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The Sixth Year Mutiny by Wizardora

The Sixth Year Mutiny


Chapter 25: A Little Distraction

Ron didn't wait for a reply, but the hem of his school robes had barely whipped around the door of the Hospital Wing before Harry was off his feet and on his tail, Hermione close behind. Ron was striding down the corridor with purpose and vigour and Harry considered that it wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't followed him. The corridor was gloomy and draughty and Harry struggled to move very fast as a cold breeze swept up his robes and kissed icily against his thighs.

Harry and Hermione had to move quickly to keep up with Ron and after a few corridors were positively sprinting along in his wake. Ron, upon hearing their footsteps echoing past him, and sped up as well and was no closer to being caught. Harry and Hermione followed Ron to the top of the large staircase that led down into the Entrance Hall where he leapt down several steps at a time and reached the bottom. Harry followed suit as Hermione's dainty footsteps followed behind as she took just one stair at a time.

'Going somewhere?' asked an icy voice from the shadows; for the first time, Harry was glad to hear it. 'You know, neither of you have an ounce of common sense. You'd have thought, being perennial school rule breakers and meddlesome fools who always get themselves in serious danger, that you'd have been a little more aware of the steps taken on such a night like this. Alas, anger - or, though the thought chills me, teen hormones - seem to have gotten the better of you all again.'

Snape's lip curled in muted satisfaction. He loved nothing more than a spot of pupil-baiting, especially when Harry or his friends were the pupils. His tone was almost joyous, though riddled with the usual contempt he reserved for conversations with Harry.

'Excuse me, Professor,' asked Hermione politely, 'what did you mean on such a night as this?'

'I'd have thought that would be obvious,' said Snape coolly, 'a student has been attacked by forces or persons unknown, so, naturally, the school is on high alert. I would have thought you three, of all people, would have known this. Clearly, brotherly love isn't all its cracked up to be.'

Harry, who had stood between Ron and Snape as a precaution, was glad of this decision; he was able to subtly hold Ron back as he felt him make for Snape. In his mood, Harry wouldn't have been surprised if Ron had attacked anyone, even himself.

'Did you think you were simply going to waltz out of the school?' Snape asked silkily.

'I was not waltzing anywhere!' snapped Ron, losing all control over his frustrations.

'And where exactly, might I asked were you planning to go? Do you know, perhaps, the whereabouts of the culprit responsible for this attack? Anything to confess can be done so here.'

There was something accusatory in Snape's tone and Harry thought it likely that Snape had his own suspicious at the identity of the attacker.

'I don't know anything,' snarled Ron, his teething grinding like a rabid dog, 'out of the way, Harry.'

Ron slid around Harry and made for the door but Snape swept soundlessly across the flagged stone floor and blocked the way.

'Destination, Weasley, or I cannot let you pass.'

'Out of the way!' Ron growled.

'What's the password?' Snape taunted, 'Tell me where you are going and I shall let you go.'

'Move, Snive-'

'Finish that sentence and you will be in detention for the remainder of the term,' said Snape silkily.

Ron conceded defeat in that he was never likely to pass Snape, turning on his heel and marching huffily up the staircase. Harry turned to follow before Snape called him back.

'You go with him, make sure he doesn't hang himself or something,' said Harry to Hermione before turning to face Snape.

'I hope you are working on that homework project, Potter,' said Snape, his tone now one of stern seriousness, 'it is imperative that you work hard, you must not fail in this task. Hope in unwisely placed in you, Potter. You will letting a lot of people down if you fail to live up to your unworthy fame.'

Snape swung around and disappeared into the shadows of an adjoining corridor. Harry didn't make for the stairs, instead choosing to sit on the stone steps leading down into the grounds. The stone was cold and Harry shook involuntarily as he sat upon it. There was something about Snape's words, or rather the way he'd said them. Something in his voice. He talked of hope and somewhere, in his frosty tone, Harry heard that he, Snape, one of Harry's long-standing enemies, had hope in him. Hope to defeat evil and free Snape from his dangerous double life. It was in this moment that Harry began to feel the enormity of the task facing him.

His feet felt heavy as he plodded up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room. Harry felt as if the weight of pressure on his heart and mind had somehow slinked down into his ankles. The incident with Ginny, Harry was sure, was merely the tip of the iceberg. The attack on her was a meaningless sideshow to the main event but it brought home to Harry the callous seriousness of the threat. Nobody was safe; not good people, not the bad people who would want to fight them, not the innocent, the guilty or the beings not involved. No-one would be safe until he, Harry, had freed them of Voldemort's shadow.

'Where have you been?'

It was Hermione; she had emerged from the portrait hole, Harry finding himself quite surprised that he had managed to find the way without thinking.

'I just sat outside…thinking,' said Harry vaguely.

'About what? Did Professor Snape say anything useful?' Hermione asked as she clambered back through the portrait hole.

'No, just more dire warnings about learning the finer points of Occlumency,' said Harry, purposefully avoiding Hermione's first question, 'where's Ron?'

'I sent him to bed,' said Hermione lightly.

'What…without any supper?' Harry smirked.

'I thought he could do with some time alone, I don't think he wants company right now. At least if he's in the dormitory he cant go anywhere. Besides, I thought we could spend some time together. We haven't for a while.'

She was smiling expectantly at Harry and he felt himself relax and cheer at the prospect of some one on one time with Hermione. He thought fleetingly that this was a better pastime for distraction than hard Quidditch sessions. It was certainly much less exhausting and had the advantage of being an indoor activity.

He and Hermione just sat on the hearthrug in front of the fire for a little while, talking about everything unimportant. Harry knew that Hermione was steering the conversation away from anything that might involve Occlumency, Voldemort, Snape or the end of the world. Harry was glad of her consideration.

The common room began to empty slowly as the night wore on. Harry lost several games of wizards chess, though he felt Hermione was being a little too supercilious in her celebrations; after all, it was at least partly Harry's awfulness at the game that contributed to his dreadful performance. Hermione also darned a few socks for the house-elves as Harry stared into the crackling embers of the fire and, for the first time in ages, he felt a pang over sorrow for Sirius.

'Are you ok?' Hermione asked quietly, sensing the change in Harry's mood.

'Yeah,' he sighed, his throat feeling a little choky.

'You're missing him, aren't you? Sirius, I mean.'

'How did you know? Can you read my mind or something?'

'Sometimes,' smiled Hermione, 'its just obvious…the way you're looking into the fire like that. I remember that look, the same one you wore every time you wanted his help. It was like you were waiting for his head to just pop out from the flames.'

'I was,' snorted Harry, amazed at the accuracy of Hermione's observations, 'Just how much time did you spend looking at me?'

'A bit…' said Hermione, blushing a little as a shy grin replaced her naughty smile. She got up and left her knitting to its own devices, sitting down against the nearest armchair and beckoning Harry to her. He obliged, and scuffed his way across to her open arms. She wrapped them around his shoulders and he rested hid head on her chest. Her heartbeat was strong and quick, her breathing slightly heavier than Harry thought it ought to be.

He didn't complain, though; Hermione running her hands gently across his weary temples and through his hair was incredibly relaxing. He closed is eyes and breathed in Hermione's scent, feeling that the thoughts creeping into the depths of his mind were completely inappropriate. He tried to ignore them, but slipped an arm around Hermione anyway, his hand circling uncertainly at the base of her spine.

This had the effect of changing things about Hermione. At that moment, Harry realised how good Hermione was at concealing her emotions or feelings. By the looks of her, you'd think she was as composed and relaxed as if reading a good book, but from the vantage point of her ribcage, Harry knew this wasn't the case.

Harry thought he must have found a tender spot on Hermione's body because as he smoothed her back, in awkward and unsure ways, he felt her breathing shoot up to a level that couldn't have been much away from hyperventilation. At the same time, her heart had begun to beat so hard that it was giving Harry earache.

The upsurge in Hermione's natural processes weakened Harry's defence against the thoughts gaining momentum in his head. He was quite pleased that they weren't impure, mostly musings about the softness of Hermione's skin in this tender spot. The rational voice in his mind was telling him that he should be more concerned with Ron and that this was a most inappropriate time to be exploring his burgeoning physical relationship with Hermione. The problem was that this voice sounded very much like Hermione, sending his thoughts back to her. It was like a vicious circle, one Harry was only half certain he wanted to break free from.

The common room emptied slowly until Harry and Hermione were left alone in front of the dying fire. The light was flickering away as Harry heard the last person to go to bed mutter mutinously that Harry and Hermione should 'get a room'. Harry wasn't sure what this meant but it was and idea that had its merits. Hermione seemed to have been waiting for the room to empty for as soon as the last person disappeared she slid down the armchair until her face was level with Harry's. He thought she looked positively sultry in the firelight, her face glowing slightly and her eyes shining and alive. He felt his heart thundering with anticipation.

Hermione didn't waste anytime. She placed her arms tightly around his neck and drew him to her, kissing him softly. They slid down to the floor, their embrace unbroken and increasing in vigour. Harry felt a strange sensation, like he was daring against the most terrific risk. He had broken rules plenty of times, been caught out of bed on many occasions but this was more intense. It wasn't like in France; the idea that they could be caught sent a tingle of thrill through Harry. Mixed with all the other tinglings and flutterings going on inside Harry was sure something was bound to explode from him.

There was muffled sound somewhere; Harry tried to ignore it as Hermione's kisses became yet more intense and left his lips for parts of his face and neck, which tickled irresistibly. There was another noise, a knocking against a table, and the unmistakable sound of someone cursing. Harry and Hermione looked up guiltily, Harry finding himself onto partly surprised to see Ron standing before them. He had his wand in one hand, his Cleansweep in the other.

'Ron, what are you doing?' said Hermione loftily.

'Could ask the same thing about you two,' said Ron with an suppressed grin.

'I think that's pretty obvious,' said Hermione, unabashed, 'what about you.'

'I'm leaving,' he said casually, 'I'm going up to the top of the Astronomy Tower and I'm going to fly away. Fancy coming? I hear it's a popular haunt for pupils in your…well, situation.'

Harry grinned in spite of himself, torn between embarrassment at being caught, the deviant thrill of actually being caught, and concern at what Ron was trying to do.

'You aren't going anywhere,' said Hermione firmly, 'the teachers are patrolling the corridors and besides, the door's been locked shut by magic.'

'What? That colloportus charm I expect. The one you used on those doors in the Department of Mysteries. Alohamora opens them.'

'Not unless the witch doing the Colloportus Charm is more powerful than the deluded young wizard about to try the Alohamora one. Fancy your chances against Professor McGonagall, Ron? Go on, try. Bet you cant open it.'

'Could you?' Ron asked.

Hermione seemed stumped and Harry thought this wasn't a good thing. Hermione wasn't the competitive sort, but would she resist if Ron challenged her magical talents? Harry wasn't sure.

'Well?' pushed Ron. 'Could you.'

'I don't know,' said Hermione thoughtfully, 'I doubt it.'

'Will you try?' Ron pleaded.

'Not if you paid me!' she said firmly, 'And you arent about to do that?'

'You sound like Malfoy,' said Ron scathingly, 'Sure you haven't been taking this potion too?'

'I'm sorry, Ron,' said Hermione aghast, 'I didn't mean-'

'I know,' said Ron gently, 'Now will you help me? Or I'll have to hold that comment against you. You wouldn't want that on your conscience would you?'

'I'd want your expulsion on my conscience less,' she said flatly, 'I'm not helping you.'

'Oh come on, Hermione!' Ron cried, 'Help me to get out then you and Harry can go back to your smooching session.'

'Go back to bed and we can carry on without us worrying,' said Hermione sexily, 'It isn't worth trying. I'm not going to help.'

'Help me or I'll…I'll…' Ron looked around for inspiration, his eyes settling mischievously on Harry, 'Or I'll hex Harry's privates off!'

'You wont for two reasons,' giggled Hermione as Ron's triumphant look faded, 'one: do you really think I'd let you hex Harry,' Harry noticed her wand was suddenly out and aimed at Ron, who was eyeing it warily, 'and two: me and Harry are quite a way from that stage in our relationship so he could do without his bits for a little while, at least until Madame Pomfrey could reattach them. She's good with things like that.'

Even Ron chortled at this, though Harry found the whole topic quite disturbing and painful. Ron seemed to have abandoned his latest escape attempt though. He slumped down in the armchair next to the one Harry and Hermione had been leaning on and eyed them devilishly.

'Oh, don't mind me,' said Ron slyly, 'you two carry on!'

'No way!' cried Harry, 'You little perv! Where were you planning to fly anyway?'

'I told you, to Malfoy!' Ron said exasperatedly, 'He's behind this. I get to him, its all over.'

'Missing the bigger picture a little, aren't you mate?' said Harry pointedly.

'What do you mean?'

'Do you think this is some little plan of Malfoy and his dead to get to you? Or me, or Ginny or whoever. Is that really what you think, that's he's behind this?' Harry wanted to point out his belief in Ron's naivety in his tone.

'Who else could it be?' said Ron blindly, Hermione sighed next to Harry.

'Who d'you think?' Harry said heatedly.

Ron still looked blank.

'Um…Mr Voldemort ring any bells?'

The colour drained from Ron's face faster than spiders fleeing from a basilisk. Harry was quite stunned at the level of Ron's blatant stupidity.

'You mean,' began Ron, 'that you-know-who is behind this? He wants to get to me and made me hurt Ginny?'

'More than likely,' said Harry, he thought quickly about how telling Ron about the Occlumency thing was a mistake, realising that he, like Snape, could be reporting in some way to Voldemort himself.

'So,' said Hermione, taking over in Harry's pause, 'if you decide to go flying off in search of revenge against Malfoy you're likely to find more than you bargained for.'

'Yeah, namely the guy who murders people for just looking at him the wrong way. You have to fight him and you'd have-'

'- about as much chance as a rat in a tampon factory,' Ron interjected heavily.

'Ron…that is absolutely putrid,' said Hermione with a look of unremitting disgust.

'Sorry,' said Ron, smirking towards Harry who thought better of returning the grin.

'Look,' said Hermione, her lip still curled in a snarl as she looked at Ron, 'just go to bed. There's nothing you can do that the Order or Dumbledore can do. And besides, there's no proof that you actually did anything to Ginny. We just suspect you did. When she wakes up she can tell us what happened. Until then, don't beat yourself up. Just go to bed, get some rest. Its been a tough night.'

'Ok, I know where I'm not wanted,' said Ron slyly, 'just don't be too naughty. You never know who's watching.'

Ron slouched off towards the dormitory and Hermione turned towards Harry, who was feeling a little paranoid after Ron's words.

'Now…where we were,' whispered Hermione breathlessly, 'oh…now what?'

'I'm so sorry to interrupt…whatever disgusting act you two are about to engage in,' said Snape as he slipped through the portrait hole, 'but Potter, you are to come with me now.'

'Why?' Harry asked bluntly.

'Things have changed,' said Snape evasively, 'something has happened. Our little Occlumency experiment has been brought forward. Come Potter, we do this…tonight.'

And he swept from the common room and Harry, trepidation and fear rippling though his skin, followed close behind.
