Unofficial Portkey Archive

How to Save A Life by WarriorPride23

How to Save A Life


"Come on Hermione, you take forever," Harry called. He heard footsteps and then Hermione appeared in front of him.

"Shut up, I don't take forever," she replied. Harry rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen with her in front of him. Aaron and Elizabeth were sitting at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee.

The week before, Hermione had gone back home with her parents to spend more of the summer with them (and they had their practice to look after) and Harry went too, just to get away from Ginny and Ron. That situation was still horrible. Ron would hardly talk to Harry because of his jealousy and Harry was outright avoiding Ginny.

"Are you kids ready to go?" Elizabeth asked. Harry leaned against the counter as he bit into an apple.

"I've been ready," he replied. Hermione rolled her eyes

"I took five more minutes just to double check that I had everything," she said.

"That was the fifth time you double checked," Harry muttered. Her parents stifled their laughter as Hermione sent a glare Harry's way.

"I'm driving," Hermione called as she grabbed an apple and the keys to the car. Harry followed behind her, her trunk in hand (he had already put his in the boot of the car).

"Merlin protect us," Harry said jokingly. Hermione chose not to reply to his comment as she got in the driver's seat.

"Go ahead and get in the passenger's side dear," Elizabeth had said after Harry asked where they wanted him to sit. Harry slid into the other side of the car and shut his door.

"Ready for our seventh year?" he asked as they pulled out of the driveway. Hermione sighed.

"Not really. I don't want to leave yet," Hermione said.

"I know, it's hard to believe it's been seven years," Harry said. "I still remember the day I got my letter. I freaked out."

"Yeah, I was in denial for like a week," Hermione said. "Seriously, who would've thought the girl who took ballet classes until she was almost twelve and got great grades in primary school would be a witch?" Harry raised an eyebrow and looked over at her.

"You took ballet lessons?" he asked. Hermione nodded.

"And piano lessons and I went to etiquette school," Hermione said. "I wanted to be a dancer when I was little." Harry smiled.

"Do you still want to be one?" he asked. She shrugged.

"It would be fun if I was one. But I haven't danced in almost six years so I'm probably not any good anymore," she replied. "I wanted to be one all the way up to like second year."

"Why don't you want to be one anymore? You seem like you would be good at it," Harry said. "You've got that graceful, agile look." Hermione smiled.

"She was excellent when she was younger," Elizabeth said from the backseat. Hermione shrugged.

"I guess because I met you and we became friends," she said.

"I made you not want to dance?" Harry asked. Hermione laughed.

"Not like that. After I met you and we became better friends dancing wasn't really one of my top priorities," she replied.

"What was?" he asked.

"You," she replied looking at him. Harry raised both eyebrows in surprise. "And school." He laughed.

"School I could understand but there was no reason I had to be your top priority," he said.

"Harry, you were my first best friend at Hogwarts and even before then. Yeah, I had friends in primary school but I wasn't close to them like I was to you. Seeing you get hurt or killed wasn't on my list as fun things to do," Hermione replied.

"Yeah well, getting you hurt or killed wasn't on mine either," Harry replied.

"I'm still alive and I'm not dieing anytime soon," Hermione replied.

"Thank God," Harry muttered. "So, what did you want to have your minor in if your major was in dance?"

"I wanted to be a doctor of some sort," she replied. "I still do."

"You'd make a good doctor," Harry said. "You have that "saving people" thing," he smiled. She laughed and looked over at him.

"I wonder where I get that from," she replied. Harry shrugged, a grin forming on his face.

"Have you decided what you want to be?" Hermione asked.

"I don't want to play professional quidditch, that's for sure. I love the sport, but it'd be too much hassle. In fifth year I wanted to be an auror, but after the war I don't think I'll do it. I've been thinking about the medical field," Harry said.

"You'd make a good doctor," Hermione said. "After all, you did have the original "saving people" trait." Harry laughed.

"Where do you get the saving people thing from?" Aaron asked. Harry and Hermione laughed.

"Back in like fourth or fifth year Hermione told me I had a "saving people" thing," Harry replied.

"You do," she added. She turned the car into the parking lot and stopped it. "We're here." The four of them got out of the car and the two teens grabbed their trunks from the boot of the car.

"Have a good school year honey," Elizabeth said, hugging her daughter goodbye.

"I will mum. Stay safe," Hermione replied. She turned to her father next and gave him a hug.

"Bye daddy," she said.

"Bye princess, stay safe," Aaron said to his daughter. "We'll see you at Christmas and hopefully we'll talk to you before then." Hermione nodded.

"You will," she said. Harry smiled at Hermione's parents.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Thank you for allowing me to stay at your house for the last week. I appreciate it and it was fun," Harry said. Elizabeth smiled and wrapped Harry in a hug.

"No problem dear. We're happy to have you any time. In fact, why don't you come for Christmas," Elizabeth said.

"Sure, I'll come," Harry said as she stepped back from him. He shook hands with Aaron and the two teens waved one last time before they went through to platform nine and three quarters.

The flaming red hair signified that the Weasleys were there. Harry and Hermione said hello to Molly and Arthur before they got on the train and found a compartment. A few minutes later, Neville and Luna came in.

"Hey guys," Neville said as he hoisted his trunk onto the wrack. "Have a good summer?" Harry and Hermione replied before they said hello to Luna.

"How was your summer Luna?" Harry asked.

"Oh it was good. Daddy and I went in search for Satyrs," she replied, taking out the newest edition of The Quibbler.

"Did you find any?" Hermione asked, being polite.

"No, but daddy said we were close," Luna replied.

Later, Harry and Hermione put their school robes on over their uniforms and pinned on their badges. They had the prefects meeting to go to before their rounds. They said goodbye to Neville and Luna before they left.

Entering the compartment, Harry and Hermione stood in front of the twenty-four seats, most of which were almost filled with the prefects. After everyone was gathered, Hermione spoke.

"I'm Hermione Granger and I will be your Head Girl this year," she said.

"And I'm Harry Potter and I'm the Head Boy," Harry added.

"This year, we've been asked to make sure all security is strengthened and all rounds are thorough," Hermione said. "The teachers can't be everywhere all the time."

"And that means even if it's a small fight in the corridor, or if its unnecessary want fighting, break it up. We have tough times ahead of us and set backs can't be afforded," Harry said.

"For the older prefects, you know what you are to do and how to do it, but for the newer ones, listen," Hermione said. "As a prefect, you are helping protect the school and keep order. Now, whether that means breaking up a fight or just setting a good example, it's your job and your responsibility. This year, things will be hard so make sure you follow through. Prefects are allowed to take no more than ten points from a student and are not allowed to give detentions. Any major event that needs more than ten points taken away is to be reported to your head of house, that students head of house, and Harry and me. Any other details can be read in your handbook." Hermione turned to Harry, who took out a stack of papers.

"The papers that are going around are the lists of rounds. It tells you who is with who, what year and house they're in, where they patrol and what time they patrol," Harry said. "It is important to know where other prefects are just in case you need back up. Please, make sure you read through this carefully. The next paper that will be handed out is a list of rules that cover everything without having to go into intricate detail. Everyone, older prefects included, needs to read this paper. Some rules have been changed and some have been added on."

"Another thing that is important; integration," Hermione said. "In the past Hogwarts has been segregated by house and by personality. That needs to stop. We need unity or Hogwarts will not last under the pressure now or the pressure to come. So, we have a new program among the prefects. Every week, we will meet one night that is good for everyone and we will learn about each other. Whether that means your favorite color, number, book, whatever; you will learn it. Like I said, prefects set examples. If you set the example that a Gryffindor can get along with a Slytherin, or someone you've disliked since your second year, the rest of the school will follow." Harry and Hermione looked at each other and then back to the other prefects.

"Any questions?" Hermione asked. No one raised their hand or spoke up so Harry looked down at a piece of paper.

"Listen up," he said. "These are the people who will be patrolling together." Harry proceeded to say the list and tell them where they were patrolling. The meeting ended shortly after that and he left the compartment with Hermione in front of him.

"All right, we patrol in about an hour," Hermione said as they walked back to their compartment. They opened the door and walked back inside their compartment. Luna was still reading the paper and Neville was reading a book on Herbology.

"How was the meeting?" Luna asked, looking up from her paper.

"Fine; Lots of dirty looks from the Slytherins and Ron; nothing out of the ordinary yet," Harry said, taking out Quidditch through the Ages.

"Why is Ron mad at you?" Neville asked.

"Long story, but in short it's because I'm spending more time with Hermione thanks to us being Head Boy and Girl and because I got Head Boy over him. He's doing a repeat of fourth year, just a little bit earlier on," Harry said.

"Oh," Neville said, looking slightly amused. "He still likes Hermione then?" Both Harry and Hermione nodded.

"Unfortunately," Hermione said. "But he'll get over it real soon or his arse will be so far into the next century he won't be able to find his way back."

"Did you just curse?" Harry asked, looking at his best female friend with surprise on his features. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I do curse you know, just not very often," she replied. Harry shook his head and went back to his book. Hermione took out Hogwarts: A History and began reading.

The hour went quick and Harry and Hermione patrolled the hallways before getting ready to leave the train. They walked quickly back to their compartment and grabbed their trunks before they walked up to the front of the train. Minutes later, it stopped in Hogsmead Station and the doors opened. Harry and Hermione followed up the rear as all the students emptied out of the train. In the distance, Harry could hear Hagrid calling the first years. He smiled, remembering how scared he had been back in his first year.

Harry put both his trunk and Hermione's in a carriage and waited for her to get in before climbing in his self. The ride to the school was comfortably quiet between the two of them. Harry observed the starry night sky and how the lights from the school seemed to light up the surrounding area.

Sooner than Harry thought it would end, the carriage ride to Hogwarts was done. He stepped out of the carriage and offered his hand to Hermione as she stepped out.

"Thanks," she said.

"You're welcome," Harry replied. They both grabbed their trunks and walked into the school. Depositing their belongings on one side of the Entrance Hall, the two of them walked into the Great Hall.

It was awkward for Harry to step into the Great Hall, and he suspected it was for many others too. The memory of Dumbledore's death was fresh in his mind, and he doubted it would ever go away. All of his memories about his Headmaster and mentor flashed before him when he looked up at the Staff Table. The familiar dress robes with half moons and stars weren't there and the usual twinkling eyes weren't looking over him. The presence of calmness and control was no longer as pronounced as it was when Dumbledore had been alive. McGonagall sat in the chair that was once Dumbledore's and from her stance, Harry could tell she wasn't comfortable doing it.

The upperclassmen sat at their house tables and the conversation was kept down. Harry looked around and noticed that many faces from previous years were no longer there. Half of the Ravenclaw table was missing with Hufflepuff in a close second. The Slytherin table wasn't as full as normal, but it had a good many students crowded around it. He looked at his own table and the numbers had thinned a little, but not too much.

"How many first years do you think we'll have?" Harry asked Hermione quietly.

"Probably about twenty if the upperclassmen numbers say anything," she whispered back. The doors to the Great Hall opened and Flitwick led in the first years. From the staff table, McGonagall tapped her glass. The hall quieted immediately. A minute later, the Sorting Hat broke into song. After it was done, Flitwick began calling names.

"Adams, Madison," Flitwick called out. A small girl with blonde hair walked up to the stool and put the Sorting Hat on. It was quiet before:

"Gryffindor!" the hat said. The Gryffindor table erupted into applause. The small girl made her way to the table and sat down a few seats from Harry.

"Alexander, Megan," Flitwick said. Another girl, this one taller and with strawberry blonde hair, walked to the stool and put the hat on. The hat quickly shouted her house.

"Gryffindor!" Once again, the Gryffindor table erupted. The taller girl walked to the table and sat across from Madison.

The names of other first years were called, and eventually the hat stopped with Chloe Rivers, who had been sorted into Gryffindor too.

"The majority went to us," Harry whispered to Hermione.

"There weren't that many this year; I was wrong about it being twenty. I bet there wasn't even ten," Hermione replied.

"Eight, I counted; four of which went to us," Harry said. McGonagall stood then and the hall once again quieted.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, and for those who are new, welcome. We have a new Transfiguration professor, as well as a new Defense against the Dark Arts professor. Please welcome Professor Caldwell and Professor Dawson," McGonagall said. The hall politely clapped for their new teachers.

"Mr. Filch has a list of banned items on his office door. Those items will not be seen in this school, and if they are detentions will be handed out. Other than that, there aren't any announcements. Enjoy the feast," she said. The tables appeared with food and Harry filled his plate along with everyone else.

After the feast was over, McGonagall dismissed the hall. The echoes of the fifth year prefects were heard as they led the first years to their houses. Harry and Hermione were the last out of the hall.

"I guess the Head Dormitories are on the sixth floor," Hermione said. "I asked McGonagall at the wedding. We need to look for a portrait of Cliodna."

"Who is that?" Harry asked.

"The Celtic Irish goddess of beauty," Hermione replied.

"Oh," Harry said. He followed her up the staircases and all the way to the sixth floor. They searched the portraits before Harry found her.

"Hello," Cliodna said.

"Hi," Harry and Hermione said.

"Are you the new Head Students?" the Celtic goddess asked. They nodded. "You need to come up with a password then." Harry and Hermione looked at each other.

"Bush Hall," Harry said, looking at Hermione. She nodded.

"Bush Hall it is then," Cliodna said. The portrait swung open and Harry walked through the opening, Hermione behind him. They stepped into a large room that resembled the Gryffindor Common Room, only slightly smaller. There was a large fireplace on the right and in front of it set a couch with two chairs surrounding the area. A large rug, which was the replica of the Gryffindor insignia, was in between the couch and the fireplace. Behind the couch towards the left of the room was a large wooden table with a chair on each of the four sides. A large bay window was all the way to the left and it overlooked the grounds west of the castle, which just so happened to be the lake, the quidditch pitch and part of the Forbidden Forest. Non-moving paintings and tapestries covered the walls and on the wall in front of them three large bookcases stood. Directly in front of the two was a staircase, which Harry assumed led to their rooms and bathrooms.

"Wow," Hermione breathed.

"Yeah," he agreed. The Common Room gave off a warm feeling and Harry felt at home again, despite everything that had happed the previous term.

"I'm going to go look at my room," Harry said. He went up the staircase and followed the hallway. On the walls there were more non-moving paintings. To his left there was a large mahogany door that had the initials HB on it and across from it was a matching door with the initials HG. He opened the door to his room and stepped in.

The floor was a dark hardwood. A large four poster bed stood against the middle of the wall to his right. Next to it, there was a bedside table and in front of it was his trunk. To the right of his bed was a large window that overlooked the beautiful grounds of Hogwarts. On the wall to his left were two large bookcases full of reading material and next to those was a desk and a chair. A large rug filled the middle of the room and the wall directly in front of him held another door, which Harry assumed was his bathroom. The temperature of the room was just right and Harry immediately took a liking to his room.

About an hour later, Harry was done decorating his room with posters of Puddlemere United and pictures of him and his friends. Hermione's birthday present hung on the wall next to his bedside table and another picture of the two that had been taken was on the small table beside his alarm clock and water jug. His school books were in his backpack, which was sitting on his desk chair. His Firebolt was propped up against the side of his desk and beside it was the cleaning kit.

Harry changed out of his school uniform and pulled on his pajamas. He put his uniform over the top of his trunk and set his wand on his bedside table. After he was done, he went back downstairs.

Hermione was sitting on the couch curled up with a book. She looked up as he neared her.

"Get your room situated?" she asked as he sat down on the couch. Harry nodded.

"Yes, did you?" he asked. Hermione nodded. Harry yawned and looked at the clock.

"I think I'm going to go to bed soon," he said. Hermione nodded.

"Me too, I'm tired," she said. Time passed comfortably between the two before Harry stood up and stretched.

"I'm heading to bed," he said through a yawn. He bent down and kissed Hermione on her cheek.

"Good night," he called. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." Hermione laughed.

"Good night Harry," she replied.


The alarm clock blared and a minute later, a long arm reached out from underneath the covers and shut it off. A few seconds later, the same arm pulled the covers back and revealed the rest of its owner's body.

Harry got up from his bed and stretched. Across the hall, he heard Hermione's alarm go off. He smiled to himself as he got clean boxers out of his dresser and headed to the shower.

The warm water cascaded down his back and body and relaxed his muscles. He rinsed the shampoo from his hair and then washed up. After he rinsed off, he stood under the spray a bit longer before he shut off the tap. He stepped out of the tub and grabbed his towel and dried off.

After he had dried off thoroughly and put his boxers on, he shaved the scruff off of his face and brushed his teeth. Being a normal seventeen year old boy for once, Harry flexed his muscles in the mirror. A satisfied smirk came over his face but he made a mental note to do sit-ups before he went to bed. His abs were on the "soft side".

Harry walked into his room and began putting his uniform on. After he was done, he ended his morning routine with putting his robes on, making sure his badges were on securely, putting his wand in his pocket, and grabbing his backpack. He left his room and went downstairs to the Common Room.

Hermione wasn't down yet and Harry decided to wait for her. He set his backpack on the table and walked over to the bay window. The early morning sunlight was shining through the glass. Every aspect of the grounds seemed to be lit up by the sun. The hoops that were in the distance of the quidditch pitch shined brightly and Harry couldn't wait to get up there and play. The large yew tree provided shade close to the lake shore, but some sunlight seeped through the leaves. Though the flowers on the tree had long bloomed and gone away, the leaves were beautiful and the arils would soon start to grow.

Two hands were placed on his shoulders and he felt soft lips on his cheek. A smile immediately formed on his face.

"Good morning," Hermione said softly. Harry turned enough to be able to face his best friend and the window.

"Morning," he replied. "It's beautiful out." Hermione looked out of the window and smiled gently.

"It is," she agreed.

"Ready to get some breakfast and start the first day of term?" Harry asked as he slung his backpack onto his right shoulder.

"Yeah," Hermione replied. She too put her bag on her shoulder and the two of them walked out of the Head Dorms together. The hallways were also lit up with the sunlight that shined through the windows and the paintings, tapestries, statues and suits of armor made the school so much more majestic. Small conversations between the paintings made the corridors alive even though there weren't many students in them.

Harry and Hermione walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor Table.

"Morning Harry, Hermione," Seamus' thick Irish accent greeted them.

"Morning mate," Harry replied.

"Morning Seamus," Hermione said.

"Congratulations on making Head Boy and Girl," he said.

"Thanks," they replied.

"Did Dean come back?" Harry asked Seamus as he poured porridge into a bowl and got a few slices of toast.

"Yeah, but his mum wasn't too happy about it," Seamus said. "A letter went out to all parents and told them what was happening. Not too many of the lowerclassmen returned though. Most of the dorms are almost empty."

"Hogwarts is still the safest place you can be even if Dumbledore is gone," Harry said, shaking his head.

"I know mate," Seamus said. "I guess people just don't want to realize the obvious."

McGonagall's voice interrupted the conversation. Evidently, she didn't want to give up handing out schedules even if she was the Headmistress.

"Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger, Mr. Finnegan," she said in greeting.

"Good morning Professor," the three of them said together. She handed them their schedules. She continued passing out schedules to other students.

"What do you have today?" Harry asked Hermione.

"I've got Ancient Runes first, then Charms, Defense against the Dark Arts, Herbology fourth, and Transfiguration last," Hermione said, looking at her schedule. "What do you have?"

"I've got Potions first, then Charms, Defense against the Dark Arts, Herbology, and Transfiguration last," Harry said, looking at his.

"So we've got every class together except first on Monday's," Hermione said. Harry nodded.

"Yeah," he said. He looked down at his watch. "Come on, we have ten minutes until class starts. I'll walk you there." He took one last sip of his pumpkin juice and got up from the table. The two of them walked past Ginny and Ron without as much as a glance. The latter's eyes filled with remorse as he saw two of the best friends he would ever have walk past him. He was such an idiot.

"Have a good class," Harry said as he stopped in front of the Ancient Runes classroom. He kissed Hermione on the forehead gently. Their fingers brushed each other and eventually their pinkies locked.

"You too," Hermione said softly. "Don't let Slughorn get to you." She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she entered her classroom. Harry left the second floor for the dungeons.

"Harry, Harry, good to see you again," Slughorn boomed as Harry entered the classroom.

"Hello Professor, nice to see you too," Harry said politely. He went to sit down in a desk, which conveniently was in the back of the room, but Slughorn had a different plan.

"Harry, sit up here. It's nice to have such a skilled student in the front," he said. Harry sighed and moved up to the front of the room. The students that had already been there and those who had just entered snickered. The rest of the class, which wasn't that large, filed into the room and sat in their seats.

"Welcome back," Slughorn said as the room quieted down. "It's nice to see many of you in N.E.W.T potions." Harry sighed; it was going to be a long class.

"Today, we will begin learning about calming draughts and later this week we will make them," said Slughorn. "Now the calming draught was invented in the War of 1507. Many of the wizards who fought would get to emotional to fight, so, this draught was created to calm them and enable them to battle. Today, it is commonly used to calm nerves or someone who is emotionally distraught."

The hour and a half long class seemed to tick by slowly for Harry. Slughorn was as annoying as he had been last year and all Harry wanted to do was sink through the floor. It seemed every question his professor asked was aimed at him. Though, on the bright side, he had earned Gryffindor ten points…even if it was for absolutely nothing.

The class finally ended and Harry was the first one out of the door. The students behind him snickered. Harry walked down the corridor quickly and was to the Ancient Runes classroom before he knew it. The door opened and students began filing out, Hermione being one of the last ones.

"How was class?" she asked him as he began to walk beside her. Harry rolled his eyes.

"An effing nightmare," he replied. "I guess I'm still the Golden Boy. How was Ancient Runes?"

"It was good. We learned about the runes at Stonehenge," Hermione replied. "I already have homework to do." Harry laughed.

"When is it due?" he asked.

"Wednesday," she replied. "But it's better if I get it done today instead of waiting."

"All right, I won't stop you," Harry said, humor laced in his voice. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any homework to do?" she asked.

"Yes, I have a two page essay on the calming draught due in Potions tomorrow," Harry replied.

"Don't forget we patrol tonight," Hermione said.

"I won't," Harry replied as he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

They reached the third floor and entered the Charms classroom. Many other students followed them into the room and minutes later, class had started.

"Good morning class," Flitwick said as he stood on his pile of books.

"Good morning Professor," the class replied.

"Today we will be learning to freeze flames," Flitwick said. "This charm can come in handy if you have a sticky situation with a fire or maybe you were unfortunate enough to come across a dragon."

"The incantation is Flamma Gelo," said the professor. "Say it with me, Flamma Gelo."

"Flamma Gelo," the class repeated.

"Good. Now, as you say the incantation, spin your wand in a circle," Flitwick instructed. "Go ahead, practice the movement." The students of the class began practicing the wand movement as Flitwick had instructed.

"Remember, wand movement is important when you cast a spell. If not done properly, you could perform the wrong charm. In a minute, I will place a bowl of flames in front of each of you. Do not worry, the flames will not burn you if you touch them, but please be careful anyway," Flitwick said. He waved his wand and bowls of fire appeared in front of each student. The professor gave the okay and they began practicing.

"Flamma Gelo," Harry said, moving his wand in a circle. A large orange circle shot from his wand and into the bowl of flame. Instantly, the flames turned to ice. Harry raised his eyes in surprise and tapped the frozen flames. They were cold to the touch, as if they had been icy all along. Beside him, Hermione did the same thing.

"Well done Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger," Flitwick squeaked. "Ten points to Gryffindor."

The class passed quickly and before Harry knew it, it was time to leave. He got up and slung his backpack over his shoulder and left the room with Hermione.

"Defense is next," Harry said as they walked down the corridor a short ways.

"I wonder what Professor Dawson is like," Hermione said. Harry shrugged.

"We'll find out in a minute. Hopefully we'll actually do something in the class instead of reading from a book," he said.

"That's exactly what we need is a repeat of fifth year," Hermione said sarcastically. They entered the classroom and took their seats. The rest of the class filed into the room, Ron included. Harry and Hermione shared a look. Five minutes into the class, the door to the room opened and in walked a handsome man that looked to be around his early thirties. He held his six foot frame with grace and power and he had short brown hair and blue eyes that were as serious as his face.

"Good morning class. My name is Steven Dawson and I will be your new defense professor," Dawson said as he took his spot in front of the class. He leaned back against his desk and folded his arms over his chest.

"Good morning professor," the class responded.

"I've been informed of your previous defense teachers and the only one that seemed to be competent was that of your third year, Professor Lupin. He taught the curriculum well and thoroughly, despite his condition. I can assure you I will not be like any other one of your teachers. Defense against the Dark Arts isn't something to mess around with. You can be killed if you don't pay attention," the new professor said.

"Today, we won't be learning about defense at all. I need at least one day to get to know my students. So, at the sound of your name, please state what house you are in and something about you that no one might know," he said.

"Hannah Abbott," Dawson said. Hannah spoke from behind Harry.

"I'm in Hufflepuff and I want to be a healer when I get older," Hannah said. Dawson nodded.

"Good profession," he stated. "Susan Bones."

"I'm in Hufflepuff and m favorite subject is Charms," Susan said.

"Lavender Brown."

"I'm in Gryffindor and I like quidditch, despite my reputation," Lavender said. Dawson nodded.

"Good," he said. "Seamus Finnigan."

"I'm in Gryffindor and my favorite quidditch team is the Appleby Arrows," Seamus said.

"Hermione Granger," Dawson called out.

"I'm in Gryffindor and my favorite color is blue," Hermione said. Dawson smiled.

"Blue is a nice color," he said. "Ernie Macmillan."

"I'm in Hufflepuff and I like to read," Ernie said from the back of the room.

"That's the best way to learn things," said Dawson. "Harry Potter." Dawson looked directly at Harry.

"I'm in Gryffindor and my favorite quidditch team is Puddlemere United," Harry said. Dawson nodded and smiled.

"Then we have something in common. It's an excellent team," said the professor. "Dean Thomas."

"I'm in Gryffindor and I like football," Dean said.

"That's a good sport, I played when I was younger," Dawson said. "Ron Weasley."

"I'm in Gryffindor and I have six siblings," Ron said. Dawson stood up and walked around a little bit.

"Good," he said. "I'll tell you a little bit about me. I have an older sister and I'm muggleborn. I played football when I was younger and I still follow the sport; my favorite team is Chelsea. I was in Ravenclaw when I attended Hogwarts and before I became a teacher I was an auror."

"Go ahead and talk the rest of the period," Dawson said. "Potter, can you come here please?" The girls got together in a circle and Seamus and Dean began talking. Harry rose from his seat and walked to the professor. Dawson stood face to face with Harry.

"I understand that two years ago there was a club called Dumbledore's Army," said Dawson.

"Yes sir," Harry said.

"And you led it?" asked the professor.

"Hermione came up with the idea for me to teach it, but yes, I did," Harry replied.

"I was looking at previous marks of students in the past few years and I noticed a drastic increase of good marks around the seventh years fifth year," Dawson said. "And I looked at who your teacher was and I knew it wasn't because of her."

"Er…yeah, we practiced whenever we could because Umbridge wasn't teaching us anything," Harry replied, wondering where the conversation was going.

"I think we should start that club again. I know about the war, I was an auror. And I know what can happen to people who don't know what to do or don't know the right spells in a fight," Dawson said. Harry look startled.

"Be my guest professor," he said. Dawson looked at Harry seriously.

"I want you to help me teach it," he said. Harry blinked.

"I can't," he said. Dawson raised an eyebrow.

"And why is that? You did as a fifth year," Dawson asked.

"Because I have Head duties and I have to focus on my school work this year…among other things Dumbledore left to me before he was killed," Harry said.

"I know about what Dumbledore left you," Dawson said. "Before his wife was killed in the war with Grindelwald, he had a daughter. That daughter married Eric Dawson, my father. I'm his grandson. If you don't believe me, ask McGonagall. I helped Albus when he went after the ring." Harry's eyes widened and he looked at his professor.

"Well, that's fine but what about my school work? And quidditch?" Harry asked. Dawson shrugged.

"We can work something out. I just thought it was a good idea to open it back up because of the upcoming war. And you'll be working with me more than you realize," Dawson said. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. Dawson pulled out a letter from his front pocket.

"Read this when you find time, then come and talk to me," he said. "Until then, I will see you in class." Harry caught that the conversation was finished and he sat back down in his seat.

The class ended a little while later and the seventh years left the classroom. Hermione hung back to wait for Harry.

"What'd Dawson want?" Hermione asked.

"He wanted to talk to me about the DA," Harry replied. "And he said something about me working with him more than I realize. I'm supposed to read this letter he gave me and then talk to him." Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"That's weird," she said. Harry nodded.

"I guess Dawson is Dumbledore's grandson," Harry said.

"That's really weird," Hermione said.

"Yeah. I guess before his wife was murdered in the war with Grindelwald, he had a daughter who married Eric Dawson, Dawson's father," Harry said.

"I didn't know Dumbledore was married, let alone he had a grandson," Hermione said.

"Neither did I," Harry said. "Do you think we should start the DA back up?" Hermione shrugged.

"It sounds like a good idea. Voldemort is back and gaining strength. We never knew if there will be another attack so it's always good to have as much practice as you can," Hermione said.

"True," Harry agreed. "Well, I suppose I should read the letter before I do anything. Come on, let's get lunch."


"What are you up to?" Harry asked Hermione as he came down from his room dressed in his pajamas. They had already patrolled and done their homework.

"Writing to mum and dad," Hermione replied.

"Tell them I said hi," Harry said as he got comfortable on the couch in front of the fire.

"I will," she replied. Harry took out one of the letters that Dawson had given him and opened it.


If you get this, I am dead. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as much as I could've been, but know that I loved you as much as I loved your mother. I will miss you dearly.

I know you are thinking about retiring from being an auror. If you choose to do so, please take up the Defense against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts. I have a feeling you will do well there, despite the history of the position.

I have one last favor to ask of you before I end this letter. Please, help Harry Potter succeed in his quest against Tom. You are my last chance to help him train. Everything I taught you, please teach him. I know it will be in a small amount of time, but Harry is a quick learner and as you may know, he excels in defense. If I know James' son, I know that he will be determined in his pursuit and he won't stop until he succeeds.

I have left all of my notes to Harry. I trust he has by now gotten Miss. Granger to help him. Do not underestimate either one of them; they are two of the best students Hogwarts has ever seen, especially as a team.

Remember I will always love you and I'll be watching over you.

Your grandfather,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Harry set aside the letter that Dumbledore had written to Steven. Dawson was supposed pick up where Dumbledore had left off and help him. Harry made a mental note to talk to his professor as soon as he could. Let it begin Harry thought.


Chapter 5 finished. Well, was it okay?

The incantation in Charms class was Latin, incase no one knew. Flamma means flame and Gelo means to freeze, hence learning to freeze flames.

I take no credit for the English football team Chelsea. Nor do I take credit for the Appleby Arrows or Puddlemere United.

Thanks, WarriorPride23. 16 pages.
