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The Other Boy Who Lived by Kwan

The Other Boy Who Lived


Harry Potter and Hermione Granger exited the Gryffindor Common Room to fulfill their roles as Prefects and carry out their patrol. Tonight, the pair had the grim responsibility of carry out the corridors surrounding the Astronomy Tower. The corridor was noted for its penchant to house people that seemed to be attached at not only the mouth but also other appendages.

While Harry very, very much enjoyed patrolling Hermione, the Astronomy corridor patrol was one of his least favorites to patrol with her. She always seemed hell-bent on lecturing the caught couple into hopefully never coming back. Although most of the first-timers seemed to be intimidated by the female Prefect's fiery presence, the repeat offenders, namely Seamus, often received point deductions for their supposed offenses.

Harry blamed it on unresolved sexual tension.

Nonetheless, Harry set out on his duty to capture the villains of love and end their tyranny over the broom closet they happened to occupy that night. An angry Hermione led to a grumpy Hermione, and a grumpy Hermione lead to a flushed Hermione, and a flushed Hermione led to a blush which slowly crept up her neck and…

Harry had to stop there because he remembered that he hadn't worn the loose robes.

The soft tip tap of their shoes was the only thing that gave them away to any unsuspecting students that were meandering around. It wasn't a particularly dark night as the waning moon cast a pale light on the cobblestone floor of Hogwarts. Harry didn't bother to try small talk as he and Hermione had done enough patrols together this year that there weren't too many awkward silences. Harry made sure not to walk to close in order to avoid any awkward moments such as a touch of hands or a slight bump of shoulders.

The pair finished their first round around the corridors and headed down a different route to the more outer areas of the corridor surrounding the Astronomy Tower. Hermione had figured out that the best way to capture unsuspecting students was to randomize their movement every night and more importantly, cover as much ground as possible. Such actions made Harry dislike the Astronomy tower patrol even more as a hurried pace often implied less talking as talking only seemed to slow down Hermione.

But tonight, Hermione walked along in a pace that could only be described as leisurely. Surprised by the lack of vigor on her part, Harry attempted to strike up a conversation. To this point, Harry had walked one step behind Hermione as she usually led the way. Harry didn't mind as he wasn't much into catching the actual students but he certainly appreciated the view.

As Harry opened his mouth to speak, however, he closed it as he didn't have anything particularly witty to say. The first question that popped into his head was, "How are you?"

Harry deemed that question seemingly boring and appalling unintelligent for someone of Hermione's intellect. Perhaps a better question would be, "How are your classes?"

Well that's stupid too.

There was no real point in asking Hermione how her classes went. Harry already knew that she had top marks in everything but Defense Against the Dark Arts (Neville had the highest marks there) and was only a hair behind in Potions (Harry had the highest marks there). Harry never brought that subject up around Hermione though because he feared that she would bite his head off (not that one though) for being better than her in something concerning academics.

Want to go with me to Hogsmeade?

Harry shook his head at his own temerity. That would be an awful question to ask. Obviously, she would say no, no doubt to her dedication to her studies. Besides, Harry reasoned, she only goes to Hogsmeade with Neville and Ron anyways. No, that question would be a decidedly stupid question to ask.

Did you see my last Quidditch game?

That was a terrible question as well, Harry thought as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Of course she had seen the last Quidditch game, Ron was the bloody Keeper. Who was he to say it was his Quidditch game as well? Hermione had certainly gone to the Quidditch game to see Harry catch the Snitch…again.

Spit or -

Harry could never finish that last question thought because he had run directly into Hermione. While he was busy pondering the mysteries of life, Hermione had kept an eye out for any unsuspecting students and apparently she had heard a noise which was usually indicative of a couple engaged in the act of kissing. Harry, lost in his own world, ran straight into her bushy hair. With an oomph, Harry took two steps backward and profusely apologized for bumping into her. Hermione just smiled at him and motioned him to keep quiet.

"I think I heard something," she whispered to him once he was close enough again.

"A knut says its Seamus again," Harry whispered back.

"You just lost a knut then because I heard Lavender asking Seamus to help her with some Transfiguration homework in the common room tonight," Hermione smirked at him.

"Since when has Transfiguration stopped Seamus from coming out here," he smirked back.

"Excellent point Mr. Potter, let's find out," Hermione smiled mischievously.

The pair yanked the door open and the couple inside immediately broke apart and rushed to straighten their clothes.

"Ginny!" Hermione yelped.


"I'm Harry," Harry said cheekily.

"I know who you are, Harry," Ginny said, irritated. The boy with her seemed to not want to show his face, obviously embarrassed at being caught.

"I told you I was going to be patrolling tonight," Hermione now had her hands on her hips and was about to steam onto full lecture mode before Ginny held a hand up to stop her.

"I know, I know Hermione, I don't need the lecture right now. Come on Michael," Ginny pulled Michael Corner's hand as she scurried away from the patrolling Prefects. Michael was still blushing and mumbled a "sorry" and "won't happen again" before the couple disappeared around the corner.

"Honestly, the nerve of that girl. If she wasn't Ron's sister, I would have definitely deducted at least five points," Hermione huffed, upset that the younger girl didn't listen to her.

Harry merely shrugged at her and closed the broom closet door. The pair resumed their patrol in silence, but Harry was glad for the temporary reprieve that finding the pair had bought him. His mind was straying into wandering territory.

"So, Harry, how are you?" Hermione asked. Harry nearly smacked his forehead.

"I'm doing alright, you know. Just trying to focus on school and what not," Harry shrugged nonchalantly.

"Of course you are. That's why you're the only sensible boy amongst those hooligan friends of yours," Hermione said in a biting tone. The bite was somewhat taken off of her statement though by the slight grin she had on her face.

"Eh, you know them, after Snape railed into them for accidentally mixing pig fat counter-clockwis in their Essence of Odor potion they needed a little break," Harry looked at Hermione knowingly. She only laughed and shook her head as she too recalled the pair's disastrous final solution.

"I tried to tell Neville that too, but he wouldn't listen. You know how Snape gets to him," Hermione frowned.

"Yeah, Snape can be a real git sometimes. I don't know why he has it out for Neville."

Professor Serverus Snape was the esteemed potions professor at Hogwarts and took every opportunity to torment the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry didn't know the particular reason for the Potion's Professor's taunting, but Harry reckoned it had something to do with the fact that from the first day of their First year, the pair did not get along well.

Snape gave almost no preferences, save the Slytherin House, and immediately had set out to torment the Gryffindor House's most popular resident for their remaining time at Hogwarts. While he was never vile or cruel outright, his constant egging on of Neville had caused quite a few ruckuses during their time spent at Hogwarts. While the majority of Gryffindor surmised that Snape had it out for Neville because Neville had destroyed You-Know-Who (Snape had been a former follower), Harry did not think that was the case.

"I always tell him to ignore Professor Snape, but he's so stubborn sometimes," Hermione rolled her eyes, no doubt recollecting some recent memory of Neville being stubborn.

Harry declined to respond, not wishing to further the conversation to Neville Longbottom. While he was the Boy-Who-Lived, and Harry was a somewhat good friend of his, he couldn't help the jealousy that spiked up when Hermione talked about Neville. She talked about him quite often too. Hermione was about to speak, and Harry quickly interrupted her to save himself from more Neville talk.

"Did you see my last Quidditch match?" Harry blurted out, nearly smacking himself in the forehead again. Hermione looked at him curiously before responding.

"Of course I did, you did brilliantly."

Harry shrugged nonchalantly again but couldn't help the smile that broke his features.

"Ron did really well too," Harry said, not wanting to seem big-headed.

"He did alright; his nerves always get to him."

"I know what you mean. I've had a couple talks with him to try to get him to concentrate but it's really 50/50 once he hits the pitch," Harry nodded knowingly. Hermione rolled her eyes as if to say, "Tell me about it."

There was a lull in their conversation as the pair began their second leg of their patrol in the Great Hall. As they neared the end of the Hall, Harry gazed at the Ministry Decrees that had adorned the archway. The Ministry, in all of it's mightly glory, had decided that certain "precautions" were to be taken now that the War had escalated. While most of the Decrees were harmless (Decree 18: Report any suspicious behavior), there was a rumor that the Ministry would soon be sending a representative of some sort for "quality assurance." Harry's thoughts were interrupted once again by Hermione.

"So what are you doing over the holiday?" Hermione politely asked.

"Oh, I'm going home to my mum's this year, reckon I should keep her some company after staying here last year for the Yule Ball and everything."

"Yeah, I'm going home to stay with my parents for a little while as well. Didn't know how much I would miss them since the War has started," Hermione said sadly.

"I know what you mean, I worry about her all the time since she was a target in the last War," Harry said solemnly.

"She'll be alright, she always seemed real smart from when I talked to her at the Train stop. How's your dad?" Hermione asked. Harry shrugged again, an action that Hermione noticed he seemed to use in abundance.

"Same old Dad, you know. Off out and about doing whatever he does," Harry said with a rueful smile on his face. Hermione patted his shoulder and offered him a friendly smile.

"Want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?" Harry shrugged again, "I reckon he'll come around for presents and what not, but you know my Dad and my Mum can't really stand each other."

"It must be difficult sometimes…" Hermione trailed off, letting him continue.

"It's not too bad, I get to visit Dad a little more now than before. Ron reckons it's because my Mum's getting tired of studying in the kitchen and taking up all the space," Harry joked.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with studying, stupid Ron, I don't know why I -"

"Hermione. Joking."

"Oh, right," Hermione had the grace to blush at her little outburst.

"Anyways, last time I went to visit Dad, he helped me out in some Defense lessons. Taught me these nifty jinxes I could use in case…well…you know…" Harry trailed off this time.

"I know."

There was another silence as their patrol neared an end. Harry was caught up thinking about his parents now that Hermione had brought it up again. He knew that his Mom and Dad loved him dearly but never really understood why they weren't together. Harry knew that when he was young, Dad and Mom had taken to living apart from each other. They couldn't be divorced because of the magic that bonded them from marriage but for some odd reason that Harry could never get out of his Mom, they had disagreed on something and didn't live together. Whenever they were within talking distance of each other, it usually devolved into a shouting match of epic proportions.

One time, Harry's Dad was worked up into such a fit that he accidentally broke twelve-year-old Harry's brand new Nimbus 2000. Needless to say, Harry didn't talk to his Dad until his Dad bought him another one. Whenever Harry approached either his Mom or his Dad about their living conditions and seemingly unstable relationship, they both repeated the same thing.

"We love you very much, but we just have agreed to disagree on some things."

Harry rolled his eyes at the usual pomp and circumstance that surrounded his interrogation of the two of them. The pair seemed like they would make a lovely cup had they not hated each other. His Mom spoiled him entirely too much but also kept a strict line when it came to academics. As a result, Harry was very studious and a little reserved when he first came to Hogwarts. His Dad, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Boisterous and seemingly always up to no good, it was only recently when Harry had spent more time with his Dad that he had grown a bit of a rebellious side.


Harry broke out of his reverie yet again and saw Hermione touching his elbow.

"Finally," she half-joked as she looked at him. He snorted and mumbled a sorry.

"Let's head back now. We're through for the night," authoritative Hermione said.

"Yes milady," Harry bowed with an exaggerated flourish, "Lead the way."

Hermione rolled her eyes at his slight immaturity but couldn't help a ghost of a smile from appearing on her face.

"Almost got a smile," Harry said with a wide grin.

"Almost, Harry, now don't push it and let's back," Hermione grinned and gave him a light shove. The pair joked and jostled a little more as they headed back towards the Gryffindor tower, careful not to make too much noise as to ruin their façade as perfect Prefects.

As Hermione climbed through the Portrait hole, however, she grew serious as she spied Neville asleep on one of the couches. He was mumbling and fidgeted quite a bit, threatening to fall off the couch. The pair made their way to Neville, Hermione in front of Harry.

As they came nearer, Harry was aware of the tight lines on Neville's forehead. His scar seemed to be a light red and he was starting to sweat. He couldn't make out the words that were coming out of Neville's mouth, but Harry reasoned that Neville wasn't having one of those dreams.

"Go on, Harry, I'll wake him up," Hermione looked at him and nodded towards the staircase. Harry hesitated for a moment, one foot ready to leave and the other foot planted on the ground.

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me, Harry, I'll see you tomorrow," Hermione hadn't bothered to look at Harry this time and was staring down at Neville's slightly twitching form.

Harry left without another word. There were times when he envied Neville Longbottom.

Now was not one of them.