Unofficial Portkey Archive

How to Save A Life by WarriorPride23

How to Save A Life


"Stop worrying. You'll do great today," Harry said to Hermione as he walked her Arithmancy. He squeezed her hand gently.

"I feel like I didn't study enough," Hermione said as they stopped in front of the classroom.

"You said that back in second year for our Charms test and you got a one-hundred and twelve percent. And besides, you studied for two hours on nothing but Arithmancy last night. I promise, you'll be fine," Harry said soothingly. Hermione smiled weakly.

"Okay," she said quietly. Harry kissed her on the forehead softly and let her hand go.

"I'll see you later. Good luck," he said. He gave her a smile and a small nudge towards the classroom door. Hermione entered the classroom and Harry left to go find Dawson.

Harry arrived in front of Dawson's office door and he knocked. He heard footsteps and then the door opened to reveal his defense professor.

"Mr. Potter," Dawson said, not surprised at all. "Come in." Harry followed him into the office and shut the door behind him.

"I take it you read the letter," Dawson said. Harry nodded.

"Yes sir," Harry said.

"Then you understand I am to help you," Dawson said. Harry nodded again.

"Yes," he said.

"I've made an agreement with your other teachers and I've worked around your Head duties," Dawson said. "Every morning, you'll meet me at six in the Room of Requirement. We'll train until nine, and from there you can start your day. Any homework from your missed classes will be sent up to your dorm. One hour of training will go to studying, and it's not for your classes, although what we study might help some in that area." Harry nodded.

"All right," he said. Dawson handed him a schedule.

"This is so you know what we're to do that day. Some days we'll be outside, and some we won't so dress accordingly and be prepared," Dawson said. "Now, for the DA."

"I talked my choice out with Hermione and I'll help you," Harry said. "I can adjust my schedule to accommodate the meetings." Dawson smiled.

"Good. I don't exactly know when the club will be able to start up again, but I'll work on it," Dawson said.

"Okay," Harry said. "So, I'll see you tomorrow morning?" Dawson nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "I'll warn you now, it won't be easy." Harry smiled.

"I didn't expect it to be," he said. "Bye professor." Dawson said goodbye and Harry left the office. He checked it watch; thirty minutes until Hermione got out of class. Harry decided to walk out to the quidditch pitch in search of Madame Hooch.

He knocked on the professor's office and the slightly stern voice of the flying teacher replied.

"Are you free for a moment?" Harry asked, sticking his head in the doorway of the office.

"Mr. Potter," Madame Hooch said. "I'm free." Harry stepped all the way into the office and shut the door behind him.

"Can I book quidditch try-outs or is it too early?" he asked.

"Go ahead. It's never too early to book try-outs," Hooch said. She slid the large scheduling book towards him and Harry began scheduling the try-outs for the upcoming season. He needed to put up the announcement in the Gryffindor Common Room while he was thinking about it.

"Thank you," Harry said as he left the office. He crossed the pitch quickly and headed back to the castle. He went up the staircases until he reached the Arithmancy room with a few minutes to spare. He put his backpack on the floor and leaned back against the cold wall, his arms crossed against his chest.

Minutes later, the door opened and the Arithmancy students filed out of the classroom. Professor Vector came out with Hermione by her side and they were talking animatedly.

"Harry," Hermione said once she noticed him. Harry smiled at her.

"Hi," he said. He waited patiently while Hermione finished her conversation with Vector.

"How was the test?" Harry asked, taking his best friend's hand as they walked down the corridor once the exchange had stopped. Hermione smiled.

"It was fine," she said. "I think I did well."

"Of course you did," Harry said confidently. "You're you." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Okay Harry," she said. "Come on, let's go to lunch. I'm starved." The two of them walked quickly to the Great Hall. Before they stepped in though, they dropped each other's hand.

As conversation struck between Harry, Hermione, and some other Gryffindors, owls flew into the Great Hall. Black letters were tied to their legs, and some of them held news papers. Harry felt his stomach sink and he looked at Hermione, who had gone pale. The owls landed in front of several students of various houses and minutes after they opened them, chaos began. There were students crying, some left the Great Hall and others were too shocked to do anything. A letter landed in front of Hermione, though it wasn't a black one. She picked it up with shaking hands. Harry, dreading what the letter would say, put his arm around her shoulder.

"My parents were attacked," Hermione said, finishing the letter and putting it down. "It wasn't fatal, but it wasn't good either. They're both in St. Mungos getting treatment and it looks like they might be there for another couple of weeks or so." Her voice was small and Harry took a real look at his best friend. Her eyes had watered and her normal slightly tan look had faded into a pale white.

"Come on," Harry said, taking her hand and pulling her up from the table gently. As they walked out of the Great Hall, Harry put his arm back around her shoulder and pulled her to his side.

"I'm sorry," he said softly to her as he kissed the side of her head. She was silent in return. He led her to the Heads Dorm and over to one of the couches.

"How about you visit your parents for the next couple of days," Harry said. Hermione looked up at Harry, who was looking at her with concern.

"I want to, but what about school?" she asked.

"We have the same classes except for two. I can get the notes and the homework for Ancient Runes and Arithmancy so when you get back you can catch up, along with everything else. Your parents need you right now, school isn't important," Harry said. Hermione nodded.

"Okay," she said.

"Let's go talk to McGonagall and see what we can do," Harry said. He took her hand as they walked out of the dorm.

"Courage is the way to go," Harry said as they arrived in front of the gargoyles that protected the Headmistress' office. The two of them went up the stairs and Harry knocked on the large door. The familiar voice of his professor sounded and Harry opened the door.

"Professor McGonagall," Harry said, stepping into the office with Hermione. McGonagall was sitting behind her desk, looking worse for wear. Harry had never seen her look so tired…and scared; not even when she was attacked in his fifth year.

"Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger," she greeted them. She motioned them to take a seat. "What is it that you need?"

"I wanted to know if I could leave school for a few days to visit my parents. They got attacked and they're in St. Mungos," Hermione said quietly, looking at the Headmistress. McGonagall's features softened a bit.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Granger," she said. "I know many students received letters and I know that they'll need to leave. Yes, you may take as much time as you need. When will you leave?"

"Probably later today," Hermione said. McGonagall nodded.

"Very well then; tell your parents I wish them well," the Headmistress said. Hermione nodded.

"I will. Thank you," Hermione said. She rose from her seat and left the office, Harry behind her. Harry walked beside Hermione quietly, thinking of something to do or say. They reached the portrait of Cliodna and she said the password. The portrait swung open and the two of them entered the dorm.

"Come here," Harry said, pulling Hermione into a hug. Her head buried into his chest, and not a minute later he felt warm liquid on his shirt. He eased them down onto the couch and held Hermione to his chest.

"It'll be all right," he said. She sniffed and pulled away from him slightly.

"I just don't know what to do," she said. Harry sighed.

"Seeing them will help," he said. "Do you need help packing?" Hermione shook her head.

"No, I'll be fine," she said. They sat there for a few more minutes before Hermione left to pack her trunk.

She came down a little later with her trunk levitating in front of her. Harry got up from the couch.

"I'm just going to floo there," she said, nodding toward the fireplace. Harry nodded.

"Okay," he said. "Be careful and try to stay safe. I'll try and see your parents." Hermione nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Thank you Harry," she said softly as she looked up at him. He smiled down at her.

"That's what I'm here for," he said. She smiled weakly and walked over to the fireplace. She took a handful of floo powder and in a flash of green fire, she was gone. Harry sighed and leaned against the back of the couch. What was going to happen?


It had been three days since Hermione had left the school and Harry missed her. The classes weren't the same without her in them and prefect duties were a lot harder with one Head missing.

After a day of training, exhausting classes, more attacks and death letters, and panicking students, Harry sunk down on the couch in the Heads Dorm. He hadn't gotten a proper night's sleep in the last few days and it was catching up to him. Before he knew it, he was sound asleep.

"Wormtail?" Harry's cold voice called.

"Yes master," Wormtail said, kneeling before Harry, his eyes on the ground. Harry looked down at him.

"Gather the circle. Tonight we will attack the hospital. Make sure there are no survivors," Harry said.

"Yes master," Wormtail said. He kissed the hem of Harry's robes and scuttled off in search of the Death Eaters.

"We'll see what this will do," Harry said. His cold, high laugh reverberated off of the stone chamber walls.

Harry awoke with a start. He jumped up and ran to his room. He grabbed his wand and raced out of the dorm and to McGonagall's office.

He quickly said the password and ran up the stairs, not bothering to be courteous as he banged loudly on the door. He heard footsteps and then the door opened.

"What on earth is that noise? Mr. Potter," McGonagall said, facing her student.

"They're attacking St. Mungos. Now! We have to go," Harry said quickly. McGonagall immediately went to her desk. Seconds later, she sent her patronous out and Harry assumed it was to the Order members.

"Come Potter," she said. She motioned to the fireplace. Harry raced across the office and in seconds he was flying through the air.

Harry stepped out of the fireplace. There was smoke everywhere and people were screaming. Bodies littered the floor, either dead or dieing.

"Stupefy," Harry yelled, his wand pointed at a Death Eater. The masked figure froze and fell over. As he raced through the hallways, he stunned Death Eaters left and right while dodging spells. All he could think of was Hermione and her parents.

A familiar scream reached his ears and he ran forward into a room. Elizabeth and Aaron were huddled in a corner with a Death Eater standing over them. Hermione was across the room with a Death Eater over her.

"Stupefy," Harry screamed, his wand pointed at the Death Eater over Hermione's parents. He went down and the second Death Eater turned to Harry. His wand pointed to Hermione's parents.

"Crucio," he said. Hermione screamed and her eyes widened as she looked at her parents. In two long strides, Harry was in front of the curse. He was hit in the chest and he felt himself fly backwards. His flight was cut short when he made contact with the wall. A pain in his head shot through him and he felt warm liquid run down the back of his neck. Not bothering with his injuries, Harry leapt up and fired a spell at the Death Eater.

"Come on Potter, you can do better than that," he was taunted. The voice of the Death Eater clicked in Harry's head and he realized it was Dolohov. Harry growled and before he knew what he was doing, he screamed a spell he thought he would never utter.

"Avada Kedavra!" Green light shot from Harry's wand. The spell took Dolohov by surprise and he reacted to slow. The spell hit him directly in the chest and the impact of the spell sent him flying. His dead body hit the wall and then the floor. Hermione immediately jumped up and went to her parents. Harry searched the room for an object and picked up what seemed to be a book.

"Portus," he said. The wall in front of him exploded and the impact sent him flying back. He groaned as he hit the wall again. He turned his head toward Hermione and her parents. Hermione was looking at him with wide eyes.

"Take this and get to safety. It'll take you to Hogsmead. Get to Hogwarts quickly and then get your parents to Pomfrey," Harry said. He slid the portkey over to Hermione, who took hit in her hands which were slightly shaking.

"Harry," she began. Harry cut her off.

"Go, and I don't want you coming back," he said.

"Potter and the mudblood," a voice said. Harry shot Hermione a look.

"Just go," Harry said. He got up and faced the voice. There was no mask over the Death Eaters face.

"Bellatrix," Harry said. She smirked.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You've been lying low," she said.

"Go to hell," Harry spat.

"Oh, feisty," Bellatrix said. "Weren't you taught to respect your elders?"

"Yes, I was, but that rule doesn't apply to you," Harry replied scathingly. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I see," she said. "You should be taught a lesson then for disrespecting an elder. Crucio." Harry dodged the spell.

"Diffindo," Harry said, pointing his wand at her. A white light went towards Lestrange but she side-stepped it.

"Little baby Potter wants to play," she said. "Pulverizum." Harry ducked and the wall behind him crumbled to dust.

"Crucio," Harry yelled. Every emotion that had been running through Harry was pushed out through the curse. He felt as if the world was spinning around him as he felt the magic in his veins rush. The curse hit Bellatrix square in the chest and she fell back, her face etched with surprise. A blood curdling scream erupted from her. Harry stared at her and ended the curse. She lay motionless on the ground.

"How does it feel?" Harry asked as he stood at her side, looking down at her. She looked up at him, eyes wide. He pointed his wand at her face.

"Stupefy," he said. The curse hit her in the chest and her eyes closed instantly. He bent down and picked up her wand. A snapping sound was heard as the piece of wood broke easily in his hand. Harry didn't waste anymore time and he raced out of the room and down the rest of the hallways. He took out four more Death Eaters that he recognized as Avery, Crabbe, Jugson and Nott.

"Harry!" Remus' voice sounded. Harry stopped in his tracks and turned toward his father's best friend.

"Remus," he said.

"Harry, watch out!" Remus yelled. Harry looked to his right and didn't have time to react as he was hit with a spell. He was knocked off of his feet and he hit the ground fairly hard. The last thing he could hear and see was Remus coming towards him and Tonks taking down a Death Eater.


Harry felt someone holding his hand as he regained his consciousness. He opened his eyes and they adjusted to the darkness. A loud clap of thunder sounded, followed by lightning. He looked to his left, where Hermione was seated. She was asleep in her chair, her head resting on the side of his bed. On the other side of her were her parents, each in hospital beds sleeping. He groaned slightly as he tried to sit up.

"Harry?" Hermione's sleepy voice said. She lifted her head and looked at him. For a moment she was quiet. But then the fact that Harry was awake hit her.

"Harry!" she said.

"Hermione," Harry said. Her small but strong arms enveloped him. The sweet scent of her shampoo and perfume flooded his nose as he took a deep breath. "Hermione," he said, his arms going around her.

"God Harry, I was so worried," she said, pulling back. Her hand came up to cup his cheek as she looked down at him, concern and fear evident in her eyes.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Remus told me that you were hit with the killing curse, but it didn't work since Voldemort is the only one that can kill you," Hermione said. "You were unconscious for three days because your body was trying to recuperate from your injuries. You had a severe concussion, you split your head open and your body was in shock from the cruciatus curse."

"Oh," was all Harry could say. Hermione sighed.

"I'm supposed to get the nurse if you woke up so I better do that," Hermione said softly. She sighed before she leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. She walked off into the dark infirmary and Harry's eyes followed her until he couldn't see her. He laid there for a moment before he tried to move.

"Mr. Potter! Don't move," Madame Pomfrey's voice said. Harry sighed and quit trying to sit up.

"Dear Merlin," the nurse muttered as she waved her wand over his body. Hermione took her seat between the beds. "Well, your body has recovered. You're fine now; no lasting injuries. You can leave in the morning." Harry nodded.

"You'll be sore for a couple of days, but take this potion and that will go away," the nurse said. She set a bottle of clear liquid on the bedside table. "Get some rest, you're body is still tired." The nurse left his bed and walked over to Hermione's parents to check on them. He felt two hands on the blankets that were covering him.

"Just tucking you in," Hermione said. Harry smiled. He hadn't ever been tucked in before. Warm, soft lips came in contact with his cheek.

"Good night," Hermione said.

"Good night," Harry replied. He reached over for her hand and he felt her fingers intertwine with his. Security washed over him and he fell asleep.


Chapter 6. How was it? Thanks, WarriorPride23, 8 pages.
