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Kissing the Wrong Santa by Harry85

Kissing the Wrong Santa


Disclaimer: Not mine. You know how it would have ended if it was, right?

A/N: My response to the "Kissing Santa" Challenge by leochick, which can be found here: . Hope you'll enjoy it, and please leave me a comment if you read, so that I know what you think of it.

Kissing The Wrong Santa

Chapter One: Change of Plan

It was Christmas, again. Harry kind of hated that period of the year, everyone was in a hurry to make last minute shopping, and it was hell to go around Diagon Alley. But, after all, he wasn't better than the others, as he was searching for a present for his best female friend, Hermione, and he was in a hurry himself.

See, it was just three hours before the traditional Weasley Christmas dinner at the Burrow, and he was of course supposed to be there, only he still needed to find a gift for Hermione, go back home, have a shower, dress, go pick up Teddy from Andromeda and then head to the Weasleys'.

Huffing, he ran toward Flourish and Blotts. It was his last hope. The thought of gifting Hermione a perfume had never crossed his mind, he knew her too well to make that mistake, and the same could be said for jewellery. Clothes, he wasn't too sure about what she might need, but books, that was always a welcomed gift with her, especially the one he wanted to purchase.

His only problem was that he couldn't find it anywhere. He should have expected it, and now if this library couldn't help him, he would have to choose something much less interesting.

As he scanned through the shelves, he was getting more and more frustrated. Finally, a clerk came to his rescue.

"Sorry sir, are you specifically searching for something?"

Harry told him which book he needed, and the clerk nodded. "You won't find it here in the common section. I'll go fetch it for you"

Harry nodded, releasing his breath, and wiping his brow from sweat. He prepared his wallet, and few minutes later he was out of the shop, finally able to head home.

Rushing into the shower, he let the hot water relax him. It was going to be a nice night, with his friends, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, his ex-girlfriend with whom he was surprisingly on good terms, considering the usual Weasley temper, and of course Molly, Arthur and all the Weasley clan, which was now growing and growing, as Fleur and Bill had already three children, Charlie and George had one each too.

He wondered when Ron would propose to Hermione. They had been dating on and off since after the war, which was six years ago now, but it was now more than a whole year that they had been back together and from what he could tell they were pretty happy, so it was just normal for them to get married.

The thought of them tying the knot was a bit unsettling, though, but he shrugged it off as a longing for his own marriage. He was single, not being able to find a girlfriend since his split up with Ginny six months ago.

There was no time to ponder over these things though, as he was already late. He quickly buttoned his white shirt, put on his black trousers and a dark blue sweater, tied his shoes, rushed to grab the presents, and then Disapparated away with a last fleeting thought at how Ron would look as Santa that night.

It was a tradition that, for the children' sake, one of the adult would pose as Santa at Christmas. Till now, Ron and Harry were the only ones who had not had the "honour", but this year it was Ron's turn.

"Andromeda?" he called, knocking on the door.

"Harry. Dear. It's so good to see you" the older witch said, letting him in. "Teddy's been impatiently waiting for you" she whispered to him while leading the way to the living room, were little Teddy Lupin was playing, waiting for his godfather.

Few minutes later, after the usual recommendations from Andromeda, they left, Harry sidelong Apparating the young boy to the Burrow.

As they landed in front of the building, he could hear voices inside and guessed everyone was already there. Knocking on the door, a smile spread on his face. He loved those Weasley gatherings, it always made him feel part of such a big family.

Soon the door was open by Hermione.

"Harry! Teddy! Come inside, the others are already here!" she said giving him one of her smiles, which always managed to warm Harry's heart, and kneeling to kiss the young boy on the cheek, at which Teddy smiled. The boy had always had a predilection for Hermione.

Harry followed his friend to the living room where everyone but Molly was. Everyone greeted him and he shook hands here and there, before settling on the couch near Bill, who gave him a mug of Butterbeer.

Harry easily joined the chat, with Arthur who was telling them about the last Muggle objects he had been in contact with, being fascinated with those as his usual, the children all playing together in the next room, Teddy promptly joining them.

Some minutes later, Harry went into the kitchen to get some water, and greet Molly too, and on the way he met Hermione and Ron, who were having some "quality time" alone.

"Hey, you two, get a room!" he called out to them, he loved to embarrass and tease his two best friends like that. "There are children who could be scarred for life here!"

The two of them just stuck out their tongues at him, and he shook his head chuckling, although the usual uneasiness at seeing them kiss assaulted him. Well, for seven years they had always been the trio, no kissing involved, and it was hard to get used to things changing. But he was happy for them. He honestly was.

Soon Molly called them as dinner was ready. Harry sat in front of Hermione, Ron on her left side while Ginny was on Harry's right side. They all ate merrily, Molly's cooking skills were great as usual and she loved to give her best for occasions like these, so it was no wonder that even Ron, know for his voracious appetite, left the table completely filled.

The time of impersonating Santa was coming, and Ron excused himself, everyone but the children knowing where he was going. From his place on the couch, Harry could see that both Ginny and Hermione had indulged a bit much into eggnog that night. Both were a bit red in the face and their eyes showed the classical signs of being tipsy, if not thoroughly drunk.

Not that they were the only ones. Charlie, George and Bill were too, and Harry himself, maybe just a bit less than them but still, he should probably have avoided those two rounds of Firewhiskey he had just gulped down, thanks to George.

Deciding he had had enough alcohol for the moment, he stood up to go and see how Ron was doing with the Santa costume.

Entering the kitchen, he found Ron still dressed as before, reading a piece of parchment.

"What's up, Ron? You should be already dressing!" Harry said.

Ron turned, gulping. "Harry, I've got to go to the hospital. There's something I need to check and it can't wait till tomorrow. I'll be back as soon as I can, but please, can you take my place as Santa?"

Harry was surprised, but this was not the first time Ron had got called suddenly at St. Mungo's. Shocking everyone, the redhead had decided after some months as an Auror that he preferred to be an Healer, and that was his current job.

"Sure, you go ahead, I'll fill for you here" Harry hastily said, and with a nod Ron was gone. Harry grabbed the red Santa costume, and slipped it on, tying the heavy black boots, then putting on the jacket, and finally placing the fake white, fluffy, long beard on his face. A sticking charm would prevent it to fall, even if the kids tried to pull it away, which had occurred some times. He then changed his eyes colour, green would have been an easy give away.

Finally, he changed his hair to white, lengthening them and placed the hat on his head. He was ready, and just in time, he noted as he checked his watch. It signalled five minutes to midnight.

Taking a glass of water, that costume was making him really hot, he stood there waiting for the cue of his entrance, looking outside the window at the snowy landscape, when Hermione entered the kitchen, swaying a bit as she walked toward him, then she suddenly turned him around.

"She must have had some more alcohol, she wasn't this drunk when I left" he barely had the time to think before she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his face toward her.

"Good luck" she whispered in his ear, then she placed her lips on his own.
