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Hogwarts Drama Co. by TheGreatFox2000

Hogwarts Drama Co.


Well, we're almost getting to the end...of both this series and Harry Potter in general. I do expect to have the last episode out before Book 7 is released...but not by much. For now though, enjoy!

Ficlet Challenge #6: A Daily Prophet article filled with mistakes.


The Great Debate

"Hey everyone, have a look at this," called Ron, walking into the theater while they were taking down the set from Monty Python. He was waving the new Prophet in his hand as a few students gathered around him.

"Did we get good reviews?" asked Harry, walking up to him.

"In a manner of speaking," laughed Ron. "'Hogwart's Drama Club put on another splendid show this past week, performing 'Munty Python's the Holy Grail',' writes theatrical correspondent Joshua Wright," he said. "An exceptional performance was given by all, including the Creepey brothers, playing Sir Launcelot and Tim the Enchanter."

"What, was the editor drunk when he sent this out?" asked Hermione, coming down with the rest of the crew.

"It gets even better," laughed Ron. "Neville Longbottle plays the role of Sir Robin, the brainless knight to perfection, while...Ronald Weasel gives 'chaste' a whole new meaning..."

"Didn't read it all the way through, did you mate?" laughed Seamus, clapping Ron on the back.

"Go sod yourself," muttered Ron. "Many people are calling for the group to perform in the annual World Wizarding Drama Competition to be held in Paris in six weeks."

"What?!" exclaimed Ernie, snatching the paper from Ron's hands as the entire group let out cheers of agreement. "The 'Under Eighteen' division has been won by Beauxbatons Academy of Magic the past two years, and the Salem Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry before that."

"Greg was the director that year," said Hermione to Harry.

"Doesn't surprise me," he shrugged with a smile.

"This year, fourteen institutions from all over the world are expected to compete in the division over the first week. If Hogwarts is going to attend, they will need to register for a spot by tomorrow...tomorrow?!" exclaimed Ernie.

"We have to do it, Harry!" called Ginny. "We'll give them a run for their money!"

"For certain!" agreed Neville.

"Everyone quiet down!" yelled Harry, raising his hands. When at last everyone had calmed down, he took a deep breath. "There is no harm in going to McGonagal and requesting we attend." A huge cheer erupted at this. "But!" he called, quieting everyone again. "I need to remind everyone who is under the age of seventeen that a parent or guardian's permission will be required if we get to attend, and more than likely a small monetary contribution...Paris is hardly free, after all."

"What about the budget?" called out Dennis Creevey. Harry turned to Ron.

"Because we've been selling out, our budget has substantially increased," said Ron. "I imagine that the lot of us could go for twenty galleons each before food."

Another cry of assent came from the group, and Harry hushed them again before speaking.

"If there are no objections to this?" he asked, looking out at the group. Malfoy raised his hand, causing everyone to go silent.

"Potter," he sighed. "I have one question."

"Yes?" asked Harry.

"If we're to be performing in front of thousands of people in a competition," he said, "do you think it might be possible to have me not play the bad guy for once?"

"But you do it so well," grinned Harry.

"Potter," groaned Malfoy.

"Alright, alright, we'll see what we can work out," acquiesced Harry.

"Carry on," sighed Draco, waving his hand.

"What do you think?" Harry asked Hermione.

"In terms of feasibility or just how I feel in general?" she asked.


"If the Board of Governors agrees, it's feasible," she shrugged. "And I'd love to go to Paris."

"Ernie?" asked Harry.

"You know I want to do it," he smiled.

"Alright," shrugged Harry. "Let's go talk to McGonagal." A huge cheer went up from the crowd at his words. "Myself, Hermione, Ron, and Ernie will go," he continued. "Everyone else should stay here and continue disassembling sets. We'll come back when we know something."

"Good luck!" several people called, as the four of them walked out of the Room of Requirement.

"Do you think they'll go for it?" asked Ron, as they approached the stone gargoyle.

"I think I'll be able to make them see reason," said Harry, as they ascended the stairs towards the office. Once at the landing, he knocked hard on the wooden door.

"Come in," called McGonagal from inside.

The four of them entered to find the headmistress pouring over parchments on her desk.

"Ah, what brings you all up here?" she asked, barely looking up.

"We have a request," said Harry.

"Oh?" she asked. "You want to perform again before the year is out?"

"In Paris," he said. "At the World Wizarding Drama Competition."

McGonagal put down her quill and looked up at the four of them.

"The Board discussed this already," she said with a frown. "They agreed that having less than a year of experience is not enough to compete."

"What?" asked Ernie. "That's preposterous. We've sold out every show we've had. People have come from as far as the States to see us."

"I'm afraid the decision has already been made," she said. "Personally, I would have loved to see you all compete...I think you would've stood a real good chance, but the Board has decided."

"This is absurd," said Hermione, stepping forward. "This is in clear violation of the students' autonomy granted to us by Provision B in Section Twenty-Nine of Hogwarts School Law, which states that any student-governed organization has the right to decide for itself its own course of action, providing said action breaks no existing rules. I think we've been kind enough to let the Board have say in what we perform when we never had to let them in the first place, but this is taking it too far."

"We could've been deciding what to perform all along?" asked Ron, staring at her.

"In the interest of the group, I decided not to fight the decisions," said Harry. "Hermione told me about the provision right after we formed...but I thought it would be less hassle to not have to go through any red tape."

"So as you can see," said Hermione, "we are going to fight that decision."

"I see," said McGonagal with a sigh. "Well, we might as well go to the Board so you can present your argument."

"Now?" asked Ron.

"Yes, Mister Weasley, they are in session right now," said McGonagal, taking a pinch of floo powder and throwing it in her fireplace, causing the flames to roar green. Crouching down, she stuck her head in for a moment, before pulling it out again a moment later. "Your destination is the Ministry of Magic, Conference Room Two."

The five of them each stepped into the flames and said their destination, and a moment later were standing in a small conference room in the Ministry of Magic, all twelve members of the Board seated at a large circular table.

"What's all this then?" said a large beefy man who reminded Harry of Uncle Vernon, standing up. "You told us you had something to discuss, Minerva."

"And I do, Edward," she said, brushing the soot off her robes. "It is the matter we discussed earlier."

"That matter has been resolved," said another man from the back.

"That 'matter', as you call it," said Hermione, "is in violation of the Hogwarts School Laws."

"And what would you know of the Hogwarts School Laws, miss...?"

"Granger, Hermione Granger," she said, stepping forward. "And although you all may not be aware of it, a student-governed organization has the right to decide for itself what it can and can't do, providing no rules are broken."

"She's right, you know," said an older gentlemen, nearby. "Provision B in twenty-nine."

"The condition of the club -"

"Company," corrected Harry.

"Company," said Edward. "Was that the Board would have full say in its goings on."

"Whether or not that's the case," continued Hermione. "The moment the Company became an official organization, that agreement became null and void."

"I knew this from the beginning," said Harry. "But, in order to not cause any problems, I let you all continue to decide what we would perform. Denying us the right to compete, especially after the entire company has voted for it, is against the Laws of the school."

"You've already talked about it, then?" asked Edward.

"Of course," nodded Harry. "Our Treasurer has even figured out how much it would cost."

"And how much would it cost, Mister Weasley?" asked the older gentlemen.

"Erm...we have roughly six-thousand five hundred and fifty galleons in the budget," said Ron. "The costs to produce a show, on average, have been slightly more than three thousand."

"Thirty-five hundred galleons is not enough to board the entire company for a week in Paris," said Edward.

"Actually it is," said Ron. "My brothers, Fred and George, own a large bit of real estate in the area...they've been expanding their business after all. They can get us accommodations very cheaply."

"Let us assume we agree," said a balding man from next to them. "You have six weeks to rehearse, construct a set, and transport it, along with yourselves, to Paris. Do you actually think you can pull it off?"

"Of course," replied Harry with no hesitation. "Everyone is confident we can perform just as well as we have in the past."

"And what are you planning on performing?" asked Edward.

"The Wizard of Oz," said Ernie, before anyone else could say anything. Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned to glance at him but said nothing.

"Very well," sighed Edward. "I think I speak for all of us when we say that it's easy to tell how committed you are. We might not necessarily agree, but...we will all certainly wish you the best of luck in Paris. We will send in the registration immediately."

"Thank you very much sir," nodded Harry.

"Now then, if you will excuse us, we have business we must discuss," said Edward, sitting back down.

"Right then," said McGonagal, ushering the four of them back towards the fireplace. "Let us get back to the school."

They arrived in the headmistress' office a moment later, and immediately Hermione leapt into Harry's arms while Ron and Ernie exchange high-fives.

"I have to say, I'm most impressed with your determination," smiled McGonagal. "Not many people would have the resolve to stand up to the Governors like that."

"You have to stand up for what's right," smiled Harry. "I learned that the hard way."

"You did indeed," nodded McGonagal with a sad smile. "Now go on and tell the rest of the company...I'm sure you'll need to start preparing right away."

"Thank you," smiled Harry, as the four of them dashed off towards the Room of Requirement.

They arrived not a minute later and opened the door, entering to a very fast silence.

"Well?" called Ginny from the stage.

"We're going to Paris," grinned Harry.

Huge cheers erupted from the group as people began to embrace and dance on the stage, the floor, and the catwalk high above.

"We've got to get moving," laughed Harry, as people came over to congratulate him. "We're doing The Wizard of Oz, and we've only got six weeks to get it right."

"What are we waiting for then?" called out Ron. "Get a move on!"

"Out of curiosity," said Harry to Ernie, as everyone else hurried off to finish what they were doing. "How did you come up with the Wizard of Oz so fast?"

"It had been the majority vote over Anastasia," he shrugged. "I figured everyone would want to do it...and we needed to come up with an answer fast there."

"Good on you," smiled Harry. "I can say one thing for sure about all of this."

"What's that?"

"It's going to be one hell of a trip," he grinned.


I know it's the shortest one I've posted so far, but it's filler. ::grin::

On the finale of Hogwarts Drama Company:

The Company is in Paris to perform it's final show of the season. The city of romance works its magic for more than one couple, and several friends make an appearance to witness the show. Next time, on Hogwarts Drama Company:

Together in Paris

Au bientot!