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Conquered Love by i found nemo

Conquered Love

i found nemo

Disclaimer: JKR owns.

Conquered Love

Chapter 4:Bushius? Hugo? Bart?


July 30th, 2 Years Later...


"Okay, another round of applause for our birthday boy!" shouted Ron from the top of the staircase at Harry and Hermione Potter's cottage. The large crowd of friends laughed and drunkenly pumped their fist in the air in a mock salute towards Harry Potter who was turning 26 the next day. Harry smiled a boyish grin and brought Hermione closer to him.

"More firewhiskey for our wee little lad who's ALMOST all grown up," said Fred coming over and pouring more amber liquid into Harry's cup.

"How you put up with the little tyke is way beyond us Hermione," George said coming up between the couple and throwing his arms around them.

"Speaking of Hermione, you haven't drunken anything all bloody night," Fred told her, reaching for a red cup on the counter behind him.

"Wha'sa matta with you?" scoffed George in an appalled high pitch voice.

"No thanks," Hermione said pushing the cup Fred was shoving at her away.

"What are you too good for us mere drunks Hermione?" asked George leaned his head on Hermione's shoulder earning a nudge in the ribs from her husband.

"No," she responded, crossing her arms over her stomach.

"What are you pregnant?" Fred smirked, already laughing at his own joke.

Harry choked on his drink and gave Hermione a funny look. Not knowing what to do Hermione smiled at him.

"You're pregnant?" Harry asked her again, this time much more seriously.

Hermione gave a confident nod, "I'm pregnant."

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Harry asked again dropping his cup on their new wood flooring and throwing his hands in the air, "YES! WHOOO!" he finished spinning her around in a tight embrace while the onlookers cheered their congratulations, some too pissed to know what they were cheering for. And by some I meant Ron and Lavender.

"Wha' 'appened?" Ron asked his wife of nearly three years.

"I think they said something about a segment... or eggplant. I'm not sure."

Harry kissed Hermione hard on the mouth after setting her down, enticing more cooing from the crowd.

"Alright, alright, can we get some cranberry juice for the pregnant lady?" Fred asked with a large grin, patting Hermione on the back. "Don't worry Hermione I won't offer you any more alcohol for the duration of your pregnancy."

"Well thank you, Fred," said Hermione with a smile, kind of shocked by the sincerity of his words.

"But as soon as that thing pops out, I'm force feeding you the strongest substance I can find."

Hermione cocked her head to the side and said playfully, "And now I know to stay away from you for months after, so thanks for the heads up." Fred shrugged and finished the contents of the red cup in one gulp.

"Alright, my brother's right, can we get some juice in here, and maybe a tranquilizer gun for the father to be," said George now standing next to Harry with his arm thrown around him.

"George, what would I need a tranquilizer gun for?" asked Harry looking startled.

"Mate, I read up all about pregnant chicks when I thought I knocked up that Alyssa girl-"


"Whatever, anyway I read in there that your woman's emotions are about to explode, at literally any time. She's like a muggle bomb, she is. So we get you a tranquilizer gun loaded with some sleeping darts, and whenever she's getting off her rocker and being a right scare you just pop," he said clicking his tongue and imitating a gun with his thumb and first two fingers held out, "just shoot her in the jugular with one of the darts and she'll be out for days. They use 'em on elephants and gorillas and dinosaurs and all sorts of animals in South America..." he finished taking another drink from his cup. Hermione was staring at him with her mouth open looking ready to faint.

"Yeah... somehow I don't think that'll be good for the baby." Harry said in a firm tone taking the red cup away from George and banishing it to the kitchen. He turned to Hermione and smiled a secret smile at her, wanting nothing more than the party to end so he could go upstairs with his wife and spend the rest of the night with her. 'A baby... our baby...' Just the thought brought a large grin to his face.

"Oh, well anything else you might like Hermione? Perhaps a cheese sandwich with taco sauce on it?"

"Or maybe a chocolate doughnut dipped in mustard?" asked Fred, patting Hermione on the shoulder and talking to her like she was a five year old. Hermione swatted his hand off playfully,

"Honestly you prats, I'm only four weeks along! I don't start getting symptoms like that until farther along in the pregnancy. Now stop scaring my helpless husband," Hermione finished rubbing Harry on the back who was looking between the twins quite fearfully.

"Really Harry don't listen to them, I won't be asking you for sushi and raspberry ice cream for a long time," she said softly pushing his bangs out of his eyes. Harry looked down at her, already shining from the happiness of it all. He smiled leaning in and giving her a lingering kiss.

"Bloody hell, did you lot hear someone was pregnant?" asked Ron coming through the still cheering crowd to ruin the couple's moment. "Am I ruining something?" he asked pointing a finger between his two best mates.

Harry smiled at his friend, breaking away from Hermione to hug him tightly.

"Harry we both know I don't swing that way, and you have a wife for Merlin's sake," said Ron pretending to dust off his shoulder. Then again he was so pissed he probably wasn't pretending.

"How do you feel about being a godfather?" asked Harry holding Ron by the shoulders at arms length, both Hermione and Lavender beaming at them from behind.

"Well I dunno mate, do I have to wear a tuxedo all the time and talk in that funny accent like that bloke-"

"No Ron, I meant like a real godfather? To a real child!"

"But- but that means you'd have to be pregnant," Ron squeaked. Both Harry and Hermione grinned as they both thought Ron was finally catching on.

"Yeah Ron," Harry encouraged sending him another toothy grin.

"Oh my god, Harry," Ron squeaked again and took a step back, pointing a feeble hand to Harry's stomach, "Y-you-"

"Ron, I'm pregnant!" Hermione practically screamed in impatience as a result of Ron's impracticality when he was thrashed. Her loud exclamation sent another ripple of 'cheers' and 'congratulations' throughout the crowd.

"Oh congratulations, Hermione," Ron said coming up to hug her.

He looked over at Harry with a scathing look, "Harry, do have something to tell your wife?"

"Honestly Ron!" cried Hermione, Harry, Lavender, Fred, George, and a few members of the crowd that were watching with interest.


Not even five minutes after dealing with Ron, Harry couldn't keep his hands off Hermione. She allowed him to kiss her thousands of times but when things grew more passionate she too didn't want to stop, so they begged their guests to leave, thanking them for the wonderful evening and all the presents Harry received.

"I can't believe this," Harry said for the hundredth time, hopping on their bed next to Hermione after having just brushed his teeth.

"Maybe the wails coming from the nursery in eight months will make you believe it a little more," she said setting her book down on the nightstand and snuggling into the comforter.

"I bet it's a boy," Harry said kissing her stomach and running a hand over it.

"I bet it's not," she said defiantly even though she was smiling.

"No, it'll be a boy. My genes and amazingly good looks are just too good to pass up."

"I just hope they don't get my hair," Hermione said despairingly with a tilt of her head.

"I hope he does," Harry smiled devilishly.

"Poor thing..."

"Oh, come off it, I love your hair." He leant up to brush a kiss across her lips, making sure he wasn't putting pressure on her stomach even though she wasn't showing.

"It used to be so bushy," she remembered with a frown.

"I like bushy. Then we get to name him Bushius!"

Hermione scoffed, "Definitely not."

"How about Ptolemy? Landaus? Commodus? Bart?"

Hermione gave him an appalled look, "Okay, its official you're not naming the baby."

"How about Hugo?"

"God, kill me now."

Harry shook his head with a smirk and leaned over her to kiss her neck lazily, "Can't do that love. You're my baby-maker. I need you alive and in good health for the future Potter offspring."

"Oh so that's all I'm here for?"

"Well, among other things of course," he said huskily continuing to kiss his way up her neck.

Hermione moaned and tilted her neck to the right, giving him more space to explore. "Like what?"

"Well..." he kissed her again stroking her neck with his tongue, "Like doing my laundry. You know how to press my trousers just right."

Hermione punched him the shoulder making him tumble off her. She sat up and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Ow, Hermione, delicate shoulders!" he finished looking up at her and noticing her brooding appearance. He smiled gently and leaned in, "Just kidding, love. I need you to survive. Period. I love you. I love our baby, and all our future babies to come." He gave her a kiss on the corner of her mouth and was glad that she didn't try to push him away but rather leaned into it.

"Just how many were you thinking?" she asked trying to keep a cool calm facade but not helping the smile on her face.





"At least six more, if you're not counting Bushius," he said rubbing circles on her abdomen.

"Why the hell would you want seven kids?" she asked, not even wanting to mention the previous eleven he said in fear that he would be struck up by that barmy idea again.

Harry shrugged and answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Quidditch or football."

Hermione scoffed and rolled over onto her side facing away from Harry, "Okay, no to the six more kids and no to the Bushius."

"Oh, come on!"

"You don't even know if they'll like to fly," reasoned Hermione as she felt Harry tuck his head right next to hers.

"They will," he replied kissed the side of her temple, "And if you don't like Bushius then what do you have in mind?"

"Hmmm... I particularly like James."

Harry grinned into her neck, "It's not quite as obscure as I was going for but I think it'll fit."

Hermione turned her head, meeting Harry's lips in a loving kiss.



"Have I ever told you I love you?"

Hermione sighed and looked away like she was concentrating hard, "Maybe once or twice at the wedding... and then perhaps a thousand times after I told you today."

"Good. Don't you forget it. I love you, and I'm so happy we're doing this."

"Yeah, who would have thought this would be us three years ago? Married, in a different house with a baby on the way."

Harry kissed the side of her head again and then exhaled a deep breath, "You reckon I'll be a decent dad?"

"I know for a fact you will be." Harry smiled, "And if you're really good I'll give you another kid for next Christmas."

"As long as there's a little piece of me and you in there that'll be fine."


Just so you know this is going to be just like a series of events... I'm not sure if it'll ever end really but it will go in order. Also thanks for all the reviews mates! Keep 'em coming!