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The Other Boy Who Lived by Kwan

The Other Boy Who Lived


Trudging up the bending slopes of Hogwarts grounds, Harry grumbled upon the fact that his parents had come to Hogwarts. While a small part of him was pleased that they were there together, the growing teenager within him knew that there would be more than one embarrassing moment while Lily and James Potter were at Hogwarts. He was prepared to handle the numerous jokes that his Dad would make about his rather unfortunate situation and for the unrelenting fuss his mother would make.

Harry was not prepared for the group of Aurors that confronted the quartet as they approached the castle. The group of Aurors approached the teenagers with an air of strict authority. Each of the Aurors was clad in robes of deep black. Clasped at the neck, the robes gave the Aurors an almost Dementor-like impression. Nothing from their body was visible and if it were not for their slightly shrouded heads, they could have easily been mistaken for Dementors. They made no footsteps as they walked towards Harry and seem unarmed but upon further inspection, Harry noted that there was a little stub of wood that extended slightly from the sleeves of their robes.

"Neville Longbottom," the lead Auror stated as he approached the group.

"Err…yes?" Neville answered warily with a raise of one eyebrow.

"We have been instructed to escort you to Professor Dumbledore's office as soon as you were found," the lead Auror stated bluntly. Harry found their unwillingness to move slightly unnerving. It was as if the slightest movement on their part would certainly have a rather dismal ending.

Neville looked at his friends to survey their responses while the Aurors stood motionless. Ron and Harry simply shrugged at him while Hermione gave him a small nudge in the shoulder and whispered, "Go with them."

Shrugging, Neville said, "Alright."

As he stepped forward however, the lead Auror held out one palm to impede Neville's progress.

"We must identify you."

"I am…Neville Longbottom," Neville stated plainly. There was a slight pause and Harry could almost hear the Auror sigh.

"We need to verify you are who you say you are. Same with you Harry Potter," the Auror's head under the hood of his cloak turned ever so slightly towards Harry. The other four Aurors mirrored his action. Harry gulped loudly at the rather authoritarian action.

Just as the lead Auror was about to speak, the Auror furthest in the back spoke up, "What is your Patronus Mr. Longbottom?"

Neville smiled at the feminine voice and responded, "A lion."

"It's him," the female Auror turned her head ever so slightly to address the lead Auror. Without turning around, the lead Auror nodded and turned his attention towards Harry. Once again, all of the other Aurors mimicked his action. The lead Auror retrieved a piece of parchment from within his robes and began reading its contents.

"Mr. Potter, what is the name of the fluffy bunny in your room?" the Auror asked without a trace of humor.

Harry immediately burned red from embarrassment, knowing exactly who had written his identification question. There was a snort, a cough, and a sigh behind him and Harry fought the urge to sink into the ground.


The lead Auror nodded at Harry's response and turned to discuss something with the other Aurors. Harry turned around to address a sniggering Ron, a coughing Neville, and a smiling Hermione.

"It's not a real bunny. It's just a drawing. My Dad drew it to for me when I was little and my Mom put it up in my room. I guess I've never really bothered to take it down. I swear it's not like that…" Harry hurriedly explained.

"No one's judging you Harry," Ron said with an enormous smirk on his freckled face.

"Ron shut up. I think it's quite cute Harry," Hermione threw Ron a glare but turned to smile at Harry. Harry thanked her with a rather embarassed smile of his own.

Ron snorted and stared amusedly at Hermione, "Since when do you think things are cute?"

"Am I not allowed to think things are cute?" Hermione stared at Ron evenly but noticed that her jaw was ticking ever so slightly. Harry knew it was a warning sign. Ron's smile was wiped off his face and it was Harry's turn to smirk at him.

"That's not what…I meant," Ron struggled to find the right words to appease the almost growling Hermione.

"Excuse us, but Mr. Longbottom, you need to come with us," the Aurors had finished their impromptu meeting. Shrugging, Neville bade the trio good-bye and trudged up the steps of Hogwarts, the lead Auror in front of him and two Aurors flanking him on either side.

"What I meant to say is that cute isn't a word that you would normally use to describe something," Ron looked pleased with himself as they resumed their walk.

"Is it because cute is an effeminate word and I'm not a girl?" Hermione was gearing up towards full-blown lecture mode.

"Never said that, your assumptions go too far," Ron said triumphantly. Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but Harry laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Hermione, do you know where my parents are?" Harry quickly headed off the incoming argument.

With one last glare at Ron, Hermione said, "I'll take you to them Harry."

Ron smiled at getting the last word in versus Hermione and stuck a tongue out at her while her back was turned. Harry rolled his eyes and suppressed a smile.

"Well, while you take Harry to his parents, I'm going to eat some dinner. Saving the two of you interrupted quite an important time for me," Ron turned down the hallway leading to the Great Hall without another word. As Ron left earshot, Hermione whirled around to face Harry with an upset look on her face.

"Can you believe him? Who knows what might have happened to you two and all he's worrying about is dinner!" Harry almost laughed at the cute way Hermione shook her head when she was agitated but thought better about it.

"It's just his way of coping with things. The only time you'll ever see him somber is if Gryffindor or the Canons lose a Quidditch match," Harry reasoned.

"I suppose you're right, doesn't make me any happier though," Hermione crossed her arms and stared mutinously at her shoes. Feeling bold, Harry placed a slightly shaking hand on her shoulder which caused Hermione to look at him.

"Why don't you just take me to my parents? I'm sure Ron will be less insufferable after he has some food in that bottomless pit he calls his stomach," Harry smiled at her.

"How right you are. Come on," Hermione said with a knowing smile on her face. Hermione couldn't see the grin on Harry's face as he followed her to his parents. The grin vanished however when Hermione spoke.

"So what's this about Malfoy being at your tenth birthday party?"

Harry groaned and proceeded to tell her how Draco Malfoy fully embarrassed Harry at his own birthday party.



Twenty-three minutes, six staircases, and two flights later, Harry and Hermione were leaning against a wall adjacent to the gargoyle guarding the Headmaster's office. The pair surmised that the meeting between Neville and the Headmaster was occurring at the time and the gargoyle would not let them disturb it. Unfortunately, Harry's parents were also supposed to be with the Headmaster and so, the pair of teenagers found themselves waiting for the gargoyle to reveal the staircase which leads to the Headmaster's office.

Harry, for his part, had been curiously quiet since Hermione had guessed the situation. He knew that his parents cared for him, but their being in the Headmaster's office at this moment did not infuse Harry with much happiness. He grinded his teeth, upset at the fact that for some inexplicable reason, his parents had chosen to first see Neville before seeing their son. He did not confess any of these thoughts to Hermione, who was diligently counting the minutes that had passed by in her head.

"You don't have to stay here, you know. I can wait for them on my own," Harry lightly joked, staring at her from the corner of his eye. He saw Hermione smile and pat him on the shoulder.

"No worries Harry, I was going to wait here for Neville anyways."

"Of course," Harry barely held in a sigh.

Harry stared at the gargoyle's grotesque face, the silence periodically broken by Hermione's light tapping of her foot. Hermione's explanation for staying with Harry only added to the rather sour turn of events since they arrived at the foot of the tower. Since he had been rather shy when he grew up, he was not exactly the most adept at creating small talk to fill silent spaces such as the one between him and Hermione. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Hermione twirling her wand between her index and middle finger repeatedly. It was an action she performed when she was deep in thought.

Quite a stalker I am.

Hermione's tapping foot paused as she heard other footsteps ascending the staircases. Harry turned his head to face the clatter of footsteps and soft murmur of voices rising into the air. As the footsteps neared, Harry noted a distinct clunk within the series of footsteps.

I know I've heard that noise before.

As he wracked his brain for the source of the clunk, he was startled and abruptly pulled into a nearby broom closet. Harry noted that there seemed to be an abundance of storage space for a magical school.

"Hermione, what the - "

"Shhhh," Hermione placed a slender finger against his lips to shush him while she peered through the shutters of the broom closet.

Harry froze as he felt Hermione's finger on his lips. He was dimly aware of his heart quickening and his blood racing to different parts of his body, but all he could concentrate on was the beautiful finger held against his lips. Hermione would surely be arrested for having such soft, perfect skin. His reverie was broken, however, when Hermione pulled her finger away from his lips and leaned towards the door. Confused and saddened by Hermione's actions, Harry did the only thing appropriate for the event and leaned towards the door as well.

"How is Mother?" Harry heard the muffled voice of a young teenager.

"Fine as always Draco, inviting whatever half-wit bint that will listen to her incessant gossip of grossly unnecessary things," the presumed father drawled. It was at that moment that Harry realized that the clunking sound was the sound of Lucius Malfoy's cane.

"Malfoy?" Harry mouthed to Hermione for confirmation. Hermione nodded in response and placed her fingers against her own lips in a shushing motion. For a fleeting moment, Harry was immensely jealous of her lips.

"I see, Father. Was it really necessary for you to come today?" Draco presumably asked.

The sound of footsteps stopped for a moment as the father and son apparently stopped right in front of their broom closet. Harry looked at Hermione as if she had the answer to the sudden stop. Hermione shrugged back in response.

"Why the questions Draco?" elder Malfoy spoke slowly.

"I was just curious, Father," said an uncharacteristically shy Malfoy.

"Hmmm," Harry could almost imagine the aristocratic raising of the nose that the Malfoys were known for, "Curiosity does not beget a properly raised gentleman Draco. I would advise you to be less…curious."

Lucius Malfoy's tone was decisively cold. Harry could practically feel the whispers of warning emanating from the elder Malfoy.

"Of course, Father."

"To answer your question, however, the Minister has requested my presence for Longbottom's apparent disappearance. He seems to think that the old coot is somehow involved the young Longbottom in his so called…army," the footsteps started and stopped within Lucius' explanation. Harry thought they must have stopped at the gargoyle.

"Trust me, Father, Longbottom and his friends aren't making an army of any sort," Draco snorted.

"Did I ask for your opinion?"

"No, but since when have you ever," the last part was almost whispered and if it were not for the silence in the corridor, Harry could not have heard it. Harry did hear the resulting consequence of the young Malfoy's cheek.


The loud crack in the corridor caused Hermione to jump and clutch Harry's arm. Under normal circumstances, this action would have no doubt caused the same emotions that were usually invoked when physical contact with Hermione was involved. This time, however, Harry could only strain his neck as he horrifyingly waited for what would happen next. He could tell from the distinct sound of wood hitting flesh that the elder Malfoy had no doubt hit Draco with his cane.

"I see you haven't lost any of your…insolence," Lucius Malfoy spoke without any emotion. Harry could only hear what he assumed to be Draco hissing in pain.

"Maybe a visit to the dungeons is in order?"

"That won't be necessary, Father."

"We shall see."

Harry could see Hermione's wide eyes in his peripheral. Harry, himself, could not quite believe the harsh treatment that Draco had received from his father. While Harry might have his own problems with his father, the seemingly abusive nature in which Lucius treated Draco was by far a worst situation.

"Be gone. The Minister is expecting me."

"Yes, Father."

The soft ruffle of robes that passed by their broom closet indicated that Malfoy had left the hallway. Hermione finally let go her death grip on Harry's arm for which Harry was quite thankful. Enraptured by the conversation between father and son, Harry had barely felt the lack of circulation in his upper arm. From the shutters, Harry could see Lucius Malfoy procure his wand from the head of the cane and whisper an incantation. A silvery jackal erupted from the tip of his wand and raced through the gargoyle. Harry noted it was a rather clever trick to reach the Headmaster. After a few moments, the gargoyle stepped out of the way and Lucius Malfoy disappeared up the staircase to the Headmaster's office. Once the gargoyle had stepped back into place, Harry and Hermione exited the broom closet, making sure that no one saw them exiting together.

"Wow," Harry looked at Hermione with an expression of utmost disbelief.

"Wow is an understatement. Makes me almost feel bad for Malfoy," Harry arched an eyebrow at Hermione's statement, "I said almost."

"Kind of shows why he is the way he is," Harry rubbed his upper arm.

"There's no doubt his parents had a strong influence in his behavior. I just never thought that this would be how it affected him," Hermione wrapped her arms around her, shivering slightly.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked in concern.

"I'm fine. Just slightly disturbed," Hermione wrapped her arms tightly around her. Harry did not know whether he should have given her some sort of physical comfort so he settled for shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

"What do you think they're discussing up there?" Harry discussed after a moment's pause, trying to push the recent memory out of his mind.

"The Minister is probably being as paranoid as normal. He'll ask Neville to join his army no doubt," Hermione worriedly chewed her bottom lip.

"He's asked Neville that?"

"Twice already," Hermione nodded.

"And Lucius Malfoy is up there because…" Harry trailed off.

"Fudge is in his pocket. Fudge will listen to whatever Malfoy has to say. Ironic I think," Hermione said the last part mostly to herself.

"If you ask me, Malfoy's no doubt a Death Eater."

"No evidence," Hermione shook her head, "But Dumbledore knows all of this already. He'll help."

"Of course."

Their conversation was abruptly ended by the sound of the gargoyle hopping away from the entrance. The elder Malfoy filed out without as much as a glance towards the pair. Not far behind him was Cornelius Fudge in his bowler hat, engrossed in a conversation with a toad-looking woman that Harry did not recognize. After the pair of Ministry officials, a harassed looking Neville emerged from the staircase.

"Neville! How are you? What did Fudge want? You didn't say yes did you? What did Mr. Malfoy want?" Hermione rushed forward and hugged her friend while firing question after question at him.

"Leave the poor boy alone Hermione! He's already had enough questioning as it is," said a voice from behind Neville.

Out stepped a dark-haired, brown-eyed wizard who bore an obvious resemblance to the dark-haired, green-eyed wizard who had been waiting outside of the Headmaster's office for nearly half an hour. His hair was wind-swept and dirty as if James Potter had not taken a shower for quite a while. Harry noted the grime and dirt collected at the edge of his father's robes as well as the heavy bandage wrapped around his left hand.

"Dad! What happened to your hand?" Harry's animosity towards his parents was temporarily forgotten in light of his father's apparent injuries.

"Harry!" James Potter paid no mind to Harry's worry and simply pulled him in a hug. While Harry appreciated the fatherly token of appreciation, he wrinkled his nose at the rather unkempt smell that arose from his father's robes.

"You smell like Hagrid after a run," Harry grinned at his father.

"Now that's a little uncalled for don't you think?" James said with an air of injured innocence.

"Obviously you've been around yourself for far too long."

"Too true," said a voice from behind Harry's father. Harry beamed at his mom who gave an equally genuine smile as she hugged her only son. After Harry left his mother's embrace, he was immediately smacked in the shoulder by her.

"OW!" Harry rubbed his already numb shoulder. Any further blood loss from that particular shoulder would no doubt lead to a rather unnecessary amputation.

"That's for disappearing for hours," Lily Potter clucked her tongue at her son.

"Mrs. Potter, it was mostly my fault," Neville said.

"Both of you are in need of lessons in avoiding danger," Lily gave a slightly stricken look towards both boys.

"I think what your mother means, Harry - Neville, is that the next time you get in trouble, make sure you leave a note before you go," James Potter winked at the pair of them.

"Which is not what I mean at all. Things are already bad enough with that ridiculous Fudge constantly harassing you kids. It would be wise not to give him any incentive to take any of you out of Hogwarts," Lily gave a pointed look to the three students. Harry knew that his mom was an expert in the art of guilt-tripping.

"Just hot air Lily," James said with a roll of his eyes. Harry chuckled at his father's petulance which caused his mother to fix him with a stern glare. Harry immediately topped laughing.

"It's hot air until you get one of those horrible letters."

"She's got you there Dad," Harry shrugged defeat.

His mother was very insistent on the topic of his school mates fighting for the Ministry. Ever since the first letters had arrived at Hogwarts, his mother had seemingly taken a crusade in trying to revoke the law which approved the recruitment of students. While Harry would have normally been embarrassed by his mother's public appeal, he admired her bravery in the face of a rather disconcerting body of people.

"Fighting for those Aurors can't be that bad. The group that walked me up here was pretty cool," Neville piped into the family affair. James and Lily exchanged a look before James addressed the Boy-Who-Lived.

"It's not fighting with the Aurors that's the bad part, Neville. You kids are too…" James glanced at Lily, "…young for this."

"I'd fight with my friends, even if what the Ministry is doing is wrong," Harry looked to Neville and Hermione for support. They both grimly nodded, agreeing with his statement. Once again, Harry's mother and father exchanged a loaded glance.

"Harry…and this goes for all of you," Lily started, "If you get one of those letters, you tell us first okay?"

"Well what are you going to do? It's not as if I would say no to fighting You-Know-Who," Harry muttered rebelliously, almost forgetting that Hermione and Neville were there.

"Harry, you will tell us if you get a letter," James fixed his son with an uncharacteristically stern glance. Harry glanced between the serious look on his father's face and the commanding yet worried look on his mother's face. The animosity to his parents returned in full force.


There was a terribly awkward moment in which the five people in the hallway shuffled awkwardly.

"Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter, do you want to get dinner with us in the Great Hall? I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't object," Hermione spoke up. Harry thanked her with his eyes and Hermione responded with a slight nod.

"I would love to, but I should really get going," James Potter rubbed the back of his neck as he awkwardly shifted from foot to foot. Harry steadfastly stared at the dirt on his shoes. He could practically feel the glare from his mother to his father.

"Just business stuff and all Harry," James said quietly. Lily sniffed at his rather weak explanation.

"Of course, Dad. I'll see you around Christmas?" Harry asked without looking up.

"Of course, kiddo. I'll be there a little earlier this year."


Harry looked up and saw his father's crestfallen face. As much as he hated him at this moment, he was still his father. He quickly recalled Malfoy's father and knew that he would not trade places with the blonde for all the Galleons in the world.

"I'll see you at Christmas, Dad," Harry gave him a small smile. James nodded and gave his son a quick man hug.



The pair nodded at each other before James Potter left the hallway. Harry could see Neville staring anywhere but Harry and his mom while Hermione looked pensive as she watched the retreating back of Harry's father.

"Well come on now Harry. I am rather famished," Lily Potter smiled at her son. Hermione and Neville lead the way to the Great Hall while Harry hung a pace back with his mother.


"Yes Harry?"

"Please refrain from embarrassing stories around my friends," Harry said in an effort to lighten the suddenly damper mood.

"I'll try to limit it to stories without diapers."



Hours after his mother had departed Hogwarts, Harry found himself patrolling the corridors with the last person he wanted to see. It seemed as if Fate had different plans for Harry that night.

Draco Malfoy tapped his wand against his robe as he walked a good five feet from Harry. During one of his first patrols with Malfoy, the blonde had set up rules that generally kept the two from causing bodily harm to each other.

Rule #1: At no time will you walk within four feet of me. I have heard from various credible sources that stupidity is contagious.

Rule #2: At no point will you ask me how my life is. My life is perfect.

Rule #3: On the occasion we find a stupid miscreant, I will handle all the point deducting duties.

Rule #4: When and if we encounter a person and/or creature with malicious intent, you will step forward to deal with the hostile. I feel as if you would make a great probe so I learn its weaknesses and defeat it with ease.

Rule #5: You will address me as Lord Malfoy.

Harry had the crumpled piece of parchment buried deep within his drawers in his dorm. He also steadfastly refused to abide by rules #3 and #5. Malfoy, for his part, accepted Harry's selective choosing of the rules and seemed content with their arrangement. Unbeknownst to Malfoy, Harry was suddenly nervous around the young Malfoy after witnessing the rather severe punishment for his cheek. He felt as if he were to burst his secret at any moment to the blonde, confessing that he had seen the sins of his father and understood the pains and suffering. Harry doubted that Malfoy would understand though.

So Harry kept silent as they marched through the upper floors of Hogwarts castle. Malfoy would periodically sneer in Harry's general direction when he thought that he had not done something malicious in the past half hour. Harry did not respond with his usual glare but simply stared back at the blonde. This action seemed to unnerve the Slytherin which caused his sneers to be less frequent as time wore on.

As Harry and Draco passed by the library, Harry spotted a dim light from behind one of the book cases. With a soft "Pssst", Harry tilted his head towards the dull light. Malfoy spotted the source of light and brought out his wand.

"You can take this one if you want," Harry whispered.

"How very nice of you Potter," Malfoy whispered back, "I don't like it. Why don't you take it?"

Harry rolled his eyes at Malfoy's turnabout. He recalled Hermione's words from earlier that day. He almost felt sorry for the Slytherin.

Harry approached the book case softly, his feet barely touching the ground as he quietly made his way to the disturbance in the library. As he got closer, he heard the soft murmur of voices, noting that there were two males and one female. As he closed in on the target, he realized he recognized the owners of those voices.

Cursing, Harry could not help himself as he surreptitiously inched a book from its original spot so he could see through the book case. His suspicions were confirmed as a spot of blonde, red, and ginger hair were bent over a book on the desk. Harry tried to get closer to the bookshelf as he struggled to hear their conversation.

"Look! It says right here. Prophecies can only be picked up from those who it is meant for. I told you I knew," Ron said.

"Doesn't change the fact that we can't even get into the Hall of Prophecies. That's in the Department of Mysteries, so feel free to get all of us a ticket in there, Ron," Hermione shot back.

"No need to be a snit about it. I never said I could get in there, I just knew that Neville can touch the prophecy," Ron reasoned.

"Both of you just…stop for a second?" Neville rubbed his forehead as he stared down at the book.

"Why is Voldemort," Ron, Harry, and Hermione grimaced, "thinking about a prophecy about me?"

"Maybe that's his secret weapon?" Ron asked.

"Ridiculous. Divination is an unreliable branch of magic at best. I'd be willing to bet that not even half of those prophecies come true," Hermione scoffed.

"It's not the Hall of Trelawney Hermione. It's the bloody Hall of Prophecies. Those things do come true!" Ron rolled his eyes at the brunette. Hermione did not respond and instead resolutely glared at Ron.

"Well it's heavily guarded right? Department of Mysteries and all?" Neville asked.

"My Dad told me that not even the Unspeakables know everything in the Department of Mysteries," Ron said.

"Well then let's just keep this thing to ourselves for now. Fudge was already breathing down my neck at the meeting and he's probably got his little Auror spies embedded in this place. Not to mention Malfoy and that lady would not stop looking at me as if I were some nasty piece of meat. Dumbledore wouldn't make eye contact with me during our meeting so there's no point in telling him. Next Hogsmeade visit, I'll tell Padfoot and Moony to meet up with us and we can tell them what all of this means," Neville planned out.

"Are you sure we shouldn't just tell Dumbledore?" Hermione chewed on her bottom lip.

"No - I - just don't think it's a good idea right now," Neville stuttered.

"Sounds like a plan to me then," Ron clapped Neville on the shoulder. The pair looked expectantly at Hermione.

"Oh fine. I'm meeting up with Harry to buy some books and then I'll meet with the rest of you after."

"Wait, you're meeting with Harry…to buy books?" Ron asked slowly. Neville also looked at Hermione with strange curiosity.

Harry heard someone snicker beside him and turned to see that Malfoy was also peering through a hole in the bookshelf. Malfoy smirked at him and waggled his eyebrows, no doubt mocking Harry's mock date. Thankfully, Malfoy did not the conditions in which Harry asked Hermione to Hogsmeade.

"Yes, Ron. Unlike you, Harry takes an interest in his studies," Hermione sniffed haughtily.

"If by interest, you mean he's a bit boring. Come on, it's Harry," Ron said. Harry rolled his eyes at Ron's response. He had heard enough late night talks in the dorm room to surmise what the rest of the dorm thought of him.

"Beat you in a duel though didn't he?" Hermione replied with a lace of venom in her voice.

Again, Malfoy snorted beside Harry. Try as he might, Harry could not bring himself to do the right thing and confront the Trio and stop the snooping. Harry was dying to hear what they had to say about him.

"So you're just meeting with Harry to buy books?" Neville asked benignly.

"Yes, yes, and I'll meet with you after Neville," Hermione sighed at having to explain herself again.

"All right," Neville said slowly, "We should get going."

The other two teenagers nodded in agreement as they closed a set of books that had collected on the table. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Malfoy straighten his robes and look to confront the Trio.

"Malfoy, no!" Harry whispered urgently. It was no use though as Malfoy stepped out from behind the bookshelf.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Three kids out from curfew hours," Malfoy drawled as he leaned against the side of the bookshelf.

The Trio froze as they assessed the situation. Malfoy had clearly caught them beyond curfew hours and while Hermione was a prefect, there would be no way to escape this conundrum. They did not count on Harry stepping out from behind the bookshelf as well.

"Harry! How long have you been here?!" Ron squeaked.

"We just got here Weasley," Malfoy smirked at the redhead. Harry fixed him with a glance, but Malfoy did not respond. He simply stared coolly at Ron.

"Shut up Malfoy, why don't you just - oh my Merlin - what the hell happened to your face? Did someone push you down the stairs?" Ron ogled the shiner on Malfoy's cheek. Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance.

"No Weasley, I tripped over your ineptitude," Malfoy snapped back.

"That looks awful. What'd you do? Lose a fight?" Ron continued.

"Yes, to a five hundred ton troll who had three heads and a club for an arm. Now will you just shut up so I can deduct points from you!!?" Malfoy grew even more agitated to Ron's pleasure.

"Five points each from all of you!" Malfoy smiled in satisfaction.

Neville and Ron looked to Harry for help to which he could only shrug again. Hermione knew better than to rebuke Malfoy. She was well versed in the rules established since You-Know-Who's rising.

"We'll just get going then," Hermione said quietly.

"You do that Granger," Malfoy leered at her as the Trio quietly slipped by Malfoy. Each of them nodded at Harry sympathetically. Harry offered each of them an apologetic smile as if to say, "I wish I could help."

After they were out of range, Harry turned to Malfoy and asked him, "Why did you cover for me?"

Malfoy shrugged and grinned deviously, "Because now you owe me one."

"Don't look too shocked Potter, it's our little secret," Malfoy brushed past him and exited the library.

Somehow, Harry did not feel the least bit comforted that he and Malfoy shared a secret.