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The Other Boy Who Lived by Kwan

The Other Boy Who Lived


Harry could hardly believe his eyes.

Dozens of aircraft roared overhead, bombarding an area towards the south. Even the Death Eaters temporarily halted their curses to watch the scintillating view of the jets streaking through the sky. The ground shook heavily as the first wave of jets flew over and Harry could only hope they hit the right target.

"Push through!"

Taking advantage of the slight lull, Harry leaped into action. He cut through an alley and vaulted a low wall that lead to an adjacent alleyway. Flanking a few Death Eaters, Harry dispatched them with ease. He moved quickly, blasting a few targets and not bothering to look back to see if he made solid connection. He was only interested in creating a slight ruse, hoping the Death Eaters would follow him into another alley.

Harry repeated the process, snaking through the streets. He was too fast and too quick to land a solid hit and caused confusion amongst the embedded Death Eaters. Their formation was broken as Harry created total chaos within their order. The Death Eaters were now abandoning their orders, blindly shooting and chasing shadows as Moody and the rest of the allies simply mopped up the mess from the disorganized Death Eaters.

More bombardments could be heard from a distance as numerous jets flew overhead. Harry paid the Muggles no heed as he continued his unrelenting assault on the Death Eaters. He only appeared for a moment in their eyes before either firing a spell at them or disappearing - only for him to reappear right beside them. Harry was an untouchable ghost, their spells passing right through him.

Moody followed behind him, carefully tracking Harry with his magical eye. The boy was in fine form, flying through the Death Eater ranks and wreaking unimaginable havoc on their morale. The boy had good genes, Moody always knew that, but he never expected this sort of magical talent. He was bordering on being an expert duelist, no doubt taught by his deceased father, but he also excelled at live strategy. That was usually an innate ability. If Dumbledore himself told Moody that Harry Potter would be leading the charge back when the boy was eleven, he would've hardly believed the dead wizard.

His power was simply unfathomable.

Slashing through yet another unsuspecting Death Eater, Harry turned around and beckoned them forward, signaling the coast was clear. Overhead, the jets still roared above them and the large thumps along the ground indicated the Muggles were putting their force to good use. Moody could only hope that they were hitting the right targets.

Scattering the initial Death Eater defenses, Harry forged ahead, keeping the pressure on the retreating foes and hoping for a quick breakthrough to the tower. The faster they reached the tower, the less casualties they would have. Harry was no fool, but he would rather take a minimal amount of casualties. As the Death Eaters continued to fall back, Harry took a moment to confer with Moody.

"They're pretty spooked. I don't think they expected the Muggles," Harry peeked over a wall to see a deserted building, "Only a few more blocks until we reach the park. What do you advise there?"

The park, though littered with light cover, would be a chaotic, open battleground. Without the refuge of buildings and other solid obstructions, they were exposed against the defensive-minded Death Eaters. It was rare when the Minister's Army were the actual attackers and thus they found themselves in a bit of a difficult position.

"No sense in taking this slowly," Moody grumbled, "You sure you don't have a concrete way inside?"

Harry pessimistically shrugged his shoulders, "Unlikely. Once we get close, I expect there will be a concentration of forces at the entry point. I'll make the push there."

"We will make the push there, Potter," Moody reprimanded him, "I don't care what tricks you have up your sleeves, we're going to be fish in a barrel in a second."

"You don't think I know that?" Harry snapped back, "You don't think I know I'm sending my friends hurtling into a fire here? We're running out of time, Moody. Everything's on the line here."

"And it would beseech you to remember who's in charge," Moody hissed, thumping his staff, "All forces are a go, but find mewhen you get that entry point, Potter."

Harry sighed and shook his head, the frustration evident in his face. Hermione suddenly sidled up next to them and poked her head in, "What's the hold up?"

"The park's up ahead," Harry pointed with a jerk of his head, "It's a bit exposed and we're going to have run out there in the open and create some cover. I want you and Ron to keep Neville behind as many shields as possible. It would be absolutely stupid if he doesn't make it."

Hermione nodded, dismissing the harsh words, "Neville's almost oblivious right now. It's like he can't even recognize his surroundings, Harry. I'm worried about what happens when we get him in the tower."

"Let's worry about getting into the tower first," Harry looked up and spotted the mop of brown hair.

Neville was perched on the sidewalk, his free hand holding the stump precariously although there was no point to holding his forearm. His head was down, chin tucked into his chest. He obviously paid no heed to his surroundings and his slumped body posture suggested no concern for the battle. Ron spotted Harry's observance and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"For fuck's sake, we need him to snap out of it," Harry glowered angrily.

"We can't do anything, Harry! He's been like this the entire time. Neville's completely checked out."

"Or Voldemort's completely checked in."

Moody shook his head, "Keep him moving and put him down the minute he starts acting up."

Harry and Hermione nodded, knowing there were few other options.

"What's the hold up?" Malfoy grunted as he also joined the conversation.

"Nothing," Harry responded, "Tell everyone to move for the tower."

Vaulting the low wall, Harry couldn't help but feel the slight tinge of desperation that marked everyone's voice. What was the point of reaching the tower if Neville couldn't do a damn thing by himself?


"Red-one, I'm circling around for another drop. What's the target?"

"Same as before."

"The giant, hulky things?"

"Say again."

"The troll things."

"Confirm, all targets on the bridge are marked."

"Red-one, it's Red-two. The targets are starting to overrun the bridge, advise on target."


"Dammit, I don't know. They all look the fucking same to me down there."

"Red-one, we need a target."

"Hold pattern. Confirming targets."



Samson held the receiver close to his ear, the distant roar of the jets and the more guttural roar of the magical creatures creating a tumultuous amount of background noise. He could hear the slight cackles but momentarily looked up as he saw yet another troll come closer and closer to their line.

"How many of those things are there?" Samson asked Nott.

Nott, still directing the flow of magical fire, responded, "I don't know. They recruited massive armies once the tower was raised. We can hold them off a bit longer, but we've done our job here. I'm not losing anymore of my guys."

"Samson!" the voice of the radio came through clearly this time.

"This is Samson. Why are you holding fire, Red-one?"

"Targets aren't distinguishable. We're going to need you to laser mark all targets from here on out. It's getting hairy from up here, Samson."

"Red-one, we need you to keep up all fire. You're the only thing holding them at bay right now."

"Samson, confirm targets. You all look the same from up here."

"Fuck," Samson threw the receiver down as another hulking giant landed at Zabini's feet, the carcass providing some makeshift cover for the Slytherin boy as he assisted another wizard to his right.

"Do you have this laser mark thing?" Nott asked, not knowing the object being referenced.

"It's in my duffel, but…" Samson trailed off as he looked at the obvious answer.

"Nott, I need to get up on that tower. Can you spare me a few of your blokes?" Samson pointed towards Big Ben, realizing the obvious vantage point of the historical landmark.

"What are you going to be doing up there?" Nott asked.

"I have a thing," Samson tried to explain, "that will direct the fire of those jets above. You want more of that, don't you?"

Nott took one look at the advancing forces and immediately replied, "Fuck it. We need more of that."



Samson raced into the tower and groaned as he looked skywards. There were 334 limestone stairs to the top and it would take ages just to get up there. By that time, the Death Eaters would surely over run Nott's men.

"Don't worry," Nott said upon hearing Samson's groan, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Samson felt an odd floating sensation before realizing his feet were now off the ground. Yelping a bit, Samson held tight as he realized what was about to happen.

"Hold on tight."

Samson shot upwards, flying through the staircases at breakneck speed. He zoomed in and out of the stairwell, a hair's distance away from literally breaking his neck on one of the railings. He didn't even know how Nott was controlling him without looking, but he was at the top of the stairwell in just a few seconds, all of the doors opening in front of him in the process.

Nott zoomed along next to him a couple seconds later, no doubt aided by one of his friends.

"That's a fancy trick I'd like to repeat," Samson commented.

"I'd rather not, I almost bashed your head in a few times through those doors."

They raced towards the glass pane windows and shattered them quickly, allowing them easy access and a great view of the bridges and the majority of London.

"Here," Samson hauled some sort of odd shaped box with reflective glass on one side, "Tell me what you wanted to hit."

Nott spotted a particularly nasty group of trolls with clubs waiting to advance through the large gaps on the bridge. The bombings had obliterated a few sections of the bridge but the Death Eaters were quickly replacing them and Nott assumed that they would quickly take to the skies once they realized they couldn't get the monsters across. The Death Eaters they could handle. The trolls and werewolves they could not.

"There," Nott pointed, "Tell them to take those things out."

"Got it."

There were a series of beeps before Samson picked up his radio, "Red-one, this is Samson. Laser targets are online."

"Roger that, Samson. Targets acquired."

"All stations," Samson said into his radio while consulting a map, "I need a focus on 133875. Repeat, focus fire on 133875. Targets are painted. I repeat, targets are painted."


"Targets confirmed. Watch your head down there."

Nott could feel the incoming whoosh of a jet flying extremely close to the clock tower. The jet flashed across his vision before a series of thumps reverberated below. Looking off the edge of the window, Nott watched as a band of werewolves and trolls were engulfed in flames. Another set of jets dropped a series of bombs where Samson was holding the laser target steady, effectively rendering the magical creatures useless.

Nott leaned forward even more, eager to use the new Muggle weapon. Pointing to the cluster of Death Eaters preparing to mount brooms and launch an attack via the sky, Nott yelled at Samson to take them out. Samson now had the laser targeting system on a tripod and shifted the focus so it aimed right at the horde of Death Eaters by the St. Thomas hospital.

"Tell them to get them before they take off!" Nott yelled.

"Red-one, new targets painted. Priority immediate."

"Roger that. We have a few shots left."

Nott watched a band of jets circling from the east dive low as they prepared another bombing run. They arrived in a flash and set the coast of the river ablaze, burning the Death Eaters trying to take to the sky with their brooms. Nott pumped his fist, exhilarated by the small victories.

"Samson, there's going to be delay. We need to reload and refuel. ETA to new wave is 10 minutes."

"Roger. Targets will be painted."

Turning to Nott, Samson explained, "There's going to be…"

"A 10 minute delay. I'm a wizard, not a Neanderthal."

Samson cracked a wry grin, "Just making sure."

Turning towards the more intimidating dark tower, Nott frowned as he spotted a few plumes of smoke from the general direction of Harry's forces. They were no doubt closing in on the base of the tower where the majority of Voldemort's forces lay waiting.

"Is there any way we can paint targets over there," Nott pointed towards the tower.

"Tower's unaffected by the fire," Samson pointed out.

"The tower may be, but the Death Eaters aren't."

Samson still shook his head, "I can't paint it from here, the sightline is too obstructed."

Nott shook his head, gulping as he realized he couldn't help from their position.

"They're on their own then."

A long, screeching cry caused Nott and Samson to whip their heads around. Nott squinted into the distance, trying to identify the source of the inhumane yell. His stomach dropped as soon as he saw the creature emerging from the horizon.



The Death Eaters were waiting for them.

Harry summoned a shield as soon as he vaulted the wall, the spells splashing against his signature blue shield. Out of the corner of his eye, he witnessed Dean being lifted off his feet and smashing against an object behind him. Harry couldn't stop to help him. It would only slow him down.

Running forwards and dodging a few more spells, Harry turned around to see the rest of his forces not faring as well as he did. A few people were already lying on the ground, hopefully not on the receiving end of any Killing Curses. Parvati rolled into the temporary cover next to him and immediately constructed a series of bushes and hedges for a slight reprieve against the hellfire.

"Harry, where are we even going?" Parvati gasped.

Harry turned to respond but a distraction caught his eye. Hermione and Ron were hustling Neville behind a crew of people. They each had him by one arm but the one-armed boy was staring at the tower, his feet shuffling heavily against the pull of his friends. His head jostled on his neck as if it were loosely connected, waiting to fall off. A boulder went flying through the air, it's trajectory bringing it right on top of the trio. Harry aimed a Reductor curse at the boulder and smashed it to pieces. The trio crashed against Harry and Parvati, Hermione and Ron breathing heavily.

"Harry! This is suicide!" Ron screamed.

Hermione looked around at the onslaught and though she said nothing, she didn't voice her disagreement either.

"We have to keep pushing through," Harry said through gritted teeth, "The entrance must be here somewhere."

"I'll keep setting up some defenses. You better find that damn entrance, Harry," Parvati warned him as she remained hunched over and continued to create temporary shields against the Death Eaters.

"It has to be somewhere the Death Eaters would guard fiercely," Harry peeked over the cobblestone, trying to find a mass horde of Death Eaters.

A few hundred feet from the base of the tower, a tent was erected and surrounded by an unusually large concentration of Death Eaters. Though there were several tents posted in the park, it was the only square shaped tent as the other tents were more triangular in shape.

"Could that be it?" Harry asked Hermione.

Hermione looked up and saw the same square tent. It was oddly shaped and jutted queerly from the row of tents that no doubt marked the living quarters of some of the Death Eaters. Hermione also noted the concentrated forces around said tent.

"It's worth a shot," Hermione replied.

"Thanks," Harry squeezed her hand, hoping to find a slightly solace in the hellish battlefield.

Catching Moody's eye, Harry used a combination of hand signals to signify the square tent as a potential target. Moody nodded his acquiescence. Turning over to his other side, Harry caught Malfoy's attention and used another combination of hand signals to wave him over.

"Found something?" Malfoy asked as he sent a few spells towards a charging Death Eater.

Harry informed Malfoy of the potential target and formed a plan to hopefully subdue the area to a reasonable state of capture. Harry suddenly heard a disembodied voice and was surprised to hear it coming from his wand.

"Harry, it's Nott. Come in!"

"Nott, we're a little busy. What is it?"

"We've held the bridges off for a moment. They're still pouring in but we got some help from the Muggles."

"We saw that. Keep it up. We're about to move on the tower."

"Wait! Harry - something's headed your way."

"What is it, Nott?"

"Harry. There's a dragon coming."

A loud screech interrupted the conversation and they all looked up to find the massive, winged beast soaring overhead. Harry only saw the tail but immediately identified the species.

Hungarian Horntail.

Riding on a makeshift seat was a Death Eater that Harry couldn't recognize from this distance. He tugged at the reins of the dragon and forced it downwards, descending on Harry's side of the invisible trench line. The dragon's mouth opened, a terrible omen for those in it's path. Harry could see the first embers of the fire growing inside the dragon's mouth, preparing to cause massive damage on the targets below. Casting the strongest shield Harry could summon, he blocked the stream of fire. It splashed around them, the liquid heat harmlessly melting the ground around them.

"Bloody hell," Ron gasped, "How are we supposed to take that down?"

"Harry," Hermione urgently tugged at his combat robes while pulling something out of her handy knapsack.

Hermione finally grasped the intended object and started pulling it out of the bag. Slowly, the wooden handle appeared, glossy and smooth from careful cleaning. The twigs followed suit shortly thereafter until Harry's majestic broom was in full view.

"Take it," Hermione said with more than a hint of worry on her face.

Nodding, Harry grasped the upper part of the broom and smashed a kiss against Hermione's face before slinging one leg over the broom and launching into the air in pursuit of the dragon.

"I wish he didn't do that sometimes," Hermione wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"And I thought I was dramatic," Malfoy commented as he watched Harry give chase to the dragon.

Soaring through the air, Harry pursued the Hungarian Horntail, hoping to catch the dragon and it's owner off guard. He was gaining speed on the dragon as the beast slowed in midair to make a U-turn for another pass at the attacking wizards.

Knowing it would be difficult to simply down the dragon in mid-flight, Harry knew the only chance he had at rendering the dragon useless would be jumping aboard with the Death Eater. He flew as close as possible, trying to avoid alerting the dragon of his presence. Once he aligned himself in parallel just above the dragon, Harry leaped off the broom and landed on the dragon's back.

The dragon bucked, feeling the impact of another rider. It didn't turn it's head around though, assuming the rider was in cahoots with the current master. The Death Eater either didn't hear or see Harry's sudden arrival and Harry used the lack of awareness to his advantage. He crept slowly behind the Death Eater, careful not to be thrown off by the dragon's sudden movements. Deeming himself in close enough proximity to hit the Death Eater with a spell, Harry raised his wand, holding himself onto the dragon with one precarious hand.

The dragon suddenly dived, causing Harry to lose his balance and fly head long into the Death Eater. He smashed into the Death Eater's back, losing his wand in the process. Harry could only watch as his wand tumbled through the air and tried to summon it wandlessly. The wand twitched in mid-flight, almost making it half-way back towards Harry but stopping quite suddenly and dropping. Not even Harry was that strong.

The Death Eater was attached to the seat with some sticking charm and didn't fall off when Harry collided into him. Harry held onto what ever he could while he raised a fist and connected a solid punch to the Death Eater's face. Punching him again in the face, Harry took the opportunity to snatch the Death Eater's wand and point it at the crumpled foe. Undoing the sticking charm, Harry unceremoniously dumped the Death Eater overboard, the body no doubt landing somewhere fatally below.

It then occurred to Harry that he was riding a dragon.

By himself.

"Can't be that hard," Harry muttered and pulled at the reins.

The dragon roared and suddenly tumbled downwards, descending into an almost free fall.

"No! Up, you stupid thing," Harry yelled at the Horntail.

The Horntail, not appreciating the sudden displeasure, bucked again. Harry jostled on his seat but held tight. The compulsion or confounds jinx that the Death Eater used against the dragon was not in effect when Harry was riding it. As a result, all the dragon wanted to do was throw Harry off.

The dragon twisted and turned, trying to bite Harry. Harry dodged the sharp fangs of the dragon, barely escaping the second chomp. He had to act quickly or else the dragon would no doubt find it's target. He pointed the Death Eater's wand at the neck of the dragon and hoped the wand would be powerful enough for him.


An explosion rocked the tender back of the dragon's neck. The dragon yelped and it's wings stuttered, causing the dragon to fall dangerously again. Harry held on tight and aimed one more time.


Blood sprang from the wound in the dragon's neck and the dragon fell again, unable to hold itself up. It kept falling until it seemed to doomed to crash into the ground. Casting the hex one more time, Harry timed his jump and performed a Cushioning charm on the way down to soften his landing as the dragon landed right on top of the square tent, crushing many of the Death Eaters below its massive hulk.

Rolling into a ball, Harry sprang from his position and fired at the literally stunned Death Eaters. Eliminating a large amount of the unsuspecting villains, Harry waved at Moody to advance the forces. Knowing that the Death Eaters would soon descend upon them in multiple waves to defend the entrance, Harry had to act quickly. Sprinting around to a gap below the dead dragon's outstretched neck, Harry approached the entrance of the partially crushed tent. Naturally covered by the dragon's leathery wing, Harry stepped inside and found what he was looking for.

It was an underground tunnel.

Harry could only hope it lead directly to the tower.


Nott watched the dragon tumble from the sky, unable to distinguish what exactly killed the dragon.

"Looks like they took care of that," Samson whistled lowly.

"Nott!" The voice in the wand yelled.

"Moody, what was that?"

"Potter took out the dragon and found the entrance to the tower. We need everyone to fall back and hold the entrance while they finish things in there."

"Got it, we'll collapse and fall back to you."

"Hurry up, Nott," said an uncharacteristically hushed Moody, "They're coming down on us here."

"We'll be there, Moody."

"What?" Samson asked as he saw Nott's disturbed visage.

"Nothing," Nott shook it off, "It's just never good if Moody's worried."

Samson agreed as he started packing the laser targeting system. As he turned towards the staircase, Nott shook his head.

"No, jump out of the window."


"The window," Nott gestured, "Jump out of it."

"I assume there's a plan to this," Samson said slowly.

"Of course," Nott gave Samson a gentle push and sent the Muggle careening down the tower. He aimed the cushioning charm right where Samson landed and prevented a devastating blow. Nott quickly followed suit, hoping they could reach Potter and Moody in time.


"So who's going in?"

Moody asked the question as they huddled behind the dragon's dead carcass. The rest of the forces created a half-circle of defenses, easily fending off the Death Eaters for now. The inner circle was currently conferencing their next move.

"These three are coming in with me," Harry pointed to the obvious trio.

"I'm going in," Malfoy voiced his opinion.

"No," Harry vehemently shook his head, "You're more useful out here. You too, Ginny."

"Harry!" Ginny started.

"NO," Harry said more forcefully, "There's no use in us going in the tower if we can't fend off the entrance. Dean. Seamus. Padma. Come with us. Everyone else - hold this last line."

Malfoy opened his mouth to argue but for once stopped himself. His face was contemplative for a moment before nodding and looking at Neville one last time.

"Hope you're up to this, boy wonder."

He vanished off, presumably to reinforce the defenses. Ginny did not leave quite so easily.

"You've babied me this whole time, Harry. I'm going in there with you guys!" Ginny begged, "You don't even know how many of Voldemort's men are in there!"

"Nott said there was not a lot of traffic in or out of the entrance. There's few forces of Voldemort's in there. The seven - six of us can handle it," Harry looked at Neville's rather incapacitated form as he corrected himself.

"But, Harry -"

"No 'buts' Ginny!"

"Weasley, that's enough," Moody ordered her, "Take to the stations with Malfoy. Let the prophecy handle the rest."

Ginny glared at Harry, her resentment clear but Harry stood resolute. She looked at her brother and stepped forward to engulf in a monstrous hug. Ron awkwardly wrapped his arms around her, patting her back.

"We'll be back soon, Gin."

Ginny didn't answer but gulped back a few tears. She nodded towards Harry, unable to forgive him for making such an important decision. Fearing she wouldn't be able to turn back, Ginny left the group to join the rest of the forces defending the entrance.

While Dean, Seamus, Padma, and the trio prepared, Moody pulled Harry off to the side.

"Potter, whatever you're thinking of doing in there - don't do it," Moody growled.

"We're just getting to Voldemort, Moody."

"Don't give me that shit," Moody spat, "I see it in your eyes, boy. The hatred. The revenge. No matter what state or how incapable he may seem of defeating the Dark Lord, the prophecy believes in Longbottom for a reason. This is not your fight."

Harry looked at Neville, a hint of pity gracing his emerald eyes, "He won't be able to beat him."

"Dumbledore believed in him for a reason."

"Dumbledore was a fool," Harry hissed.

Moody smacked Harry's leg with his magical staff, "That man is ages beyond your even wildest understandings. You may have power, boy, but we've both roamed this Earth longer than you've been fighting Voldemort. Don't get in the way of the prophecy."

"Voldemort will be dead, Moody. That's all I want."

"Be careful of who you kill along the way, Potter," Moody warned him one last time.

"Hold the entrance, Moody," Harry said crisply, "We'll be back."

Seamus, Dean, and Padma announced they were ready. Hermione and Ron half-heartedly tugged Neville into the entrance of the tent as the seven of them started their descent into the dark tunnel.

Harry lead the way, his wand held loftily in the air with a Lumos attached to light the way. The subterranean tunnel was crude and hurriedly fleshed out. The lack of physical supports indicated a magical tunneling instead of a more polished building structure. They walked for several minutes, the sounds of the battle quickly fading into nothingness behind them.

None of them spoke, fearful of breaking the silent reverie that kept them at a temporary peace. Voldemort was going to be on the other side of the tunnel and not even Harry wished to voice that simple truth. The tunnel suddenly expanded into a larger tunnel, almost twice in radius. Harry cast a quick revealing spell, trying to scout ahead for any potential trouble.

"One person," Harry said as the charm came back to him.

They advanced carefully, all of their wands held in the ready position in case a surprise attack suddenly flashed at them. But as they continued down the larger tunnel, there were no surprises or attacks. The tunnel just opened into a larger atrium, still in the subterranean.

Harry squinted, seeing a figure standing ahead of a bright light. As his eyes adjusted, they widened as they saw the person blocking the light at the end of the tunnel. He was barely distinguishable in the dark light, but it would be hard to miss the wild hair and the tattoos.

"Sirius!?" Harry questioningly bellowed.

"Sirius, is that you?" Hermione more cautiously asked.

Sirius didn't move, his head tucked into his chest and his arms limp at his side.


Sirius suddenly spoke and there was no mistaking the voice. Still, Harry knew Sirius could very well be Polyjuiced. He didn't lower his wand as he advanced one step, eager to identify the truth of this person's identity.

"Harry," Sirius suddenly spoke louder.

"HARRY!" Sirius screamed.

His arm suddenly yanked into the air, his elbow hanging up awkwardly as if it were held up by a string. His head followed suit, still jerking awkwardly as if he were a marionette.

"RUN!" Sirius bellowed.

His hand suddenly flung up out of it's own accord and a bright, green light emerged from the tip. The green spell engulfed the atrium of the tunnel and Harry watched in horror as a it struck a body behind him.

"Get out of here before it's too late!"


A/N: I should be able to update this in two weeks or so. There are only about 3 or 4 more chapters left. After this story ends, I'm considering writing a final chapter with my writing process and the different thought processes that went into this story.

As always, reviews are welcome and encouraged. Thanks for reading and thanks for the fantastic reviews as usual.