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In the Eyes of the Eagle by frecklegirl87

In the Eyes of the Eagle


Chapter Four: Purebloods and Dangers of Disappearing

"Who gave her what?" Draco shouted in anger towards Ginny.

"Don't you dare yell at me Draco Malfoy," Ginny said. "Our daughter, is dating Michael Potter and he gave her a promise ring, a beautiful one at that if I don't say so myself."

Ginny smiled at the thought of how beautiful the ring was when Lizzie had described it to her in her last letter, but kept her smile to a minimum at the reasoning of her husband on the edge at the moment.

"But Gin, he's a Potter," Draco said. "He's not even pureblood!"

"Why should that matter?" Ginny asked in a rage.

"It's important to me that our children don't break the line of the purebloods in our society and our family. I won't stand for the Malfoy line to be broken by some half blood!" Draco growled.


Ginny slapped Draco harder than she had ever before.

"How dare you! You'd sacrifice your own daughter to somebody who is pureblood whom she doesn't even love in order to keep the line clean? I must have been wrong to let you know of your heir almost six years ago!" Ginny sneered and then raised her hand again to strike again.

Instead, Draco took a hold of it tightly and then took a hold of her other hand as she tried to do the same again. He looked into her eyes and spoke.

"You know damn well that I would. If it hadn't of been for Colin convincing you to come back to me then we wouldn't be here right now. You wouldn't have me in your bed every night, you wouldn't have Adrian right now, you wouldn't even have the clothes that are on your back right now if it wasn't for me," Draco said, as he watched Ginny's face and emotions convert to anger and hatred.

Then without warning, Draco leaned down and aggressively kissed her, to the point where he was bruising her lips and she him also. They fought like this for the next few minutes, hard and demanding, until Draco released her from his grasp and looked to see tears in her eyes.

Draco let his guard down and then realized what he had done. He had taken control and yet, even though Ginny fought back he still overrode the situation. Ginny was having a hard enough time trying to cope with the words Draco had said to her, let alone keeping the tears back as he faced her in silence.

"If you'd rather me leave and leave you alone, then good-bye," Ginny said as she turned around and left the room, with a single tear rolling down her cheek as she went along the corridor to her study.

Ginny stayed there for hours before a house elf had visited her asking her if she was hungry. In reply, she had said no. The house elf went out of the room as Ginny had ordered it to. She doubted if Draco would come and find her and settle this between the two of them. She wasn't even sure if he knew she hadn't left the manor yet.

In the meantime, Ginny pulled out one of her favorite classics, Jane Eyre, a Muggle classic story. It was about a girl who grew up in her deceased uncle's house with his mistress that treated her cruelly and then one-day, she was taken to all girls' school that wasn't much better than where she was before but it was an improvement. Over the years, she had gotten a job as a teacher at the school and then went to a house as a governess and ended up falling in love with the master of the household.

Even though the story was mixed with sadness and also happiness with love intertwined together, reading this tale had always soothed her, or at least helped her to relax.

Again, a few hours later, another house elf had come.

"What is it?" Ginny asked, aggravated.

"The Master is requesting your presence in his study milady," the house elf said.

"Tell the Master as you call him, I refuse. If he wants to act like a git to his own wife, then he can do without me for a while. Tell him that if he doesn't apologize for his actions and hurtful words then I am leaving with his three heirs in the next few days," Ginny said. "You may go."

The house elf cringed at her words and then went as she had said.

Draco of course, had been in an uproar and had tried to storm into her study. But unfortunately for him, Ginny had set up protection around her against him. He wasn't allowed in her study. They could only communicate through the house elves. Even they didn't want to participate in this quarrel. They knew it could get ugly.

"Ginny!" Draco roared outside of Ginny's study, pounding on the door.

Ginny jumped at the sudden alarm of the door sounding as if it was going to be beat down at any second.

"You are not allowed to leave this place ever!" Draco shouted from the other side of the door out in the hallway.

"You want to bet?" Ginny muttered to herself and then yelled, "Yes I can!"

"Not without my consent Ginevra Molly Weasley Malfoy!" Draco shouted in return.

Fuming with anger, Ginny got up out of her chair and stormed towards the door, opened it quickly and rapidly had Draco against the wall on the other side of the corridor and spoke volumes to him.

"I shall if I please to Malfoy," Ginny said, still fuming with rage in her system. "This is sure of a way to let you in on this Malfoy but I'm leaving with your three heirs in the next two days unless you pull your act together and fix what you've messed up."

With those last words she apparated away to a place that Draco had no clue about.

"Ginny what on earth are you doing here?"

Ginny turned around to see her oldest brother, Bill staring right at her with the most curious look on his face as to why she was here all of a sudden.

"I had to get away," Ginny replied.

"From what? And why did you decide to come to this place where it's freezing cold?" Bill asked.

"From Draco," Ginny said, but then looking at the door behind him that was slightly open but had an eerie feeling to it. "I just thought of a place where he would never think of to look for me. What's beyond that door?"

He looked back and quickly shut it without hesitance.

"William Andrew Weasley what have you got in there?" Ginny asked, as she walked towards the door.

Bill kept walking backwards as he watched Ginny keep moving towards the door.

"N-Nothing," Bill said. "Nothing in there."

"Un-huh, sure right. Like I believe that lie," Ginny said as she reached the doorknob.

Before Ginny could touch the doorknob to turn it, Bill had closed the door tightly.

"What the hell?"

"No Ginny," Bill said. "You can't go in there."

"And why the hell not?" Ginny demanded.

"Because I said so!"

"That's a bunch of bull," Ginny snorted. "Move aside."

"No," Bill said.



"You better if you knew what was good for you."

"You're not going to convince me."


Ginny couldn't really believe she had just stunned her own brother but she really wasn't in the mood to be told no to. Not with what Draco just put her through.

She turned the knob of the door and took a step in the door. Tears came to her eyes as she looked to see the most horrifying thing she ever did see. Instantly, she ran out of the room with tears flowing freely as they pleased down her cheek. She didn't want to go home, certainly didn't want to stay here, or even go to Ron's or Harry's for comfort, or even her old place of her's. Strangely enough, she just apparated not having a care in the world where she landed.

"Oh my dear, are you alright?" a voice asked sweetly.

Ginny looked up to see her mother-in-law, Narcissa Malfoy, looking straight at her.

"Ginevra? Are you all right? You look as if you've been crying and like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?" Narcissa asked again, coming closer to her.

"That's because I have been and I did," Ginny said.

"What? Impossible Ginny, there was no way you saw a ghost, or rather one that wasn't meant to be here," Narcissa said.

"Well I did!" Ginny snapped.

"Dear, what did Draco do this time?"

"How do you know it was Draco that did something if I'm crying?"

"You hardly ever cry like this unless he's done something incredibly stupid of himself."

"You really do know your own son don't you?"

"I raised him sweet thing, wouldn't you think a mother would know her own child?"

"Well yes, I suppose so."

"Well Ginny, what did he do this time?

"He started talking about the pureblood issue. Lizzie is dating a Gryffindor that is also a half-blood. He said he willing to not let anybody in the Malfoy line to break the line of the purebloods and even if it risked hurting them. He knew I didn't approve of that. He argued against me."

"Ginny, I can't say that I disagree with him on the line issue because I don't. I'm the one who bred that into him," Narcissa said as she watched Ginny's face turn to shock.

"You did what?" Ginny asked. "I can't believe this! You're both willing to sacrifice something so stupid to the will of your own? Good grief! Why did I ever get mixed into this mess? I should have never---"

"Ginny, don't finish that sentence or you will regret it, mark my words you will," Narcissa said. "Now, go back to your husband and agree with him or not only will you and Draco have troubles, but you and I will also."

Ginny sneered as she then turned around to go home. But then decided against it.

"Like hell I will," Ginny said and apparated away from the Manor.

Again not knowing where she was going, she incidentally ended up at the gates of Hogwarts.


Ginny turned around. She instantly fainted and fell to the ground full of snow.

It was the ghost she had seen at Bill's. It was a great aunt that she had been raised by for a few months when she was younger when her mother had been dangerously sick enough to have to send her youngest away for a while.

"Oh dear," the ghost said. "Ginny's not going to like me for this but here goes."

The ghost then disappeared from the gates of Hogwarts and into the castle and into Lizzie's room. Lizzie was currently about to test one of the products that had been given to her by Fred and George.

"What the hell!" Lizzie said as she saw the ghost that looked like her mother. "Mother?"

"No dear," the ghost said. "I'm not your mother, I'm your great-great aunt to come to tell you to go to the gates of Hogwarts and save your mother before the cold takes her life and the life within her."

"Mum!" Lizzie screamed as she rushed to the window to see what the ghost had told her. There lied her mother down at the gate unconscious. She got her coat on, the invisibility cloak on, and made sure she had her wand with her as she scrammed out of the castle towards the gates.

As she ran down the stairs, towards the big doors of the castle she ran into a Professor.

"Excuse you young lady," Professor McGonagall said. "What on earth are you running at such as speed as you were for?"

"Excuse me Professor but I've got to go save my mother out by the gate in this cold and dreadful weather," Lizzie said.

"What? Your mother is not here," Professor McGonagall said.

"Suit your self with that idea but I'm going to go get her. You just watch me."

Without another word more, Lizzie again flew by Professor McGonagall and out the doors of the castle.

"Miss Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall hollered after her, running also down the icy steps towards the gate.

"Mum!" Lizzie shouted as she came closer and knelt beside her.

"Miss Weasley!" Professor McGonagall cried, not realizing what she had said behind Lizzie. "I'm sorry child I didn't believe you."

"She's not a Weasley anymore Professor," Lizzie sneered.

The professor ignored her as she lifted her up with her wand and levitated her back to the castle with Lizzie beside her all of the way. That is, by her mother's side, not the professor's. She didn't appreciate the professor calling her mother by her maiden name when she very well knew it wasn't her name anymore.

She received many stares when she entered the castle with her mother by her side unconscious, but she easily shot down those stares with a one of her own.

Three hours later, Lizzie was sitting by her bed that had her mother lying on it at the moment. Lizzie had refused to let her mother stay in the infirmary but had insisted she stay in her own private room. So here Ginny was, in Lizzie's room. Nicole's room had been moved on the account of Lizzie saying so because she could, as she had put it.

"Draco…" the words mumbled out of Ginny's mouth as she began to come back to her senses.

"Mum?" Lizzie said as she watched her mother begin to stir.

"Lizzie? How on earth did I get here?"

"You were unconscious when we found you," Lizzie replied.


"Professor McGonagall and I."

"Oh my," Ginny said.

"Father should be here any minute," Lizzie said.

"Oh my," Ginny repeated.

"Lizzie leave the room," a dominant male voice said.

"Oh my," Ginny repeated once again.

"Mum? What's going on?"

"Leave the room Elizabeth," Draco said; noticing her room was in fact his when he was here before. Even the colors of the walls were the same. Even the name that had been engraved into the windowsill at the bottom that read: MALFOY.

Ginny felt very light headed and almost as if she was barely even there or in other words she was very nauseous.

"Yes Father," Lizzie said as she left the room.

Draco walked over to where Ginny lay with her eyes closed.

"Ginny what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking how stupid you were to even think about telling your daughter she couldn't be happy because the man she was happy with was a half-blood. I was thinking you were a stupid git for saying that you were definitely not going to allow that to happen. I was thin---"

"Enough Ginny," Draco said as he lifted her figure up and into his arms to a position where he was sitting on the bed with her on his lap with her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry Ginny," Draco said. "Please don't take our children away from me. I won't let Lizzie not be happy with the half-blood, even though I don't like it. And why didn't you tell me we had three children?"

"We don't, not until the spring at least," Ginny said leaning into his chest and relaxing at last.

Draco kissed her on the forehead and just sat there with his wife in his arms on his old bed and held her for a long time. When Lizzie had come back in he held her as well.

"Lizzie?" Draco whispered in her ear.

She stirred slightly.

"Sweetheart," Draco whispered in Latin this time in her ear.

"Yes Daddy?" She replied in French.

"I need to get your mother home but first you need to get off of my lap and into your bed," Draco said in English.

"Ok," Lizzie said as she got up.

Draco held Ginny in his arms as he got up and watched Lizzie get into her own bed. He kissed her forehead like he used to when she was younger, as best as he could with Ginny asleep in his arms.

"Goodnight princess," Draco said.

"Goodnight Daddy," Lizzie said.

Draco apparated away with Ginny in his arms back to their home.


Please review!!! Encourage me to keep posting chapters! I could really use the support on this.
