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Mo Chroi by Harrys Mistress

Mo Chroi

Harrys Mistress

Just a quick little thing, sorry no update quite yet, but there will be one probably late tonight or tomorrow. First of all thanks for the ones who like it so far and to the ones that will be sad to see me go! But I wanted to clarify something in this story. Yes, it started out with Angst but it's not going to be like this from beginning to end. You know me guys, you know I can't stay away from fluff forever! This story does turned more fluffy than angst as the story goes on so don't you guys worry! I'll even work on a good fluffy epilogue to end my hp career off on the right foot! So enjoy this one for now! I seem to be writing quickly now, so you never know I just might sneak in another one before the last book. Thanks again guys for everything!!

Much love!