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For Your Every Need by Konflickted

For Your Every Need


A/N: Just another blind chapter. I still have no idea how you people (my lovely and loyal readers) are taking these turn of events. I really much change that, soon. Just not quite yet. And I want to go on record that I hate Summer. By the end of this chapter, you will too.

Plan of Summer

Lily sat next to her friends in the common room of the Gryffindor tower. She had given up trying to talk to James the week before after seeing him and Summer Pendarvis in the library, sitting closer than even Lily would have sat with him. They had been talking, their heads bent rather close to each other. It was clear to Lily, James had seemed to already moved on, and that hurt that he could do so quickly. She wondered if he had loved her as much as he had promised. Up until then, they had argued on every patrol that they had together, which wasn't many since James had rearranged and traded patrols with other students. Even Remus was avoiding her.

Lily held her Transfiguration book in her lap, trying to study. She was distracted, certainly. The noise in the common room was deafening, as many of the younger kids were getting rowdy at the excitement of Halloween. At less than three weeks away, it was getting unbearable to remain with the little ones for long.

"What do you think it means? `For your every need'? It seems so…" Drena trailed off as she handed the magazine back to Lily. Lily looked it over and shrugged, seeing the ad with the happy looking witch running down the beach.

"I think it means it is for your every need," Lily said as she tossed the paper aside. She looked up at the portrait hole to see James and Sirius walk in suspiciously. James glanced her way and Lily looked away quickly, her cheeks burning. She shook her head.

"Are you guys still arguing?" Alice asked cautiously. Lily bit back a snappy response. It wasn't Alice's fault. Alice didn't make James Potter be… well, James Potter.

"So, I was thinking that we should definitely go to Hogsmeade this weekend," Sheridan said as she cracked her knuckles. "I have to get out of this castle before I loose my mind, girls."

"We have only been back to school for a month, Sher," Lily said distractedly doodling in her Transfiguration book. She looked down at the drawing. It was James, no doubt about that with the crazy hair and glasses, being impaled by his broom. Alice looked over Lily's shoulder and scratched it out.

"It's not always going to be like this, Lily," Alice whispered so that only Lily could hear. "I promise; it won't always be like this."

"I know," Lily said quietly. "But, Alice, something has to give."

"Give him time, Lily. He really loves you and he will come around," Alice said. Lily shrugged.

"I am going to go study in the library," Lily lied as she gathered her books. Alice looked up at her.

"Do you want me to come?" Alice asked. Lily shook her head and tried to smile.

"No, I think I will be alright," Lily lied again. She left the common room and headed back to her own room. She tossed her book on the bed and changed into her regular muggle clothes. She decided that she would head to the library after all, and she headed there with her Transfiguration book. She had taken up carrying it with her everywhere. Without James' help, she really was struggling a bit.

Finding a table hidden far in the back, Lily took a seat and bent her head over the book. For at least an hour, though probably more like two, Lily sat in silence looking at the same page. She focused on the individual shapes of the letters and little on the words the letters made.

"Hey, Lily," a voice whispered quietly as the owner of the voice dropped down into the seat next to her. Lily looked over at Striker to find he was out of focus from tears that had been welling up in her eyes. "Ah, hey, don't cry."

"You heard, James broke up with me because you kissed me," Lily whispered quietly. Striker nodded and turned his face. He pointed at a fading bruise.

"Yup, I tried to talk to him about it," Striker said quietly. Lily looked away, ashamed.

"I am sorry he hit you," Lily said.

"Ah, well, I wouldn't have thought he cared about you if he hadn't," Striker said. He hesitated. "You know that he and Summer are an item now."

"Yeah, I had heard," Lily said. Striker nodded and sat in silence.

"Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know, you can talk to me," Striker said. "I'm not close to any of your friend and James and I don't exactly run with the same crowd, so I might be easier to talk to."

"I will keep that in mind," Lily said quietly.

"Do you already have a date to the Halloween party?" Striker asked as he stood.

"I thought I would skip going," Lily said.

"Come with me, just as friends," Striker said. Lily looked up at him, a frown on her face.

"I don't think that would be a really good idea," Lily said quietly. She flipped the page to her book, landing on one of her doodles of her stabbing James with his stupid broom. Striker looked down at it and grinned.

"Nice stick people," Striker said. He touched her should, gently, and smiled at her. "I know it hurts a lot right now, with him having broken up with you, but it does get easier. He seemed to move on pretty quickly, maybe he didn't like you nearly as much as you thought."

"What a novel thought," Lily grumbled.

"Well, I think you and I should just go to the party together," Striker said. "I really like you, way more than you probably like me. I think we have a lot more in common than you and James. We both want to be Aurors, we are both smart. I just want you to give me a chance, Lily. Just think about it, will you?"

"I'll think about it," Lily said quietly. Striker grinned.

"Thanks," Striker said. He left her sitting in the library to ponder her thoughts. She had to admit that she had been surprised to hear how quickly James turned to Summer. It just seemed so quick. For someone who was pined and chased after for six years, James seemed to discard her rather quickly.

`Goes to show you that you're not all your cracked up to be,' Lily thought as she wiped away fresh tears. `Maybe Striker has a point. Maybe it is time for me to move on. This is what I get for letting James into my heart.'

Lily sat quietly at breakfast the next morning, surrounded by her friends. She was surrounded, but she had never felt more alone. She saw Striker glance at her and smile at her from the Ravenclaw table. Lily looked down at her food, her cheeks blazing. Owls swooped in to deliver mail to the students. A large barn owl dropped a letter in front of Lily, almost in her plate of eggs. She picked it up curiously.

It was a think letter from Mrs. Potter. Lily felt the wave of guilt crash over her and her heart clenched. She had lost more than just James when Striker kissed her. She had lost Mrs. Potter and even Christopher, James' cousin. New tears threatened to spill down her face, but she bit them back. She was tired of crying. She was stronger than tears. She would never let anyone else get that close to her heart again.

"Who's the letter from?" Alice asked as Lily shoved it into her back pack. Lily smiled.

"Just a friend of the family," Lily murmured as she stood. She slung the strap of her back pack over her shoulder and headed out of the Great Hall without another word. She didn't look back at James, Remus, or Sirius. She definitely didn't look back at Striker.

She had screwed up but by not telling James. Everything else was out of her control, and she wouldn't feel guilty about it anymore. She headed to the first lavatory and locked herself behind one of the door of the stalls. Sitting on the toilet, lid down, she opened the letter. It was, indeed, from Mrs. Potter-

Lily, dear, James has told me that he and you have parted ways. He wouldn't go into details but only says that it is for the best. While he did seem to lean more toward blaming you, I can only imagine to what extent he has over-reacted now. I want for you to know, despite what happens between you and James; I will always welcome you into my house as one of my children.

The purpose of this letter, though, is to invite you and a date to the wedding of my dear sister-in-law and our gardener. Though when her husband died, she lost the love of her life, with every passing we must come to a point where we move on. Almost loosing Christopher opened her eyes to this. After you saving Christopher's life this summer, she could not imagine her nuptials without you there. Christopher asks for you everyday and I know it would make his Christmas to have you there.

I don't doubt that one day soon, things will work out between you and James. This doesn't give you a right to mope around until it does, because you two may not be meant to be together until you are old and gray. I want you to live your life, and I want you to come to the wedding with a date, Lily. You can have the pool house, naturally. Even if you leave after the wedding, it would mean so much to all of us to have you back in the house.

Please, do consider it and return reply. With All My Love, Mother Potter

Lily felt the warmth of the woman's words spread from with in Lily. She knew she would go, if even just to see Christopher again. That would be worth the trip in itself. Lily knew she would need a date and wondered whom she could ask. She wanted to go with James, but he was probably going with his girlfriend. The evil little voice in her thought of Striker, even if just to pay James back for moving on so damn quickly.

Lily placed the letter back in her knapsack and headed to Herbology. She would ask James whether he cared if she brought a date or not. She felt her heart racing as she entered the greenhouse. She was nearly late, which brought a few curious glances her way. She took her customary seat across from James, but the look on his face while he wielded a sharp knife wasn't one of approachability. She thought it might be best to ask him in Transfiguration.

Sitting next to him, still, she hesitated. What if he blew up at her? She was nervous and shaking as she doodled a little scene of James and her dancing at a wedding. She waited until Professor McGonagall was clear on the other side of the room before broaching the subject. She figured he was less likely to loose his temper here in the classroom.

"James?" Lily whispered.

"Hmm?" James replied as he continued to write on his parchment.

"Um, can I talk to you?" Lily whispered. James shot her a look.

"We are in the middle of a test," James whispered. Lily glanced down at the parchment. She had been doodling on her test. She tapped the parchment with her wand to clear the doodles.

"So… that's a no?" Lily whispered as she began to answer the questions quickly.

"Number six is wrong," James whispered back as he turned his head back to his own paper. Lily hesitated before she corrected it.

"So, anyways, your mom sent me a letter," Lily whispered as she continued to write.

"I know," James whispered back. The two grew silent for a minute as Professor McGonagall headed back towards their side of the room. She paused at their desk before continuing to walk the classroom.

"Good, you know," Lily whispered. "Anyways, she told me to bring a date to the wedding."

"I am bringing Summer," James whispered back quickly.

"I figured," Lily whispered. "I wanted to tell you that I was thinking of asking Striker, if you didn't take issue with it."

"Why would I?" James whispered back as his hand clenched mercilessly on his quill.

"Good, ok," Lily whispered. The two sat in silence for the remainder of the test. When it was time for them to depart Transfiguration, Lily hung back a minute to talk with Striker whose back pack mysteriously exploded. Lily frowned at Sirius, who was laughing as he walked out of the class room.

"Striker, I was wondering," Lily said quickly. "I have this wedding to go to in December, and I need a date."

"I'd be thrilled to be your date," Striker said as he grinned at her.

"It is a Potter family function," Lily said cringing slightly. "I am being invited because I save the bride-to-be's son over the summer from a drowning."

"Wow, pretty and a savior," Striker said quietly. Lily blushed.

"So, it's ok?" Lily asked. Striker nodded.

"So long as I don't have to share a room with Potter or his friends, that should be fine," Striker said.

"No, you can stay in the pool house with me," Lily said. Striker looked at her with slight surprise. "On the couch, of course."

"Naturally," Striker said. "So, does that mean you will go the Halloween party with me?"

"How about we skip it and just hang out together?" Lily said. She had no desire to see James and Summer together.

"Your room?" Striker asked curiously.

"No where near my bed," Lily confirmed. Striker smiled and nodded.

"Halloween and a wedding," Striker teased as they headed out of the classroom for lunch and study hall. "I might get more dates out of you, after all."

"How about Hogsmeade, this weekend?" Lily asked suddenly. Striker nodded.

"Sounds like a date," Striker said as the two of them headed off, ignoring James and Summer's little display of affection there in the hall.

"Ouch, James," Summer said as she pulled away. She was rubbing her arm.

"Sorry," James said. "I must have got a cramp in my hand."

"It's all right," Summer said playfully. "Why don't you and I go play a little Quidditch in your room? A little one on one?"

"I have to get out for practice, Sum, but I swear you can spend the night, soon, alright?" James asked.

"You know," Summer said as she crossed her arms. "I don't like that you and your ex-girlfriend share a dorm."

"Jeeze, Sum, I haven't slept there since she and I broke up," James said with annoyance slipping into his voice. "I have been staying with Sirius in my old dorm."

"But still, you should be able to," Summer said. "She's the whore who was with that other guy. She should have to move out."

"Don't call her a whore, Summer," James snapped. He raked his hand through his hair. "Look, we can talk about this later. I have Quidditch."

"Fine," Summer said as she crossed her arms. She watched James storm off down the hall. "One of these days, I am going to make him forget all about that hussy."

"You do that," Christina said having been there the whole time. "You should erase her from the face of the earth. She's going to the wedding, isn't she?"

"Yeah, unfortunately," Summer said as she glared at where she had last seen Lily with that Striker boy.

"Do you still have your connections?" Christina asked. Summer looked at her with a curious look on her face.

"Yes, of course," Summer said. She lowered her voice. "You don't just stop being one because you get sent to Azkaban."

"You should have been in Slytherin like your father, you know. Wouldn't it just be terrible if a Death Eater showed up at the Potters' house and Lily was accidentally killed?" Christina asked with a wicked smile on her face. Summer's smile reflected the same wickedness, though less so.

"Purebloods forever," Summer grinned.

"Down with Mudbloods," Christina replied. The two linked arms and skipped down the hall as if they were the most innocent school girls instead of evil little girls planning the demise of their classmate.
