for Lily, some harder than others, it was impossible not to like her, and Esme was the same.

They had spent nearly the whole two months together, and during that time their relationship had blossomed. Severus knew he wanted to be nowhere else than with Esme, that was until the last week of that fateful August. It had just been a little twinge so he had discounted it. Then the pain was more noticeable and it could not be ignored, he had lifted his sleeve and there on his forearm was the mark, very faint but visible.

At that moment all Snape's hopes of freedom came crashing around his ears, Voldemort was not gone after all, and, to add to his misery, Esme saw the mark and recognised it for what it was. There had erupted a terrible row, innocence and love lay shattered about their feet, things were said in the heat of the moment that would be impossible to retract.

Her few belongings had vanished from the room at a wave of her wand, and with a final CRACK Esme Dibble apparated out of Snape's life for ever. In that final week Severus Snape had withdrawn into himself, and by the time he returned to Hogwarts it was as if the summer had never happened, he knew he had tasted real happiness for the last time in his life.

Now all the pain had returned, for sitting in front of him was someone who could only be Esme Dibble's son, and Severus Snape wondered.


Draco Malfoy returned to Hogwarts during October, no one had commented on his absence, as he was not the only offspring of Death Eaters who had not returned for the new school year. His return was only a topic of conversation amongst the members of the Tyr.

"It is all very odd" said Hermione "Apparently he isn't attending any lessons, he either spends time with Snape or shut in the Slytherin Common Room."

"He must be up to no good." Of that Harry was convinced, "Do you think he knows of Snape's involvement with Voldemort?"

"If Draco is a Death Eater then yes, he's bound to, and it's going to cause us a lot of trouble."

"But Hermione, we can't just walk up to Snape and ask him what Draco is doing, can we. Like he'd tell us" said Ron.

"No, we can't find out, but maybe Solomon can." Hermione said, the others nodded in agreement.

As it turned out Solomon didn't have to ask Snape because Snape came and told him.

"The younger Malfoy has fallen in with a bad crowd, Solomon."

"A bad crowd, rather a mild term for that lot wouldn't you say Severus?"

"Look" Snape said beginning to lose his temper "I am trying to help here, and it affects you more than anyone else."

"Sorry Severus, please continue."

"It would appear that a certain person is very keen on paying a visit to your home town, in force, and Malfoy has been given the task of finding out how to get in."

"Don't worry Severus; it is not possible for the ordinary wizard to gain entry to Avalon, not even a wizard as ordinary as Voldemort." Said Solomon, a little too smugly.

"You are picking up too many of Dumbledore's complacent habits, Solomon. Draco isn't stupid he knows that Miss Granger's parents are there and he is aware that she and Potter visit them on occasion. He has therefore worked out that it is likely that either Hermione Granger or Harry Potter has the means to get in."

"I see, and are you to help him in this task?" asked Solomon.

"It would appear so, yes."

"Thank-you for the information Severus," Solomon thought for a moment, "how long can you delay Draco getting back to his new friends?"

"Oh, indefinitely if necessary," Snape said as if it would be no trouble for a wizard of his capabilities, "but the longer the delay, the more tenuous my position."

"Very well leave it with me; I will get back to you as soon as I can."


Solomon Aegis and The Tyr had taken to meeting in the Room of Requirement. Apart from having a place with enough space for shield work, they needed somewhere secure where they couldn't be overheard.

They appeared to be in a large open field. The sun, or at least the Room's equivalent, was out, and there was just enough breeze to provide a little cooling air. Sitting on the grass in a circle, they discussed the latest development. Harry could not understand Voldemort's preoccupation with Avalon. The inhabitants posed no real threat to his power, their magic in the main was purely defensive, and in they could be kept in isolation with ease.

"You see Harry" explained Aegis "it's not the people he is concerned about, though I doubt he would spare us if given the chance to destroy, it is the place itself. Imagine the wizarding world on the run, where would be a good bolt hole? Avalon," he said answering his own question, "and it would be reasonable to expect that sanctuary would be given, as it was to Hermione's parents. Then you have a protected base from which the forces of the light could sally forth and begin to pull apart Voldemort's plans. You know heroic last stand, that sort of thing."

"So can we protect the key you gave us?" Harry asked.

"Harry, the only way Voldemort could get your key, or mine for that matter, is for us to give it to him, and we won't do that until we want to." Harry gave Solomon a quizzical look, but he didn't elaborate and he continued. "However, I think it would wise to send a little information back, we still need Severus to appear loyal to Voldemort and it will strengthen his position."

"Are you sure Snape is only pretending to be loyal to Voldemort, you're sure it's not the real thing?" Harry had lost count of the times he had asked this and the number of people he had asked. Then, for one moment Harry was sure he was talking to Professor Dumbledore and not Aegis.

"Professor Snape, Harry," Solomon censured him "and yes I am sure, and so is the eHHeadmaster."

The group on the hill lapsed into silence while they thought it over. Harry and Hermione eventually nodded to one another, the others seeing this knew they had agreed a course of action, and waited to hear the decision.

It was Hermione who spoke.

"OK Solomon, we agree that Voldemort can know we have keys, but nothing more for the moment. Harry and I have to work out a way of using this information leak to our advantage."

"Good, I would like you all to know that I am very pleased with the way you are coping with this situation, I can't think of anybody I would trust more. The Headmaster is of the same opinion." Solomon regarded Harry's expression of discomfort at his lack of contact with Dumbledore. "Err…speaking of the Headmaster he wants to see you Harry, today," Aegis took a gold watch out of his pocket and considered the time, "in fact, now."

Harry nodded, closed his eyes, applied a thought, and when he opened them again he was in Dumbledore's office.

"Hello Harry" the voice was weak, and tremulous.

At first Harry couldn't see very well, the room was in semidarkness, and after the bright sunlight he had just left, it appeared black. Slowly his eyes adjusted to the dimness, and he could see Dumbledore sitting at his desk. By his side was his Phoenix Fawkes, not on his usual perch, but on the desk within the reach of the Headmaster.

Dumbledore was stroking the bird and seemed to be drawing power from him. Harry was shocked by the ravages the illness was having on the Headmaster, he had always been thin, but now his face was gaunt, his once bright blue eyes were cloudy and dim. Harry could hear each breath Dumbledore took, and each one was an effort.

Dumbledore reached for a goblet on the desk, and took a mouthful of the contents, the face he made told Harry that it did not taste very nice, but the effect of it was startling. Within seconds the Dumbledore Harry had seen on his birthday was back.

"Very effective, this draught, Severus has outdone himself, but I am afraid the effects are only temporary. Well Harry, please sit. How are you finding your responsibilities as Head Boy, and are you getting all the help you need from the new Head Girl?" Dumbledore smiled at his last question, not really expecting a direct answer.

"We're fine, but we miss not having you around, the school doesn't seem the same anymore." Harry said sadly.

"Change comes to everything in the end Harry, don't be frightened of it. You may not like the way the change happens, but look for the results it brings, if the results are an improvement, then the change is worth it."

"But what could possibly be worth losing you?" Harry asked accusingly.

"Defeating Voldemort, and don't you act so surprised, I know that both you and Hermione are prepared to sacrifice yourselves to that end, and so is the rest of the Tyr." Said Dumbledore.

"Yes Sir, you're right, as usual" accepted Harry.

Dumbledore chuckled, but the chuckle ended in a cough. "Please listen to me Harry, I have to conserve my strength, I have one final thing I must do and I need to be rested to do it. I have spoken at length to Solomon and I have told him all I can. He is worthy of your complete trust, speak with him as if he were me, he will not force his own decisions on you, he trusts you too much for that, but he will guide you if you let him." Dumbledore sagged a little in his seat. Harry could see the mist clouding his eyes. "I have never lost faith in you Harry, I know that you and your friends will do all in your power to carry the day. Though you still have doubts, I know that you will succeed."

The old man sighed "I am sorry Harry, but tiredness catches up with me rather suddenly, I will see you again, do not worry about me, I am content."

Dumbledore closed his eyes, and, by the nature of his breathing, Harry knew he was asleep. He continued to sit and stare at Professor Dumbledore, his mentor and his friend, now an old man asleep in his chair.

He was so absorbed in watching the Headmaster that he didn't hear the office door open, nor the soft footfalls behind him.

To be sure he would have stayed there forever, but a pair of arms encircled him, as a quiet voice said "Come on Harry" and Hermione drew him away.

She held him close as they descended the stairs, across the corridor and through the magic door which led to their private common room.

They sat together on that old sofa, desperately clinging to each other for comfort, and Harry cried for the old man he would soon lose for ever.