Unofficial Portkey Archive

HULK by Classic Cowboy


Classic Cowboy


Chapter 1: Changes

"SIRIUS!!!!" Harry cried setting up in his bed.

"Harry, Harry, are you alright, mate?" Ron asked worriedly at Harry's side.

Harry had stayed the summer at the Dursley's a total of three weeks before the Weasleys had come and brought him to the safety of the Burrow.

"I'm fine," Harry snapped, before shaking the sleepiness from his head, "I'm sorry, I'm alright, Ron, just nightmare."

"Harry, you've had a nightmare almost every night for the last two and a half months," Ron sighed, "its not healthy, mate."

"Maybe I'll be alright once I get back to Hogwarts tomorrow and get some other things to think about then … you know …" Harry said rubbing his eyes.

"Right, so you better get some sleep then," Ron said shoving him back down, "As a Prefect, I must order you to sleep so you can be conscious on the Hogwarts Express.

"Ok, you win," Harry smiled lightly at his best friend, as he climbed back into his own bed.

"I always do," Ron yawned, "See you in the morning, Harry …" He sighed already half asleep.

Harry lay back down, and the thoughts and memories began to return, as well as strange indescribable fear … anger … hate … all of it screaming for release, but Harry, as always, forced it back down.


"Well here we go again," Harry said as he passed through the barrier of platform 9 ¾.

"Yup," Ron said following him, "But Harry, look on the bright side. It can't be worse then last year, right?"

"Nothing can be as-" Harry started but was silenced by something diving into him, almost knocking him down.

"Help me, Harry, you have to help me!" Colin begged gripping Harry tight, "They're mad I tell you, MAD!"

"Calm down, Colin," Harry said as he and Ron pried him off, "What's the matter?"

"Oh Colin, a few words, if you please …" came Hermione's voice ahead of them.

"Oh Merlin, there they are …"

Harry looked up to see his other best friend Hermione Granger, and his other friend Luna Lovegood, both looking very angry with the young photographer.

"Hand him over, Harry," Hermione growled, glaring at Colin angrily.

"Ok what happened? What did you do, Colin?" Ron asked standing between the girls and the boy.

"It wasn't my fault, honest!" Colin said panicky, "I bought a new instant camera from Fred and George's new store in Diagon Ally. It was very inexpensive so I couldn't pass it up …" he then pulled out a photograph and handed it quickly to Ron and Harry, despite the loud protests by Hermione and Luna.

"Wow," Harry said with a whistle, looking at the picture.

"Harry!" Hermione gasped, turning scarlet.

"What is it, Harry?" asked Ron, as he quickly ran to Harry's side, "Holy Merlin, Hermione … and you too Luna … wow!"

The Photograph was of Hermione and Luna, but the camera when taking the picture removed all clothing that was being worn.

"HARRY! RON!!" Hermione shrieked, jerking the picture away, and tearing it to pieces, "Harry! I … I thought you would be better then that! And you Ronald Weasley you are a PREFECT for goodness sake!"

"Hey now, I am not a Prefect until we get on the train," Ron protested, "Until then I can be as unruly and immature as I so desire!"

"Would it help if I think it's a very cute picture, Hermione?" Harry said with a blush trying desperately to save himself from this nightmarish situation.

"Cute? YOU FIND PORNAGRAPHIC FILTH CUTE????" Hermione cried, her eyes wider then even Luna's.

"Now, now calm down, Hermione," Harry said calmly, though his mind screamed run onto the train, find a compartment, lock the door and do not come out until you are safely at Hogwarts, "You know in some countries pictures like this are considered artwork?" He then looked to the side, "Isn't that right, Ron? Ron? Oh … I guess … he went to find a good seat … oh dear …"

"Thanks for the help, Harry," said Colin from the steps of the train, "See you on board … if you live!"

"Oh no problem, Colin, no problem at all …" Harry waved, before slowly starting to walk toward the train as well.

"Um, where do you think you are going, Harry?" came Luna's venomous voice.

"Uh, on board the train, of course," Harry said, with a loud gulp turning to see a pair of death glares. "Umm … Heehee, is it too late to say sorry?"

"Don't worry, Harry," Luna said as the girls closed in on him.

"You'll get on the train in plenty of time," Hermione continued for her, "As soon as we have a little talk, just the three of us."

"Ya know … it's great to see you two getting along," Harry whimpered, back stepping fearfully, "I remember last year you two didn't care for each other much … help …"


"Well how was it, mate?" Ron asked, as Harry walked toward him in the walkway of the Hogwarts Express.

"If you say it wasn't bad, I will hex you beyond believe, Harry," Hermione said with a smirk, as she walked around behind him.

"Hello, Ronald," Luna chirped happily.

"Hey Luna …" Ron said a bit timidly back stepping from both her and Hermione.

"Don't worry, Ron," said Hermione, leaning against the railing of the train, "Harry was nice enough to let us let our complaints go on him."

"Isn't he generous and selfless," said Luna, pinching Harry's cheek. "Well, I'm off to my compartment," she said cheerfully skipping farther into the walkway, "See you, at the school, Ronald."

The three watched her go, Ron shook his head. "She just gets stranger and stranger …" he sighed.

"She isn't that bad, Ron," Harry said smiling, "Besides, I think she fancies you."

Ron blushed scarlet and was about to retort when Hermione stepped between them. "Well, Ron, we best go do our Prefect thing," She then turned to Harry and caught a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. "Harry will you be alright? I'm sure Ginny, Neville and the others are around here somewhere. Please tell me you're not upset with us, Harry," Hermione almost begged, remembering his bitterness from the previous year, and Harry saw the same pleading look in Ron's eyes, "Please tell me you're not."

"Don't worry, Hermione, I'm not feeling upset with you guys," Harry said waving for them both to go on. Hermione and Ron looked at him for a moment, before looking at each other then making their way toward the engine of the train. Not feeling upset at all," Harry muttered a mix of bitterness and sadness, "just left out …"


The year started out as it always had, as a mix of relief and worry, very quietly. "Hello Potter," came Draco Malfoy's voice, as Harry, Hermione, and Ron were about to enter their first day of sixth year potions.

'So much for quiet,' Harry thought with a sigh, "What do you want, Malfoy?" He snapped bitterly, "You want me to beat you to a pulp again?"

"Harry, no," Hermione said firmly, as she placed a hand on his chest to at least try to hold him back, "Last time, he made you lose the chance to play Quidditch again, If you were to be expelled I'm not sure what I … err, Ron and I would do."

"I just wanted to say hello," Malfoy said with a coy smile, "I see the Mudblood has you on a leash now then, I always knew you were nothing but a lapdog, Potter." Malfoy then gave him a toothy smile, "Maybe someone should put you down like that worthless godfather of yours."

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK OF SIRIUS LIKE THAT!!!" Harry cried out in rage, and dove for Malfoy's throat, but was restrained by Ron, Hermione, Dean, and Ginny.

"Harry, no, control your temper," Hermione cried feverously as they all fought to keep Harry held back, "That's just what he wants, don't give him what he wants, please!"

Draco then continued down the hall, "See you around, Lapdog," Draco said, casually waving at the furious Harry.

"At least he's we've got potions with Ravenclaw this year, for a change," Ron said still holding Harry's arm tight, incase he would dive at Malfoy again.

"That's right, so please calm down, Harry," Hermione pleaded, wetness forming around the corners of her bright brown eyes, "You scare me when you get like this …"

"I'm sorry," Harry said in a low voice, visibly relaxing at last. "Lets … lets just go to class …" he said as he walked into the Prof. Snape's dungeon, leaving the others to watch him worriedly.


All right, very good so far," Professor Snape said walking around the potions classroom. "Can anyone tell me what is so special about Trigalicerium?" He said referring to the green liquid in the vials before each student.

Hermione's hand quickly went into the air, and seeing as no Slytherins were in the class, he was actually being fair for the first time in the six years Harry had known him. "Yes, Ms. Granger?"

"Trigalicerium is the main ingredient for the anger reducing potion," Hermione said quickly and intelligently, "It is also known to, in high quantities it give off what Muggles call Gamma radiation."

"Very good, Ms. Granger, that is correct," said Snape, "Two points to Gryffindor … I guess." He then looked over the class, scowling at the table where Harry and Neville were paired. "Now be very careful to only place four drops of Trigalicerium into the mixture or else too much or too little and it is nothing more then a mixture of liquids with the stench of week dead mountain troll."

Neville began to drip the drops of Trigalicerium into the caldron, but then it happened. Neville's toad, Trevor, whom he took everywhere, jumped from Neville's pocket, and knocked the medium sized vial almost into the caldron. Neville on impulse caught it and jerked it back up, throwing the smelly liquid into Harry's face.

The liquid made a very soft hissing sound, that could probably only be heard by Harry, as it made contact with his lightening bolt scar. Harry's hands covered his face as he dropped to the floor from the throbbing pain from his scar.

"HARRY!" he heard Hermione call out, and felt two hands grip his shoulders. It was Hermione, he knew the feel of her hands anywhere, and right now the burning prevented him from taking any of their usual comfort. "Harry, look at me, are you alright? Harry, are you alright, Harry?" said Hermione panicky.

"NEVILLE!" Harry snapped angrily, "What the bloody hell were you trying to do??" He growled standing up and shoving Neville hard.

"Harry, calm down," Hermione said soothingly.

"To hell with calming down, Granger," Harry snapped turning on her, making her back step, "I am tired of calming down! I'm tired of listening to your every little order, you're not the boss of me, and I am NOT going to listen to you any longer!"

"Harry …" Hermione started, feeling as though Harry was tearing her still-beating heart out of her chest.

"Don't 'Harry' me, Hermione," Harry growled trembling in anger, "I'm tired of you watching over me like an over-protective, bossy mother hen, and I am NOT going to take it anymore!"

"Harry, you can't mean that!" Ron said stepping up to Hermione's side, gapping at the worse outburst he has ever seen from Harry.

"Sir Ronald to the rescue huh?" Harry growled, "How's it feel to have something I DON'T for a change, huh? Always rubbing the fact that you made Prefect in my face, both of you! Saying you were my best friend, but where were you when I needed you last year huh? After Sirius died, who was there to comfort me, where was my best friends? Where were they???"

"Mr. Potter, you are out of Order!" Snape barked.

"Oh don't you start you crook nosed freak of nature!" Harry growled turning on the now shocked Potions master. "All you've ever done was put me down and hold me back, just because you hate my father, well you know what, Professor, SCREW YOU! I'M SICK OF YOUR PATHETIC BABBLING!!!"

"Potter, you will go straight to Professor McGonagall's office, this instant! Shouted Snape, his face bright red in anger, "one hundred points from Gryffindor, and a week's detention! OUT OF MY CLASSROOM NOW!"

"Fine you greasy git," Harry said raising an unfriendly finger at him as he walked out of the dungeon, slamming the heavy wooden door behind him.

"H-Harry?" Hermione whimpered, trying to fight back sobs.

"Don't worry, Hermione," Ron said reassuringly, "I'm sure he didn't mean any of that."

"He's just like his father," Snape growled, before turning back to the class, "Why are none of you mixing your potions?"


Buh bum

Harry stumbled through the hallway, gripping his forehead tight, the pain in his scar was so intense, but another feeling was added to it. He felt as though a feeling of rage, anger and hatred was flooding his entire body, crying to be released

Buh bum

He managed to make his way into the boy's lavatory and leaned over a sink, and began to wash his face rapidly. Trying to wash away the feelings.

Buh bum

"Well, is the Great Harry Potter skipping class, too?" Said Crabb, as he and Goyle leaned against a stall smirking at him. "Did the Mudblood let her Lapdog off his lead? How irresponsible!" They both joked, as Harry trembled in anger

Buh bum

"I … am … no one's … Lapdog …" Harry growled, feeling a strange feeling add to the rage, feeling as though a powerful energy was building in his stomach and spreading through his entire body.

Buh bum

"Don't lie, Potter," Crabb said slapping his back, "We have to admit, she has grown into a real looker, for a Mudblood anyway. Then again, maybe you're not the one on the lead, perhaps you like to put her on a lead. After all that is the only worthy job for a Mudblood."

Buh bum buh bum

"Do NOT speak of her like that," Harry growled, not noticing his clothing seeming to grow tighter and tighter by the second.


"Or what, Potter," Crabb laughed, "You going to beat us both up like you did to Draco?"

Harry couldn't really understand; what happened next his vision went black and the only thing he could hear was the pounding sound of his own heart in his ears.



"Harry, please wake up … please,"

"Harry you have to wake up!"

Harry slowly opened his eyes to a worried Hermione, "What happened?"

"MADAM POMFREY HE'S AWAKE! HE'S AWAKE! HARRY'S AWAKE!" Hermione almost screamed.

"Hermione, not so loud!" Harry groaned.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry!" Hermione said before jerking him in a gigantic hug, "We didn't know what happened, we thought … I thought … oh Harry, thank Merlin you're alright!"

"Let him go, Ms. Granger," Madam Pomfrey scolded gently pushing Hermione off of Harry. "Mr. Potter, what was the last thing you remember?" she asked as Harry began to catch his breath.

"Uh, I was in potions class, and Neville dropped the vial of Trigalicerium," Harry said thoughtfully, "everything else is kind of blurry."

"I see …" Pomfrey nodded, "We'll Professor Dumbledore wished to see you upon your awakening, I will go and summon him. Keep an eye on him, Ms. Granger."

Hermione watched Pomfrey leave before turning to Harry sadly, "Harry, do you remember what you said to me … and Ron … and Professor Snape?"

"What did I say?" Harry asked a bit worried.

"Nothing, Harry, nothing at all, it doesn't matter," Hermione said smiling, "I know you didn't mean it … though Professor Snape isn't overly thrilled with you …"

"So what happened?" Harry asked.

"Well you stormed out of Snape's class after you … lost your temper," Hermione said looking toward the doorway, "Then… a little while later you were found in the boy's lavatory … it was completely destroyed and you're clothing was shredded, oh Harry, everyone thought you were dead, it was so terrible! And … and Harry … Crabb and Goyle … they're both dead … We don't know what happened but Dumbledore will get to the bottom of it. If you have any recollection, any at all, let someone know. You may be still in danger."

Harry sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Oh I'm sorry, you must be tired, I'll leave you alone if you wish."

"No it's alright, Hermione," said Harry with a smile, "I can't explain it, but for some reason, I don't feel tired at all, I feel … great."

To Be Continued …

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling, and Hulk is owned by Stan Lee and Marvel Comics Inc.

C. Cowboy: (stupid question but) what has happened to Harry, and how will it affect his life at Hogwarts and the growing conflict with Voldemort and his Deatheaters? Thanks goes out to Xavien for once again beta reading. Enjoy and review!

Next Chapter: The Return of Umbridge