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The Other Boy Who Lived by Kwan

The Other Boy Who Lived


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Harry would never cease to be amazed by them. Whether it was the loaded questions, the constant questioning of one's actions, or simply the questionable decisions they made, Harry could usually not make a single iota of their ruminations. One thing he was certain of though was the fact that Hermione Granger had officially placed him in an off limits area concerning their friendship. Apparently, following someone after a date which she never admitted to crossed certain lines of courtship. Never too cold to be considered rude, Hermione found a way to balance the steady line of being neither too cordial nor too inviting. In short, Harry found the whole situation to be miserable.

The situation was only compounded by the fact that Harry had somehow been paired with Malfoy yet again during patrols. To make matters worse, Malfoy was especially sour, the sting of defeat still biting his rather morose feelings. When Harry somehow found Ginny wandering the halls again, he had mixed feelings of relief and trepidation as he approached his friend.

"So how does it feel not having any friends outside of the poorest Weasley of them all?" Draco poked.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend Potter? I'm sure Weaslette would let you give her a ride, I'm sure she's had more than enough practice with her brothers."

"Does it hurt knowing that you're half Mudblood?"

Sparks flew from Harry's wand at this little comment. Malfoy grinned triumphantly as he watched Harry's jaw clench and unclench. Walking backwards so that he was now facing Harry, Malfoy continued to push on.

"Oh? I've hit a sore spot have I? I empathize with your father, I would have left her a long time ago as well," Malfoy said with a twisted smile.

As Harry was about to respond, Ginny cut him off, "I wonder what your father thinks, Malfoy? Does it hurt him knowing that his son is an abject failure at everything in life."

"I think you're the one that knows about failure, little one. The runt of a family too poor to even afford you a decent pair of shoes," Malfoy snarled. Indeed, Ginny's shoes were too worn for a fourth year, the soles coming apart at the bottom.

"At least my family cares about me, you're just a flaming disappointment to your father," Ginny spat. Malfoy made a move towards her, but Harry roughly pulled him back.


"If I'm a disappointment, it's because my family have these things called expectations. The only thing you're expected to do is spread your legs for whatever money can get you," Malfoy continued.

"You slimy, good for nothing fuck head," Ginny brandished her wand and Harry now had to place himself in between the pair, fearful of an actual confrontation.

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Harry intervened. Roughly shoving both of them away from each other, Harry saw that Malfoy was indeed rather emotional at the moment. It was a characteristic quite unlike his usually composed self.

"What has gotten into you Malfoy?" Harry questioned. While Malfoy was never polite, he had been incredibly vicious all evening. Perhaps realizing that he was indeed being uncharacteristic of himself, Malfoy straightened his robes and adorned his usual air of condescension.

"Even I'm not immune to being brought down to trashy levels," Malfoy pointed a look towards Ginny.

"Ginny, stop! He's just trying to get a rise out of you," Harry had to force Ginny back yet again.

"Is everything all right here?" Padma Patil asked as she stumbled upon the unusual trio. At her side, Harry spotted the Ravenclaw Seeker, Cho Chang, trailing along.

"Everything's fine, Padma. Where's Anthony?" Harry referred to the other Ravenclaw prefect.

"Anthony got sick and is in the hospital wing. All of the other prefects were booked for tonight and I didn't want to particularly walk alone so Flitwick gave special permission to Cho for the night," Padma shrugged.

"Okay. Cho," Harry nodded in greeting and Cho smiled back at him.

"Well if you're sure everything's alright then," Padma gave a wary glance towards Malfoy. Malfoy rolled his eyes in return.

"Weasley and I were just comparing similarities," Malfoy sarcastically responded. Padma raised her eyebrows at this comment and gave a questioning look to Harry. Harry simply shook his head and waved it off.

"Trust me, everything's okay," Harry placated her.

"Well if you're sure. Bye Harry, bye Ginny," Padma said, looking as if she did not believe Harry at all.

"Bye Harry," Cho said with another smile.

"Bye you two."

As Harry turned back to the formerly arguing pair, he noticed that Ginny was not angry at all anymore. Instead she was wearing a mischievous grin on her face as she looked back and forth between the disappearing back of Cho and the puzzled face of Harry.

"She likes you!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Is that even possible?" Malfoy asked, mostly to himself.

"She doesn't like me," Harry sided with Malfoy for once.

"Harry. Anthony's not sick. He was in the Ravenclaw common room as I was leaving. That's where I was coming from," Ginny reasoned, "Cho must have wanted to accidentally bump into you while Padma was on patrols."

"Wait, what?" Harry asked, now honestly befuddled.

"Well she could have also wanted to bump into Malfoy, but I highly doubt that," Ginny said with a victorious smile.

"Completely plausible. One time, a girl burned my name into the small of her back because I said hello to her," Malfoy announced.

"Wait, back to me, why does she like me?" Harry ignored Malfoy.

"Well you're cute enough," Ginny reasoned, giving Malfoy a death glare after the boy scoffed.

"No, that's just…no," Harry was completely befuddled at this point.

"I have to agree with Potter for once. Completely out of his league."

"No, that's not what I said."

"But that's what you meant."

"No. Malfoy, shut up! Ginny, why would she like me?" Harry asked again.

"Why can't someone like you? Just because you've spent enough time pining over…" Ginny trailed off as she remembered that they were not alone.

"…Mudblood. Don't worry, it's pretty obvious to everyone," Malfoy finished.

"SHUT UP MALFOY!" Harry and Ginny yelled in unison.

"Look," Malfoy continued unperturbed, "Cho Chang is not within the realm of your possibilities. Neither is Granger but for different reasons. Cho Chang is an older, experienced woman. Have you even kissed a girl Potter?"

Harry fumed in silence while Ginny looked ready to hex Malfoy into oblivion.

"That's what I thought. You have to be able to pull some strings within girls, Potter. I bet even I can get Weasley on her knees if I tried," Malfoy said with little to no shame.

"Oh yeah?" Ginny stepped up to Malfoy, her body almost flush against his.

"Oh yes," Malfoy leered, leaning closer to her face. Unfortunately for Malfoy, Ginny was not interested in that sort of interaction. She instead kneed him right in the groin, causing the Slytherin to crumble into the ground, groaning in agony. Harry took in the fallen boy with a nod.

"Excellent technique."

"Thank you, Harry," Ginny smiled brightly, "Walk me back?"

"Sure, I think our patrols are done anyways. I'm sure you can find your way back, Malfoy," Harry leaned down and gave the boy a pat on the back. Malfoy could only groan out, "Sod off."

As Harry and Ginny walked back to the Gryffindor common room, Ginny chirped up, "So about Cho."



The next few weeks went without any incident as Harry continued to focus on completing his homework. As the holidays quickly approached, Harry found himself occupying more and more time in the library as he hammered out assignment after assignment in an effort to complete everything before the holiday deadlines. He usually sat by himself though on occasion the Trio or Ginny would join him, however, Harry preferred the silence and relaxation of working by himself. As he continued to describe differences in herbs on his Potions assignment, a slight cough distracted him.

"Hi Harry, do you mind if I sit with you? All the other tables seem busy," Cho asked. Harry noted that there seemed to be plenty of empty tables but did not voice his thoughts aloud.

"Yeah, sure, take a seat," Harry moved a couple of the heavier tomes from the seat across him. Surprisingly, Cho decided to take a seat right next to him. A slow heat was beginning to make it's way up Harry's neck. He felt slightly uncomfortable but in a good way.

"Is that Potions? Snape can be so ruthless sometimes. I hate it," Cho commented.

"I know what you mean. Half the time I struggle just to make sure the potion's correct and the other half of the time I'm trying to make sure none of Snape's hair grease falls in it," Harry joked.

"Harry!" Cho laughed and swatted him lightly on the arm, "That's no way to talk about a Professor!"

"It's just Snape, I only have to worry about him at night when he comes out of his coffin."

Cho giggled again and shook her head, finally pulling out a couple of pieces of parchment to start her work. Harry could not deny that she was indeed beautiful. Frankly, Harry did not quite understand why she was studying with him of all people. For some strange reason though, Harry did feel quite comfortable with her. She had always been nice to Harry when they clashed on the pitch and by the looks of it, they seemed to get along well enough. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry spotted the Trio walking into the library. Well, it was more of Hermione walking into the library with Ron and Neville in tow. Hermione caught Harry out of the corner of her eye and started to walk towards him but abruptly stopped as she spotted Cho. There was only a second's pause before Hermione continued her long gait towards the pair.

"Hi Harry! Hi Cho," Hermione addressed them rather brightly.

"Hey Hermione," they both replied.

"Is that the Potions homework? I finished that last night. I disagreed with some of the clockwise and counter-clockwise directions that Snape suggested but otherwise it wasn't too bad," Hermione rushed out.

"I think I have it under control, thanks," Harry said with a curious grin.

"Yeah, Harry's been going at it for quite a while now," Cho chirped.

"Are you sure Harry? Some of the differences in herbs are hard to decipher if you didn't read the extra chapter in the text," Hermione pushed on.

"Got it right here," Harry pointed at the two lists on his parchment.

"Oh yeah, I remember that from last year, it looks all correct," Cho leaned over Harry's shoulder to point out the herbs.

"Erm, thanks," Harry said, acutely aware of Cho's proximity. He looked at Neville and Ron to gauge their reactions to this nonsense. Ron had his eyebrows raised as if to say, "Really?" while Neville had a contemplative look on his face.

"Well, looks like you have it under control then," Hermione said through pursed lips, "If you need any help though I'll - we'll - be right over there."

"Uh, thanks."

Hermione dragged Neville and Ron away, the latter of which gave him a sly wink. Puzzled, Harry turned back to Cho who gave him a flashing smile to which Harry responded in kind. Sneaking a look back at Hermione, Harry could not help the slight feeling of triumph beating in him.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade next weekend?" Harry blurted out.

"I'd love to!" Cho said, lightly touching his arm before turning back to her work.

"Cool, very cool."


"Hey Harry, want to come along with us to Honeydukes? There's these new things called 'Edible Parchments.' Seamus reckons he can feed one to Susan Bones," Dean asked.

"Is this before or after she tries to stab you in the eye?" Harry asked as he fixed his non-green tie.

"Preferably before but I'll take whatever I can get as long as she's eating out of my hand," Seamus chimed in.

Laughing, Harry shook his head as he readjusted his tie yet again, "No thanks, I'm meeting someone."

"Oooooh," Seamus and Dean teased in unison.

"I did hear a rumor about you frolicking to Hogsmeade with Cho, but I have to hear it from the horse's mouth. Is it true?" Seamus inquired.

"Yeah, I'm going with Cho," Harry tried to play it off nonchalantly.

"Chooooo Chang," Seamus made a figure eight body shape with his hands and punctuated the motion with a hip thrust.

"Stay classy, Seamus," Harry said as he left the dorm room. As he hopped down the stairs two at a time, Harry almost barreled into Hermione for yet another time.

"Hermione!" Harry gasped, "Wotcher there."

"It's okay, no harm done," she smiled, "Off to Hogsmeade already?"

"Yeah, I'm sort of meeting someone there."

"Oh? Cho?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Harry asked.

"Oh. You know, I just know. I mean I didn't know - but - yeah I just knew," Hermione stuttered awkwardly.

"Uhhh, okay," Harry said with a nervous laugh, "I'll see you there maybe?"

"Yes, of course! Have to go get Neville and Ron first though," Hermione replied.

Of course you do.

They exchanged goodbyes and went their separate ways. After making his way to the entrance of the Great Hall, Harry spotted Cho with her friend Marietta Edgecombe. The pair were leaning into each other and talking quietly amongst the other students waiting to head down to Hogsmeade.

Please don't tell me Marietta is tagging along.

"Hey Cho. Hey Marietta," Harry greeted.

"Hello Harry," Marietta smiled that sort of smile girls have when they do not particularly want to say anything else to someone.

"Ready to go Cho?" Harry was eager to get away from this annoyance of a person.

"All set," Cho smiled. Cho looked quite pretty but not in an overly embellishing way. She wore a simple pair of tight jeans and a gray, low cut sweater.

Offer arm.

"Shall we?" Harry offered his arm, looking entirely less nervous than he actually felt.

"Of course," Cho smiled at him, patted his arm, and started to walk down the windy road to Hogsmeade.

Retract arm.

Sometime later, the pair were discussing the finer points of playing Seeker while having a bit of a drink at Three Broomsticks. Despite his initial reservations, Harry fond himself quite enjoying this outing with Cho. Perhaps it was the admiring stares he received from his male counterparts or perhaps it was simply the fact that for once in his life, Harry could somehow talk to a girl (other than Ginny) without stuttering through the whole conversation.

"So you agree, right? Marking the other Seeker is a good strategy if you feel that you can't keep up," Cho asked Harry.

"Well, not necessarily. I think a better strategy is to always take the initiative and put the other Seeker on the back foot. Make them respond to you," Harry replied as he took a sip of his butterbeer.

"Well, we can't all be as good as you, Harry," Cho teased.

"You're really good too," Harry blushed.

"You're cute when you blush," Cho said over the rim of her butterbeer glass as she took a sip from the foamy substance.

"You're cute all the time," Harry quickly downed the rest of his drink, hopeful that his one good line of the night worked to his advantage. Cho simply smiled back while she took a sip of her drink. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry spotted the Trio entering the Inn and attempt to locate a proper booth.

"Why don't you invite them to sit with us?" Cho inquired.

"Oh. No, that's okay, they usually just sit by themselves anyways."

"Nonsense, hey Neville!" Cho waved her arm to signal the Trio their way. Neville appeared slightly surprised and looked to Hermione and Ron questioningly. Ron shrugged while Hermione slightly narrowed her eyebrows at Cho before slowly nodding. Hermione promptly sat next to Harry. Harry barely had time to scoot down the bench to make room for her and Neville. Ron took the spare spot on the opposite side of the booth with Cho.

"So, how is everyone?" Cho asked.

Neville and Ron opened their mouths to speak, but Hermione beat them to the punch, "Oh, we're great. We just came back from Tomes and Scrolls. I decided to buy 'Revolutionary: The Rise of Hodrod.' It's a fascinating look into the goblin world."

"I know, I read it last year already. Didn't you go with Harry to Tomes and Scrolls last time? I'm sure all your friends don't like spending too much time there," Cho gave a flighty laugh to indicate that she was joking. At least that's what Harry thought.

"Tell me about it Cho, Hermione always drags us around to these places," Ron exaggerated.

Hermione was burning red at this point, Neville was looking off into the distance while nervously pulling at his collar, and Harry was burying his face underneath another mug of butterbeer.

"Well, I thought you'd appreciate the novelty of important books, Cho. Revolutionary talks about how Hodrod the Horny-Handed shrunk those humans because they refused to allow him passage into the wand store. It's part of a series of events that led to the decree of 1631," Hermione blurted out in one breath.

"Hodrod didn't need to resort to violence to show his point. If the wizards didn't allow him in the wand store, all he had to do was simply file a complaint to the Ministry," Cho replied smoothly.

"The Ministry wouldn't have given him the time of day," Hermione said flippantly.

"But it would be far more legal than trying to shrink and smash three people into oblivion."

"That's besides the point," Hermione muttered. The three boys shifted uncomfortably, none of them knowing even the name of the goblin, Hodrod.

"Oh, I don't want to bore the boys with all this! Ron, you're a Canons fan aren't you? I'm sorry they lost to Puddlemere. It is Puddlemere though, best team in the league," Cho gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

"They spend more money on top players, of course they'd win," Ron grumbled in good natured fashion.

Cho laughed and turned her deep, brown eyes to Neville, "Neville do you have a team?"

"Oh," Neville was caught off guard, looking decidedly awkward, "Canons, I suppose."

"You should become a fan of Puddlemere like me! They like to win things every now and then," Cho winked at him.

"I suppose I could, but I don't fancy Ron trying to kill me in the wee hours of the night if the Canons lose to them," Neville half-smiled in Ron's direction.

"I think I'd kill you right after the match so no need to worry about that," Ron said to a smatter of laughs.

"What about you Hermione? Do you have a team?" Cho asked.

"No, I don't follow Quidditch," Hermione gritted between her teeth. Harry could practically feel the flames of anger radiating from her.

"What a shame."

"I know, Hermione would probably be in the library for game days if I wasn't playing," Ron boasted, swelling his chest like a rooster.

"Excuse me, Ronald. I cheer for Gryffindor. Not just you," Hermione glared.

"Of course, Harry's a marvelous flyer, I don't think I've ever beat him," Cho spoke of her date.

"Thanks," Harry had bowed out of the conversation long ago.

"How come you don't play Neville?" Cho asked him softly. Harry noted that Cho seemed to speak rather more endearingly to Neville than she did to either Ron or himself.

"Oh, I don't think I'm a natural at it like these two." Neville jerked his thumb towards Harry and Ron.

"Oh that's nonsense. I'd love to take you up flying one day," Cho leaned forward and pouted rather cutely.

"Um, yeah," Neville clearly was not expecting the invitation.

"Neville's busy with classes most of the time. It's hard work," Hermione cut in.

"Hermione, I'm not busy all the time -"

"I'm sure he can find an hour within a week -"

"Another butterbeer please?"

Neville, Cho, and Harry spoke up at the same time. At Harry's request, however, the other four compatriots in the booth turned to look at him questioningly.

"Need another one, I'm out," Harry shrugged.

"Anyways," Cho drawled, "I'd love to take you up flying Neville. Oh, if you could, I also need some help in DADA. Could you help me with that too?" Cho asked shyly.

I bet I could take him.

Harry grumbled in thought as he took a sip of his refilled drink. Neville looked a mix between uncomfortable and elated as he considered Cho's request. Hermione seemed to be doing her best to bury a hole through the table with her eyes while Ron gave a not so discreet thumbs up to Neville.

"Sure, I could help you," Neville replied softly.

"Thanks," Cho looked at Neville and it seemed as if a message had passed between the pair.

"Well, I'm going to get going," Harry stood up abruptly, "I think Marietta is here somewhere Cho. You can go back with her right?"

"Oh, of course Harry."

Of course.

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets as he trudged the winding pathway to Hogwarts by himself.


Harry laid his head down as he waited for Defense class to start. The previous night had been a fitful one as Neville had woken the dorm up repeatedly with his screams in his sleep. It's not that Harry did not sympathize with the boy, he just wished that he had cast a silencing charm around his bed.

Maybe he won't show up to defense.

The wicked voice within Harry grumbled as he tried to catch a quick nap. Luck was not in his fortune though as there was a heavy plop besides him. Turning his head, Harry was surprised to see Hermione sitting next to him.

"Hermione? What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Sitting with you? Is that okay?" Hermione asked with no room for any response but yes. Harry shrugged, too tired to even be excited at the prospect of Hermione sitting next to him for the whole period. Harry saw Ron and Neville file in moments later and make their way to Hermione, only to realize that the seat was occupied.

"Hermione?" Neville asked.

"What?" she replied shortly.

"Oh, nothing -"

"Why aren't you sitting with us?" Ron interrupted.

"Because I'd like to get some work done this period and I can't do it around you two so why don't you go talk about Quidditch or something really important," Hermione snapped. Harry shrugged at the pair, intent on not getting drawn into whatever torrid affair surrounded the threesome.

"Attention class!" Professor Sheppard commanded their attention.

"We'll start this right away so everyone can maybe get two turns at this lesson. I'll be splitting the class up into trios. Pairs are one thing but all of you will learn that there are usually more than four people fighting a war," Sheppard added a bit sarcastically.

"Longbottom, Granger, Crabbe."

Well that's a bit of an unfair group.

"Patil, Weasley, Zabini. Padma, I mean."

Much better.

"Finnegan, MacMillan, Corner."

Harry overheard Ron itching to have a go at that particular group, no doubt targeting Michael Corner.

"Thomas, Parkinson, Finch-Fletchley."

Would hate to be in that group.

Professar Sheppard droned the rest of the class on until he reached the last group, "Potter, Malfoy, Boot."

I hate you.

Harry groaned aloud, unable to mask his displeasure of between stuck with Malfoy yet again. Hermione looked at him sympathetically before trudging off rather unenthusiastically to her group. Harry made eye contact with Terry Boot and nodded at him. Terry seemed to be competent enough. Malfoy had remained seated in his chair across the room, pointedly ignoring Harry and Terry.

"Ignore him," Harry said as he approached the Ravenclaw.

"Don't worry, I already do," Terry replied dryly.

"Now take a step back. A lesson that needs to be learned today is to use your environment well. Most of the times you won't be fighting in clear, open spaces," Sheppard clapped his hands together three times and the staged dueling area suddenly transformed into a jagged array of chest high rocks. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry swore that Neville shivered ever so slightly.

"Same rules as before. Weasley, Patil, Zabini. Finnegan, MacMillan, Corner. Go!"

Harry watched as the two groups faced off against another. Spells were cast, but Harry's mind was drifting as if another source was pulling him away. Staring out the stained glass windows, Harry could only register the flash of lights in the background, too tired to care. Eventually the Weasley group won that particular duel, Ron particularly smug as he gave Michael Corner his wand back. Harry continued to tune out the next couple of duels, his mind in an unusual haze.

"Harry," Terry shook his shoulder, "We're up."

Snapping out of his reverie, Harry stepped down from the crowd of students into the dueling arena. Malfoy stepped into the arena lazily last. It was not until Harry finished rolling up his sleeves did he find that his opponents were none other than Neville, Hermione, and Crabbe.

Just my luck.

Harry looked to his left side where Malfoy was busy inspecting the dirt on his shoes.

"Malfoy, are you ready?"

"I'm not fighting, Potter."

"What do you mean you're not fighting," Harry hissed.

"Did I stutter?" Malfoy mocked. Harry barely had time to reply as he heard Professor Sheppard blow his whistle. As soon as the whistle had blown, Hermione sent three quick flicks of her wand their way, each flick exploding the ground in front of them. Harry immediately yanked Terry down by the collar of his shirt, hoping to avoid the spell fire. Malfoy, on the other hand, simply walked through the haze of dust.

"Malfoy! What are you doing?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Good luck with these two Potter," Malfoy laughed as he walked through the dust. A second latter there was a Stupefy followed by a thud on the ground. Malfoy was down for the count.

"Load of help he was," Terry muttered underneath his breath.

Stick together.

"We have to stick together," Harry muttered, reflecting the voice within his head.

Harry quickly whipped his wand along the ground and sent out a clever spell that would make a loud gong as soon as someone stepped on the trigger area of five by five feet. It would buy them some time to recuperate from Hermione's initial volley. Quickly crawling over to a fallen stone, Harry motioned for Terry to do the same but at a slightly adjacent rock. It would do them no good to be blasted apart at the same rock. Harry was finally snapped out of his reverie.

Harry looked up as he saw Crabbe charging through the debris, his wand held high in what looked to be an incredulous gladiator pose. With a quickly aimed Stupefy, Terry quickly downed the dubious Slytherin boy. Unfortunately for Terry, two stunners immediately flew in his direction as soon as he had cast his spell on Crabbe. Harry was helpless to stop the blue beams as they struck Terry. Neville and Hermione had effectively used the stupid Slytherin as bait.

"Well if that's how you want to play," Harry grumbled as he resituated himself behind another rock.

Harry flicked his wand to a direction he knew Neville and Hermione were not hiding within. The two rocks he aimed at immediately shattered into tiny pieces. A few spells immediately rocketed towards the area, giving Harry a general direction of the duo. Instead of firing a tester spell in that direction though, Harry moved laterally, trying to flank his opponent.

It may not be very courageous but the easiest way to defeat another wizard is to strike him where he's not looking.

His father's advice rang in his head as Harry quietly maneuvered his way into another advantageous position. He flicked his wand at another rock and shattered it to pieces as well. This time, there were no spells fired at the ruckus and Harry froze on the spot as he tried to reassess the fight. The dust was beginning to clear and it was only a matter of time before Harry would have to face off against the pair without the natural camouflage.

Harry had started out on the South side of the classroom while Neville and Hermione had started out on the North side of the classroom. After Terry and Malfoy had been downed, Harry had fired his distracter spells towards the East side of the room. The origin of the Stunners afterwards located the other pair still at the North. Harry had maneuvered himself to the West and shifted his focus to the left. The dust soon settled into a barely visible haze and Harry had to continually rub his glasses and keep a lookout for any movement.


Harry's earlier trap had worked! Knowing where the area trigger spell was, Harry quickly fired a volley of stunners in that direction and followed it with another spell.


The gust of wind immediately blew the dust away and revealed Hermione and Neville pinned to the ground exactly where Harry had laid his trap. Leaping over the fallen boulder, Harry charged the pair with every hex he could think of, hoping to catch them off guard. Unfortunately for Harry, an errant blasting curse managed to hit the ground right in front of Hermione and immediately ricocheted the girl into the air. There was a sickening thud as Hermione landed awkwardly on her arm which was no doubt broken. Harry had barely time to feel sympathy as he realized he had just knocked her cold. Neville whipped around to face Harry, his eyes gleaming something fierce.

"You'll pay for that Potter."

Neville immediately unleashed a tidal wave of rather advanced curses Harry's way. Ducking and dodging, Harry managed to procure a shield in time to halt the onslaught. Neville did not relent and poured on the pressure, sending curses that Harry knew had not been taught in class.

"Protego Maxima!"

Harry's patented blue shield rose once again as he struggled to fight increasingly stronger curses. It was physically paining him to hold the shield as a medley of lights had engulfed the room. Neville sent a vicious purple laser his way and Harry watched as it pierced the shield and struck his left shoulder.


Harry yelled as he immediately felt his skin light on fire where the curse had hit. His shield had dropped and Neville was moving in for the kill. Harry looked up to see that his dorm mate was grinning maniacally, his eyes a deep red.

"Mr. Longbottom! Stop this instance!" Sheppard yelled as he dropped the protective shield and rushed into the arena, his wand at the ready.

"No," Neville said. He waved his arm in the Professor's direction and Harry watched as Professor Sheppard was lifted off his feet and smashed against a wall. Neville approached Harry and raised his wand high.


Harry felt a strange sensation, not unlike the haze he had felt before he participate in the duel. He was instructed to stand and did so, noting that the rest of the students watched in abject horror. Harry did not care.

Kill her.

A gleeful voice directed Harry's attention to a prone Hermione Granger. Harry took a step towards her and raised his wand. After a moment though, he lowered his wand and faced a red-eyed Neville Longbottom.

But I don't want to.

There was a surge of power as Harry felt the haze leave his mind. At that very moment, Neville was rocked backwards as if he were hit by an oncoming freight train. As Harry snapped out of h