Ch 17 - The Happily Ever After
An: I do not own Harry Potter
Recap (since it's been so long!)- Mary and Luna are in Mary's house. The stalker knocked Luna unconscious and Mary doesn't know where in the house he is. Danny and Ed are still at the Montecito. Ron and Draco are in the lobby of the Montecito. Harry is at the Auror headquarters in Las Vegas. Hermione is with Ginny in Ron's hotel room.
On to the final chapter:
Danny raced through the open car park to his Camero cursing the fact that he parked so far away the entire time. As soon as he started the engine and turned on his lights two persons appeared in front of the car.
"Where are you going? Luna is missing!" Ron yelled at him.
"I know where they are, get in!" He said to them.
Ron and Draco jumped in and pretty soon they were holding on for dear life as Danny drove faster than he had ever driven through the busy strip to get to Mary.
5 minutes later and Danny pulled up in front of Mary's house. Both he and Ron were at the front door in a flash. Danny paused momentarily and pulled out his gun as he found the door slightly ajar. Pushing the door open, they found a pool of blood on the floor but no sign of the girls. Both men felt as if their stomachs had dropped to the floor at the sight.
"Out back!" they heard Draco call.
Ron and Danny raced down the corridor towards the back door. There was a small trail of blood out the door but it got lost in the grass.
"Damn!" Danny cursed as he tried to follow the blood trail.
Draco glanced at Ron and showed him his wand. They both knew they could track the blood trail with the wand. Draco glanced hesitantly at Danny.
"I don't care about the rules, this is Luna's life on the line. Use your wand or give it to me and I'll find her on my own!" Ron yelled.
Draco grumbled and cast a spell to illuminate blood, the trail immediately started to glow red.
Danny didn't know what was going on but at the moment finding Mary was the most important thing on his mind, he could question the glowing blood later. They followed the trail through the backs of houses for about two blocks before they came to a house with a bushy back yard filled with garbage.
"The trail leads in there," Draco said with a look of disgust on his face. "This place has to be a health hazard."
Ron didn't even stop to look at the state of the place, striding forward towards the backdoor.
"Wait," Danny said pulling him back. "We need a plan. There are three of us, we should be able to take him, one person look for the girls while another acts as a distraction."
"What will the third person do?" Draco asked
"I'll wait for the guy to appear and subdue him." Danny said showing them the gun he carries with him.
"You make that sound so easy. I'll be the bait, Ron you look for the girls." Draco said.
"Why are you volunteering to be the bait? Slytherins are supposed to be cowards." Ron retorted.
Draco ran his hands threw his hair. "Look you're Ginny's brother. I asked her to marry me and she agreed which according to her, now makes you my future brother. She would be very disappointed in me if I let something happen to you. Besides, I'm the one with the wand, you go get the girls, this muggle won't know what hit him."
Draco walked around to the front of the house and could soon be heard banging on the door. Ron entered quietly through the backdoor with Danny. They heard footsteps at the front of the house and the man talking to Draco. They followed a blood trail on the floor to a basement door and opened the door to find an unconscious Luna and a tied up Mary who was heavily bleeding. Danny quickly untied Mary and applied pressure to the wound on her abdomen while Ron moved quickly to Luna and sighed in relief to discover she was still alive. He easily scooped her up in his arms and started heading out.
"Ron, you need to call an ambulance right away. I don't think I can move her." Danny said.
Ron gave him a blank look. What was an ambulance? Suddenly Draco appeared besides him, "What's taking you guys so long? I had to temporarily tie that guy up." Draco said knowing that his summoning spell to tie the muggle up was not that strong.
"Mary's bleeding!" Ron said.
"Bloody hell! I already used magic in front of him once, a second time shouldn't make a difference." Draco said as he moved over to Mary and performed a complicated spell. He stopped the bleeding and closed the wound.
"Let's get out of here now," Draco said turning around to the entrance way."
"Ron duck!" Draco shouted.
Ron instinctively followed the order and a baseball bat flew over his head. Danny sprang into action and tackled the man. He stood no chance against Danny's military training and soon Danny had him on the ground. He used the ropes that had bound Mary to tie him up.
They picked up the girls and headed upstairs to call the police and found Harry and Auror Mayweather entering.
Ginny paced her hotel room anxiously waiting for word from anyone.
"So are you and Draco back together?" Hermione asked.
"Yes we are, but I can't think about that right now Hermione, Luna's in trouble and she probably needs me but I can't go out there because I promised Draco no crazy stunts until the baby is born," The red head replied.
"Baby?" Hermione questioned.
"Oh I'm pregnant and we are getting married but Draco didn't ask because I was pregnant, he was going to ask anyway," Ginny revealed to her.
"That's great news!" Hermione exclaimed pulling her into a hug.
The door suddenly flew open and Ron and Luna entered. Ginny flung herself at Luna.
"Oh thank god! I was so worried. Where is Draco?" Ginny asked.
"Ah about that," Ron said running his hand through his shaggy red hair. Ginny narrowed her eyes at him.
"Where is my fiancé?" she asked through clench teeth.
"Fiancé?" he asked you already.
"You knew he was going to ask?" Ginny said, the tone of her voice indicated there was going to be trouble if Ron answered yes.
"Uh....I sort of found out after you left him at the mall and he tossed the ring at Harry."
"Wait you knew he was going to propose to me and you still let me be angry at him!" Ginny screamed at her dolt of a brother.
"Ginny calm down, it's not good for the baby." Hermione said.
"Baby what baby?" Ron asked.
"I'm pregnant," Ginny said folding her arms defiantly across her chest.
"I'm going to kill him!" Ron roared.
"Ron," Luna said placing her hand on Ron's arm.
"Ok before this gets a little out of hand," Hermione said intervening, "Where is Draco?"
"He's with Harry in wizarding custody here. We had to use magic to get Luna and Mary back and we had to do it in front of the muggle Danny so they arrested him for breaking the law."
"What! I suppose it's true what the Malfoy's say. No good deed goes unpunished!" Ginny commented.
"Now you're thinking like them!" Ron pointed out.
"Well in situations like this it hard not to see their point. Maybe if you came around to Draco's point of view a little bit more, you would understand him better."
Ron opened his mouth to argue but no sound came out. He looked at Hermione who shrugged at him innocently.
"I'm going to go down to the Auror office here and help Harry sort this mess out. Ginny take a little break and go get a bite to eat downstairs with Ron and Luna. We'll have Draco back by the time Ron stops eating."
Hermione pictured her arrival point in the states and apparated there.
Danny held Mary's hand at the side of the hospital bed she sat on. The ER had done a full check of Mary and found no wounds which confused her since she clearly remembered getting stabbed and clearly remembered the pain and blood. Danny offered to explain it to her once she was checked out of the hospital.
"I was so scared that I had lost you," He said to her. "It reminded me of the war and the many men that we lost."
"Hey I'm tougher than I look ok. You're not going to lose me that easily." Mary said.
"I already lost you once." He said referring to their broken engagement.
"Neither of us were ready for that. Perhaps maybe we can start over and build slowly towards that future of the house with the white picket fence."
"I would like that," he said.
"Me too,"
"So what are you doing Friday night?" Danny asked her with a sly smile.
"I believe I'm going on a date with Danny McCoy" Mary said smiling.
Draco was being held in a cell without his wand. From what he could gather he had to wait until morning to go before a judge to plead his case. If found guilty he could spend 10 years in their wizard prison for the authorised use of magic in front of a muggle. He wondered how Ginny was taking this. He was sure this level of stress was not good for the baby.
The door to the holding area opened and Draco saw Hermione rush in followed by Harry.
"How are you?" the brunette witch asked.
"Good, I guess I've gotten accustomed to facing prison time." Draco joked.
Hermione sighed, "I called in a favour with a witch I know here who is a judge. Your trial starts in half an hour. I think you should let us represent you."
"What? You don't even know what happened!"
"No, but you can tell me and with what Harry told me of the scene I'm sure we can plead a self defence case that is wizards needing the use of magic to defend their lives against muggles. Besides, I come across way better than you Draco." Hermione stated.
"So I have to trust my defence to you two." Draco said.
"Yes, that's what friends do." Harry responded.
"Fine," Draco said sullenly crossing his hands in front his chest.
"Great let's go over the details." Hermione said.
An hour later, Draco felt much better about his decision to let Hermione and Harry defend him. They really were an unstoppable pair. With Hermione's quick thinking and Harry's experience with criminals and life and death situations, they knocked down every argument that prosecutor threw at them.
They even argued successfully that Danny and Mary knowing of the wizarding world was an asset and not a liability. The fact that Ed already knew the truth weighed heavily in their favour. The judge eventually sided with Draco and let him go free but not without a stern warning to stay out of trouble.
"You know, maybe I'm spending too much time with Ginny, but you two are really perfect for each other." Draco said to Harry and Hermione.
Both wizards blushed.
"Not to be rude or anything, but let's get out of here I really want to see Ginny."
It was the last day of the reunion and everyone was happy to be returning to England.
Lavender was corralling the gang into the bus and cursing Dean and Seamus for not arriving on time. Ron and Luna and Ginny and Draco all sat in the front of the bus while Harry dragged Hermione to the back with him. He wanted to talk to her by himself.
"So uh, I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Draco was right?" Harry admitted.
Hermione frowned as she was trying to think what Harry was referring to. He watched her reach the correct conclusion when she blushed.
"I was also thinking that perhaps if you're not busy, maybe you'd like to get something to eat with me in Daigon Alley?" Harry asked as he fidgeted with the edge of his shirt.
"Oh Harry I would love to!" She beamed at him.
"Good," Harry responded slipping his hand into hers.
It felt so natural to hold Hermione's hand. He could not wait to try other things with her. He was hoping that items that he made a quick return trip to Victoria Secret for would eventually become useful in their relationship.
The gang from the Montecito watched the Hogwarts guests board the bus to take them back to the `airport' or as Danny and Mary knew the Floo network headquarters.
"Was it me or was there something very strange about that Hogwarts group." Sam commented.
"I don't know they seemed like quite a magical group to me?" Danny said as he slung his arm over Mary's shoulder and winked at her.
She laughed, "They were definitely a magical group," She said reaching up on her toes to give Danny a soft kiss.
The End
An: Thanks for reading. This is the first multi-chapter story I have actually finished! On to finishing off the others now. I have a request to finish "It's Not Losing a Daughter, It's Gaining a Son," next, so I'm working on the next chapter for that story.