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Why Me? by Hermy10

Why Me?


A/N: Yay!! (jumps for joy) hehe sorry this is my first story that I have EVER written about Harry Potter…so yes(looks embarrassed) it probably does have a good amount of suckage in there. Well anyways sorry about my last post I know it was confusing and a bunch of things were messed up because my computer freaked out on me and I didn't notice it (My bad)…well anyways im posting it again just for you guys

PS. I don't own Harry Potter

PSS. JKR does

PSSS. But I'm sure you guys already knew that

PSSSS. Why are you still reading this? Haha

Why me

"Why me?" yelled my boy friend/best friend Harry Potter.

"Harry you're the hero of the wizarding world, it's no wonder they picked you to host it." I said as I held his hand

Hogwarts was holding the biggest ball to celebrate the downfall of Voldemort and Harry was "randomly" chosen to host the ball. Unfortunately, there was also going to be an open stage night, which meant that headmistress McGonagall would get to choose someone who then had to go and perform something on the stage.

"Harry" I said "You have the easiest part in don't have to sing or dance at all."

"Yes but still they-"

"You're better off than the rest of us mate." Ron rudely interrupted and then proceeded to walk away.

"What's his problem?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea Harry, maybe he wanted to host the ball." I provided for him.

"No Hermione it's Ron, he wouldn't want to."

"Harry, Ron is getting jealous of you...remember fourth year."

"Yeah I remember, but that doesn't prove anything!!"

"How can you be so naive about something that's right in front of you?"

"I'm not naive, you just think you know everything. You're just a little bookworm with huge teeth and horrible hair WHO DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!"

I tried to tell myself that he didn't mean any of it but I swear I felt my heart break into ten thousand microscopic pieces. I didn't understand how he could be so vile, I mean I was used to him being vile to a person like Malfoy, but to me?

He slowly let go of my hand. "I thought you would understand Hermione but I guess you have changed. I-I thought you loved me." Harry quietly said

"I guess I don't, I mean how could I love someone who blows up when I disagree with him. You're so used to people agreeing with you. Well I'm sorry Harry Potter but I can't be with someone who refuses to listen to me. You have hurt me one time too many. I may have changed Harry but that was for the best, you changed for the worst. You will never see me again Harry Potter." And with that I walked away from Harry potter forever.

Well at least until breakfast the next morning.

The next morning I woke up before the sun was up, and I decided to write a horrible letter to Harry telling him how he was turning into a huge prat but I got a little distracted. I left the common room and went down to the great hall to get something to eat, even though I wasn't very hungry. I walked into the great hall only to notice one thing. Harry Potter was surrounded by girls, a lot of girls, which could only mean one thing, our breakup spread faster than I thought it would.

I walked right past him and sat down next to Ginny.

"Hey Hermione."She said


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."

"Oh, well I thought-"

"Gin" I looked at her. "I'm fine, I promise."

She smiled warmly at me and put her arm around me. Everything went just like this until the ball started approaching.

I soon realized that I didn't have a date and I was starting to worry that no one would ask me after all the guy that I was in love with pretty much told me I was extremely hideous.

"Hello Hermione." Neville's voice brought me out of my troubling thoughts.

"Oh hello Neville, how are you?" I weakly replied as I stopped on my pursuit to the library.

"I would be a lot better if I actually had a date to the ball."

"Wouldn't we all."

"Wait, you don't have a date?"

"No I don't."

"I was sure Ron was going to ask you."

"Why would he do that, I'm nothing but a bookworm."

"Ron told me he fancied you a while ago. Hermione you have to stop putting yourself down. You're not a bookworm you're a beautiful young woman who just happens to love books."

I laughed. "Thanks Neville, um I know guys are supposed to-"

"Hermione would you like to go to the ball with me?" He interrupted.

I thought for a moment. "Yes, I would love to go to the ball with you Neville."

Neville smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. He had grown a lot in the last couple of years. For one thing he naturally grew into his ears and teeth, unlike me. He was taller than Ron and it actually looked like he had some muscles under his robes.

'Well I will see you around Hermione; I'll meet you in the common room at five thirty for the ball."

"Okay sounds great, bye Neville."

I started to walk towards the library when Ron Weasley grabbed my arm.

"What?" I irritably asked him.

"Look I know you just broke up with Harry an all but I was wanted to know-"

"I'm already going with Neville, Ronald."

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm again.

"Wait you mean Neville as in Neville Longbottom?"

"Yes, do we know of any other Neville Longbottom?" I replied slowly as if I was talking to a child.

"That little...I told him I was going to ask you."

"When? Ron the ball is in less than a week and I wasn't going to wait around till the last minute to find a date."

"I know, I just wish I could have asked you soner."

I started to feel really bad so I wrapped my arms around him.

"Ron there are still plenty of girls out there that would love for you to take them to the ball."

"No, everyone already has a date."

"Luna Lovegood is still available I heard."

"Loony?" Ron asked. "Well I guess it's better than nothing I suppose."
I slapped his arm

"Luna is a very nice girl Ronald and you'd be lucky if she said yes to you." With that I left in the direction of the common room. The library could wait until tomorrow.

"Hello and welcome to the first Hogwarts open stage night. I am your host Harry Potter. Okay well let's start things off; Headmistress McGonagall who would you like to go first?"

Headmistress McGonagall turned around and looked at Harry "Why you are Mister Potter."

"What? Why me?"

"What better way to start of the night Mister Potter and you are the host."

"Okay um well it looks like I'm starting things off."
He grabbed a stool from the side of the stage and brought it to the front.

"I wonder what he was going to do. Even I didn't know he would have to perform. It didn't seem very fair that he had to host the ball and perform. I know one thing for sure there was no way in hell that he was going to sing." I thought to myself

Harry made his way to the center of the stage and sat down on the stool.

"Oh no he was going to try and be funny, Harry was never that funny but for some reason he always thought he was. This isn't going to turn out well." I laughed to myself